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Singh thats great examples you gave me and i agree theres been lots of chardi kala singhs who were not born into sikhi.

ok now, now hes the down side,

you get "SOME" sikhs who mix sikhi with weston culture who mix it with hindu brhamin culture.

Recently come across a famous person who married a Gursikh and converted to sikhi but she is vegans which means they dont eat Degh? whats that about

another think its ok to dance to bhangra because it part of sikhi,

another reason a gurdwara in new mexico was serving Langer and they were charging $10 per person to pay towards cost

some take gurbani out of contex and say well Guru Jee said respect all religons, so they continue celebrating xmas and mixx sikhi values

many so called gursikhs alow there woman to dress in weston reaveling clothes.

Many woman still pluck there eye brows even after being baptised. saying Guru Jee said keep ur kesh (hair on ur head)

Nishan sahibs r flown the same hight as there countries flag

Many people not born into sikhi find it difficult with pronouncing Gurmukhi so when reading bani its not pronounced correct.

You prob seen the recent video(on this forum) of VaheGuru Simran and people dancing like its a gospel music

its my opinion baba jee sorry if i offended you

With the type pf perfection your aiming for, the list will be endless .

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Let's just work on getting our Panjabi 'Sikhs' into Sikhi, then we'll think about preaching to others.

Thats right.

It is favoritism, because the holy land of Panjab must have been chosen for a reason for Akal Purkh Waheguru To place their beautiful charan in 10 different forms there. For Gurbanis to be written there and first Parkash of Guru Granth Shib ji maharaaj to happen in Panjab. For Khalsa to be formed in Panjab.

Mahpursh say we must have done serious kumai to be allowed to be born in Sikh homes.

I agree we need to get our own people before we even dream of getting others into Sikhi.

I hate comparing our faiths to others, but when i look at the jews, they do not allow converts, they do no preach to others, they believe they are the "chosen people" and they aggressively protect their linage. There population is about the size of Sikhi, yet they have achieved their goals of independence and manage to survive unbelievable turmoil and persecution. They are financially, politically and defensively very powerful. There is a lot we can learn.

Standing on street corners trying to convert anyone is a mugs game.

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You go into Punjab and you will find many Sikhs who have twisted the sikh religion around - doesnt mean that all punjabi sikhs are bad. Therefore stop judging a whole sect of sikhs on a few people who have messed around with it.

Punjabi Sikhs have a history of giving blood in defence of sikhi...what have 3h0 white western hippy sikhs done?...did they help us in our time of need during 1980s and early 90s....until they give shaheediya for the panth i am not going to trust theem...to me they dont even deserve a fateh

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If what you say is true, then why didn't Guru Nanak Dev Jee tell Bhai Lehna, you worship the devee just keep on being a good hindu as you were born one?

Why didn't Guru Nanak Dev Jee tell Baba buddha Jee to remain a Hindu as he was born a Hindu?

Why didn't Guru Angad Dev Jee tell Guru Amar Das jee that he should remained a hindu, as he had been so for 60yrs now and was born a Hindu?

Why did the Brahman that said how can Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee be a Guru at the age of 5 become a Sikh? Why didn't Guru HarKrishan tell the Brahman to just be a good Hindu? Please remember it was this Braham's (who became a Sikh) son that went onto be one of first the Panj Pyare.

Surely Bhagat Puran Singh (born a Hindu), Shaheed Bhai Laxman Singh Babbar (born a Muslim), Shaheed Bhai Mohar singh (born a Hindu) and his whole family, should just have remained what they were born as...as surely if god wanted them to be Sikhs, they would have been born Sikhs?!?

Bro, if your logic was applied then there would be no Sikhs at all today as they all either converted from Hinduism or Islam and should have just remained what they were.

Sikhs shouldn't remain sikhs because they were born into a sikh family but because Sikhi is nothing but Sach (unadulterated truth). In the same way if someone that's not Sikhs wished to come into Sikhi (Truth)...then they should be embraced.

lol good post.

Sikhi is Sat/ is gurbani and Gurbani has been around since Satyug. The gurus knew this, the bhagats knew this, Truth cannot be confined to a religion- 'No Hindu no Muslim. The gyan of Truth pervades throughout the universe and is All that Is becuase Truth/gurbani is God himself.

A 'Sikh' is a 'student', this term shouldn't be taken out of context, once the person claiming to be a student stops learning and/or applying the truth principles to their lives, the student status is no longer applicable (like a school dropout or one taking a gap year etc), it is not simply a false label one may use freely,

Hence many of us are actually not born into sikh families as members of a so called sikh family must actually be constantly practicing sikhs(learning and applying Truth principles) for this to occur.

We are a universal brother/sisterhood here to discover truth and become free and teach others out of the maya khel aswell. We cannot even claim to be khalsa until we are totally pure and totally immersed 24/7 in naam/truth. In fact, to succeed on this path we must be the lowest of the low, a worthless nothing, hence all worldy thought of and claim to 'religion' and family go out the window and only truth principles remain.

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Punjabi Sikhs have a history of giving blood in defence of sikhi...what have 3h0 white western hippy sikhs done?...did they help us in our time of need during 1980s and early 90s....until they give shaheediya for the panth i am not going to trust theem...to me they dont even deserve a fateh

What did UK sikhs do during those times ????

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well we didnt sit there and jaap vaheguroo and dance, the UK "might" have not done anything but least they talk about shaheedia 99% of 3ho sikhs dont even talk about it, they dont even talk about 84

Dont make judgements on what u hear from other people , people like you get brainwashed quickly. What have you done to help the shaheeds of the 80's and 90's, you can probably remember them and talk a lot about them but you have probably done nothing to help them out .

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Dont make judgements on what u hear from other people , people like you get brainwashed quickly. What have you done to help the shaheeds of the 80's and 90's, you can probably remember them and talk a lot about them but you have probably done nothing to help them out .

Guru Sahib Blessed the singh for being lions so we dont follow people like sheeps!!! Brain washed ????? wat videos pictures dont lie !!! other than that speak to these so called "sikhs" question them most of 3 ho sikhs ive met havent taken santhya they still read from Romanised Gutka sahib. You probally think thats not bad, than ask them how far they r with the Yoga, the light years ahead with Yoga but not with Bani

lolol Bruv take a page from your own book

"Dont make judgements"

me im a nobody i aint done nothing

and if i had done something any seva, and than come one here saying ive done this, ive done that, thats a bit pointless seva than is it not?

back to the topic we are talking about doing Parchaar externally

like bhai sahib said a few posts back what have the 3 hos done for the panth ???? if you can anser that i would be intreted to know

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What did UK sikhs do during those times ????

What did UK sikhs do??...how about donate millions upon millions of pounds through the gurdwara for the movement...what did these 3ho do?....do you know they call shaheed satwant singh and shaheed beant singh terrorists and say they are not sikh?....you want me to take such insults to my beloved shaheed brothers from these flower power hippies...maybe these hippies should face some persecution before they can call themselves sikhs

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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