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Why Bother About Casts?


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hierarchical caste system is a bhaman thing against the principles of Sikhi. Caste may hold some significance in terms of labour skills- but the concept of caste hierarchy has no place within our community.

another form of status hierarchy which is concerning is "NRI status". Many Panjabis i have spoken to say they are treated like 3rd class citizens by our own community just because they are new to the UK. Many Matrimonial discriminate too.. "munda must be born in the UK"... so whats the difference in discriminating by saying.. hes a low caste.. or hes a freshy? The offence is exactly the same.

Caste problem is just one result of our gulaam mentality. We can not See Sikhs as Sikhs. We lack that community love and respect. I see people who work in factories all day, to their gora boss, they like "yes sir, yes sir.. can i kiss ur A** sir?".. when they come gurdwara and someone of a "less status" says anything they don't like.. they throw a fit, ready to go to arms.

All it is Gulaam mentality.

When a Sikh crosses the road just to say fateh to another Sikh he doesn't know.. even if hes different jathebandhi/different level of sikhi.. then you can be assured the Khalsa will flourish.

until then, we're in trouble.

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It's actually Castes! Here we do not understand your silly chavvish slang text talk...

Yes it exists, along with many other things. Go and resolve it.

^Could you kindly change your avatar picture. Calling Lucifer a sant is pretty disrespectful as in this khel, he has not yet achieved that sainthood as described by gurbani. I understand that even the devil is god(as we all are) but you putting a picture of a demon up on here is promoting Kal, avatars should really have pictures that will generate a feeling of truth in image so as to help balance out the weight of Kalyug.

At the moment the scale of ignorance(darkness and everything our friend lucifer represents) far outweighs that of truth in the conciousnesses of the people, hence the reason we are stuck in this dark age and not the age of Sat and the reason we need more of the light of truth.

That the moderators have allowed this picture on here is quite unusual as satan and demons are influences gurbani asks us to stay well away from.

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^Could you kindly change your avatar picture. Calling Lucifer a sant is pretty disrespectful as in this khel, he has not yet achieved that sainthood as described by gurbani. I understand that even the devil is god(as we all are) but you putting a picture of a demon up on here is promoting Kal, avatars should really have pictures that will generate a feeling of truth in image so as to help balance out the weight of Kalyug.

At the moment the scale of ignorance(darkness and everything our friend lucifer represents) far outweighs that of truth in the conciousnesses of the people, hence the reason we are stuck in this dark age and not the age of Sat and the reason we need more of the light of truth.

That the moderators have allowed this picture on here is quite unusual as satan and demons are influences gurbani asks us to stay well away from.


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This whole Jatt thing is getting out of hand on this site. I think every week I must see a post about Jatts this, Jatts that.

Firstly Jatts are NOT a caste!!! They are an ethnic group consisting of clans based on common ancestry through endogamy, ever heard of a Jathera?

The obsession with Jatts is unreal, I see small-time insecure folk who make statements like "Why don't Jatts marry non-Jatts" etc, damn, do you know how low you look by making such statements! How the hell is the marriage customs of Jatts anybody else's business, really it sounds like "I'm just a dark, skinny, flat nosed guy who needs an injection of some superior Jatt genes". Leave it out, be content with whatever God has made you.

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This whole Jatt thing is getting out of hand on this site. I think every week I must see a post about Jatts this, Jatts that.

Firstly Jatts are NOT a caste!!! They are an ethnic group consisting of clans based on common ancestry through endogamy, ever heard of a Jathera?

The obsession with Jatts is unreal, I see small-time insecure folk who make statements like "Why don't Jatts marry non-Jatts" etc, damn, do you know how low you look by making such statements! How the hell is the marriage customs of Jatts anybody else's business, really it sounds like "I'm just a dark, skinny, flat nosed guy who needs an injection of some superior Jatt genes". Leave it out, be content with whatever God has made you.

but its true though isent it ?

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I agree with the Jatt bit. I belong to it, and have to say that's the main reasons we have divisions in Sikhism. They won't let Ravidassi Sikhs do the things we do, so they go and make 'Guru Ravidassi Temples, Dharmsalas' etc etc. We seem to think all others are beneath us, it's a sad sad affair.

Also when the elders ask Keri jaat da toon, I say koi jaat ni, they laugh and say don't you know? sarian di jaat hondi ah it's pathetic these so called 'siane' who have less knowlege than an cretin. :allears:

There is no such thing as a 'ravidass sikh', these people believe in bhagat ravidass as their supreme 'Guru' - which is against sikh teachings.

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I don't know why such gurdwara are named 'Guru Ravidass' because he was a bhagat not Guru. I think people from a ravidassia background want to fit in and because bhagat ravidass' was from a chamar background they use that to open gurdware after him. I think they don't say Guru maneyo Granth in the ardas and they have their own jaikara the reason I know this is because I attended an akhand paat and it was at the guru ravidass gurdwara in soho road Birmingham.

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I don't know why such gurdwara are named 'Guru Ravidass' because he was a bhagat not Guru. I think people from a ravidassia background want to fit in and because bhagat ravidass' was from a chamar background they use that to open gurdware after him. I think they don't say Guru maneyo Granth in the ardas and they have their own jaikara the reason I know this is because I attended an akhand paat and it was at the guru ravidass gurdwara in soho road Birmingham.

Yes he was a Guru, he was a Brahmgyani- a Brahmgyani and Guru are one in the same, no different to god as describes in Sukhmani Sahib- God makes the world for his brahmgyanis and they rule the entire universe...

The most humble become the highest in His Court...his caste was a great gift that god bestowed upon him as it brought him so much slander(the slander gives away his bhagti(incl. good deeds)/ bandgi to the slandered), slander is a great blessing to a bhagat....

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