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Anyone Having Experince With Fighting Ghosts/Spritis/Tantra/Mantar?Blackmagic


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Naam simran, ie recognising god to be everyone, everywhere and everything through his naam which connects us to the entire universe and to the truth of it, that there is no image, there is only Nothing ie balance.

There are no highs or lows, no pain or pleasure, everything with an image is false, everything to do with the senses(even sixth sense) is false, its just all God who lives in Truth 24/7 i.e God is Truth and truth is the nothingness which is the Greatest and only pleasure.

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  • 6 years later...

ਜਪੁਜੀ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਦੇ ਜਾਪ ਕਰੋ।

ਗੁਰੂ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਨਿਜ ਬਚਨ ਹਨ ਐਸੇ ਸਿੱਖ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਭੂਤ ਪ੍ਰੇਤ ਤੰਤ੍ਰ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀਂ ਵਿਗਾੜ ਸਕਦਾ ਜੀ।


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yeah i think my house was haunted and my family were possessed! i was around 10/11 so i don't remember much. i remember for about a year everything started going down hill for us, dad lost job, lost a court case, mum and dad nearly had divorce, we gnna buy a house but then had problems and lost a lot of money because of that etc  my dad ended up working at this crappy bakery and there was this paki christian/hindu type of person working there and he was like i sense you have  lot of problems in your house and he offered to help for free! my parents were desperate so they invited him! he came around one evening and my parents sent me and my sister upstairs but we sat on the stairs and listened to the conversations lol!  he straight away said who did the black magic on us and even said her name!  he even told us how she did it! it was my dads brothers wife in india and she did it when my dad visited india. the man told us that she picked soil from the ground that my dad stood on and took it to the cremation ground and buried it there!    he said the only person who was saved was my sister as she is still unmarried and protected by mata rani!   he told them that you son gets scared at night! which was very true because i did used to get very anxious and scared at night but i didn't know why! i used to feel this presence but didn't know how to explain it. i never told my parents but this man some how knew! he then carried out this exorcism thing and my mum started shaking and he started chanting "kali mata"     haha!   he was saying something like "eh kali mata, isko bhi shakti de" my mum said she was shivering but could not make it stop and she felt something running though her body and out. he then told my parents that the spirits have left our bodies but are still in the house and that they will live at midnight. he said we might hear heavy banging at the door. he said when someone sends a lost aatma to your house, that aatma makes your house/body his house so when you tell this aatma to leave your basically throwing it out of its house.   that night we didn't hear any banging but my dad actually saw those things!  there were loads of them, they were dark and they were angry and saying why my dad is not letting them stay in the house, my dad said he was awake but so scared that he couldn't move or even talk. my mum was sleeping next to him, he said he tried to reach for her hand but couldn't move his hand because he was so scared and tormented by these things. he said he tried talking but his voice wouldn't come out. thats how frightening these things were! he said he then remembered this gurdwara near his pind in Punjab, he visualized the gurdwara and those things disappeared within seconds, they just became thin air and disappeared! 

soon after that everything started going back to normal!   this man didn't ask for a penny! but said back in pakistan he used to do this but stopped doing it when he moved to the UK. he said he could see that we were having problems at home so decided to help! 

I know all this sounds like a 90s bollywood movie but it actually happened! haha

i don't think these evil spirits can touch you if you have faith in guru ji, because guru ji will not let that happen.

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17 minutes ago, puzzled said:

my dad said he was awake but so scared that he couldn't move or even talk. my mum was sleeping next to him, he said he tried to reach for her hand but couldn't move his hand because he was so scared and tormented by these things. he said he tried talking but his voice wouldn't come out. thats how frightening these things were! he said he then remembered this gurdwara near his pind in Punjab, he visualized the gurdwara and those things disappeared within seconds, they just became thin air and disappeared! 


no offense but perhaps your dad was going through a common phenomenon called "sleep paralysis" . It happens to some people and your description fits it perfectly . 

How old are you now BTW.

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27 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

no offense but perhaps your dad was going through a common phenomenon called "sleep paralysis" . It happens to some people and your description fits it perfectly . 

How old are you now BTW.

But it only happened that one night when the man came to take the ghosts out.   I'm 25 now 

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On 17 October 2011 at 9:54 AM, mirror said:

Did any one has experience with Ghosts spirits black magic stuff.

I don't know whether i don't do it properly but i found it very hard time to deal with these things.

My friends once told me that he was woken up in the middle of night by some weird looking woman so when he switched the light on the woman told him not be be scared because she is here to tell him about his future. He asked her who is she or why is she there? She said she was his dadi's sister and he mustn't be scared because his dadi had sent her to him to tell him he is going to soon receive lots of money suddenly but didn't tell him how or where it was going to come from. He said his dadi's been died almost 69 years ago and she never had a sister. She had three brothers and one brother was half brother. They have been dead and gone long time now. This  was very scary and puzzling for my friend. He was 23 years old when this happened. He told me that when he married his wife was about to give birth to their 2nd baby the same woman appeared again few nights before the baby was born told him the same thing again. When he told her of for lying she disappeared saying nothing.  Seeing it was a new his wife and him decided to take her to a clairvoyant to see if she is going to be a lucky person. The clairvoyant said something which was very astonishing for my friend. She said she could see a dark looking woman standing right next to their baby. The baby is not frightened because the woman is very protective towards the lil one. She told my friend the woman is not very tall has dark long hair wearing a green sari! My friend said she is the one that has showed up twice to him but doesn't understand why? He also found out that his dadi never wore sari she was punjabi always wore salvar kameej. He has still not gotten over the whole experience. 

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My mum works at the hospital the polish nurses who work there at night tell my mum that they hear loads of things at night    they hear the noises of walking sticks and walkers  in the corridors but no one is there.

There's this gori at my work place who used get ghosts out of people's houses and she said that ghosts are everywhere   she said when someone dies with desires left or things which they wanted to do but couldn't etc   they get left in this world and don't go to the next   she said most ghosts are actually very sad and lost. She also says reincarnation is true and that our creator is inside us. She said the number 8 symbolizes the creator .      I like talking to people who are different lol! 

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