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Tv Programme - Last Sikh Warrior


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Somebody should tell Sant Baba Nihal Singh ji that Nidar is claiming to be the last Sikh warrior.....HAHAHAHHAAA.....and not over the phone. It should be done in person so you can see Baba ji's response......lol. One of these days Nidar will release a barbie doll figure of himself. When a person worships devis that were lost in self promotion, then the worshipper of these devis starts acting and behaving in the same manner.

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Banning of any advertising? This shows the dictatorship of this forum who are too narrow minded to even allow the views of anyone else. For a forum that is meant to represent "The Voice of Sikh Youth" it seems you instead wish to silence those who you do not understand.

Most of the things about Niddar Singh on the net have been made up or twisted in order to turn people against him, as he does not agree with the extremism of some elements in our community.

Niddar Singh is offering the chance for people to learn an art which is close to extinction, and a chance to learn how to defend themselves. No one has to take along the Sanatan Sikh ideology, and unlike others, we do not force our views down peoples throats until they become one of us. Our Akharas are full of people of diverse backgrounds, religions, beliefs and stages of spirituality. Niddar Singhs main aim is to preserve his vidiya so it is not lost like the many other arts which have been lost due to neglect and laziness within our community.

Regardless, continue with your conquest to silence people.

Johnny101, If you know anyone else who has knowledge of Shastarvidiya then please let us know, until then, Niddar Singh is the last known person who is teaching the art openly. The whole purpose of the documentary is to encourage any last remanants of the art to come forward.


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Banning of any advertising? This shows the dictatorship of this forum who are too narrow minded to even allow the views of anyone else. For a forum that is meant to represent "The Voice of Sikh Youth" it seems you instead wish to silence those who you do not understand.

I say its a step forward in the right way. When you have characters like Nidar who are distorting Sikhi for mischevious purposes, then to counter such ways is to put a ban.

Most of the things about Niddar Singh on the net have been made up or twisted in order to turn people against him, as he does not agree with the extremism of some elements in our community.

This is not true at all. Niddar spreads anti-gurmat teachings, which are HIndu extremist views. One being that Sikhs are Hindus. Another being to worship devis. These are the basis of Hindu extremism and Niddar is in favor of them to be promoted among the youth. He is trying to rob a whole generation of their true Sikh history.

Niddar Singh is offering the chance for people to learn an art which is close to extinction, and a chance to learn how to defend themselves. No one has to take along the Sanatan Sikh ideology, and unlike others, we do not force our views down peoples throats until they become one of us. Our Akharas are full of people of diverse backgrounds, religions, beliefs and stages of spirituality. Niddar Singhs main aim is to preserve his vidiya so it is not lost like the many other arts which have been lost due to neglect and laziness within our community.

Niddar makes the claim he is the last one to know an art that he claims to be practiced by Sikhs. He makes claims, but none have been backed up by facts. Also he uses this propaganda to attract young naive minds (mostly targets SIkhs) to accept the Hindu extremist views, which he agrees with and spreads and dictates to others, without any merit.

Regardless, continue with your conquest to silence people.

Johnny101, If you know anyone else who has knowledge of Shastarvidiya then please let us know, until then, Niddar Singh is the last known person who is teaching the art openly. The whole purpose of the documentary is to encourage any last remanants of the art to come forward.


This is the whole point. This so called art was made up by Niddar, so you won't find anyone who knows it. How can they, when Niddar made up this lie. He made whatever he teaches out of thin air. But then to give it merit, he claims that Sikhs have been practicing it. And to get others interested, he adds the lie that the British banned it.

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We are not able to deal with miscreants because our hands are tied by laws of other nations. They are free to dance and shout to their merriment and our only recourse is to shout back or seek justice through the judicial system. Problem is that it is not against the law to do anti-gurmat activities. It is against rehat, but Akal Takht cannot do anything because it has become infested with rats, in part due to our neglect. Akal Takht was never meant to be superseded by any other governing body, yet it is firmly in the grasp of India's politicians. Our protests fall on deaf ears, and then when we finally riot, they say "Look at the intolerant extremists! Why don't they go back to their country and leave those of us who are 'civilized' alone?" Why can't they see we are fighting to save what we love?

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I say its a step forward in the right way. When you have characters like Nidar who are distorting Sikhi for mischevious purposes, then to counter such ways is to put a ban.

Brushing things under the carpet and creating a blanket ban is not going to enlighten peoples minds, by letting people discover and understand is the key. How many issues have Sikhsangat banned, which leads people to be deluded to the truth because there is no where to discuss and get your doubts removed. The issue remains that no one wishes to be open minded and everyone wishes to impose their view on others. Let people have a choice, see both sides of the arguement and then let them decide themselves. By banning people, topics or groups you are taking this opportunity away.

This is not true at all. Niddar spreads anti-gurmat teachings, which are HIndu extremist views. One being that Sikhs are Hindus. Another being to worship devis. These are the basis of Hindu extremism and Niddar is in favor of them to be promoted among the youth. He is trying to rob a whole generation of their true Sikh history.

What exactly is Hindu Extremism? Have you ever approached Niddar Singh and asked him why he thinks Sikhs are Hindus? The Devi is a personification of the sword, this is accepted by the Panth. If the Devi is the Sword, then worship of the Devi cannot be condemmed can it? Any real Shastardhari will tell you that to master the art of the sword, the sword must be worshipped, not through bowing and prostration, but through devotion to what it represents. Sanatan Sikhs do not worship moortis or images, for they are merely stones and paper, we only worship Ek Nirgun Vaheguroo, but by doing so we do not disrespect any Avtar, Pir or Devta for from every blade of grass to the Gods, are all created by Nirgun Vaheguroo.

Niddar makes the claim he is the last one to know an art that he claims to be practiced by Sikhs. He makes claims, but none have been backed up by facts. Also he uses this propaganda to attract young naive minds (mostly targets SIkhs) to accept the Hindu extremist views, which he agrees with and spreads and dictates to others, without any merit.

What proof or fact would you like to see? The art of Shastarvidiya is a complete science which deals with all areas of fighting, the use of the Indo Persian arsenal of weapons is perfectly integrated into the art. If Chinese, Japanese or Filipino sword styles were used to pass off this art then that would be easily seen by Grand Masters of other arts. These same Grand Masters instead wish to learn Shastarvidiya themselves. Unless you are a master in a sword art then I dont believe you can really comment on his actual vidiya,

Niddar Singh has travelled across India in search of other masters of this art, he came across some however they didn't have the Sampooran Vidiya. If there was other Babas who knew the art then it would only help to cement the art and help towards bringing it back. One of the Babas Niddar Singh attempted to bring over to UK, however he passed away before he could come.

This is the whole point. This so called art was made up by Niddar, so you won't find anyone who knows it. How can they, when Niddar made up this lie. He made whatever he teaches out of thin air. But then to give it merit, he claims that Sikhs have been practicing it. And to get others interested, he adds the lie that the British banned it.

If you look at the Lahore Treaty you will see the injunctions that were put on the Sikhs and their ability to keep armies and weapons. This can be read here:


Its amazing how someone can make up a complete art and then pass it off to Grand Masters, either he is a great liar or a genius which should be in the ranks of Bruce Lee to create his own art. Or maybe he is just a genuine person who put time and effort to learn this vidiya.

I agree you are a cynic to everything related to Niddar Singh, your entitled to your opinion as much as anyone else, however by shouting "your lying your lying" is not a way to discuss anything. Look at the evidence that is put infront of you, or experience the art itself before you comment that it is made up

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Snatan Sikhs, theres no such thing. The more acurate terminology is long haired Hindus!

Read this disgusting article by the biggest snatan twt@t out, where he claims that Guru Tegh Bahadur gave his life, but the lord protected his tilak and Janeu which still remained on his body (paragraph 14 starting "Being born in respectable Ksatriya families all the gurus were……"). These guys are completely deluded.

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