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Sky 840 In Trouble By Ofcom


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Well I think we need to stand with Sikh Channel when it comes to this because they didn't do anything wrong. Infact, they done what was being asked of them by so many people to talk about these issues. It would be an injustice in itself if they did get fined and they won't be fining the channel, they will be fining the viewers, the sangat who contribute their earnings towards the channel.

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Sikh Channel's Statement:

OFCOM’s bulletin dated 24/10/2011 found two breaches against the Sikh Channel. An appeal against this decision has been made by the Sikh Channel and all efforts will be made to ensure a full understanding of the circumstances surrounding this potential breach.

The Sikh Channel a registered charity is a community broadcast which is supported by the community and operates an open platform policy al...lowing all elements of the Sikh Community to contribute.

The youth show, in the format that may have caused offence, has since been ceased permanently from the schedule and the presenter of the youth show who also disrupted an important Sikh Channel programme will not be requested to participate in any further Sikh Channel programming.

Any views expressed or interpreted from the presenter of the youth show subject to OFCOM’s investigation were the views of the presenter and not generally of the Sikh Channel.

The Sikh Channel clearly has no bias towards any person, political party or group and we have many supporters from all the Indian Community.

Operation of an open platform for all to express their views upon current affairs is essential and the independence of the Sikh Channel will continue. Impartiality is maintained and all reasonable attempts made to ensure the Sikh Channel broadcast is balanced with an open invitation for all political parties and opinions to contribute to programming.

Sikh Channel will continue as the Peoples channel with challenging programming providing all with an opportunity to express their views in a balanced manner with regard to due impartiality.

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**Kam Singh Is BANNED from the Sikh Channel**

Dear Sadh Sangat Ji,

Below is a link to the Sikh Channel Facebook page, where a spiteful personal attack on Kam Singh has taken place.


We have responded to this attack with the below statement, see attached.

Please could you all give us your thoughts on this disgraceful outburst from the Sikh Channel management...thank you.


How convinient that the Sikh Channel were receiving complaints regarding this facebook status, and now this post has suddenly turned into "Happy Divali"

**Kam Singh Is BANNED from the Sikh Channel**

Dear Sadh Sangat Ji,

We are very surprised with the Sikh Channels statement regarding the claimed OFCOM breech.

It is very clear to the Sangat that Kam Singh, a long time sewadar of Sikh Youth Project and the presenter of the SYP Youth Show on the Sikh Channel, has been made the scape goat by the Sikh Channel.

Furthermore, we would like to clarify that the SYP did not present a show on the Saturday 28th May 2011, however if the Sikh Channel is referring to the show hosted on an earlier date perhaps Sunday 8th May 2011, we would like to mention that the Sikh Channel owner, David Bal texted the presenter Kam Singh at 10.08pm on the 08/05/2011 "excellent programme overwhelming response thanks to you from all panth." We feel that Kam Singh has been singled out as some sort out spoken young man, when it is clear that others share the views expressed on this show.

We would like to say the following, having fully read the Sikh channel statement and the attached letter relating to the breech, we feel nothing was said against the Hindu community or any other community, there were comments made regarding the approach of the Indian government on the Sikh genocide. We have not found anything factually incorrect with any of the statements that were made by the guests and callers that have been outlined in the letter.

The Sikh Community will continue to highlight the Genocide against the Sikhs and we will openly declare the need for our separate homeland. We will continue to highlight the laws of india and its constitution and any human rights abuses against minorities.

Kam presented a very popular show that brought many viewers and funding to the channel and he managed to get the correct guests on each show to discuss the subject accordingly.

The decision to blanket ban Kam Singh after ALL the SEWA he has done for the Sikh channel, we find to be ridiculous. This decision is vindictive towards one individual. The Sikh Channel has been very Ungrateful to many of the presenters and guests on the channel, although they claim to be the people's channel.

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the way kam singh has been treated is wrong.

the main focus should be on the two goons that complained to ofcom.

we / sikh channel should not shy away from raising awareness that

-yes sikhs suffered several genocides by indian gvt

-yes sikhs are discriminated against by indian gvt

like davinder bal said, anyone who rejects these views is free to take up sikh channel air space and discuss their points of view. why dont they do this?

they have silenced the sikh voice in india, they are trying to silence us here too.

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Look guys, this is typical Davy Bal tactics. I have personally worked close with Davy Bal for a while and although he's a very "interesting" character, he wouldn't put Kam or anyone that helps him out in a line of fire. That I am pretty sure of.

By "banning" Kam from the Sikh Channel, he will put his case forward to Ofcom that he has taken active steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. If he blames the presenter, there's not a lot Ofcom can do about it. I do wish Davy Bal would just communicate PROPERLY with his team but this has been a long time problem of his and he always fails to do that. I am sure if he explained to Kam Singh and others about his actions, they would support him. Instead, he just uses silly one liner tactics to communicate like "Kam Singh is banned from Sikh Channel. No more Kam Singh" etc etc and it's just stupid. He could save himself a lot of agro if he would just communicate properly.

Davy Bal is just trying to stop himself getting fined by Ofcom.

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@ SikhRoots no personal attack was made by Sikh Channel on Kam Singh. However, you are right about shifting the blame, which they have to do otherwise they will face huge fines. I have worked for ITV and know the OFCOM regulations inside out. When a tv channel discusses political or conversional issues, both sides of the argument have to be shown for viewers to decide for themselves. You may remember the sonia deol 84 programme where she interviewed shaheed families but also had to interview general brar.

I bet all those who were involved in the youth shows and used it as a platform increase awareness across the whole of europe will not pay a penny for towards fine (if the appeal is rejected), which could be in the region of 75k. Instead, they will leave Sikh Channel to clear up the mess - happens all the time!

Kam Singh was 100% in the wrong because as a presenter you should be impartial and let the guests debate against each other. Instead, he made some crazy statements like he will pay all the police and legal fines (which is on youtube).

I've heard Sikh Channel will not mention it on air for a few weeks (once Bandi Shor and Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Gurpurab passes). They are not like 847 where they have the akal takat jathedar as 'chief patron' and only rely on direct debits from the sangat.

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I personally believe Kam Singh and Sikh Channel did an invaluable sewa bringing some hot topics to the agenda during the few months the Youth show was on air. The show put forward strong young Sikh opinions on the airwaves, something we had never experienced before. They may have been some emotionally charged and some naive opinions, but they were honest. The “banning” and character assassination of Kam Singh is not the decent thing to do and I hope that Davinder Bal/Sikh Channel snap out of this. At one point Kam Singh was considered a cherished face of Sikh Channel, bringing in viewers to the Sikh Channel on Sunday evenings. The show ran for several months and there was ample opportunity for SC Management to address any alleged issues of impartial presenting, if that was truly an issue. Why was this not addressed in a prudent manner back then?? SC seemed to milk the popularity of the show at the time and now scapegoat Kam Singh.

However, what is really evident in these Ofcom reports is it’s still difficult for Sikhs to be loud and audible about issues around 1984 and even the Sikh Channel is vulnerable to restrictions and censorship from outside sources. A valuable lesson to be learned is that the parchaar needs to be sustainable and long term. This means projecting issues of modern Sikh massacres and genocide more tactfully so that the voices of truth cannot be so easily threatened by devious allegations of “unbalanced” portrayals.

I hope this does not prohibit Sikh Channel producing high quality current affair shows aimed at the 2nd/3rd Generation English speaking Sikhs. This is something missing since the demise of the SYP Youth show.

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