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You cant learn these sorts of things from videos..you need to train under a Gurdev or ustaad. Theres loads of videos on youtube to give you an idea of things..but theyre not instructional videos.

Like any martial art (not that I think Gatka can be called a martial art).you need guidance from a master then you need to practise sparring etc to improve technique.

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no offence bro, but gatka is nuthin compared 2 shastar vidya, altho only teacher of that is niddar, who is controversial, but if u jus ignore his philosophy, but learn the martial art itself, u will b sum1, no 1 wants 2 mess with. i wish i cud live in an area where SV is taught.

what is shastar vidya compared to gatka

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what is shastar vidya compared to gatka

shastar vidya is a martial art that was used by rajputs, they then forgot it, sixth guru, Guru Hargobind Singh, then was taught it, then from Guru Gobind Singhs time, to the khalsa rule/nihangs/misls all used shastar vidya (i believe). when the british took over panjab empire (through deciet/backstabbing), they killed all/most nihangs on the spot in a mini genocide, so that the future sikhs coudnt learn shastar vidya from the nihangs. dasam granths were removed etc. the sikhs were only then allowed to do "gatka", which is like a "light shastar vidya", its more of a demonstration type of thing (as its been described by others). physically its good, its more stick play, more of a game, altho u can defend urself from the enemy in the street, shud u learn it.

But shastar vidya, is taught/learnt to KILL! sahibzada ajit singh could make 10 hits in 1.5 secs! thats y in chamkaur he was a *removed*!!!

Mod note: I can understand the sentiment you are expressing with the bad boy comment but it seemed to have offended some members so I have removed it.

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shastar vidya is a martial art that was used by rajputs, they then forgot it, sixth guru, Guru Hargobind Singh, then was taught it, then from Guru Gobind Singhs time, to the khalsa rule/nihangs/misls all used shastar vidya (i believe). when the british took over panjab empire (through deciet/backstabbing), they killed all/most nihangs on the spot in a mini genocide, so that the future sikhs coudnt learn shastar vidya from the nihangs. dasam granths were removed etc. the sikhs were only then allowed to do "gatka", which is like a "light shastar vidya", its more of a demonstration type of thing (as its been described by others). physically its good, its more stick play, more of a game, altho u can defend urself from the enemy in the street, shud u learn it.

But shastar vidya, is taught/learnt to KILL! sahibzada ajit singh could make 10 hits in 1.5 secs! thats y in chamkaur he was a *removed*!!!


10 hits in 1.5 seconds ?? Who told you that wheres the historical sources that quote this ? The higher Vidyas are those of Jhakta..i.e: to kill instaneously with one blow, effort or energy is not wasted...therein lies the skill...to out think, out manouvere the opponent to such a position where you can take a superior tactical position and strike vital points, you do not engage and waste blows until the opponents structure has been misalinged allowing you a clean strike.

What would be the point in landing 10 hits in 1.5 seconds, when skill and tenchnique allows elimination of the enemy in a single strike ?

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10 hits in 1.5 seconds ?? Who told you that wheres the historical sources that quote this ? The higher Vidyas are those of Jhakta..i.e: to kill instaneously with one blow, effort or energy is not wasted...therein lies the skill...to out think, out manouvere the opponent to such a position where you can take a superior tactical position and strike vital points, you do not engage and waste blows until the opponents structure has been misalinged allowing you a clean strike.

What would be the point in landing 10 hits in 1.5 seconds, when skill and tenchnique allows elimination of the enemy in a single strike ?

to be honest i cant give u a source, as i genuinely cant remember where i inherited this info from, but i remember listening/reading this, and was quite astounding at the time to hear that myself. I'll look on the net n see if i can find it.

Plus u say whats the point in wasting eneergy with 10 hits, but the 10 hits is not on the 1 person, its 2 multiple ppl, fore example if ur surrounded, jus like in chamkaur. Its been documented that baba ajit singh, was one of the most skilled persons in our itthihas (history). Theres a story of when he was 10/11 yrs old n with a few khalsa with him, was outnumbered considerably, they went and got back a kidnapped hindu women. i cant remember the story fully, maybe sum1 else can tell it properly. But the fact that at such a young age he was given responsibilty like that, tells u of his ability, that guru gobind singh had belief in.

do u learn SV? i wish i could, but living in a crap town like luton, wat u expect.


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rebel singh you meniton:

But shastar vidya, is taught/learnt to KILL! sahibzada ajit singh could make 10 hits in 1.5 secs! thats y in chamkaur he was a *removed*

seems admins are sleep again - DO NOT REFER TO O SAHIBZADA AJIT SINGH AS A BAD BOY -


Edit: We are not sleeping. Time and again we have mentioned this on the forum. WE DO NOT SIT ON THE FORUM ALL DAY READING EVERY SINGLE POST! If you have an issue, report it. It will be dealt with when one of the admins logs onto the site. Yes I found that comment of yours very insulting to the mod team who use their personal time to keep the site up and running without any compensation whatsoever. Think about that next time you decide to insult the people who are giving you a platform to whine and complain!

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no offence bro, but gatka is nuthin compared 2 shastar vidya, altho only teacher of that is niddar, who is controversial, but if u jus ignore his philosophy, but learn the martial art itself, u will b sum1, no 1 wants 2 mess with. i wish i cud live in an area where SV is taught.

Ive heard about this before 2 :). It was a hand to hand combat right?/

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rebel singh you meniton:

But shastar vidya, is taught/learnt to KILL! sahibzada ajit singh could make 10 hits in 1.5 secs! thats y in chamkaur he was a *removed*

seems admins are sleep again - DO NOT REFER TO O SAHIBZADA AJIT SINGH AS A BAD BOY -


LOOOOOL gora coconut language?

1)im sorry wat language r u writing in now? Last time i checked, english language comes from england, not panjab, so therefore 95% all of posts r gora coconut posts!

2)2nd of all i was speakin in slang, that comes from BLACK culture (patois), not "GORA" culture.

3)i was giving upmost respect 2 sahibzada ajit singh, we cant even be the dust of ajit singh's feet.

4)stop trying to act all saintly like a baba, its pathetic!

5)we dont all come from rich £500,000 houses n rich areas, sum of us r, from poorer areas, workin class families, speak local slang etc

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