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ppl like u need 2 have more faith in our religion and its glories and capabilities. BTW im not makin this up, i heard/read this statement somewhere (but i cant remember where from). By ur lack of acceptance of sahibzada ajit singh's skills, this means that the stories of;

1)Guru Hargobind talking to the python/snake about its previous janam - is jus load of all tosh

2)How puratan/nihang singhs (high on 24/7 naam simaran/dasam bani) could run faster than horses (according to yogi bajhan) - that must b compete bakwaas

3)Guru Gobind Singh cutting 5 heads off and re-attatchin them 2 different bodies on vaisakhi day 1699 (according to mughal soldier eye witness/later convertin 2 sikhi himself) - complete bull init!

4)baba deep singh fighting with his head on his palm (according to pathan soldiers)- that must b complete make-believe too

its funny @SinghInTraining has given us a link 2 a oriental person using their martial arts 2 showcase his 17 HITS in 1.5seconds, and 15 HITS in 1 second. SOOOO all u haters, wat u say now? Coz i was gonna use east asian martial artist of proof that u can hit many many times in 1-2seconds, im a HUGE fan of kung fu films, watch any jackie chans early 80's films, n u can c wat hardwork can do 2 ur reflexes.

So no there isnt any masala being put on here.


what are you talking about? This has nothing to do with lack of faith. Some people just believe everything they hear. If i made up some crazy story about some Singhs jumping over buildings, you would probably beleive it, and anyone who didn't beleive it would 'have no faith'. Gimme a break dude. Running faster then horses? Thats not possibe. Stories get sensationalized al the time. Seems like all someone has to do is put a Sikhi twist to something, and you'll believe anything. Just cuz i think rationally, doesnt mean i have no faith. I have heard so many kathavachaks who make up stories to please crowds. Its time we start to ask these people who tell these stories what their sources are...bet they just "heard it somewhere" like you did, and then passed it on.

Lemme ask you: you think someone with a stopwatch was timing him? and also... you bring up yogi bhajan...he also said Guru Gobind Singh was 5'4"...you believe that too? If you don't, should i start dissin' you and say you have no faith?

one more thing...speed bagging during training is WAY different then vaars with a weapon. 15 punches in 1.5 seconds is possible. We are not living in a comic book man...this is real life.

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what are you talking about? This has nothing to do with lack of faith. Some people just believe everything they hear. If i made up some crazy story about some Singhs jumping over buildings, you would probably beleive it, and anyone who didn't beleive it would 'have no faith'. Gimme a break dude. Running faster then horses? Thats not possibe. Stories get sensationalized al the time. Seems like all someone has to do is put a Sikhi twist to something, and you'll believe anything. Just cuz i think rationally, doesnt mean i have no faith. I have heard so many kathavachaks who make up stories to please crowds. Its time we start to ask these people who tell these stories what their sources are...bet they just "heard it somewhere" like you did, and then passed it on.

Lemme ask you: you think someone with a stopwatch was timing him? and also... you bring up yogi bhajan...he also said Guru Gobind Singh was 5'4"...you believe that too? If you don't, should i start dissin' you and say you have no faith?

one more thing...speed bagging during training is WAY different then vaars with a weapon. 15 punches in 1.5 seconds is possible. We are not living in a comic book man...this is real life.


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Niddar singh and his shastar vidya is a scam that's bin exposed

Just look at his hand to hand combat techniques without trying to laugh

Schools like his are dime a dozen

He learned the martial art from hindus in india but to sell the martial art in england to people with no common sence he claims he's the last one with knowledge of shastar vidya

Common sence question why didn't anyone try opening up schools to teach shastar vidya in india when india was independent rather then wait for niddar singh to save it

haha i love how u just posted the exact same thing twice, u funny singh!! aniways I'm just wanderin u sed he "claims to be the last person with knowladge of SV" so does that mean there are other ppl that know SV?? I truely hope there are other ppl who know it cuz this guy is a complete muppet and i wud never advise anyone to learn off him but at the same time I dont want SV to die out!

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This thread is taking a real twist here- do you know a singh who had so much faith in Akal Purakh waheguru that he wanted the prisoners travelling in pakistan and the station master had told him the train will not stop. The singhs had done ardass to Guru sahiban and decided to sit on the track and stop the train- the train hit the lead singh and he was still alive and as others tried to comfort him he wanted LANGAR to be served to the prisoners first before being comforted. The train driver was interviewed by the national press in Pakistan and he said it was like a ROCK had hit that train and only then he put the brakes on!!! this was eye witness to my own Nana Jee. If you have faith anything is possible - 125000 - 1 was what Sahibzadas faced and I do not doubt for a minute at the speed Sahibzada Ajit singh was killing the enemy perhaps far far faster than predictions on this thread.

Stop doubting - stick to the topic the main , we have the art Gatka -or SV which has the means to do the job if necessary.

Guru sahiban and puraatan sikhs were beyond the physical -- in the metaphysical and beyond, we dont' need to prove it at all- it's cheap and pitiful if we 're going to take this thread on that route. Where is the chardee kala aspect?

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An important change needed in our Kaum today is that parcharak need to start stating their source. Traditionally, kathha of Ihihaasik granths was done ie Suraj Prakash or Panth Prakash, so people knew where information was coming from.

Today we have numerous parcharaks and sants giving us 100 different versions of 1 sakhi, when there are only perhaps 2-3 sources of that sakhi. A big reason this has (and still is on the large part) overseen is because our kaum has becmoe uneducated. western youth generally don't understand or can't read Punjabi, so never know the puratan sources and the older generation has become occupied in work/maya, has emigrated over the last cenutry and whole host of other things, focuses less on Sikhi, so this culminates in everyone taking the parcharaks/sants word for it, and many of these people present sakhis in their own decorated way, sometimes massively changing the the srtory (taking out elements they personally dno't agree with it) or other times adding things in which boost the popularity of their jathhaa.

Personally I think the a Sakhi should be quoted, then presented in full, and then, the parcharaks should interpret and give opinions (as we do with footnotes in essays or translation projects.

To say Yogi Bhajan said so is certainly not enough. To ridicule the sakhi because it came from yogi bhajan is also not good. What needs to be established is the what source yogi bhajan used for his facts (using yogi bhajan only as an exampel from the thread).

Going back the thread, 1.5 seconds sounds too accurate, I expect if this fact is written in ithihaas somewhere the acutal translated word used would be 'moment' rather than second. If so, the trajectory of the statement would be more towards establishing baba Ajeet Singh as a superior and skilled Warrior, rather than give you statistical information about his performance. Same with running fater than a horse and 'challenging' savha lakh. The aim would be to show khalsa aspirants that the khalsa spirit would give a Singh the belief to run against a horse or to 'challenge' savha lakh, rather than to 'win' It's about courage and belief, not the end result.

Sadly, much is lost in translation.

You would be surpised how many stikes an expert can land with a sword, stick or dagger in a few seconds, it all depends on how close opponents are, and what type of strike it being used i.e. turning, circling (momentum), quick stabs etc etc :-) With a curved sword like a shamshir, 'slashing' would be the prefered method of attack, and one can slash with momentum and and in circular motions, along with rotational footwork/good positiong, one can recycle enegry and continue the attack on the next opponent etc (assuming not fighing in a unit).

The problem is when people who have never kicked a football (couch pandits) become commentators on football!

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An important change needed in our Kaum today is that parcharak need to start stating their source. Traditionally, kathha of Ihihaasik granths was done ie Suraj Prakash or Panth Prakash, so people knew where information was coming from.

Today we have numerous parcharaks and sants giving us 100 different versions of 1 sakhi, when there are only perhaps 2-3 sources of that sakhi. A big reason this has (and still is on the large part) overseen is because our kaum has becmoe uneducated. western youth generally don't understand or can't read Punjabi, so never know the puratan sources and the older generation has become occupied in work/maya, has emigrated over the last cenutry and whole host of other things, focuses less on Sikhi, so this culminates in everyone taking the parcharaks/sants word for it, and many of these people present sakhis in their own decorated way, sometimes massively changing the the srtory (taking out elements they personally dno't agree with it) or other times adding things in which boost the popularity of their jathhaa.

Personally I think the a Sakhi should be quoted, then presented in full, and then, the parcharaks should interpret and give opinions (as we do with footnotes in essays or translation projects.

To say Yogi Bhajan said so is certainly not enough. To ridicule the sakhi because it came from yogi bhajan is also not good. What needs to be established is the what source yogi bhajan used for his facts (using yogi bhajan only as an exampel from the thread).

Going back the thread, 1.5 seconds sounds too accurate, I expect if this fact is written in ithihaas somewhere the acutal translated word used would be 'moment' rather than second. If so, the trajectory of the statement would be more towards establishing baba Ajeet Singh as a superior and skilled Warrior, rather than give you statistical information about his performance. Same with running fater than a horse and 'challenging' savha lakh. The aim would be to show khalsa aspirants that the khalsa spirit would give a Singh the belief to run against a horse or to 'challenge' savha lakh, rather than to 'win' It's about courage and belief, not the end result.

Sadly, much is lost in translation.

You would be surpised how many stikes an expert can land with a sword, stick or dagger in a few seconds, it all depends on how close opponents are, and what type of strike it being used i.e. turning, circling (momentum), quick stabs etc etc :-) With a curved sword like a shamshir, 'slashing' would be the prefered method of attack, and one can slash with momentum and and in circular motions, along with rotational footwork/good positiong, one can recycle enegry and continue the attack on the next opponent etc (assuming not fighing in a unit).

The problem is when people who have never kicked a football (couch pandits) become commentators on football!

That is the best thing I have ever read on this forum!!! finally sumone making sense!!! I have always wandered how can we know if waht someone is saying about sikhi is true or if its been "juiced up"!, not just about things from the past but even about things going on nowadays, and the problem is if you ever challenge the legitimacy of what sumone is saying everyone just jumps down your throat straight away and says stuff like u have no faith! it annoys me so much.

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