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Having a Guru Granth Sahib in your house.

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Could someone tell me what you have to do if you want a Guru Granth sahib jee in your house. Like what paath do you have to do what time you have to do prakash and sukhasan. Basicly all the compulsary things to keep a Guru Granth sahib Jee. Could you tell me step by step and also tell me what time you have to do these things. Basicly a timetable to keep Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

Thank you

Vaheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!!

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- Prakash (daily innauguration)

- Nitnem (daily prayer)

- Ardas (special prayer)

- Hukam (order of the day)

- Sukh Aasan (daily closing ceremony)

*One tyar-bar-tyaar singh or singhni must be in the hazoori or at the home of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji the entire day, everyday, if this is not done, its be-adbi of Guru sahib. this is the only reason daas can't bring guru sahib home. no.gif

*** Respect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji ***

By: Bhai Ram Singh jee (Jathedar) in Soora, Feb. 1983 & Sikh Missionary College in Soora, Sept 1994.

There is no limit in the amount of respect we can gave the focus of our faith. Whatever we do is not enough. Those who are in love with the Guru keep the following things in mind:

1) They take their shoes off far away and after washing their feet come into the Guru Darbar

2) With respect they bow before Guru Sahib and sit in Sangat

3) The sit cross-legged while facing Guru Sahib

4) Before leaving the Sangat to go outside, they first bow.

5) Whatever offerings they have, they do not throw in front of the Guru but slowly and

respectfully place it before the Guru and then bow.

6) KaRah Parshaad is brought in a Sarbloh Bata with a white cloth over it and placed on a wooden table before Guru jee off to one side. They do not Bring the kaRaahee the degh was prepared in straight before Guru Sahib.

7) The sevaadaars who prepare Degh do so while repeating naam or baaNee

8) They prepare degh

with a lot of care: it is not undercooked or burnt.

9) When bhog is done, the degh is not so hot that it can't be eaten.

10) They accept the degh in two hands and then bow their heads in thanks and when eating the Degh do not let any fall to the ground at all.

11) The Singh sitting in attendance of Guru Sahib keeps doing chaur. The Chaur is not to make flies go away but it is a form of respect to the divine jot that has been passed into Guru Sahib.

12) When taking Hukam, they do not hang the rumallas in Guru Sahib's ang (pages). (Hukam is taken from the left side's first shabad)

13) When putting the rumala back over Guru jee, they make sure no ang is bent.

14) When turning an ang, they carefully take the corner of the ang and separate it from the next one and turn slowly. When using the thumb or finger to turn from the middle of the ang, chances of damage or ripping increase so this should not be done.

15) A clean white rumalaa should be kept for the sevaa of the angs. Silk and nylon are not good for this task.

16) Before sitting in attendance of Guru jee, all grime and oil should be removed with soap otherwise it will mark the rumallas and the angs.

17) One only sits in taabiyaa (attendance) of Guru Saahib after washing the hair and while wearing clean clothes with a hazooriyaa. Washing the kes is also the maryada for doing degh and langar seva.

18) There should be a big and clean chaananee over Guru Sahib jee.

19) If parkaash is to be done in a paalkee, it should be big enough that chaur can easily

be done.

20) The divaan is only over when ardaas after sukhaasan takes place.

21) When bringing/taking Guru Sahib, at least 5 Singhs should accompany.

22) When bringing degh into sangat, water should not be sprinkled on the carpets.

23) In that home where Sree Akhand Paath is taking place (or even in general) and

Guru Sahib is not on a Takhat Posh but on a manjee placed over a mat, no one in th

e house should sleep on a bed.

24) When doing Sehaj Paath, the reader should not put a paper/sheet in Guru Sahib to

serve as a marker. The number of the ang should be recorded in a separate diary or notebook.

25) For Guru jee's sukhaasan, at least two clean and big rumalaas are necessary.

From Soora Sept. 1994:

1) Wherever a Gurmat Smaagam is to take place, before doing parkaash of Guru Sahib, it should be noted that the place is according to the status and glory of Guru Sahib. It is disrespectful to do parkash in Hotels, Bazaars, dirty plots and tight areas.

2) No one in the presence of Satguru jee should have a special sitting place, chair, bed, etc. This is manmat.

3) Going into sangat bare-headed or veiled for women is against Gurmat

4) If Guru Sahib is parkaash at home, the room should be clean and fresh. No unnecessary things should be put in that room. PUTTING ANY PICTURES OF HUMANS OR REPRESENTATIONS OF GURUS IN PARKAASH AREA IS MANMAT.

5) Parkaash should be done at Amrit Vela (before sunrise). This is important regardless if it's a gurdvara or home.

6) Guru Sahib's parkaash should be on a high place or a takhat posh. If these both are for whatever reasons not possible, then the manjee should be placed on a clean cloth and parkaash done.

7) Rumallas for Guru jee should be beautiful and clean, but simple [preferably white or another Khalsa colour]. Too shiny, gaudy or very thin ones or ones with Gurus' pictures should not be used, or rumallas with gurbani on it, it is be-adbi. Rumalas, pillows, sheets and other necessary items should all be clean. This is extremely important. Every day or seeing the need, they should be changed. Putting thin rumalas in the summer or warm ones in the winter in light of temperature should not be done. Does Guru Sahib feel hot or cold? Guru Sahib is shabad-roop.

8) At the end of divaan, Guru Sahib should be taken to the Sukh Asan place and only then

should the sangat disperse. Usually after listening to katha/keertan, we take parshaad and run away. This shouldn't be done.

One additional note: When coming into Guru Sahib's darbaar, one should dress appropriately. For both men and women, BaaNaa is most appropriate. If we wear a uniform to work or school, then why not to the highest court of all? We should have open beards and be dressed in Guru Sahib's uniform. But like the first article has said, there is no limit to the amount of respect we should give. No amount is ever enough.

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so if the house hold does'nt hold ne gur-sikhs or sikhs, but love for guru sahib is there, and guru sahib would help them find amrit is that house still not allowed 2 be blessed with the preseance of guru sahib???????????

so the singh singhni can't work either? how are they suppose 2 pay for living expences and such???

guru ji is not egotestical!

so guru sahib is exclusive 2 amritdharis?

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so if the house hold does'nt hold ne gur-sikhs or sikhs, but love for guru sahib is there, and guru sahib would help them find amrit is that house still not allowed 2 be blessed with the preseance of guru sahib???????????

so the singh singhni can't work either? how are they suppose 2 pay for living expences and such???

guru ji is not egotestical!

so guru sahib is exclusive 2 amritdharis?

Actually Gabroo has a point

they maryada Says only SIkhs(i.e MAritdharis9 can read in SANGAT)

but then that woudl mean Guru jis is ONLY for Sikhs, as Non-Sikhs (i.e Mone or Kesdharis) are not allowed to keep Maharaj even at HOme :T:

bhuklll chukk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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lol, so that means if you smoke/drink/eat meat, you're gonna stop that instant you bring Guru Granth Sahib ji maharaj home?

There's innumerable amount of be-adbi that takes place when a non-amritdhari person brings guru granth sahib ji home to live with them for a while.

We all know what happens when non-amritdharis take guru sahib home, sure you can be liberal and say, guru ji won't mind, as he's free-spirited, etc. etc. but how much satkaar can you give to that who is here to give you mukti?

If you can't even follow the hukam of dashmesh pita, Guru Gobind Singh ji and take amrit, then you have no right to bring guru sahib home. Doesn't matter how much outward love/respect you show.

You wanna learn what guru sahib is saying? Get a few gutke with translations.

You wanna do darshan of Guru Sahib? Goto the gurdwara sahib.

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guru granth saheb ji is sachha patsha, and u know the meaning of gurudwara,

means satguruji's house. when satguruji are at darbarsahib ( prakash) gurbani recitation should take place , kirtan should take place.which is not possible at home.

also sadhsangat comes in darbar of guru saheb for darshan.and so gurdwara is place where guru saheb should be.Thats the palace of our guru saheb.

So my advice is to keep sainchees of guru saheb at home with due respect and maryada. they are in two parts .

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lol, so that means if you smoke/drink/eat meat, you're gonna stop that instant you bring Guru Granth Sahib ji maharaj home?

Actually Yes you should - and About Cutting hair - well basically sver da bhulya hoya sham nu ghar ajavae ta bhuleya nahi kehida.....

basically how can we follwo maharaj ji's Hukam without reading it?

There's innumerable amount of be-adbi that takes place when a non-amritdhari person brings guru granth sahib ji home to live with them for a while.
I personally know of a few cases - but then again Personalyl I do't think we should label the whole lot can we?
We all know what happens when non-amritdharis take guru sahib home, sure you can be liberal and say, guru ji won't mind, as he's free-spirited, etc. etc. but how much satkaar can you give to that who is here to give you mukti?

Personally, from personal exzpe

rience with Guru's Kirpa, I've bene born into a house where theres a separate rooms(smallo ffoor circumstancail reasons) for Maharaj, and yeah my mum fulflls above requirments of keep Maharaj except being Amritdhari and staying at home all day - whcih again is against Gurmat as Gurmat teaches having an hoenst Kirt Kamai.

In your arguement small countriesm, such as the scandinavian ones, would not be concidered as s Gurdwara, because BHai Sahib ji does parkash and SUkhhasan, but goes off to work during the day to have a hoenst kamai?

yesh there are some people living in the Gurdwara at times - but not always Tyaar-bar-tyaar Khalse- shoudl we shut the only small Gurdwaras that excist? :lol:

If you can't even follow the hukam of dashmesh pita, Guru Gobind Singh ji and take amrit, then you have no right to bring guru sahib home. Doesn't matter how much outward love/respect you show.
good point- BUT BUT- most peopel Bring maharaj home to read ang get MATT , and be ABLE to follow Gurmat themselves instead of blindly following hwat tohrs say :(

Dhan Guru GRanth SAhib ji was written for ALL HUmANITY hence why theres Shabads concerning rituals Muslism do, etc - for ALL HUMANITY not JUST SIKHS :wub:

You wanna learn what guru sahib is saying? Get a few gutke with translations.

You wanna do darshan of Guru Sahib? Goto the gurdwara sahib.

and what fi the Divan is only once a week? no.gif

bhull chukk maaf ji

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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