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As much as I agree with what u say I also disagree. U haven't seen how many idiots actually fall for this. Rab-Rakha for me. But I want to answer this retardness for all the lost Sikhs who are wandering under a delusion that somehow what other religions say about Sikhi is true.

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Why are you posting this topic in so many different posts?

This is the first time I posted this. Related to Shiva that is. Why?

Guru Gobind Singh Ji have written in Akaal Ustat:

"Ek shiv bhae ek gae ek fer bhae raamchandr krisan ke avtaar bhi anek hain ll"

translation: A Shiva was born, he passed away,another Shiva was born again (such gods took birth several times and expired), Likewise, there have been many incarnations of Ramchandra and Krishna.

If a confused sikh asks you...then reply with the quoted Gurbani andask him which Shiv ji is s/he talking about?

If it is a Hindu...simply inform that if everything was supposed to be replicated from their religion...there wouldn't have been a need to form another one. Guru Saheb could have simply inspired the good Hindus to be better Hindus. :dry2:

Their mentality is that overtime Hinduism is advanced. A bit like the iphone. Iphone 1,2,3,4,5.

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Mahadev ko kehat sada shiv, nirnkar ka chinat nai bhiv

Shiva is not akaal purkh

Khalsa akaal purkh ki fauj, pragteyo khalsa parmatam ki mauj

Who made shiva, who gave him weapons?

You dont even have to refute it as Guru Govind singh ji has already refuted it very clearly

Some firmly fasten the idol (of Vishnu) to their neck and some call Shiva their God. Some say God is in the Hindu temple and oth­ers con­sider His abode in the Muslim Mosque.Some call Him (God) Rama, oth­ers Krishna and some identify Him in their hearts with other incarn­a­tions. I have aban­doned all such fake reli­gions and I accept that only God is the cre­ator of liv­ing beings.(12)If you call Rama to be abso­lutely uncon­ceived and unborn, how could He be born of Kaushalia’s womb? If you call Krishna the Immor­tal Being, why was he sub­ject to death?If Krishna was called the apostle of peace and devoid of enmity, then what com­pelled him to drive the chariot of Arjuna ? Recog­nize Him as your Sole Mas­ter whose mys­tery none has revealed and none will be able to reveal.(13)You identify Krishna as the Ocean of mercy, why did the hunter shoot an arrow at him? One who res­cues the dyn­asties of oth­ers, why did he get his own dyn­asty annihilated?One who is deemed as uncon­ceived since the begin­ning, how did he enter into the womb of Devki ? One who has neither father, nor mother, how could Vas­udeva be termed as his father ?(14)Why do you call Shiva your Mas­ter? Why do you describe Brahma as your Supreme Spirit? The lord of the Raghuvansh (Rama), the chief­tain of the Yada­vas (Krishna), Rama’s spouse (Vishnu) whom you con­sider as lords of the uni­verse, were not God.Dis­card­ing the One God, you wor­ship many. Like­wise Sukh­dev, Prashar and Vyas were proven false due to pan­the­ism. All have estab­lished hol­low reli­gions. I believe in One God who reveals Him­self in many modes.(15)Some wor­ship Brahma as God, oth­ers look upon Shiva as their Lord. Some describe Vishnu as the Lord of the world and coerce oth­ers to wor­ship him as by doing so all the sins are eliminated.Con­sider this a thou­sand times, O fool! in the end all these (deit­ies) will aban­don you. Con­tem­plate Him in your mind, who was, now is and shall ever be in future.(16)He made mil­lions of Indras. He made and des­troyed myri­ads of Vaman Incarn­a­tions. He cre­ated demons, gods, Shesh­naga, moun­tains, birds and beasts, who are bey­ond count.Shiva and Brahma have been doing pen­ances to this day but could not find His lim­its. My Guru has told me of the Supreme Lord whose mys­tery is not fathomed by the Vedas and the Semitic texts.(17)”(Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Dasam Granth — 1544)

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ਸ਼ਿਵ ਸਹੰਸ ਬਰਖ ਲੌ ਜੋਗ ਕੀਨ ॥ ਤਜਿ ਨੇਹ ਗੇਹ ਬਨਬਾਸ ਲੀਨ ॥

ਬਹੁ ਕੀਨ ਜੋਗਿ ਤਹ ਬਹੁ ਪਰਕਾਰ ॥ ਨਹੀ ਤਦਿਪ ਤਾਸ ਲਹਿ ਸਕਾ ਪਾਰ ॥੮੨॥


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ਸ਼ਿਵ ਸਹੰਸ ਬਰਖ ਲੌ ਜੋਗ ਕੀਨ ॥ ਤਜਿ ਨੇਹ ਗੇਹ ਬਨਬਾਸ ਲੀਨ ॥

ਬਹੁ ਕੀਨ ਜੋਗਿ ਤਹ ਬਹੁ ਪਰਕਾਰ ॥ ਨਹੀ ਤਦਿਪ ਤਾਸ ਲਹਿ ਸਕਾ ਪਾਰ ॥੮੨॥


Thank you.

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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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