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**Press Release from Slough Sangat in regards to the events of 04/11/12**


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**Press Release from Slough Sangat in regards to the events of 04/11/12**

It is with great remorse we announce to the International Sangat, that Gurdwara Singh Sabha

Slough, which was once the centre for Panthic movements, has now aligned itself with controversial characters some which have been removed from the Panth. These individuals are constantly attacking our rich history and beautiful Gurbani by causing doubt, confusion and splits amongst the Sikh Nation. In the past, Singh Sabha Slough has called many “Kathavaachaks” (Preachers) who have continually attacked the beloved words of the Guru (Gurbani) and Sikh history (Ithiaas) on stage. This was brought to a peak last week when the controversial preacher “Professor Sarabjit Dhunda” was invited to do Katha (Discourse) on a main stage Sunday diwan (04/11/12).

The management committee had previously been advised on numerous occasions not to host the false preaching of Prof Sarbjit Dhunda. Local gursikhs met with the committee at various times as well as phoning the Pardhaan, encouraging him to cancel the booking. All this effort was made as Dhunda was KNOWN to play with the sentiments of the Sikh Nation by attacking and ridiculing the Bani of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the very principles the faith stands on. However, ignoring the concerns of the Sangat, the committee continued to support Dhunda leading to the events of the Sunday diwan.

Local and National Sangat arrived at the Gurdwara Sahib prior to the start of katha, however Sarbjit Dhunda had made his way upstairs around 30 minutes before his start time (11.15am). At this point the stage secretary of the Gurdwara Sahib had introduced him and asked him to talk about the Sikh Rehat Marayda. After this introduction, a local Gursikh Sevadaar wished to pose questions to Sarbjit Dhunda for him to address during his allocated time. Through his questions he hoped to make the Sangat aware of the anti-gurmat parchaar he is guilty of on a regular basis. However, this lead to a minor argument, resulting in the secretary pushing the sevadaar away. On witnessing this, the Sangat stood up in disagreement against the treatment of the sevadaar. Unfortunately, this led to anargument in the Darbar leading to pushing and shoving. At this point the hired support pushed the Singhs back whilst the controversial preacher Sarbjit Dhunda, was taken into a seperate room (Hazoori Jatha sleeping quarters) with security outside. The arguments continued in Darbar between local members of Sangat and the committee. The Sangat spoke in disgust at the committee’s decision to allow such preachers to be allowed on such a Panthic stage.

The supporters of Sarbjit Dhunda included local politicians from Slough and Southall. Sarbjit Dhunda remained in the room while the Sangat continued to protest outside. The national Sangat left at approximately 1pm with Sarbjit Dhunda leaving shortly after. Forthwith, an agreement was made by the Sangat that such a preacher should not be allowed back in this Gurdwara or should be stopped from holding discourses of his twisted distorted views in other Gurdwaras aswell. The committee informed the police and were openly advising them to arrest the Sangat who opposed the venom of Sarbjit Dhunda.

Who is Sarbjit Dhunda of Sikh Lehar/Gurmat Giaan Missionary Society?

Sarbjit Dhunda is known for spewing venom against:

· The sacred Bani of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Sri Dasam Granth) including those compositions which

make up the daily nitnem of a Sikh Jaap Sahib.

· The importance of Simran (meditation) he mockingly agreed on it being like a parrot repeating itself.

· Sri Hemkunt Sahib/ Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib whom he openly speaks against.

· Gurithaas (History of the Guru’s) and Sikh ithaas (History of Gursikhs), in regards to the Sakhis (stories) which make up the very foundations of Sikhism.

He openly co-hosts events by other dodgy/nutty professors which have been excommunicated from the Sikh Nation such as Ragi Darshan Singh and Inder Ghagha. He recently was given tankha (punishment) at Sri Akaal Takht Sahib (the ultimate body for the Sikh Nation) for speaking against the sacred Kirtan that occurs at Sri Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple). After the tankha (punshiment) for disrespecting the 10th Gurus Bani, he again spoke in June 2012 in Nagpur (India) against Sri Dasam Bani and Sri Hemkunt Sahib.

It is quite clear that such mischievous characters are attempting to directly attack the very

foundations of Sikhism. Sacred places such as Hemkunt Sahib and Hazoor Sahib are so dear to the hearts of the Sikh Nation. These are places that Sangat from across the globe travel to, taking time out to connect with their history and build a relationship based on love and faith with the Guru, and yet such 'preachers' are putting doubt in the minds of the Sangat about this? Will we allow such people to further break our links with Sikh History?

It is a benti in the charan of sevadaars, gursikhs and parbandaks to not book such individuals who have political, RSS and teja bhasauria mindsets and thus prevent them instilling doubt in the minds of unsuspecting innocent Sikhs.

The recent controversial video (after he had been given tankha)

Dhunda against Sri Hemkunt Sahib

Harjinder Sabhra and Dhunda against Hemkunt Sahib and Chaupai Sahib

Sarbjit Dhunda hitting a Gurbani Pothi (Jaap Sahib) with a stick and disregarding the Bani.

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I just heard the Hemkunth Katha above - Dhundha sitting by side, Katha done by other Bhai - I am very very confused now ... He had some strong points, and I am not a scholar ..., but I will do more research before coming to a conclusion ...

get a life

also could singh plz name people from slough who stood with dhunda ?????

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I just heard the Hemkunth Katha above - Dhundha sitting by side, Katha done by other Bhai - I am very very confused now ... He had some strong points, and I am not a scholar ..., but I will do more research before coming to a conclusion ...

I viewed the same katha paaji. I agree with you, it makes sense to me. I understand Punjabi fully. I don't have high gian in Sikhi though. As in panthic circles this is viewed as blashphemy so can any knowledgable member out there please refute this video for people like me who are very low with Sikh knowledge.

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I viewed the same katha paaji. I agree with you, it makes sense to me. I understand Punjabi fully. I don't have high gian in Sikhi though. As in panthic circles this is viewed as blashphemy so can any knowledgable member out there please refute this video for people like me who are very low with Sikh knowledge.

I watched Dhundha Video on Jaap Sahib and I am piss**ed off, he does not seem to have done Jaap Sahib even once in his life from his heart, else he would had realised how soothing the Jaap Sahib baani is, and how Jaap Sahib Baani/Akal Ustat Baani connect straight to 1 Akal Purakh, and a Baani which is connecting to 1 Akal Purakh and not to multiple Devi/Devtaas or any other "RAS" can come only from a PURAN-SATGURU, a holy person such as Guru Gobind Singh Jee, and not from any other poet etc. He looks stupid by even questioning Jaap Sahib.

But we (atleast me) need more Gian on the Dusht Daman (Hemkund Sahib) aspect (Katha by another Giani above), when the Giani raises a point why to believe in Dusht Daman history when we as Sikhs don't follow earlier life of Sri Guru Angad Dev Jee, Sri Guru Amar Daas Jee, and here I humbly request more knowledgable members on this forum to provide more GIAN on this aspect.

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People have seriously lost the plot if they are fooled by this <banned word filter activated>. Listen to some real katha by sant gurbachan Singh ji Khalsa Bhindranvale. This guys an agent and its soo blatant, what's happened with the panth.

Watch this video it's a compilation of a few of his dodgy speeches

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Do not forget that he is a dodgy character and a liar to the core. He will say one thing

here and another thing there.

He discards sikh history and Naam simran.Naam simran is essence of Guru Granth sahib.

he calls it parroting.

Guru Granth sahib is universal granth and every sikh considers it as Guru.Dasam granth banis

organizes us into a religion called khalsa panth.

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He also preaches that there were no chali muktas. He says that Baba deep singh's head never came off

thus labelling saints as normal persons.

He says that Gurus were normal human beings and any miracles associated with their lives is fake.

They are a bunch of nastiks who use body language to impress gullibles to make them nastiks.

Sikhism is a mystic path where a seeker advances in spirituality with naam simran.Such nastiks reject that.

Just done a bit of research and I think im becoming a fan of this professor Dhundha I hadnt heard of him before.

Here is his views of fake sikh parkash badal getting faqar-e-kaum award.


Post this trash somewhere else. This site is not to propagate his unsikh philosophy.

See below a compiled video to know this anti sikh propagandist who is not even known

in India .

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