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Reality of Sexual Grooming Gangs in the UK (Interview with Andrew Norfolk by SAS)


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Another thing. I'm not sure if we can have large scale street 'action' any more.

If anyone is to do anything, they have to get DIRECTLY at some pimping crew doing the dirt (discreetly too) and not the lulloo chuchoo romeo types dating an adult apnee of her own free will.

Plus we need to send a clear message to the NF/BNP dogs to give up their pathetic opportunist attempts lure dumb Singhs into their cause. You don't like nonwhites but think less aggressive Sikhs could be put up with and used for your advantage - we get it. Now sod off out of our faces and fight your own battles.

I think they read this site as well. They'll get the message lol.

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Don't fall for the BNP sympathy trick. They will try and get support from sikhs as this will do them favours. Remember that most sikh youth are born and bred in UK compared to paki youth. The BNP also lured some blacks in a few years back. I'm sure some of the BNP representatives were actually kalaay. This was all a trick to get some kaalaay in to boost their image.

They will do the same with sikhs.

It's good that they know that these pakis are the real ghandh that give the whole asian people a bad name.

BTW. You guys talking about SP.

Listen, SP were the real deal to start off with but they needed bigger numbers to tackle the panther and muslim gangs. So they recruited as any college sikhs as they could from around the midlands.

With this came some of the regular sharabi youth that we get everywhere. It was only when a few of these started some drunken brawls in pubs and clubs that SP began to get a bad name.

But these street youths were of high value because they could locate the girls in trouble first hand by the word on the street.

S yes, there were some bad drunken youth involved. BUT they still helped with the issues being addressed even if a few fights happened between them.

I was in UK in the 80's and now live in Vancouver..I knew the SP and the goings on quite well as I was based with the smethwick SP.

Yes they are all grown up with families like myself now, but it's a shame that the next generation could not continue, whereas the pakis have just grown in their criminal activities.

It's quite sad for me to hear about this and that it is still going on back there in UK.

You guys need to do something. I mean you have internet and everythig now- so you should not have problems recruiting. Whereas SP had to roam colleges and pubs to pick up our tough punjabi youths.

Like Dalsingh says the era of large brawls is over. The Chalvey Raid type fights might be fun and really put the <banned word filter activated> up the <banned word filter activated> (you should hear some of the stories lol) but they lead to reprisals against soft targets. After the Chalvey raid an old Sikh man got beaten up in a park by the 'Chalvey Boys'. Violence didnt stop the Pak gangs unless it caused some permament harm or screw their psychology up. This is what SP down south couldnt do. Nowadays the police like to keep a lid on it by turning a blind eye to what the muslims get up to. West London's drug trade is run by the Paks out of Slough. They make ridiculous amounts of money that they give to their wives/families so that it wont be taken away by the police if they end up in jail. The spouses/family launder the money in houses/businesses/cars/holidays to Dubai etc and the police dont care. In this climate it's not like SP can pick up where they left off. Too many rats and spineless gimps on our side would sell us out in a moment's notice.

If Sikhs want to win, we need to think what counts as a victory and work towards that. The musis breed like rats giving them the numbers to have poor street 'soldiers' but at the same time get enough of their kids through uni and into positions of power where they can lord it over us 'kafirs'. Also there has been massive non-pak muslim immigration to the UK. Somalis/Arabs/Chechens/whatever all act different but when push comes to shove you know they will have each other's back. It's just the way they are - just because we cant unite doesnt mean others cant.

So what would we count as victory or 'winning'?

I tell you - it's saying something boy!!

The BBC, the BNP, EDL and God knows who else monitoring our 5hite.......straight freaky.

Shout out to Shiha Kaur too - our resident Sikh-self-hating feminist! Hope you enjoy reading this. You too Sunny Hundal, you bald smug git.

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Like Dalsingh says the era of large brawls is over. The Chalvey Raid type fights might be fun and really put the <banned word filter activated> up the <banned word filter activated> (you should hear some of the stories lol) but they lead to reprisals against soft targets. After the Chalvey raid an old Sikh man got beaten up in a park by the 'Chalvey Boys'. Violence didnt stop the Pak gangs unless it caused some permament harm or screw their psychology up. This is what SP down south couldnt do. Nowadays the police like to keep a lid on it by turning a blind eye to what the muslims get up to. West London's drug trade is run by the Paks out of Slough. They make ridiculous amounts of money that they give to their wives/families so that it wont be taken away by the police if they end up in jail. The spouses/family launder the money in houses/businesses/cars/holidays to Dubai etc and the police dont care. In this climate it's not like SP can pick up where they left off. Too many rats and spineless gimps on our side would sell us out in a moment's notice.

If Sikhs want to win, we need to think what counts as a victory and work towards that. The musis breed like rats giving them the numbers to have poor street 'soldiers' but at the same time get enough of their kids through uni and into positions of power where they can lord it over us 'kafirs'. Also there has been massive non-pak muslim immigration to the UK. Somalis/Arabs/Chechens/whatever all act different but when push comes to shove you know they will have each other's back. It's just the way they are - just because we cant unite doesnt mean others cant.

So what would we count as victory or 'winning'?

Shout out to Shiha Kaur too - our resident Sikh-self-hating feminist! Hope you enjoy reading this. You too Sunny Hundal, you bald smug git.

Yeh Sunny Hundal is a big time scum bag cannot be trusted

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Hundal's Pickled Politics been shut down - so he can't be doing too well demonising his own people.

John Bull doesnt have time to hate on Browns if he cant even put food on the table. Think of all those poor coconuts who cant sell their people out any longer! Where will they work? Who will they suck up to? Truly heartbreaking. lol.

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Grooming By Paki Gangs only happens to

1. Sikh Girls (access as school)

2. White Working class girls (access on the street)

The groomers don't have access to white middle class girls, daughters of Mps, and the liberals elite, if it happens to them (not that we want it ) then the Politicians' will rise on the matter of grooming.

Politian regard white working classes as scum, and Sikhs well we haven't got the numbers for them provide votes so they don't care about us.

Pakis however offer a large electoral pool so they hide there crime and protect them.

I don't blame the Police they have their hands tide. The Mps, political liberal elite are just as bad as the groomers.

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So what's your point? No one will help us as we are too small and dont help ourselves. That's true. So now what? We cant suddenly start having kids to get more voters. We cant all suddenly become rich and move to nice parts of the country (even though I have been saying that there were ways of doing this but no one wanted to know). The far right just want us to be cannon fodder. They have a pretty inflated view of their own self worth which is why they wont get their own hands dirty. Why they think Sikhs are beneath them and willing to be expendable, I dont know. Maybe to do with our disregard for ourselves in these kinds of situations?

A lot of young Sikhs I know dont like chavs or paks. Forcing them to chose is just going to make them not want to do anything. Most Sikhs want to emigrate anyway, the UK is re-entering the Dark Ages without an empire to steal off anymore. Is it even worth the life of one Sikh fighting to change a country that doesnt give a <banned word filter activated> about us?

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^^ well ive heard i a few paki gangs have been challanged out side the school gates photos taken car plates jotted.

May be they will move on to the middle class areas ( not that we want them too)

There has been a few reports that middle class girls have been groomed very small number (again dont wish it on anyone)

Ive spoke to some educated working class white guys, they say "the white working classes have little concern on this subject, too much in to Brits got talent, and Preimership"

I also say ' our communty is a sleep on the subject, too much in to fat wedding wedding, Mercs, and hols to Dubia' Bhai Mohan mentions this usually in his lecture.

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I was watching Sky News earlier this week, and they had lefty commentator Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Now usually she defends the undefensible even if she has to bend over backwards to do it, but this week due to that report being released on sexual grooming gangs in the UK, she was actually rather frank and said the report is an absolute white-wash because it refuses to use the term "Pakistani" and "Muslim". Apparently this report kept using the word "Asian" or in some cases didn't specify the background of the disproportinately large number of sexual grooming gangs compared to white folk. I thought it was quite surprising to see someone of her ilk being rather irate about an issue she would've, in previous years, been pained to gloss over.

Although the host of the show kept cringing and using the word Asian everytime she said Pakistani / Muslim, so it seems the BBC aren't the only ones afraid of being labelled un-PC.

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