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DSGMC Election Results

Singh, Mahan

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Though the results of the Delhi Shiromani Gurdwara Management Committee elections are not declared as yet, but from the vote counting so far, it appears that Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal) is heading for clear a majority in the elections.

Source: http://www.punjabnewsline.com/news/Akali-Dal-Badal-heading-towards-clean-sweep-in-Delhi-Gurdwara-poll.html

Badal sweeps Delhi Gurdwara Poll

Wednesday, January, 30 2013 - 12:38

CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal-led Shiromani Akali Dal has swept the the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee elections with 23 seats out of the total 46 constituencies. Paramjit Singh Sarna-led SAD-Delhi, on the other hand, could bag only five seats.

Sarna, the outgoing president of the DSGMC, himself lost the election from Punjabi Bagh to young leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa.

A dejected Sarna has accepted the defeat and congratulated the Shiromani Akali Dal.

It is after a decade that the Shiromani Akali Dal has succeeded in getting control of the Delhi gurdwaras.

This election could be a trend setter for the forthcoming Delhi Assembly election.

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What is the difference between evil and evil?

At least there there was a counter power to Badal regime in the form of Sarna brothers. Before the SGPC president Gurcharan Singh Tohra also stood up to Badal.

Now the SGPC president Sardar Makkar is in the pocket of Badal, Jathedars awarded Badal "Panth Rattan", Sant Samaj now shares stages and campaigns for Badal and if the above news is true then Badal will have even more power.

Those that think that Akali Dal Badal will now get justice for 1984 Delhi riot victims need a reality check. Please tell me what justice has been gained for the innocent Singhs who have been killed and tortured by the Punjab police under Badal regime? Why are panthic Gursikhs like bhai baljit singh daduwal, daljit singh bittu, kulbir singh barapind continually arrested? Why has the murderer of shaheed bhai Jaspal Singh jee not been punished?

Why did the Badal regime give ticket to the likes of Azhar Alam and promote Sumedh Saini to DGP?

Regardless of the winner of these elections things will stay the same for Sikhs - no justice and oppression against those that speak the truth.

The Sikh Panth is crying out for a spiritual leader and a true Sant Sipahi. The loss of Sant Jarnail Singh jee Bhindranwale left a big void in the Panth in regards to leadership. Unfortunately nobody has really come close to Sant jee in terms of ability to inspire and mobile the masses and most importantly to speak the truth.

Mera Satguru Sache Paathshah Mehar Karan!

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The only positive I see out of this is that people like Sarbjit Dhunda will not be able to use Gurdwara Bangla Sahib and Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib to do his "missionary" parchaar. The Missionary college in Ludhiana will also see a lot of its influence disappear in Delhi.

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Daas does not think banning so called Sikh parcharks like Sarbjit Singh Dhunda and Inder Singh Ghugga is the best option and not according to Gurmat. The best option to fight these parcharks is to to fight fire with fire i.e. go to the same areas and Gurdwaras and do parchar of importance of Naam Simran, Nitnem Banees such as Jaap Sahib and Choupai Sahib, respecting mahaan Gursikhs/Jathas/Taksaals of the past such as Damdami Taksal, AKJ, Nihangs e.t.c. We require Gursikhs who can do critical analysis of the points raised by the likes Ghugga and respond using Gurbani, Sikh Ithihaas, Rehitnaames/Historical Documents and overall Gurmat Sidhaant - (this was done few years back by Singhs from Toronto).

When we ban these parchark's or protest inside Gurdwaras it seems to backfire. I think the better strategy going forward is increase Parchaar of Gurmat in Gurdwara Sahib's and provide more Gurmat literature and knowledge to the sangat. Also we should debate Sarbjit Singh Dhunda and other with similar viewpoints when we get the chance. However we must make sure that those debating them should have the required Gurmat Sidhaant and Gurmukhi Jeevaan (keeping rehits of Guru Sahib).

I hope I am wrong and Akal Dal Badal can deliver on its promises i.e. providing justice to 1984 riot victims in Dehli. However if we study the past and even the present, this does not seem likely.

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The only positive I see out of this is that people like Sarbjit Dhunda will not be able to use Gurdwara Bangla Sahib and Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib to do his "missionary" parchaar. The Missionary college in Ludhiana will also see a lot of its influence disappear in Delhi.

I just wanted to ask this question....i guess its answered..........thank god........this is the only reason i wanted badal group to win elections..........

REally its major setback for them if Dhunda is not allowed to speak from delhi............

But i still want confirmation on this........will dhunda continue or he is fired.....

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Daas does not think banning so called Sikh parcharks like Sarbjit Singh Dhunda and Inder Singh Ghugga is the best option and not according to Gurmat. The best option to fight these parcharks is to to fight fire with fire i.e. go to the same areas and Gurdwaras and do parchar of importance of Naam Simran, Nitnem Banees such as Jaap Sahib and Choupai Sahib, respecting mahaan Gursikhs/Jathas/Taksaals of the past such as Damdami Taksal, AKJ, Nihangs e.t.c. We require Gursikhs who can do critical analysis of the points raised by the likes Ghugga and respond using Gurbani, Sikh Ithihaas, Rehitnaames/Historical Documents and overall Gurmat Sidhaant - (this was done few years back by Singhs from Toronto).

Fair enough, but i must ask why double standard when it comes to banning left wing hippy- niddar not right wing ferengi/bhausari dhunda/ghagga?? Oh let me guess, one suits tribal group beleif and other one does not..!!???!! Khalsa have advait samdrisht nirvair nirbhaou attributes and khalsa calls spade a spade and don't care about being politically diplomatically correct, khalsa is not cheap chamleon over zealous type hypocrite... Lets condemn and ban them both equally lets not have soft corners/soft spot those who want to super impose their ideology on sikhi be it both right-protestant/teja singh and left- hippy snatans...!!

The sad fact is no one really genuinely cares about khalsa panth anymore, its all about - "one group subtly endorsing another for survival/sustain power and control", it's all about "you scratch my back, i scratch yours", its all about backroom deals all in garb of unity meeting which is nothing but cheap political diplomatic stunt/farce to ensure power and make sure sheeps under them, are well under their control..!!!!

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It is good that the anti Akal Takhat, Congress boot-licker Sarna lost. But, let's not be fooled into thinking that Badal is pro Akal Takhat. He only talks about Sikh issues when he needs a stick to beat Congress with. Badal has destroyed the concept and principle of Akal Takhat......he only talks about it now because he is in control of it. Remember that BJP has been in power twice since 1984.....did they punish the guilty Congress devils ??? No. BJP will probably win the next general election and time will tell whether Badal will raise the 1984 issue or will do what he always does and talk about it at election time ONLY.

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