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S Kaur 4 hours ago

the sardars were obviosly attacked I saw it happen with my own eyes. I was there when it happened. no one was wanting a fight, but when the guy with the red ramal pulled off anather guys turban THATS when the fight started. the sardars were outnumbered but they still beat the other guys asses. in the video u can c them hit the turban guy and ran off to hide.

Good lesson for the monas who are sirgums themselves and then shamelessly try to touch the turbans of Sikhs.

Even an elderly Sikh can beat the daylight out of these pack of cowards as seen in the posted video.

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lol..Its common here in USA..

ALOT of fights take place at Gurudwara and specially at annual Sikh/Punjabi Mela here in California. Sikh youths actually wait for Mela to happen so that they can settle score with eachother infront of everybody..

Honest opinion : Sikh young guys here have this retarded wanna be "gangsa motha fucka" attitude. Its sooooo annoying. These kids think that they are some really hi fi gansters..they'll fight for no reason etc, use their karas explicitly for fighting and so on. Even during highschools, it was soooooooooooooo annoying/embarrassing to see these "punjabis" acting dumb..cuz in highschool, you are also recognized with them (since I'm a Punjabi too)...

Pakistani Punjabi community really look down upon Sikh youth for this attitude...They actually advise us to stay away from Sikh youths.."only befriend those jairay koi haal de banday aa...baki saray ta 'littar' (punjabi word) hi hunday aaa. Inna ne parhna sharna koi nai..bs lariyan kariya janiyan te fir mor k ksi ne taxi driver ban jana, ksi ne field ch kam krna, te ksi ne drugan (drugs) pichay pe jana" my uncle told me this when I was about to start my highschool. :biggrin2: My high school had A LOT of Sikh students..

Sikh community should look into this matter seriously. You don't become 'lion' by fighting on all the small things possible..This is no sign of 'bravo' and bravery.

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Guest SantKhalsa007

^^ sometime such things are better to be discussed within our Kaum. Also it is not respectable thing for other community member to comment or give advice in the internal matter of other community. Please do not mind me saying this but i hope you do agree with that too.

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^^ sometime such things are better to be discussed within our Kaum. Also it is not respectable thing for other community member to comment or give advice in the internal matter of other community. Please do not mind me saying this but i hope you do agree with that too.

I know. Thats why no one says it in real life. Here on forums, we can be open with each other by keeping it respectful..Its good for everyone.

I'd also LOVE to hear some honest criticisms of Muslims/Pakistanis etc where its appropriate, given that the comment is respectful and not a flame-bait.

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Many of these guys are most likely immigrants and the best way to deal with such people is to take the video to the police and make sure these immigrants are sent back to the country they came from. Those people that are I witness to the initial attack should come forward and give a statement to the police. Never tolerate being attacked at all. Every human, especially in the States as the right to defend themselves.

Download this video just in case the goons try to take the video down and hide evidence. Whoever started this fight should be punished to the full extent of the law.

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S Kaur 4 hours ago

the sardars were obviosly attacked I saw it happen with my own eyes. I was there when it happened. no one was wanting a fight, but when the guy with the red ramal pulled off anather guys turban THATS when the fight started. the sardars were outnumbered but they still beat the other guys asses. in the video u can c them hit the turban guy and ran off to hide.

Excellent, I'm glad the Sardar brothers gave them a good bashing. It's quite clear that these other morons were the trouble makers.

I just can't believe another Sikh would even contemplate touching someone's turban in a hostile manner. Such filth are not even worthy of being called Sikh. :angry2:

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