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Brent Sikh Centre call police


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vaheguru ji ka khalsa

vaheguru ji ki fateh

dear sadh sangat ji

the socalled another panthicsewak is just twisting our words around and trying to get us lot to start making threats etc, am sure his playing a game here. would not be suprised if he waiting for threats so they can go back running to the police etc. but we wont fall for it nor are we like that.

my point was the Sadh Sangat is not just brent sikh centre ie the committee and the guilty granthie, its the Sangat WORLD WIDE GURU Ji is GURU to sikhs world wide not just brent. this small minded pettiness is why the quam is in a state it is, we only care to think about ppl around us. We to are part off the Sadh Sangat too. So just STOP playing politics u seem like a badal the pagal to me


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Avtar Su,

Loves hes chair, does not understand that we know that he as done this lots of time before. The fact is hes scared that hes going to be kicked off hes chair. What a Joker. MOney making Fool. People like him just care about MONEY.

Trydoing what you want, we have good proof on you. So agree that you will meet the youth and say sorry to Guru jee.

Its a simple problem to sort out, but will your ego let you.

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Well, after conformation from BSC, I have found lots of discrepancies between what was told to “Naujawan Khalsa” and what they reported here – to the general public! The main one being the fact that was told by S Harbans Singh jee stated that we have ALREADY asked for an apology in Sangat, in front of Guru ji and now the committee doesn’t feel the need to apologise AGAIN!! (Just by “hiding” 2 words, like they did, how different the statement sounds isn’t it?)

First of all tell me WHO or WHAT is this “Naujawan Khalsa” and WHY is he/she NOT telling the full facts here. This ONCE AGAIN confirms that they are using this site and issue for their personal gains by trying to create unrest among everybody and are trying to “provoke” normal public like you all and you are – so obviously – falling in their “trap” (They must be sitting in their homes, laughing at the ease with which they are fooling you!). Like I said before, how can somebody trust an “organization” that is not providing the full and correct information to their supporters? They are only telling what they want to tell and twist the facts and statements so that this continues.

As you all have been presented by the true facts, I don’t see the point in continuing because you lot are obviously not reading things properly and even after getting the desired result, you don’t want to stop because you are not realizing that IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!

In the end, may God give you brains to see things clearly and may He bless you all so that you can continue to live you life peacefully and channel your energy towards something more positive and constructive.


l Chuk Maaf,

Wahe Guru Je Ka Khalsa!

Wahe Guru Je Ke Fateh!!

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Guest stopsingh2

Well, after conformation from BSC, I have found lots of discrepancies between what was told to “Naujawan Khalsa” and what they reported here – to the general public! The main one being the fact that was told by S Harbans Singh jee stated that we have ALREADY asked for an apology in Sangat, in front of Guru ji and now the committee doesn’t feel the need to apologise AGAIN!! (Just by “hiding” 2 words, like they did, how different the statement sounds isn’t it?)

First of all tell me WHO or WHAT is this “Naujawan Khalsa” and WHY is he/she NOT telling the full facts here. This ONCE AGAIN confirms that they are using this site and issue for their personal gains by trying to create unrest among everybody and are trying to “provoke” normal public like you all and you are – so obviously – falling in their “trap” (They must be sitting in their homes, laughing at the ease with which they are fooling you!). Like I said before, how can somebody trust an “organization” that is not providing the full and correct information to their supporters? They are only telling what they want to tell and twist the facts and statements so that this continues.

As you all have been presented by the true facts, I don’t see the point in continuing because you lot are obviously not reading things properly and even after getting the desired result, you don’t want to stop because you are not realizing th


In the end, may God give you brains to see things clearly and may He bless you all so that you can continue to live you life peacefully and channel your energy towards something more positive and constructive.

Bhool Chuk Maaf,

Wahe Guru Je Ka Khalsa!

Wahe Guru Je Ke Fateh!!

Rather believe the naujawan than people who undertake acts of beadbi.

As for personal gain. You tell us the personal gain they are making ?

Who was making personal monetary gains by allowing beadbi of Guru Ji ? and they refuse to undertake that they will not allow such beadbi in the future !

I expect next you will tell us that they made up the statement that BSC was not a Gurdwara but a communiy centre.

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In the end, may God give you brains to see things clearly and may He bless you all so that you can continue to live you life peacefully and channel your energy towards something more positive and constructive.

Bhool Chuk Maaf,

Wahe Guru Je Ka Khalsa!

Wahe Guru Je Ke Fateh!!

Thankyou for your kind blessings veerji.

We are moorakhs and hope Waheguruji blesses us with budhi to carry out the sewa for the well being of our future as Sikhs.

Too be honest with you Panthsewak/R Kaur/Hoonjan, the spin was really created by your postings. The Campaign just presented some facts. You guys really added the momentum.

Energy is now being wasted on these discussions. I suggest we just wait and leave the rest to Waheguru's Bhana. Whatevers meant to be will be.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

'Another Panthsewak'

You do not represent Brent Sikh Centre Committee. We want them to speak i.e. Hoonjan.

You must be getting writers cramp. Your wishy washy rubbish talks about everything under the sun but does not give the Sangat confidence that BSC will stop this beadbi immediately. How do we know that your attempts justify BSC are because there are another 10 weddings in hotels booked this year!

Give the Sangat confidence that this will not happen again, its not rocket science.

Again your attitude is childish, you are living in some fantasy world of conspiracies and deceptions. Please ask BSC committee to come out of this paranoia and face reality of their actions. The BSC is not a cult or sect, they are answerable members of the Sikh Community, it’s life of a committee member. We apologise if Avtar Hoonjan has to suddenly start acting as a President.

‘Another Panthsewak’, your immature replies will continuously be challenged by constructive criticism.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I'm not sure if i'm th eonly oen who feels this -

but these people's nicks are HILARIOUS


they can't evne do proper satkar of Maharaj and call thmeselves sewaks of the Panth

what is panth? Khalsa! so why are they fearing to meet the Khalsa!!

What do thes Naujawan Khalsa have to benifit except the satisfaction tha their Guru will not have beadbi done again- it's called SELFLESS SERVICE unlike PAID PRIERST SERVICE - something Hoonjan su is doing rolleyes.gif

again, not gonan take more than TWO MINUTES to write an apology letter...

or as Stop Singh says - Avtar will have to pay for the ticket to India when summoned to Akal Takht!

bhull chukk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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