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Bijla Singh

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okay, elections are coming up. This is the first time in my life I am gonna vote. I am still doing some research and wanna make sure I vote for the right guy. I want sangat's views on it. who would you vote for? bush or kerry and please don't turn this into a debate. just state a name and maybe few reasons to help me out. Sikhs might not get anything out of it but which guy would be better for america - jobs, economy, freedom etc. I am more toward kerry right now. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Looking @ it from a party point of view:

Democrat: follows Sikhism beliefs closely... help your fellow man, equality (of sorts), open to multicultural and a multi-faith society

Republican: every man for himself, taxcuts for the rich, screw the environment, usually has a strong right-wing Christian following

And plus... look @ Bush's record. Record deficits and debt, lowest economic performance indicators in decades (and what does he do? gives only the RICH GUYS tax cuts -- this is called Reganomics: ie: president Ronald Regan did the same thing, which also failed to bring about a robust economic recovery). Oh and did someone say Iraq?

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Bush, no question.

1) A religious man. Its good to have a dharmic person in office. Someone who prays regularly. Someone who fears god. Someone who has faith guiding their lives. Kerry does not come across as a religious person to me. He doesn't seem to have a strong backbone. Blows with the wind. Seems to say anything depending on who he's talking too and how the polls look. Bush might be stubborn, but better to be stubborn than unprincipled. On a related note, although Clinton was OK overall (much better than Kerry could ever hope to be), he was a horrible moral example to others.

2) Pro-life. Bush signed the Partial-birth abortion ban; attempting to end one of the most cruel, sadistic practices in the world. Not only did Kerry vote against it, Kerry has a 100% ranking from Abortion groups.

3) Doesn't drink. Good example to others. Bush quit drinking about 20 years ago, even though he was a pretty intensive alcoholic. This shows he has will power and also leads others by example.

4) For spreading democracy around the world. Afghanistan is a success story. Elections have already happened. Women go to school, people aren't bossed around anymore by insane radicals. Iraq has its problems, but god willing, elections will bring legitimacy to the government and help stabilize the situation. If that happens, Iraq will be a gigantic success story. Unfortunately, no one knows the outcome of the situation as of yet, and therefore it would be premature to pass judgment. I'd say there's a 75% chance of success in the long term future (5 years). And even if things plunge into chaos, I still give Bush a thumbs up for try


5) Supports vouchers for private schools. This might finally allow Sikhs to open up some Private schools! I don't know why more Sikhs don't realize this. Private school vouchers would be HUGE if Sikhs wanted to open a private school in America.

6) The economy. The year 2000 (when Clinton was in office) was a losing year for the stock markets. The economy went into recession right when Bush came into office. The tech bubble was just bursting. How is this Bush's fault? Recessions happen, under democrats, republicans, or anybody else, they're unavoidable. An economy goes up, only to come back down once again. This recession was the shortest in modern history. I've read many economists argue that Bush's tax cuts saved the economy from going into a depression. What's Kerry's plan here? Raise taxes? By the way, Reagonomics was an incredible success story. Reagan won a landslide in the 1984 election (winning every state but one) because his economic policies sparked a boom.

7) Free trade. I live in Canada. Kerry is a protectionist. He wants to reform NAFTA. He wants to increase tarriffs. His running mate, Edwards is straight up against NAFTA. That would be catastrophic. Kerry wants to go backwards on this issue. He wants to raise, not lower tarriffs. This is one issue which shows how Kerry and Edwards are not mainstream, moderate Democrats like Clinton, or even Gore.

8) If you throw away all the conspiracy theories and everything else, and try to examine Bush based on anecdotal evidence, he just seems like such a good guy. Of course this method is not scientific, but someone sent me a collection of stories once about Bush, and they all show him to be a caring, religious, compassionate, fundamentally decent, good man.

9) War on Terror. Islamic jihadists must be killed before they kill others. Kerry seems clueless on this issue. I remember once he said he would fight back against anybody who attacked America. That's good buddy, but what are you going to do to make sure that America doesn't get attacked to begin with? Bush has provided leadership in the world. He may be unpopular, but so what? Unpopular in the eyes of whom? Those who think that 9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews or the CIA? If I were Bush, I'd consider myself a failure if I WASN'T unpopular with those idiots.

There's so many other good reasons... but they're just not coming to me at the moment.

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Replies from Non-US residents should not be even considered tongue.giftongue.gif cauz it's us who are living and know whats going on in our daily life..

So again.. to me.. Bush policy hurts me..

1) Since bush took over, my skools fees gone thrice high in just three semester.

2) No Jobs at all.. and imagine who will give part time job to turban sikh.

3) Should i say gas price rolleyes.gif I can't even go back to some places as gas price hurting me a lot..

what more left to mentioned..

It depends on person whom you vote.. not the party.. Look at bush.. Do you think he is the guy who could have become president without his family history? as Khalsa4ever mentioned about ronald reagan.. WE are still paying the debt because of his fantasy stupid idea on economy...

1) His family helped him to be Pres.

2) Was Drugee and alcoholic (not doubt on that)

3) Campaign 2000 mess down in Florida

Im not republican hater, but i would say being middle class family and minority i will definately vote to the guy who will kinda look after me and my family.

Moi last reply on this.. Rest is on YOU !

Let us know after Nov 2nd to whom you voted :e:

Just in NEWS : Bush Signs $136 Billion Corporate Tax Cut Bill

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This is response to Japnaam Ji's response:

1. Religious my foot, when u go and have no respect for another religion/ culture what may it be... ur not religious... how many muslims in America have been under scrutiny just because their muslims... even our fellow canadians have been effected by it... seems that if any of the muslims visit family in the middle east, they're all undercover Al-qaeda agents...

Kerry by the way is Catholic... and u kno what right now Bush is not in favour w the Pope because of what's happened in Iraq- perhaps if Kerry's voted in, u'll gain some heavenly blessings in return, instead of the Hellish hurricanes, volcanoe threats and what not....

2.About abortion- touchy topic, but u kno what... there are circumstances in which I believe abortion is necessary... and As a sikhs we don't have any written word that says it right or wrong (if there is please bring it to my knowledge as i've discussed this w my father who has now read the SGGS three times)...Whether u personally believe it to be wrong thas ur view, but why force that view on someone else... let them have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies... And our life is written by the Almighty God, if his hukam was that it's up to the person, why are we trying to act like God then.. There's a reason for everything, and everything has it's place.... now there are cases where a woman gets pregnant from her rapist, and u want that woman to suffer for the next nine months just so that there's another child to over populate this world we're living in.... by means, let's see if you could deal w it if your own sister had to go through th

e ordeal....

3. Drink.... who says it's right or wrong.... ppl we have nihangs that drink Bhang- thas a drug form tooo.... everything is moderation is alright.,... and even if not... countries have been run w drunkards in power (canada too Japnaam ji if u remember u social studies- John A. Macdonald, Hey we're still here prospering)

Hence i believe this shouldn't be even considered...

4. Oh yes, America's got democracy in Afganistan now.. well they blood hell should by now... it's the second time they've liberated that country.... History behind Afganistan... was ruled by war lords for centuries, have russia interested in takin over it durin the 70's/80's... hmmmm someone named Osama bin Laden was fighting against the Russians required help, and the Americans supplied the help.... and voila, the russians r out, and they leave Bin Laden w the country, without trying to establish proper democracy.... and that same dude comes and bites them in the arse 20 yrs later..... well if they don't get it right this time, who will....

Oh and w what's happening in Iraq... I'm not sure if Saddam was a saint or not, but i do no that everyday life there was prolly much better than what they're experiencing now...because there's a lot more chaos ensuin there...

How can u say they're spreading democracy, when they infringed on another country's sovreignty, just because they didn't like the guy that led it.... (Japnaam Ji, i'd be scared if i were u, because u kno what... Bush doesn't like Martin... hmmm what could that lead to i wonder, liberation of us Canadians :| )

5. I say there's no need for private schools,...what there is need for is strong public schools were the majority of the children can be educated, I can't believe that as a sik

h ur vouching for separate sikh schools... we're all about equality, about sharing whatever we have w our neighbors and u want to put up blockades to that....

The public system in America is at it's worst right now....and to me, thas scary, what will happen when those children grow up.... you'll get more of the mindless, unable to think masses (oh hey wait a minute.... that could work out in his favour now couldn't it...)

6.The economy at the moment is only the way it is because it has been artificially inflated through money lent by the chinese and japanese ppl, take that out and *KABOOM* ... what economy????

And i'm surprised u say that the American economy is strong Japnaam ji, do u no realize that our loonie is the strongest it has been against the americans, thas because theirs is slowly slipping...

7. What good has Bush done for free trade???? Ummmm Softwood Lumbar dispute (bush raised tariffs on it, so that we couldn't compete in the US).... Cattle sales into the US have been stopped... and they refuse to review the situation... this seriously affects not only the price of meat in canada, but the livelihoods of many ranchers whose families have been in it forever, and yo, i kno u prolly don't eat meat, hey neither do i... but no matter what it's still apart of our industries and it affects the people around u if not u urself

8. If you look at his ability to communicate, he has the worst ability to convey what he's thinking.... like honestly, he has no vocabulary whatsoever, can't think off the top of his head, stutters and stumbles, is unaware of the rest of the world and what's happening (only thinks of oil, and countries that have oil...damn it again Canada is threatened...)

9. Hmmmm if you are focussin on the war of terrorism, how come they're in Iraq? what happened to getting the root of the entire grief of America, Mr. Osama Bin Laden??? They still haven't caught him, and I believe that if u get rid of the root, the rest of the tre

e can't survive, so how come focus was diverted from Afganistan and the Al-Qaeda and switched to Iraq, i have yet to figure that out....

Dude after reading all this u still think Bush is the choice, then by all means go for it... But i kno that anyone w a moral conscious wouldn't be able to, esp a canadian!!!!

NOTE: Again, no debates over this and no reply to anyone's points. Just write the name and state few points. Also, just because some people do some stuff does not mean it is teaching of Sikhi. If anyone turns it into a debate like other posts, I will start deleting. Then don't complain you weren't told. -14

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NOTE: Again, no debates over this and no reply to anyone's points. Just write the name and state few points. Also, just because some people do some stuff does not mean it is teaching of Sikhi. If anyone turns it into a debate like other posts, I will start deleting. Then don't complain you weren't told. -14

How can one not debate over it... How can a person make an educated decision without looking at both sides of the issue...

I'm sorry about my remarks about sikhism that i brought up in it...but i honestly feel that if a person follows sikhi with their heart and mind, then they can relate to what i've said....

I just think that for people to be educated voters they need to be able to see both sides of the issure...

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