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Sikh And Want To Cut My Hair

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Talk nonsense? i came to understand the reason of keeping kesh all i keep hearing is it's gurus orders??? Just because you've been ordered to keep hair doesn't mean you have to where is the reason behind this? I'm a mona and i can still look myself in the mirror fine knowing i made the best choice to suit me I don't want your sympathy, I dont feel ashamed at all matter of fact i feel better than i did with long hair. Hair length doesn't change anything. i dont drink smoke like most people my age and yet just for cutting my hair im hated more than these people? So your saying you only consider me a brother due to hair length. Mate you sound pathetic

while you're at why not plaster a huge khanda tatoo on your matha so people won't go confusing you with some muslim dude who feel dirty with kesh , seriously have you not heard sikhs are supposed to have a shower every morning including kesh ? if not , maybe that's why you feel dirty ...would offer to send you sabun but you seem to confuse cleanliness with hijamat. If you believe in your Guru you give your head not just the kesh on it , they are his stamp on you if you still don't get I suggest you get someone to sit with you to explain it slowly. Hair length changes whether you are ready to take amrit , to offer yourself to your Guru ji, but, you even know better than Guru ji and the rest of the Khalsa ...good luck in your new life as a nigura.

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fake problem? Cutting hair is a big problem in Sikhi so what are you on about? And you think I'm doing this for popularity?... You must be nuts, You only live once might as well do it the way you want to be happy. yes i do love sikhi many mona sikhs still have respect for sikhi. I'm not comparing myself to others everyone has to be their own person.

yes you are comparing yourself to others ...western and other religion others ... you even compare with other 'sikhs' mate if you cannot follow Guru 's wishes what kind of Sikh are you? ...cmon I want to know because a Sehajdhari is actually a person from another faith adopting Sikhi they keep their hair too so I think you will find if you do the following four things you are no longer a SIKH FULL STOP.

1. HALAL- eating food killed in this ritualised manner that also includes KOSHER

2. HARAM- having relations of an initimate nature outside marriage

3. HUKKAH- this includes all forms of tobacco consumption

4. HIJAMAT- removing any hair from the body or head whether by shaving, cutting, burning, or plucking

point is this human life comes after HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of years of being born as other lifeforms and it's length depends totally on your actions of previous human births....why on Earth would you pile on the sins on your shoulders watching and copying crazy people who don't know this is world full of distractions and distance yourself from Guru ji ? He is the one who advises you to make the most of this opportunity to join up with holy people and praise your creator so Waheguru will take you out of the cycle of births and deaths. So No you don't only live once ...even Jesus told his followers the same but people who had an agenda changed the message

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not comparing sardars and mona you have to follow your heart and i feel better being a Mona end of. No speech will change this so save your breathe. I'm still a good person its about being a good person appearance means nothing. I.e a turbaned man commits a crime, I help the poor and be a good person.. Are you going to respect that turbaned man more than me just because of his hair length?

LOL... did you get what I said??

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not comparing sardars and mona you have to follow your heart and i feel better being a Mona end of. No speech will change this so save your breathe. I'm still a good person its about being a good person appearance means nothing. I.e a turbaned man commits a crime, I help the poor and be a good person.. Are you going to respect that turbaned man more than me just because of his hair length?

Go ahead be the "good person" you want to be. After all You don't HAVE to be Sikh to be a good person. But don't try to Justify yourself as a Sikh when you are unable to follow a basic code of conduct.

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Go ahead be the "good person" you want to be. After all You don't HAVE to be Sikh to be a good person. But don't try to Justify yourself as a Sikh when you are unable to follow a basic code of conduct.

A lot of judgmental people and its nice to see the amount of respect i get for hair length. Not very noble turning your back on a sikh just because of the length of his hairs. Look i was just tired of being called terrorist everyday at school and getting fun made of my turban. Some a****** snipped a few of my hairs without me even realizing which angered me so much i dived for him, couldn't even focus on school because of the racism. i admit i'm not the best person no one is perfect. i just hope one day i will have the will to tie the Pagh proudly without fear of being judged.

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End of the day, do we have councillors to discuss and give advice on such matters in Gurudwaras? Forger about the granthis they are not trained to handle psychological matters , neither are they able to answer the querries of the young generation (due to lack of their own academic qualifications) . The only answer to the communication gap can be filled by either volunteers with good educational background , understanding properly of principals of Sikhi and training in councelling . Or few gurudwaras jointly hire such professiinal who can offer services a few days every month at all places.

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A lot of judgmental people and its nice to see the amount of respect i get for hair length. Not very noble turning your back on a sikh just because of the length of his hairs. Look i was just tired of being called terrorist everyday at school and getting fun made of my turban. Some a****** snipped a few of my hairs without me even realizing which angered me so much i dived for him, couldn't even focus on school because of the racism. i admit i'm not the best person no one is perfect. i just hope one day i will have the will to tie the Pagh proudly without fear of being judged.

Mate I got beaten up at school by gangs of boys as well as girls from age 10 apart from having to deal with going past gangs of skins to and from school , now is the time to decide if Waheguru is wrong/mistaken by making you a SIngh or the world is wrong for expecting you to deny your true nature. Step up with Guru ji or abandon his love and be miserable with regret at your giving in to the bullies. Truth is today your kesh get cut and the CROWN on your head is removed , those same Aholes will find something else about you to pick on , your skin colour, your accent, your intelligence what are you going to do then destroy yourself bit by bit ?

Waheguru never makes mistakes , you are not a mistake , your being a SIngh is not a mistake , this is a test of your intention and take it in that vein, do not deny your existence , NEVER deny your right to exist on your terms . Sure there will be hardships but it will not be forever, do ardas to your Father Guru Gobind SIngh ji for help to be stronger in face of opposition. Kick back HARD Guru ji has your back in this battle , trust me.

Those same Aholes who attacked me in their childhoods defended my rights as Adults along with their kids against racist gangs ... Trust Guru ji he can change hearts made of stone ....

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Mate I got beaten up at school by gangs of boys as well as girls from age 10 apart from having to deal with going past gangs of skins to and from school , now is the time to decide if Waheguru is wrong/mistaken by making you a SIngh or the world is wrong for expecting you to deny your true nature. Step up with Guru ji or abandon his love and be miserable with regret at your giving in to the bullies. Truth is today your kesh get cut and the CROWN on your head is removed , those same Aholes will find something else about you to pick on , your skin colour, your accent, your intelligence what are you going to do then destroy yourself bit by bit ?

Waheguru never makes mistakes , you are not a mistake , your being a SIngh is not a mistake , this is a test of your intention and take it in that vein, do not deny your existence , NEVER deny your right to exist on your terms . Sure there will be hardships but it will not be forever, do ardas to your Father Guru Gobind SIngh ji for help to be stronger in face of opposition. Kick back HARD Guru ji has your back in this battle , trust me.

Those same Aholes who attacked me in their childhoods defended my rights as Adults along with their kids against racist gangs ... Trust Guru ji he can change hearts made of stone ....

How long do you think hair from a really short hair cut would approximately take to grow back? And any idea what the turban is called that the magician magic singh ties? As for facial hair i only have a mustache but have never shaved in my life. I think i will be ready when i fully know how to tie a turban right now i don't know nothing about tying turbans. I've tried many times but it ends up a total mess.

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How long do you think hair from a really short hair cut would approximately take to grow back? And any idea what the turban is called that the magician magic singh ties? As for facial hair i only have a mustache but have never shaved in my life. I think i will be ready when i fully know how to tie a turban right now i don't know nothing about tying turbans. I've tried many times but it ends up a total mess.

why have you already done the deed ? I don't know how long it could take that would be dependant on how thick each strand is, how much protein you eat, but the only way to be sure is to let it do its thing . I don't know Magic Singh , but I would suggest typing in how to tie a turban or how to tie a dumalla into youtube and there are many many different Singh and Singhian tying different styles watch them you'll find a style you like , each singh may give tips he's discovered along the way too ,then take it from there . I would say if you are still doing college or active stuff learn to tie a proper dumalla as there are two dastars to protect your hair from outside attack and to protect your head

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