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Sikh And Want To Cut My Hair

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If you're real and you come here speaking like this you're either bereft of intellect or rather cowardly, or an adequate combination of both.

What are you expecting? Apologies of love for expressing yourself as a shallow fraud; to yourself, if not entirely.

If you 'feel the need to have your body feel clean' wipe off the sticky wimp juice first. No need for fake respect either. Sikhi isn't suitable for wimps. If you insult or gurujis and proud Sikh youth like this, not only are you not Sikh, you're an enemy of Sikhs. Remember that every day you look in the mirror.

So cutting your hair makes you an enemy of sikhs. Dont know who you think you are but Sikhi isnt just about hair. Look at half of sikhs most of them have haircuts and you dare to insult only me? Hair grows back so their always an opportunity to rejoin Sikhi, you've explained Sikhi as an evil forceful religion and I wont allow it. Sikhi isn't the type of religion that shuts people out just because of length of hair their are far more fundamental things in Sikhi like helping less fortunate and being a good person GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT YOU MAY HAVE PAGH AND KESH BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SIKHI AT ALL!

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If you're real and you come here speaking like this you're either bereft of intellect or rather cowardly, or an adequate combination of both.

What are you expecting? Apologies of love for expressing yourself as a shallow fraud; to yourself, if not entirely.

If you 'feel the need to have your body feel clean' wipe off the sticky wimp juice first. No need for fake respect either. Sikhi isn't suitable for wimps. If you insult or gurujis and proud Sikh youth like this, not only are you not Sikh, you're an enemy of Sikhs. Remember that every day you look in the mirror.

So cutting your hair makes you an enemy of sikhs. Dont know who you think you are but Sikhi isnt just about hair. Look at half of sikhs most of them have haircuts and you dare to insult only me? Hair grows back so their always an opportunity to rejoin Sikhi, you've explained Sikhi as an evil forceful religion and I wont allow it. Sikhi isn't the type of religion that shuts people out just because of length of hair their are far more fundamental things in Sikhi like helping less fortunate and being a good person GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT YOU MAY HAVE PAGH AND KESH BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SIKHI AT ALL!

Seriously? The guy even quoted you: You said that You "feel the need to have your body feel clean" That disgusting comment was what he was referring to.

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If you're real and you come here speaking like this you're either bereft of intellect or rather cowardly, or an adequate combination of both.

What are you expecting? Apologies of love for expressing yourself as a shallow fraud; to yourself, if not entirely.

If you 'feel the need to have your body feel clean' wipe off the sticky wimp juice first. No need for fake respect either. Sikhi isn't suitable for wimps. If you insult or gurujis and proud Sikh youth like this, not only are you not Sikh, you're an enemy of Sikhs. Remember that every day you look in the mirror.

So cutting your hair makes you an enemy of sikhs. Dont know who you think you are but Sikhi isnt just about hair. Look at half of sikhs most of them have haircuts and you dare to insult only me? Hair grows back so their always an opportunity to rejoin Sikhi, you've explained Sikhi as an evil forceful religion and I wont allow it. Sikhi isn't the type of religion that shuts people out just because of length of hair their are far more fundamental things in Sikhi like helping less fortunate and being a good person GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT YOU MAY HAVE PAGH AND KESH BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SIKHI AT ALL!

Like I said before keep your understanding to yourself and go cry somewhere else. Do not dare talk nonsense about our religion.You are showing your true evil mindset by writing crap. Half of so called Sikhs who have cut hair are not so shameless like you telling on a Sikh website that they are shameless and have or going to have a haircut.
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I want to see both routes i want to see mona route as I've already experienced the sardar route. However when i get to an elder age 30's etc i am going to regrow my hair and tie a proper pagh. I think leaving youth as a mona and at an elderly age as a sardar is the best thing for me. Please believe I HONESTLY LOVE SIKHI AND ALL OUR GURUS AND WAHEGURU, but Sikhi Isn't just about hair it's about being one with god and if I find that i feel comfortable and gain spirituality whithout long hair then thats me however I will still go gurdwara on Sundays and pray to god. I dont understand what the problem is most sikh have turbans and long hair etc and still drink alcohol and some sikhs even smoke. I have never smoked or drank alcohol. Wearing a turban may trick others into thinking yes hes a good man hes a sardar etc, but you don't know how they may be when not seen by anyone. I just believe sikhi has more to it than hair. And for that said you've made your mind up stop wasting time. NO I'M NOT I CAME HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SIKHI AND THE IMPORTANCE OF KESH but can't seem to find a good enough answer.

Bottom line i've had both a joora and haircut and i think growing my hair back at this age now is no point I will when i'm elder and understand the importance but I dont now. You have to understand that we are living in the 21st century times have changed. My hair is now up to my shoulders and i'm thinking to go for another haircut i mainly tried regrowing my hair for my mom i honestly dont care about people judging me thats WAHEGURUS job, hopefully Mona are as respected by other Sikhs as sardars. Do you guys think I should my hair or keep it?


when someone talks about identity then only talk about identity.. where do you get quality or character things in this post?

I was mona too but it does not mean i would say him to be mona but be a sikh from heart............Always remember Face is the mirror of heart ............what matters to us is not to be hypocrites okay........

and please don't compare any sardar with mona...its soo cheap............. At the end of the day its your life ..live it in your own way... but when you have to be sikh then you HAVE to be only sikh...... and you know how do they look like..............

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Like I said before keep your understanding to yourself and go cry somewhere else. Do not dare talk nonsense about our religion.You are showing your true evil mindset by writing crap. Half of so called Sikhs who have cut hair are not so shameless like you telling on a Sikh website that they are shameless and have or going to have a haircut.

Talk nonsense? i came to understand the reason of keeping kesh all i keep hearing is it's gurus orders??? Just because you've been ordered to keep hair doesn't mean you have to where is the reason behind this? I'm a mona and i can still look myself in the mirror fine knowing i made the best choice to suit me I don't want your sympathy, I dont feel ashamed at all matter of fact i feel better than i did with long hair. Hair length doesn't change anything. i dont drink smoke like most people my age and yet just for cutting my hair im hated more than these people? So your saying you only consider me a brother due to hair length. Mate you sound pathetic

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when someone talks about identity then only talk about identity.. where do you get quality or character things in this post?

I was mona too but it does not mean i would say him to be mona but be a sikh from heart............Always remember Face is the mirror of heart ............what matters to us is not to be hypocrites okay........

and please don't compare any sardar with mona...its soo cheap............. At the end of the day its your life ..live it in your own way... but when you have to be sikh then you HAVE to be only sikh...... and you know how do they look like..............

not comparing sardars and mona you have to follow your heart and i feel better being a Mona end of. No speech will change this so save your breathe. I'm still a good person its about being a good person appearance means nothing. I.e a turbaned man commits a crime, I help the poor and be a good person.. Are you going to respect that turbaned man more than me just because of his hair length?

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really sorry for you ...you have to fall to learn it will hurt , you can't take people's word for it who may have made that mistake themselves . You are being silly you are planning to waste 13 years not being Guru ji's sikh ...Guru ji has said that you cut your hair you are not my sikh ...you work it out from there. if you see besharam stupid people bringing sikhi into bad reputation from their bad actions drinking and smoking that means they are deffo not sikhs in behaviour or thought . If you want to be popular that's why you are cutting your hair quite obviously you do not love Sikhi at all to the level you claim ... be truthful you are a shallow person looking for the go-ahead from others ...mate live your life and stop bothering people with your fake problem

fake problem? Cutting hair is a big problem in Sikhi so what are you on about? And you think I'm doing this for popularity?... You must be nuts, You only live once might as well do it the way you want to be happy. yes i do love sikhi many mona sikhs still have respect for sikhi. I'm not comparing myself to others everyone has to be their own person.

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