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Energy From Naam Simran


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Sleep give no rest because the mind is still active

It is only the body that rests because of lying in a bed

The Feeling of refreshment after sleep is the minds eagerness to enter a new state of consciousness ie waking state

Meditation done correctly would be more refreshing than sleep since sleep effects the mind negativly whereas meditation takes you closer to peace

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Yep it's true, I don't sleep, I start at 1am doing naam simran and it keeps going all night, I lie down if I can't sit up but u should do at least 2 and a half hrs- it's to see by like a million during this ambrosial time, try it yourself. It would be advisable to get around 3 hrs sleep beforehand though as a beginner.

I have learned so much since starting this-staying grounded in it during ur daily life allows u to see the reality of the world around u and truly enjoy life without the endless crap that the entire world lives if u do it right and apply gurbani during the day aswell.

But if u do it, u have to apply gurbani literally completely. I didn't apply gyan that I thought I could get away with not applying because I thought I knew better before.

And it Completely blew up in my face! Lol if we pick n choose it means we think we know better than the Guru and we really do not- it progresses much more smoothly and completely and simply with complete surrender- without b/s complication.

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Sleep give no rest because the mind is still active

It is only the body that rests because of lying in a bed

The Feeling of refreshment after sleep is the minds eagerness to enter a new state of consciousness ie waking state

Meditation done correctly would be more refreshing than sleep since sleep effects the mind negativly whereas meditation takes you closer to peace

This is false. Sure meditation gives rest but it is false to say that sleep doesn't or that it is negative. Sleep also gives rest in the same manner, positively.

There are two types of sleep: dream sleep and deep sleep. Dream sleep can cause unrest if the mind is over-active. But it can cause rest as well, I've have had very restful dream sleep. Deep sleep gives full rest as the mind has gone in the void and becomes unconscious. There is no dreaming or mental activity at this point.

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The events in a dream pay a bearing on the body

In my experience, those who remember Him as they dream, on them dreams have no effect.

that's why Sri raga baba Hor sona kusee kuar

ਬਾਬਾ ਹੋਰੁ ਸਉਣਾ ਖੁਸੀ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥

(ਸਉਣਾ) Sleeping (ਹੋਰੁ) more than necessary for (ਖੁਸੀ) pleasure will (ਖੁਆਰੁ) exhaust you spiritually.

ਜਿਤੁ ਸੁਤੈ ਤਨੁ ਪੀੜੀਐ ਮਨ ਮਹਿ ਚਲਹਿ ਵਿਕਾਰ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥੪॥੭॥

In this excess sleeping, the body suffers immensely, and the mind thinks unpleasant thoughts.

ਹੋਰੁ Hor = more, ਸਉਣਾ Sona = sleeping. Hor sona means sleeping more than necessary.

Similar to -

ਬਾਬਾ ਹੋਰੁ ਖਾਣਾ ਖੁਸੀ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥

Baba hor khana khushi khwar

Eating, other than what is necessary for survival, that is eating for pleasure will exhaust you spiritually.

IN brahmgiani avastha there is no sleep

You have to remember sleep is sometimes a metaphor for those who lack gyan. They lack knowledge of His Hukam moment to moment, because they are not "awake" to His hukam, they are "asleep" to it. This is not referring to when we sleep at night but rather agyan. It is using sleep as a metaphor for being asleep to the presence of Waheguru.

I agree with you that deep sleep has a restful effect

And deep sleep occurs in everyone. After deep sleep for 5 hours, we go into dream sleep for several hours until we wake up.

This process of sleep becomes the Creation narrative of Indic religions. Brahmn is said to be in Deep Sleep for eons, then he begins to Dream and the world comes into being.

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This is false. Sure meditation gives rest but it is false to say that sleep doesn't or that it is negative. Sleep also gives rest in the same manner, positively.

There are two types of sleep: dream sleep and deep sleep. Dream sleep can cause unrest if the mind is over-active. But it can cause rest as well, I've have had very restful dream sleep. Deep sleep gives full rest as the mind has gone in the void and becomes unconscious. There is no dreaming or mental activity at this point.

U can do Ardas before sleeping and keep the simran going while u sleep, I don't usually sleep at all, but once in a while get a little nap before amrit vela. But I do simran while resting aswell.

It's easy to get the naam going constantly- spirituality IS easy- if u perceive it to be difficult, then u run into problems as ur causing unnecessary complications I.e getting caught up in worldly drama.

Just do amrit vela simran and stay grounded in it as much as possible during the day regardless of what losers may try and throw at u, through thick and thin, because it's all just a khel anyway- bhagats don't take life too seriously at all. Do Bandgi, apply Gurbani while ur walking, are at work, out shopping etc- let your service purify the air around u and try and recognise good and bad souls around u.

Excercise and eat healthy-That's what's hard.

And don't oversleep. And hopefully a whole new wave of Brahmgyanis and bhagats will be realised and Satyug can be ushered in. And they will recognise each other, because good people's mouths never utter a word of slander or act badly- their True Love for Truth through thick and thin unites them as the real Khalsa. A real Bhagat recognises the heart of another Bhagat.


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