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There is a girl that i believe i truly love. I have tried not to love her, for the sake of not becoming attached, but i cannot stop my love for her.

She is a christian girl and she is the perfect one for me. But i have taken a hukamnama and Guru sahib says:

Sorat'h, Third Mehla:

Serving the True Guru, the divine melody wells up within, and one is blessed with wisdom and salvation.

The True Name of the Lord comes to abide in the mind, and through the Name, one merges in the Name. ||1||

Without the True Guru, the whole world is insane.

The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not realize the Word of the Shabad; they are deluded by false doubts. ||Pause||

The three-faced Maya had led them astray in doubt, and they are snared by the noose of egotism.

Birth and death hang over their heads, and being reborn from the womb, they suffer in pain. ||2||

The three qualities permeate the whole world; acting in ego, it loses its honor.

But one who becomes Gurmukh comes to realize the fourth state of celestial bliss; he finds peace through the Name of the Lord. ||3||

The three qualities are all Yours, O Lord; You Yourself created them. Whatever You do, comes to pass.

O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, one is emancipated; through the Shabad, he is rid of egotism. ||4||12||

I do not know what to do but please help me friends!!

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Guest Jacfsing2

There is a girl that i believe i truly love. I have tried not to love her, for the sake of not becoming attached, but i cannot stop my love for her.

She is a christian girl and she is the perfect one for me. But i have taken a hukamnama and Guru sahib says:

Sorat'h, Third Mehla:

Serving the True Guru, the divine melody wells up within, and one is blessed with wisdom and salvation.

The True Name of the Lord comes to abide in the mind, and through the Name, one merges in the Name. ||1||

Without the True Guru, the whole world is insane.

The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not realize the Word of the Shabad; they are deluded by false doubts. ||Pause||

The three-faced Maya had led them astray in doubt, and they are snared by the noose of egotism.

Birth and death hang over their heads, and being reborn from the womb, they suffer in pain. ||2||

The three qualities permeate the whole world; acting in ego, it loses its honor.

But one who becomes Gurmukh comes to realize the fourth state of celestial bliss; he finds peace through the Name of the Lord. ||3||

The three qualities are all Yours, O Lord; You Yourself created them. Whatever You do, comes to pass.

O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, one is emancipated; through the Shabad, he is rid of egotism. ||4||12||

I do not know what to do but please help me friends!!

I really do feel sorry for your situation. (I outgrew this stage). But to Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Hukam, (I don't know exactly; however, this is my interpretation). Only by serving the true Guru, (Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji), does one have any chance to save themselves. Without the true Guru, the entire world is crazy, and only promotes ego. The ego destroys us spiritually. Through the Guru one is saved!

I reckon you could still be friends with this girl, maybe tell her about Sikhi, (though in exchange you should be willing to learn about Jesus). If Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji wants you both together he will; however, don't pursue her!

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There is a girl that i believe i truly love. I have tried not to love her, for the sake of not becoming attached, but i cannot stop my love for her.

She is a christian girl and she is the perfect one for me. But i have taken a hukamnama and Guru sahib says:

Sorat'h, Third Mehla:

Serving the True Guru, the divine melody wells up within, and one is blessed with wisdom and salvation.

The True Name of the Lord comes to abide in the mind, and through the Name, one merges in the Name. ||1||

Without the True Guru, the whole world is insane.

The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not realize the Word of the Shabad; they are deluded by false doubts. ||Pause||

The three-faced Maya had led them astray in doubt, and they are snared by the noose of egotism.

Birth and death hang over their heads, and being reborn from the womb, they suffer in pain. ||2||

The three qualities permeate the whole world; acting in ego, it loses its honor.

But one who becomes Gurmukh comes to realize the fourth state of celestial bliss; he finds peace through the Name of the Lord. ||3||

The three qualities are all Yours, O Lord; You Yourself created them. Whatever You do, comes to pass.

O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, one is emancipated; through the Shabad, he is rid of egotism. ||4||12||

I do not know what to do but please help me friends!!

Dear wahegurubhagatsingh, Sat sree Akal,

from your post you seem to be quite young, and a truthful and a brave person, which are praiseworthy noble virtues, keep them up, they will help you a lot during your life.

Your post has two sections. one is swarthee or worldly, for which i would definetely suggest you to apart from asking here in the forum, ask your parents for guidance, as they are your best well wishers after Wahiguru. And they are not our well wsihers only when we are young, but for throughout our lives.

The second one is parmarathee, and the hukumnama you have presented, is indeed, the essence of Gurmat, let us see a bit about it:

Serving the True Guru, the divine melody wells up within, and one is blessed with wisdom and salvation.

So here what is that serving the True Guru?

Serving the True Guru means, doing the sewa, the bhakti of the true Guru.

And as we know, the True Guru is the formless Wahiguru in his Shabad or Nam swaroop.

So how do we serve this Shabad Guru? Of course, it is not possible physically, but by our chit, which is same in nature as Shabad Dhun, and this is achieved by doing His Simran alone.

The True Name of the Lord comes to abide in the mind, and through the Name, one merges in the Name.

This is true also, as Third Patsahhee tells us in His paviter Bani of Anand Sahib: Nam jinke man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere.

If we firmly establish the Nam Simran within us, we shall listen to the Gurbani, the Shabad Dhun, the Nam within us, which is reverbearing within us all the 24 hours non stop. This is the Bani, the Amrit of which Gurbani talks about in the begining of Asa kee War. Which by listening to it, or we can say thus drinking it, through the hearing sense of our soul, that we become immortal and never again come into a mother´s womb.

Without the True Guru, the whole world is insane.

The True Guru is the Bani, the Shabad, which is within us, which guides us and which by boarding onto it, by its simran, we are carried by It, and thus reach our heavenly abode of Sach Khand. withiut ths understanding of the Bani, we are just as good as ritualistics, fanatic orthodoxs ...thus blinded by our manmaat, bexcuse we do not follow Gurmat, but rather, what we are mistakenly told to what Sikhee is about ..... Not by our wise Guru Sahibans, but by fellow moorakh people like us....

But one who becomes Gurmukh comes to realize the fourth state of celestial bliss; he finds peace through the Name of the Lord

O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, one is emancipated; through the Shabad, he is rid of egotism.

Here Guru Jee is telling us, that we become Gurmukhs in true sense, by the jap of His Nam, and thus reach the plane of Supreme and permanent Bliss, and being free from the cycle of births and deaths forever. Then also our hankar and all the other 4 vikaars get dissolved, with the power of Nam.

God bless you.

Sat Sree Akal.

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Thank you friends! Guru Sahib is saving me from this situation by many ardaases. You are all gursikhs and it is rather you all that I love as my brothers and sisters, not some girl.


Thank you friends! Guru Sahib is saving me from this situation by many ardaases. You are all gursikhs and it is rather you all that I love as my brothers and sisters, not some girl.


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