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Missionary v.s. Puratan Sikh Sampardhas

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The number of "Professors"/"Teachers" is increasing, the gurdwaras, especially in Asia, are filled with such parchariks/granthis. They often claim to follow the maryada of Sri Akal Thakat Sahib, which was never approved by the panth and till date, approval is pending. The problem is, they hold "gurmat" classes, do "katha" and constantly touch on controversial topics. Their views, when compared to puratan sampardhas like Damdami Taksal, Budha Dal, Bidhi Chand Dal, are quite different. They do not believe in Simran, Amrit vela, puratan maryada of JOT, Jaal, they twist bani to meet their propaganda and ignore the existence of Sant Mahapurkhs. They also do preach reading and understanding bani ON ONE'S OWN and they have no practical experience of bani and bana. They do not do katha on gurbani, except the very literal meanings and somehow I believe it is stupidity to not be able to explain bani to others and continuous "benti" to sangat to read on their own, when in-depth katha is done by mahapurkhs/gianis from dals and taksal. 

They shame Taksal and Dals fore being influenced by the politics when indeed majority of the students are taught the puratan maryada, santhya and history.

They do have great following, and the question is why?

Is it because 21st century "Sikhs" they are too smart? Or are they looking for things that meet the worldly logic only? others? 

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First learn then practice later teach.

Below is a Shabad for preaching class to contemplate


Secondly having humans as role models will lower ones status -

ਗੁਰ ਹਰਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਕੋ ਨ ਬ੍ਰਿਥਾ ਦੁਖੁ ਕਾਟੈ ॥

Gur Har Bin Ko N Brithhaa Dhukh Kaattai ||

गुर हरि बिनु को न ब्रिथा दुखु काटै ॥

No one, except the Guru-Lord, can dispel our pain and sorrow.

3 ਗੂਜਰੀ (ਮ: ੫) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੯੭ ਪੰ. ੩ 
Raag Goojree Guru Arjan Dev 

ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਤਜਿ ਅਵਰ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਜੇ ਹੋਈ ਹੈ ਤਿਤੁ ਮਾਨੁ ਮਹਤੁ ਜਸੁ ਘਾਟੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Prabh Thaj Avar Saevak Jae Hoee Hai Thith Maan Mehath Jas Ghaattai ||1|| Rehaao ||

प्रभु तजि अवर सेवकु जे होई है तितु मानु महतु जसु घाटै ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥

Forsaking God, and serving another, one's honor, dignity and reputation are decreased. ||1||Pause||

3 ਗੂਜਰੀ (ਮ: ੫) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੯੭ ਪੰ. ੩ 
Raag Goojree Guru Arjan Dev

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Maskeen Ji made a really good point about these so called Prachariks in general. He said people listen to 1 or 2 CDs and get on stage to do Katha, none of them have bothered learning all the ancient texts. That being said the main problem is their influence is huge because there is no language barrier for them to overcome. imo many of the Puratan Jathas such as DDT should start doing as much Katha in english as possible. During the old ages before anyone could even start on Gurbani they had to learn as many texts as possible, some were religious and some were purely political/worldly. imo, the same should be done now. You see it in so called Preachers such as Zakir Naik, utter morons who have no understanding of science and history let alone other peoples faiths. The sad reality is that these missionaries are falling into the same trap. 

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  • 2 months later...
10 hours ago, Preeet said:

Vaheguru ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru ji Ki Fateh, ji

Same here, they sometimes say some things that don't make sense.. & for a bunch of people to start doing parchar to totally different faith people who know nothing about Sikhi is dangerous.. because what if their parchar was wrong? Then what? Those people will have an odd view about Sikhism & Sri Guru Sahib ji then. I especially think that debating with those mo5lems on that channel was not worth it.. As if the mo5lems took any of it seriously, the mo5lems were most likely there to try to convert people to their religion. &It is such a big remark to call your channel 'Basics of Sikhi', I mean, how sure can they be that they are confident enough to say that their channel is totally the basics of sikhi.? It is such a big claim. I'm not saying that they always say wrong things, it's just that sometimes they do but then they still call themselves the basics of sikhi.. bull chuk maaf kijye Vaheguru ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji Ki Fateh

Can you give an example of what they've said wrong? 

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Guest Jacfsing2
9 minutes ago, simran345 said:

Can you give an example of what they've said wrong? 

They believe that Amritdharis can eat Jhooth from Non-Amritdharis if that's their family.

They believe only one partner needs to be Amritdhari, when nearly all Puratan Jathas believe both spouses need to be Amritdhari, (with the exception of Nihangs, who don't believe woman should be given Amrit)

The idea that Non-Sikhs can merge with Vaheguru, when Gurbani directly contradicts such ideas. Also he completely ignores the idea of Sikhs being the best when even Bhai Gurdas, Bhai Nand Lal, and all Mahapurukhs said the same thing. When we lose our idea of Sikhs being the best we will turn out as a weaker communitty.

There's more stuff, but generally for all his Seva, this is as far as I'll go. 

Basically BasicsOfSikhi is a wonderful start, but it is just that a start, we need to be an independent minded people. I will admit, he's a good inspiration and does have the push to get people to start on this path, but it is only a push and we must take everything with a grain of salt.

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On 5/22/2017 at 3:55 PM, Jacfsing2 said:

Basically BasicsOfSikhi is a wonderful start, but it is just that a start, we need to be an independent minded people. I will admit, he's a good inspiration and does have the push to get people to start on this path, but it is only a push and we must take everything with a grain of salt.

and that is why they should just keep the name basics of sikhi instead of Advanced sikhi :)

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On 2017-5-21 at 8:52 PM, Preeet said:

Vaheguru ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru ji Ki Fateh, ji

Same here, they sometimes say some things that don't make sense.. & for a bunch of people to start doing parchar to totally different faith people who know nothing about Sikhi is dangerous.. because what if their parchar was wrong? Then what? Those people will have an odd view about Sikhism & Sri Guru Sahib ji then. I especially think that debating with those mo5lems on that channel was not worth it.. As if the mo5lems took any of it seriously, the mo5lems were most likely there to try to convert people to their religion. &It is such a big remark to call your channel 'Basics of Sikhi', I mean, how sure can they be that they are confident enough to say that their channel is totally the basics of sikhi.? It is such a big claim. I'm not saying that they always say wrong things, it's just that sometimes they do but then they still call themselves the basics of sikhi.. bull chuk maaf kijye Vaheguru ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji Ki Fateh

You are a millions times worse than basics of sikhi.  You flat out deny Gurbani and stick to manmat.  After your manmat is called out, you cry and whine.

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