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exposing a fake Guru


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Sakhi from the life of Sant Harnam Singh Ji.

It is worth mentioning another incident concerning Dr Kartar Singh that made his faith in Gurbani firmer and gave him deeper insight into the faith. In the inspirational company and guidance of Baba Ji he was now of the firm conviction that “Gurbani is the Guru and Guru is the Bani”, but his father and other members of the family had no such faith. In fact, they were followers of a living Guru1 . They were followers of the Nirankari sect based in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, who’s Guru at the time was Baba Ratta Singh. (The sect is still in existence and its present Guru is Baba Hara Singh). The Guru of this sect taught that a living Guru is required for salvation and would himself sit on a soft throne whilst Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was placed on a bookstand beside his stage.

The common masses would bow to him and in his discourses he would quote Gurbani yet maintain that, understanding of Gurbani could only come through the living Guru. He would emphatically state that no spiritual progress could be made without the living Guru. His view was that, the person who teaches you Gurbani, is the true living Guru. Gurbani Is The Only Guru On the contrary, Dr Kartar Singh was a firm believer of Gurbani and that it was the true Guru. His elder sister Bibi Prem Kaur, who lived in Lahore, had an Akhand path (a continuous, non stop recital of the entire scriptures of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji usually over two days. Literally akhand – without break, path - prayer or hymns) performed at her house. Bibi Prem Kaur had specifically invited Baba Ji to grace the occasion along with all her relatives and friends to the bhog ceremony (this is the ceremony at end of a religious act or deed to thank God).


S. Avtar Singh Daler (who was her brother in law), squadron leader Surat Singh (her eldest brother), wing commander Murat Singh 1. Living Guru: Doctor Kartar Singh’s father and other members of the family were followers of Narankari Darbar of Baba Rattan Singh of Rawal pindi And believed in the physical form of a Guru. Baba Hara Singh Ji was the present head of that Dera. 112 (her younger brother) and some other devotees arrived at the akhand path a day early. In the evening, Dr Kartar Singh’s father arrived with Baba Ratta Singh Ji, whom they all revered as the living Guru.

The family greeted him with garlands of flowers and led him to a specially built and decorated room to stay in for the duration of the akhand path. After light refreshments, the congregation went for an audience with Baba Ratta Singh. Dr Kartar Singh and his friends struck up a conversation on the issue of “Gurbani being the true Guru.” The issue was discussed and debated late into the evening. Several hours of contentious debate yielded no firm answer to the question and finally an exasperated Dr Kartar Singh resolved,” We must decide once and for all tonight whether Gurbani is the true Guru or a living Guru is required.” A Strange Suggestion – Baba Ji’s Firm Faith Dr Kartar Singh said excitedly,” This discussion won’t end. We clearly need an evident, yes or no answer. I have a novel suggestion. We will side with and believe whoever can materialize 5 kilograms of Kashmiri apples through their spiritual prowess in the presence of the congregation. The entire congregation fell silent for a few minutes.

At last Dr Kartar Singh’s father broke the silence and said contentiously, ”First of all, you should ask your Bhai Sahib (Baba Ji was called Bhai Sahib then) if he agrees to the conditions of your strange challenge? We too will consult with our Guru over this matter. Dr Kartar Singh Ji and his friends left the congregation and went to Baba Ji’s room. He told Baba Ji about the discussion and the condition he had set to resolve the issue of whether “Gurbani is the Guru.” Baba Ji listened patiently about the whole incident, paused for a few moments and replied, “If it is a question of upholding the honour, prestige and sanctity of Gurbani, the embodiment of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then not just 5 but 10 kilograms of apples will materialize amidst the congregation. It is not a big task for the true Guru. We simply have to pray to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

The true Guru will fulfil our prayers.” On hearing these robust, resolute and faith imbued words from Baba Ji the devotees spontaneously hailed, “ Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal” (means - true is the timeless Lord, exalted are the ones who declare this) in unison. They all went to the room of the living Guru and said “The followers of Gurbani, the true Guru are willing to materialize 10 kilograms of apples, instead of 5 kg. So please tell us where you stand.” 113 On hearing these fervent words the living Guru simply backed out of the demand and said that he does not believe in such miracles being performed. He further added that he had been invited to the house and insulted. Protesting thus, he left hastily during the night before dawn of the next day. In the morning, after the bhog ceremony “Gurbani is the true Guru” was the topic of discussion in the congregation. After kirtan (singing of hymns) was performed, Baba Ji explained the meanings of the hukamnama taken from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to the whole congregation. He specially instructed the sangat that who so ever wants to attain spiritual enlightenment through Gurbani must first take into their hearts the Guru’s instruction. The instruction to all Sikhs is to be initiated into the spiritual path of Sikhism by taking amrit (baptism). Baptism is administered by the Panj Pyara’s (five beloved ones) in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, as ordained by the tenth master Guru Gobind Singh Ji.



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  • The title was changed to exposing a fake Guru
4 hours ago, Kira said:

 The Guru of this sect taught that a living Guru is required for salvation and would himself sit on a soft throne whilst Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was placed on a bookstand beside his stage.


I'm not too sure this is accurate.  The renegade sant-nirankaris say this.

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2 hours ago, chatanga said:


I'm not too sure this is accurate.  The renegade sant-nirankaris say this.

This was a biography of Sant Harnam Singh Ji', in all honesty I wouldn't put it past them to say/do this. I can't really verify it but its a good Sakhi nonetheless. A lesson in how fake people will never put up but flee upon open challenge.

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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