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Question about our soul

Guest Kkk

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Please, can someone teach me what happens to our soul when we die? It leaves the body at the same time of our last breath? What happens next? I need to understand better. I'm not Sikh. Thank you. 


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Soul is like air it’s everywhere like it’s around the house inside the different rooms. It’s the same air. The energy, consciousness, truth of oneself, our true essence is soul. It is never born or dies it’s eternal. One universal soul with many manifestation identifying with ego, separation and given the free will to trace or choose its path back to oneness. It’s a play of consciousness. In its pure egoless ultimate reality there is no you or I. It’s the mind, ego or personality that creates an illusion of heaven or hell based on its thoughts. Essentially you create what you think you are your soul does not care it’s more like an observer. It or soul is the knowing part of your ultimate truth.

So when most people die the most common experience is  an oneness with everything the ultimate reality. So the feel aweful looking at their life review that they did all evil things to themselves thinking that it was the other person.

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16 hours ago, Guest Kkk said:

Please, can someone teach me what happens to our soul when we die? It leaves the body at the same time of our last breath? What happens next? I need to understand better. I'm not Sikh. Thank you. 


You may enjoy Journey of the souls by Dr. Michael Newton. 

Your guest name is interesting, in the US it has a particular meaning. Does it signify Klu Klux Klan or does it have some other meaning for you?

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16 hours ago, Guest Kkk said:

Please, can someone teach me what happens to our soul when we die? It leaves the body at the same time of our last breath? What happens next? I need to understand better. I'm not Sikh. Thank you. 

It depends on the actions of the soul while on Earth. If bad, the soul can go on to a lower life form (animals and such). If particularly bad, it can go to hell for punishment.

If good enough to merit another chance, then another human life. If better still, a life in a Sikh family.

If good, possibly a spell in paradise (baikunth). 

For a few who are engrossed in God, they would be sent to Sachkhand (the Realm of Truth, which is the abode of Nirankar--God).

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Guest Dreamer13

The Dreamer Within The Dream

Copied with permission. Author wishes to remain anonymous. 


ਜੋਤਿ ਕੀ ਜਾਤਿ ਜਾਤਿ ਕੀ ਜੋਤੀ  

Joṯ kī jāṯ jāṯ kī joṯī. 

The creation is born of the Light, and the Light is in the creation.

(SGGSJ Ang 325)

In Sikhi reality exists as two emanations - the unmanifest or Nirguna and the manifest Sarguna. As ONE and yet ALL. The Creator, Akal Purakh exists as unified ONEness, without form and beyond space and time, yet also exists as ALL forms within the expanse of Creation. And the Creation exists entirely within the ONE. 

How can we, existing within manifest reality understand how this can be? How can we possibly hope to understand ONEness from our perspective which is painted by duality. We automatically think in terms of separateness because we experience reality as an individual living among many. 

We have to use concepts that already exist within Creation to explain concepts that exist outside of it; a daunting task. But we aren’t hopeless...because the Creation itself being of the Creator, is imbued with the same light, the light of Akal Purakh. And the proof is to be found everywhere, including our own being.


ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਹੈ ਸੋਇ

Sabẖ mėh joṯ joṯ hai soe.

The Divine Light is within everyone; You are that Light.

(SGGSJ Ang 663)


In fact, Gurbani often likens this world as a dream...

ਇਹੁ ਸੁਪਨਾ ਸੋਵਤ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਨੈ

Ih supnā sovaṯ nahī jānai.

This is a dream, but the sleeper does not know it.

(SGGSJ Ang 740)

...and it’s a very appropriate metaphor. Imagine when you go to sleep tonight you dream you are a surgeon. You are in the operating room and have your assistants and nurses with you and a patient on the table. Now imagine in that dream there was nothing you could do. The patient dies. 

When you wake up ask yourself some very important questions:

Who was the surgeon? Were YOU the surgeon? Or was the surgeon just a part you played in the dream? After all, it seemed so real while you were dreaming. Just like the tuk above mentions, that while dreaming, the dreamer does not know it’s a dream. You could feel the instruments in your hand, smell the smells in the OR, hear the sounds of machines beeping and hear people talking. While in the dream you ‘forgot’ you were the dreamer and so you believed you were the surgeon. Your identity was effectively that character. 

The surgeon however really was a false identity, a transient part you played, one that ceased to exist when you woke up. 

So when the dream ended, nobody would question if the surgeon was reincarnated or moved on to some afterlife. But, the surgeon DID exist. 

Also who was the patient? Did they REALLY die?? Were they reincarnated or sent to some after life?

Though you may not have thought about it, and though you were experiencing the dream through the surgeon’s eyes at the time, the patient was in fact also YOU as were the nurses and assistants. They were all existing within your mind, and you controlled all of them. Even though outside the dream, you are ONE conscious entity.   

At this point you are likely thinking this is silly. Dream characters are not real but stick with me. That reality WAS real while you were there. That world did exist somewhere. It had substance. It was an entire Creation within your own thoughts which could grow with each new idea. 

And what are thoughts anyway? Pure frequency. Brainwaves can be measured as frequencies on EEG. In fact you may be surprised to know that the entire Universe, and matter as we know it is actually just energy, vibration, pure frequency. Matter essentially has no substance. It’s an illusion of perception. 


Einstein once said “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

Did you know that electrons themselves which make up every single atom in existence, can either behave as a particle (something tangible) or as a wave (something intangible that moves through a medium)? And that the one thing that decides if an electron is a tangible particle is a conscious observer??? 

In an experiment called the double slit experiment, it was shown that electrons passing through a slit produced a predictable pattern on the back screen, a line of dots. When they put two slits they expected the electrons would pass through one or the other and create two lines of dots but instead what they saw was an interference pattern. It was as if the electron went through both at the same time. Something that indicates the electron was a wave not a particle. So how could this be?? A wave is itself not something tangible. It’s just energy passing through a medium. 

So they put a camera to observe that exact moment right before the electron hit the slits... once they did that there was no more interference pattern. They were dumbfounded! Now they had two lines of dots. The electrons now chose one or the other slot each time. So what happened? 

The very act of a conscious observer caused the electrons to pop into existence as matter. As something tangible - Sargun. Without a conscious observer, they remain something intangible, a wave or pure frequency - Nirgun.   

The big takeaway? Consciousness creates matter and not the other way around as commonly always thought. It’s huge and still gives scientists the heeby jeebies. After all, our own bodies and even our brains are made of these same subatomic particles!! (Just who is observing US into existence?? What is OUR consciousness - the experiencer behind these characters we all are?)

It’s interesting that what Einstein said also agrees with Gurbani. Gurbani itself is steeped in metaphor and there is one beautiful example that explains the relationship between consciousness, and the creation and destruction of matter.


ਜਹ ਦੇਖਾ ਤਹ ਰਵਿ ਰਹੇ ਸਿਵ ਸਕਤੀ ਕਾ ਮੇਲੁ

Jah ḏekẖā ṯah rav rahe siv sakṯī kā mel.

Wherever I look, I see the Lord pervading there, in the union of Shiva and Shakti, of consciousness and matter

(SGGSJ Ang 21)

The experiments mentioned above essentially showed that Consciousness just IS. It is the unmanifest and ONE. The Nirgun expression. And the physical reality, or the dream, is the Sargun expression or manifest. 

So what can we understand from this? Going back to the dream analogy, like a dream, reality is consciously created. But there is only ONE dreamer. That dreamer is Akal Purakh and we are are within that dream. We are the dream characters just like the surgeon and the patient. 

But the I AM, the ‘experiencer’ the ‘doer’ - the Dreamer - behind ALL of us is one and the same. It’s all Akal Purakh Waheguru. 

So how can one ask the question of reincarnation and look at it in the same light as traditional thoughts? If there is only ONE soul who is the one continually incarnating? 

To clarify, your entire identity is built around this part you are playing in the dream. Just like you were never really the surgeon, this too is a false identity called the haume (or ego). But take away the false identity and there is still an awareness, a being which exists. That primal self awareness we all have, it’s all the same ONE. 

So what does this mean for us when the dream ends? What happens to our ‘soul’? Just like the surgeon never ceased to exist, we understood he was in fact inconsequential because when we woke up we remembered we were only dreaming. We will collectively wake up and realize we are ONE. Though our current haume identities these characters may seem real but they aren’t. Just like you really felt like you were the surgeon in your dream and didn’t know otherwise. The consciousness the I AM behind the surgeon is really YOU the dreamer even if you didn’t know it at the time. This reality is the same and only the conscious I AM is real. 


ਸੋਹੰ ਆਪੁ ਪਛਾਣੀਐ ਸਬਦਿ ਭੇਦਿ ਪਤੀਆਇ

Sohaʼn āp pacẖẖāṇīai sabaḏ bẖeḏ paṯīāe.

One who recognizes within himself that, "He is me", and who is pierced through by the Shabad, is satisfied.

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਆਪੁ ਪਛਾਣੀਐ ਅਵਰ ਕਿ ਕਰੇ ਕਰਾਇ ੯॥

Gurmukẖ āp pacẖẖāṇīai avar kė kare karāe. ||9||

When one becomes Gurmukh and realizes his own self, what more is there left to do or have done? ||9||

(SGGSJ Ang 60)


We have to realize who we are. We are the dreamer subjectively experiencing ourself through our own creation. And in turn we possess the same ability to create... we can dream again within this dream. And like some can awaken within their dreams and realize they are dreaming while still asleep, we all have that ability. We can awaken within the dream and see it for what it is. 

There is only ever ONE dreamer. The dreamer or Akal Purakh is pure consciousness as ONE - consciousness itself is without form yet contains ALL forms. Creation is born of the light, and the light is in the creation. Realize that HE IS ME. Realize your own self. Awaken within the dream. 

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On 14/3/2018 at 12:03 PM, Guest Kkk said:

Please, can someone teach me what happens to our soul when we die? It leaves the body at the same time of our last breath? What happens next? I need to understand better. I'm not Sikh. Thank you. 


Guest KKK,

unlike some other religions which say that some day all dead will arise and will be judged, then some will be condemned, and others will go to heaven, or as one religion says, if you do not belong to theirs, then  you shall go to hell, not only that, they even go to the barbaric state, that if are so, you have no right to live ... and so on similar madness.

You see, most religions say, the soul is a particle of that  Supra Consciousness, which commonly is called God.

So if God is immortal, and eternal, the same applies to that particle, called soul.  Then how can God condemn that soul forever in the hell , which is very much part of Him?

In Sikhee, we come to know, that all life forms are  evolution of consciousness.

From the lowest step of the ladder which is vegetable kingdom, to the 5th last step which is mankind in the creation, in between, are all the remaining life forms of all types, whether visible or invisible to our sight.

So as said, human form, is the highest and the only form of life, where one can achieve freedom from this valley of shadows, pain and misery, and head towards our real home of our Father, Wahiguru Akal Purukh, in order to get out for once and forever.

This is our free will. But if we fail to be human beings and transgress the laws of Nature, inflicting pain, torture, immorality, injustice, which means we degrade ourselves as beasts, naturally our next live, will not be mankind, but some lower specie of life where we can reap our very own karmas/actions, which we have sown in this present life, and we have to pay for them, in order to learn, to behave accordingly with respect for all beings.

The thing is, we tend to believe, that we are going to live here forever, thus we try to make this alien land as our own, committing and leading a immoral life, and this binds us strongly usually in this material plane  in the endless cycle of births and deaths.

But, He Wahiguru, is all  love and compassion, as souls belong to Him, so that is why He keeps giving us chances after chances in different life forms, in order to evolve in consciousness, and hold on tight to His Name, receive His kirpa/grace, when in human form, in order to reach the Highest Consciousness level, which is as said before, the level of Wahiguru Akal Purukh. 

If you, or anybody who is not a sikh and you may wish to know, what type of Divnity or God, we sikhs love, adore and worship, just read the beginning of the Sree Guru Granth Sahib(MoolMantra/Jap Ji Sahib) where our First Emperor, Guru Nanak Dev, describes the all almighty Lord, in just simple clear words, who otherwise is indescribable for any mind, words fall short..

Anybody who reads and comes to know about Him through Gurbani, just enters in a state of trance, for all know He is Great, but alas, that much Great.... one can never think about it.

Well, coming back your questions: yes the soul leaves the body at the time of death, this by itself is a proof, that the soul is no more there, and that is why the death take place, for the source of life/consciousness, is no more, the soul.

Then it moves, to some subtler energetic planes or regions, the Dharam Rai or the judge judges that soul, and accordingly is sent to that life forms(not human necessarily), where it can satisfy all cravings/unfulfilled desires, with the danger in incurring in more karmas, thus perpetuating its stay in the materialistic creation ...

As said, soul is a particle of God, it can never ever stay away from Him, whether in the nether regions, nor in hell,  or heavens/paradises...

We are told in sikhee, our main purpose as humans, is to do those efforts(devotion); then, live respecting the laws of Nature, be humble,  be truthful, earn our livings honestly, fulfill our duties as good citizens and towards our families, friends, and in general all

Viewing this creation as a foreign land, not our home, only then will be our life focused towards Him, Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

Stay blessed.

Sat Sree Akal.


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