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Funny comment from elderly white man about Sikhs


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The comments below are from a white man from the UK on his view of sikh faith.

Funny how some people view sikhism and are so ignorant. 


"I'm sure you lot are an off shoot of muslim islams. A separate division of islam is Sikh I think, Sikh is the specialist division in Muslim that follow the likes of Bin Laden. Sikhs and Bin laden and other nutter muslims look the same with beard and Turban! Sikhs are also violent in India against the lovely Hindu people, I'm a great lover of hindhu people, who are great people and very nice. So if it looks like Bin Laden, dresses like Bin Laden, behaves and kills like Bin Laden then I'm afraid they are supporters of Bin laden - that's why I'm sceptic about the Sikhs. Also why did the Sikhs kill the ever so lovely Indra Ghandhi At the age of 67 I am old enough to remember all of this, so don't tell me to educate myself sunshine."


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12 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Source and context?

Plus, that sounds like a Hindu wind-up merchant masquerading as a clueless old white man. Not saying whites aren't capable of filth and bakwaas, but there's something fishy about that whole post. I can sense a disturbance in the Force.

The actual comment was directed at me. In the comments section of a youtube video. 

Without going into to many details. It was completley unprovoked comment by this man. I made a completley innocent comment about some video. This guy noticed by username which contains sikh in it. 

Then he posted some rant about Sikhs. 

I am 99% certain it was a white man and not a hindu. 

His username was english and the video i posted in was english. Why people think it was a hindu i have no idea. He  is an old man as he claimed. 

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1 hour ago, Big_Tera said:

The actual comment was directed at me. In the comments section of a youtube video. 

Without going into to many details. It was completley unprovoked comment by this man. I made a completley innocent comment about some video. This guy noticed by username which contains sikh in it. 

Then he posted some rant about Sikhs. 

I am 99% certain it was a white man and not a hindu. 

His username was english and the video i posted in was english. Why people think it was a hindu i have no idea. He  is an old man as he claimed. 

I've observed a few Hindu trolls online, and they love going for the Sikh = Muslim / Bin Laden / reminding people of Indira, angle. It's practically part of their rulebook. But anyway it could well be a white fella, too.

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1 hour ago, Big_Tera said:

I only said Sikhs were peaceful people and then he came out with this rant. 


I did not even bother posting a response as he was so iggnorant. 

But I was going go say something like. Sikhs like hindus. We have no issue with them, at least some of them.

Maybe you want lay off posting on the web then. I notice that you have a persistent habit of posting unnecessary crap. No one wonder you get such responses. 

Why don't you get more of a life outside of posting on websites/videos all over the place?  

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1 minute ago, MisterrSingh said:

I've observed a few Hindu trolls online, and they love going for the Sikh = Muslim / Bin Laden / reminding people of Indira, angle. It's practically part of their rulebook. But anyway it could well be a white fella, too.

Could be some gora that got some stiff resistance from an apna he was flexing it on when he was younger? 

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26 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Could be some gora that got some stiff resistance from an apna he was flexing it on when he was younger? 

Maybe. Or he's one of those stale middle-aged white guys who "wants his country back", and stuff like Brexit and the rise of Nationalism (lmao) has emboldened and focused these guys' attention onto certain groups. I tell you, as much as the Far Right are clowns, they are easy to spot. It's the ones on the Far Left that will lead the place to ruin. Their cowardice and inability to call a spade a spade even in the face of overwhelming evidence, is why I don't get along with them at all. Their smug arrogance is the rotting cherry on top.

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16 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

Maybe. Or he's one of those stale middle-aged white guys who "wants his country back", and stuff like Brexit and the rise of Nationalism (lmao) has emboldened and focused these guys' attention onto certain groups. I tell you, as much as the Far Right are clowns, they are easy to spot. It's the ones on the Far Left that will lead the place to ruin. Their cowardice and inability to call a spade a spade even in the face of overwhelming evidence, is why I don't get along with them at all. Their smug arrogance is the rotting cherry on top.

Look, both sides are not our friends. Far right will (very mistakenly!!) see us as easy pickings (compared to sullay) if any turmoil happens here. Lefties and other apathetic people see us as enemies because some of us have to boll0cks to challenge authority on important issues like grooming. Some of them have musle relatives that they are trying to placate too or are petrified of street level conflict. We rock the boat too much. But it beggars belief that they expect people to just sit back and ignore decades of the vilest predatory sexual attacks which was/is also directed towards children. And this is meant to be a beacon of civilisation here......


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