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I'm in my 20's, I'm from a very traditional family = don't go out much, no proper friends (tbh I am happy and used to that way as over the years I've seen its benefits) 

Recently, I've just been feeling like I've lost my personality. So now that I am going through a struggling period in my life and keeping positive/ trusting waheguru ji to answer my ardas (some of you may know my situation from my previous posts) I think its a great opportunity to find/build myself. 

Things I want to improve on:

PROBLEM 1- lack of exciting experience kind of made me seem a little 'boring' at work and I don't go out much, I don't really like watching much TV  and don't listen to many english songs which didn't help lol.... How can I become a interesting person especially?

PROBLEM 2 - I really want to uplevel my vocab to sound sophisticated and articulate in my every day talk- (I sound quite childish lol)  I've tried researching words etc but never seem to remember them haha

PROBLEM 3- No hobby, as with my family structure 'going out' etc isn't accepted, I don't really have a proper hobby. I want to find a hobby which is useful to me and will help me present myself as an exciting/interesting person. My hobby used to be knitting LOL but obviously that didn't present me in the most interesting light haha.   

I know this sounds like I'm a dead boring person but in fact at school I used to be quite popular and within my wider family I'm loved... I guess it's now that I'm going out to work in the real world I meet people who are much older than me or have more life experiences, I just feel kinda zoned out. 

I know a lot of people will say - go out, go gym,  enjoy life, dont be locked inside etc etc BUT that is not the answer to my questions lol. There will be a time I would want to do that (when im with my husband) but at the moment I want to build myself at home so when I do go out, I don't portray myself dumb or vulnerable. 

Thank you


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49 minutes ago, Guruguruji said:

PROBLEM 2 - I really want to uplevel my vocab to sound sophisticated and articulate in my every day talk- (I sound quite childish lol)  I've tried researching words etc but never seem to remember them haha

If you sound and talk like a dictionary then i think people might find that a bit odd  lol      

Just be yourself, why try and be something else? 

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5 minutes ago, puzzled said:

If you sound and talk like a dictionary then i think people might find that a bit odd  lol      

Just be yourself, why try and be something else? 

haha true but what I mean is, I want to sound a bit more professional/ sophisticated. 

I want to be the best version of myself. 

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Guest Jigsaw_Puzzled_Singh
56 minutes ago, Guruguruji said:


PROBLEM 3- No hobby, as with my family structure 'going out' etc isn't accepted, I don't really have a proper hobby. I want to find a hobby which is useful to me and will help me present myself as an exciting/interesting person. My hobby used to be knitting LOL but obviously that didn't present me in the most interesting light haha.  


Oh man. My wife's teaching me knitting...and I'm a man !!   I think it's awesome and it's all the rage now among Hollywood stars (female) so keep at it....you're ahead of your time and I find you well interesting. 


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On 6/9/2020 at 2:19 PM, Guruguruji said:

I'm in my 20's, I'm from a very traditional family = don't go out much, no proper friends (tbh I am happy and used to that way as over the years I've seen its benefits) 

Recently, I've just been feeling like I've lost my personality. So now that I am going through a struggling period in my life and keeping positive/ trusting waheguru ji to answer my ardas (some of you may know my situation from my previous posts) I think its a great opportunity to find/build myself. 

Things I want to improve on:

PROBLEM 1- lack of exciting experience kind of made me seem a little 'boring' at work and I don't go out much, I don't really like watching much TV  and don't listen to many english songs which didn't help lol.... How can I become a interesting person especially?

PROBLEM 2 - I really want to uplevel my vocab to sound sophisticated and articulate in my every day talk- (I sound quite childish lol)  I've tried researching words etc but never seem to remember them haha

PROBLEM 3- No hobby, as with my family structure 'going out' etc isn't accepted, I don't really have a proper hobby. I want to find a hobby which is useful to me and will help me present myself as an exciting/interesting person. My hobby used to be knitting LOL but obviously that didn't present me in the most interesting light haha.   

I know this sounds like I'm a dead boring person but in fact at school I used to be quite popular and within my wider family I'm loved... I guess it's now that I'm going out to work in the real world I meet people who are much older than me or have more life experiences, I just feel kinda zoned out. 

I know a lot of people will say - go out, go gym,  enjoy life, dont be locked inside etc etc BUT that is not the answer to my questions lol. There will be a time I would want to do that (when im with my husband) but at the moment I want to build myself at home so when I do go out, I don't portray myself dumb or vulnerable. 

Thank you


Take care of your body mind and spirit, ie work, excercise and meditate. Take up a hobby, your family can’t stop you from having one. You just need to surround yourself with positive person and be a positive person yourself. Love yourself, build your self confidence. See a therapist if you need to.

Date, don’t just marry someone you don’t know... get to know people before marriage and see if this person will respect you, love you,  cherish you..if they’re a good person. 

Life is short..seize it, embrace and enjoy it. Go running, yoga, weights etc and meet good souls. 

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On 6/9/2020 at 6:19 AM, Guruguruji said:

I know a lot of people will say - go out, go gym,  enjoy life, dont be locked inside etc etc BUT that is not the answer to my questions lol. There will be a time I would want to do that (when im with my husband) but at the moment I want to build myself at home so when I do go out, I don't portray myself dumb or vulnerable.

You can workout at home. Besides yoga apps there are lots of home workout apps.

Also try juggling. Its challenging. Gardening. Learning to cook food from many different countries. Weightlifting. Try to become muscular. 

Also swimming. Then u can branch out into diving, snorkeling, surfing. 

Musical instruments. Learn the piano. Mozart beethoven etc. Theres also dilruba ribab sitaar. Tabla. Voice lessons

Learn coding. Web development. Stock market. 

If u know knitting. You can try to sell stuff on etsy or ebay. But u will have to make sweaters and scarves. Things ppl will buy. 

As for being interesting. You can watch documentaries. This will make you uptodate on current issues and problems. And will let u know abt the world and the different ppl with different problems. 

For english check out this channel:

Her other videos are good too



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Guest Tonysays
On 6/9/2020 at 2:19 PM, Guruguruji said:

I'm in my 20's, I'm from a very traditional family = don't go out much, no proper friends (tbh I am happy and used to that way as over the years I've seen its benefits) 

Recently, I've just been feeling like I've lost my personality. So now that I am going through a struggling period in my life and keeping positive/ trusting waheguru ji to answer my ardas (some of you may know my situation from my previous posts) I think its a great opportunity to find/build myself. 

Things I want to improve on:

PROBLEM 1- lack of exciting experience kind of made me seem a little 'boring' at work and I don't go out much, I don't really like watching much TV  and don't listen to many english songs which didn't help lol.... How can I become a interesting person especially?

PROBLEM 2 - I really want to uplevel my vocab to sound sophisticated and articulate in my every day talk- (I sound quite childish lol)  I've tried researching words etc but never seem to remember them haha

PROBLEM 3- No hobby, as with my family structure 'going out' etc isn't accepted, I don't really have a proper hobby. I want to find a hobby which is useful to me and will help me present myself as an exciting/interesting person. My hobby used to be knitting LOL but obviously that didn't present me in the most interesting light haha.   

I know this sounds like I'm a dead boring person but in fact at school I used to be quite popular and within my wider family I'm loved... I guess it's now that I'm going out to work in the real world I meet people who are much older than me or have more life experiences, I just feel kinda zoned out. 

I know a lot of people will say - go out, go gym,  enjoy life, dont be locked inside etc etc BUT that is not the answer to my questions lol. There will be a time I would want to do that (when im with my husband) but at the moment I want to build myself at home so when I do go out, I don't portray myself dumb or vulnerable. 

Thank you


Dont be so hard on urself or put urself down over this.

Make the changes you feel are right for you and take opportunities as they arise.

Life to a large extent is in your hands, the choices you make are what shape your experience now and in the future. 

If you would rather make changes while staying at home then do so. There are many resources online these days if you want to learn something or take up a hobby etc. If you dont want to change anything then dnt worry about how that makes u look, u cant please the world, even saints get nindya.

We are all individuals who have our own story, and cant really compare it against anyone as we are all unique. 

Life does brings all sorts of experiences, even if u feel you may nit have been exposed to much, we don't know whats around the corner, lifes full of suprises and whether you leave the house or not, whatever is in ur destiny will come to you.

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Guest Bibliophile

Read books. You'll pick up new words, learn facts to be more interesting and get a wider view of the world outside (unlike many Sikhs who stay in their own Sikh bubble) 

Don't know what to read? Read everything! Read fiction, philosophy , history, classics and psychology. Don't get why people are protesting? Read a book about it! Don't understand why people loved the British empire? Read a book about it. Start with something you have a little interest in and go from there. There are probably even books on the history of knitting. 

It always depressed me walking into an Asian household and the TV is bigger than the book shelf. It depresses me more when Sikhs say you should read only holy books and nothing else. It feeds the stereotype that we are ignorant and uncultured. 

I highly recommend getting an e-reader or Kindle. There are so many books you can download for free. 

When lock down is over, try visiting a library. Librarians are great at recommending books and it's all free. 

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