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The Reality of The Modern Political Climate - Ideological Subversion


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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I have been a lurker on this site for about a year and I decided to make an account to call to attention a pattern I have noticed in politics relating to the Sikh Quam and politics in general throughout the world. There has been a concerted effort to push different demographics of countries against one another. This is called ideological subversion and it is done to cause demoralization and destabilization in a country.


It explains the rise of populist/nationalist movements throughout the world. The polarization of politics in the states is an example of this ideological subversion. Other examples of this relating to the Sikh community is how both Hindus from India and Muslims from Pakistan try to turn the Sikhs against the other nation. For example, when a Sikh girl from Pakistan was forcibly converted to Islam or when ISIS attacked Kabul Sikhs, the Hindu nationalist used this to push the Sikhs against Pakistan/Muslims. Likewise, when it is June and Sikhs around the world mourn the 1984 Sikh genocide and attack on the Darbar Sahib Complex by the Indian government, Pakistani Muslims use the events to push Sikhs against India/Hindus. Essentially the Sikh community is being used as pawns by the Indian and Pakistani governments for their own political agendas.

The Soviets were the first to master this tactic of Ideological Subversion. I highly suggest watching this lecture by an ex-KGB member on this subject:

It is especially interesting about what he suggests to stop this tactic on the 58:05 time mark. It showcases the importance of having a strong faith background and how civilizations fall without religion.

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23 hours ago, AkalDaGhulam said:

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I have been a lurker on this site for about a year and I decided to make an account to call to attention a pattern I have noticed in politics relating to the Sikh Quam and politics in general through out the world. There has been a concerted effort to push different demographics of countries against one another. This is called ideological subversion and it is done to cause demoralization and destabilization in a country. It explains the rise of populist/nationalist movements throughout the world. The polarization of politics in the states is a example of this ideological subversion. Other examples of this relating to the Sikh community is how both Hindus from India and Muslims from Pakistan try to turn the Sikhs against the other nation. For example when a Sikh girl from Pakistan was forcibly converted to Islam or when ISIS attacked Kabul Sikhs, the Hindu nationalist used this to push the Sikhs against Pakistan/Muslims. Likewise when it is June and Sikhs around the world mourn the 1984 Sikh genocide and attack on the Darbar Sahib Complex by the Indian government, Pakistani Muslims use the events to push Sikhs against India/Hindus. Essentially the Sikh community is being used as pawns by the Indian and Pakistani governments for their own political agendas.

The Soviets were the first to master this tactic of Ideological Subversion. I highly suggestion watching this lecture by an ex-KGB member on this subject:

It is especially interesting on what he suggests to stop this tactic on the 58:05 time mark. It showcases the importance of having a strong faith background and how civilizations fall without religion.

Personally I think only simpleton dimwits don't perceive these divide and conquer 'strategies'. Sadly we seem to have a lot these....

Another thing is how sociopathic or greedy/selfish types will consciously play the game of the outside manipulator for their own personal gain.   

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2 hours ago, AkalDaGhulam said:

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I have been a lurker on this site for about a year and I decided to make an account to call to attention a pattern I have noticed in politics relating to the Sikh Quam and politics in general throughout the world. There has been a concerted effort to push different demographics of countries against one another. This is called ideological subversion and it is done to cause demoralization and destabilization in a country.


It explains the rise of populist/nationalist movements throughout the world. The polarization of politics in the states is an example of this ideological subversion. Other examples of this relating to the Sikh community is how both Hindus from India and Muslims from Pakistan try to turn the Sikhs against the other nation. For example, when a Sikh girl from Pakistan was forcibly converted to Islam or when ISIS attacked Kabul Sikhs, the Hindu nationalist used this to push the Sikhs against Pakistan/Muslims. Likewise, when it is June and Sikhs around the world mourn the 1984 Sikh genocide and attack on the Darbar Sahib Complex by the Indian government, Pakistani Muslims use the events to push Sikhs against India/Hindus. Essentially the Sikh community is being used as pawns by the Indian and Pakistani governments for their own political agendas.

The Soviets were the first to master this tactic of Ideological Subversion. I highly suggest watching this lecture by an ex-KGB member on this subject:

It is especially interesting about what he suggests to stop this tactic on the 58:05 time mark. It showcases the importance of having a strong faith background and how civilizations fall without religion.

Good to see your point of view on the forum, I think you been reading alot of my posts and similar minded people. As I've talked about this stuff for years even posted video recently in the statue thread about this same ex-kgb guy showing how the communist Marxists from soviet states were waging a secret war in the west and on other nations like their allies india on ideological basis to subvert and change those nations population to be under their control and rule by pumping out their ideological propaganda. Political subversion is nothing new its been used since civilisations begun and rival powers sought to over power the other by using it. The arab muslims did overt and covert ideological subversion  by first sending in islamic missionaries to convert populations of hind to islam softening the base then came the hordes of armed warriors of islam who went around enforcing islam across the lands they conquered in war making it hard for non-muslim populations to exist under their new sharia law ruling masters. Our majority hippy lefty liberal Sikhs are too low IQ to see what is happening around them having not read or learnt any lessons from sikh history.

Ideological subversion can be just and unjust can be natural organic or implanted by a foe. For example the Mughuls thought the Sikhs were doing ideological subversion to their people because so many musilms were becoming Sikhs so they made guru arjun sahib amoung others shaheed to try stop that, what they didnt realise that it was a natural organic faith a native spiritual ideology movement and not some imported idea or group from the enemies of the mughuls. And that created more problems for them as it militarized the Sikhs from a pacifist faith to a militant one that directly and physically challenged their unjust brutal islamic rule rather than spiritually and indirectly. Eventually crushing islamic rule in late 17th century. So if ideological subversion is challenged in violent way its gonna create a violent counter reaction eventually. For Sikhs to capture Pakistan and other islamic lands we will never be able to win militarily in todays world so the only way is by ideological subversion to slowly bring muslims into Sikhi. Just as hardline muslims are slyly trying to bring Sikhs into Islam or be islam-friendly at the very least. Sikhs who woken up realise this fact and made efforts to do this and its winning some converts undercover. If pakistani islamic hardliners react harshly against Sikhs it adds fuel to the hindu nationalist lobby for Sikhs to turn against pakistan and musilms. So Sikhs need to learn how to play the game to their advantage like back in the days. It is a shaster, physical shasters are not the only one Sikhs should master in todays world to survive.

And as you said when june 1984 events comes up the pakistani islamic lobby use those events to push the anti-india narrative to Sikhs. When Sikhs oppression comes about in pakistan and afghanistan the hindu nationalist lobby start to press the Sikhs to bash pakistan and islam.

In Europe the financial powers behind the shadows of governments imported large numbers of different ethnicities and religions not because they care about people and want equality and diversity. But to hide themselves while they keep them busy fighting with majority christian white population and stop them revolting against the system they run when their wealth gets drained sucked up by those at the top.

Its the same power in india that stopped Sikhs getting any independence or proper political power in 1947 and still does to this very day by using new schemes to try keep Sikhs busy fighting one another over some sectarian issue or against some new age man worshipping hindu cult or abrahamic cults to weaken Sikhs and Sikhism so they can rule much easier.

The correct path is always to treat all non-sikh entities as neutral or potential enemies of the kaum until proven otherwise, so we should not be giving them our limited resources and making their religion and community more attract than ours. Although spiritually we are taught to see that no one is our enemy but temporarily (physically on earth) we are also taught to make choices where we look out for and defend our community first and fight aggressors. I.e the Miri puri concept.

Right now we can see alot of pawns are being moved around the chess board to distract and confuse people you get various ethnics and races fighting one another. The elites and zionist powers want you to think they don't exist but when you see who owns the banks, who funds the political far right populist figures and far left anitfa /blm movements you realise its from a small cabal of super rich and influential people who use the strategies of divide and rule to keep the peasants at bay and busy fighting each other slaves to the system while ruling from the top of the pyramid and stealing everyone's wealth.


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Right now this is going on in france armed ethnic conflict between chechen, albanian, north African arab gangs in the past few days. We saw recent clashes between white and blacks in america and UK. The situation will only get worse as the elites at the top look at new ways to fund, inflame tensions and conflicts as the deep recession hits in coming months and years.


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Enoch Powell was right, in more ways than one, lol.

Ironically, he was referring to the likes of US (broadly speaking), not so much in character and integrity but more as a demographic. It is possible to generally agree with someone like Powell AND not feel victimised or personally offended.

The next step is to decide what exactly we should do as a response. If we aren't planning for the worst despite the tantalising taster (of the next few decades and more) offered to us since February of this year, there's something seriously wrong with a person's survival instinct.

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9 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

The next step is to decide what exactly we should do as a response. If we aren't planning for the worst despite the tantalising taster (of the next few decades and more) offered to us since February of this year, there's something seriously wrong with a person's survival instinct.

People get frozen with fear. 


Also, some think that ANY sort of preparatory or defensive or counter-offensive action exacerbates things, but as we've learnt from Jews in Germany, this thinking can lead to a 'lambs to the slaughter' situation.  


Saw two military helicopter flying low from garden today. It was the ones below.  Wonder what that's about?



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Thanks to OP for posting that video. I'm surprised how little views it has considering it's immense value. Real eye-opener and really does help connect the dots on things many of us see but can't pin down. There's whole system of subversion in play just below the surface.

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