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Curious about Ishnaan at Amritvela

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just want to know if ishnaan at amritvela includes washing the hair or not necessary to wash the hair everyday? I only ask cuz i got ppl who are saying its not necessary to wash the hair everyday....cuz so and so doesn't do it. And they're saying stuff like "well if i ever shako amrit i'm not gonna wash my hair everyday."

second question:

when you are doing paath at amritvela, do u need to finish while its still dark or is it ok if when u finish its already sunrise?

third question:

some folks are saying that amritdhari ppl should wear very simple clothes, like they shouldn't be too much into fashion.....I didn't know amritdhari sikh can't have a sense of fashion...?

a benti to amritdhari sikhs to gimme answers to these 3...

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!


I was told that you are supposed to wash your kesh daily....which i would think means at amritvela before u start doing paath

the second question.....sikhs are suppose to wake up at amritvela and do their paath...but if for some 'really' important reasons we missed amritvela...we should still do our paath.. but the main aim is trying to wake up at amritvela to do guruji's banis.....and ur panj piare gives u more details on the above........i will pm (cut n paste) ya the part of the rehat that i got from the panj piare regarding colors to wear...hope it helps.........

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!!!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!


I was told that you are supposed to wash your kesh daily....which i would think means at amritvela before u start doing paath

the second question.....sikhs are suppose to wake up at amritvela and do their paath...but if for some 'really' important reasons we missed amritvela...we should still do our paath.. but the main aim is trying to wake up at amritvela to do guruji's banis.....and ur panj piare gives u more details on the above........i will pm (cut n paste) ya the part of the rehat that i got from the panj piare regarding colors to wear...hope it helps.........

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!!!!

colors to wear? :wub:

Paaji, can you please post it here I would like to read it as well.

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Gur sikhi is pure and simple there is no embargo for doing paath at any time 'dhan so vela jit gur darshan karna'


Guru Satgur ka jo Sikh akhave,

Uddhan kare Bhalke Parbhati, Ishnan Kare amritsar naave,



Phir chare divas gurbanni gavae

There is no condition that one cannot do or complete path after day break. there is no stipulation either that one has to do kesi isnan every day. at least I am not aware of this stipulation although i am amritdhari sikh. perhaps any other gur sikh may throw better light. There is no colour restriction either Only as a matter of tradition some people wear blue or kesri coloured ( saffron ) turbans. But there is no prohibition for any other colur/ sikhi is quite simple, pure liberal and away from dogmas, karammkands, rituals or omans.

i think i am not wrong in interpreation of the princilples of gur sikhi

Yet i am subject to correction by some more enlightened brothers and sisters

jagjit singh

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just want to know if ishnaan at amritvela includes washing the hair or not necessary to wash the hair everyday?
u dont have to use shampoo daily...juz wet it fully, but yes u gotta wash it daily even if its only water.
when you are doing paath at amritvela, do u need to finish while its still dark or is it ok if when u finish its already sunrise?
its really amazing to finish everything before sunrise, but if u cant, dont worry.
some folks are saying that amritdhari ppl should wear very simple clothes, like they shouldn't be too much into fashion.....I didn't know amritdhari sikh can't have a sense of fashion...?
as long as the clothes are not revealing or provocative, its all good.

my 1 cent

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

red and green are forbidden by guru je

ive heard 2 reasons

one is a good one, science can prove it

colours DO affect the mind

and red and green are colors that tend to excite the mind a bit more than the rest

the other reason

red is the main color for hindus

and green for muslims

so we want to be distinct, so guru je gave us 4 khalsa colours to wear

and we wear those

bhula chuka maf

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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There are four colors of khalsa:

1) Blue, 2) Black, 3) White, 4) Kesri(orange)

These four colors should be worn most time and you should avoid the following colors:

1) Red:- This is color of comrades (who are anti panthic). Also this is color of devi devtas whom Sikhs does 

                not believe in. This color is considered anti-spiritual and leads to evil thinking.

2)  Green:- This is muslim color. You will never see a true muslim wearing a orange color.

It is scientifically proven that colors plays a very significant role in thinking of a human being. You should not wear bright colors or short clothes (skirts etc.), as these leads to evil thinking in the mind of the person who sees it.

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I would also like to know the source of information of those gentlemen Khalsa Virs who subscribe that Guru Sahib prohibited us from wearing red or green colours clothes/ turbans. I have also tried to study the life history/message of Dasmesh and have gone through some dependable books at least i have not gone through any page in which this ban was mentioned. I shall feel obliged if some concrete evidence is put forward. this is allBthe more essential for me as i have also written something on the message of the gurus and in the light of the information that may be forthcoming I may be able to amend my writings at least in the next edition.


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