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Sakhi Of 18th Century Singhni

Bijla Singh

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Before I go into the story I would like to give you a brief account of the situation.

This is the time when the army of Mir Mannu was going from house to house searching for Sikhs. Many of the Sikhs took shelter in jungles but some Sikhs who were living with their families in the cities and could not just leave right away or join any jathas. They were captured by the army and all were being sent to Lahore. Most of the prisoners were Sikh women and children. Many of the old women were killed on the way because they were weak and could not walk for a long time. All of the Singhnis and their children were put in Lahore jail. For labor they were given “chakkis”. They were given no food or water. This was a way to torture them so they would leave Sikhi. They were separated from their children. Everyday muslims would come and taunt them by saying “where is your Khalsa now? They can’t even come to rescue you. All of them have been killed by the army. So it is better for you to accept islam and live a rich happy life.” Singhnis never ever thought of leaving Sikhi. They kept reciting “Waheguru Dhan Guru Waheguru Waheguru”.

All children were separated from their mothers and were given no food or water. Then muslims started killing the innocent children by throwing them up in the air and landing them on sharp spears. Some children were cut into pieces and garlands were made out of their pieces. Then they put those garlands around the necks of Sikh mothers. But the faith of Sikh women was unshakable. One of the women was very beautiful and Qazi wanted to marry her. He would come everyday and try to convince her to accept him but she never did. She had a son who was less than two years old. One day upon leaving, qazi gave orders to some of the army men to torture her and her son so she would give up her faith.

One night the cruel animals (men) tied her up first and then started torturing her son. They hung her son upside down, took a knife and started to cut into his flesh from the neck all the way down to stomach. Singhni kept calm and kept praying “Guru Ji, Jaan Jayai par Dharam Na Jaayai”. Then they slowly cut her son into pieces and he became shaheed. Then they started beating the Singhni with sticks and “chabuks”. After a while the singhni passed out. They hung her upside down and left. She stayed that way all night. In the morning they took her down but she was unable to get up and walk. She lay there by the wall, did Nitnem and then did ardaas “Sacchay Paatshah Ji, Saari Raat Aap De Bhanay tay Sukh Naal Beetee Hai. Aap ji da kotaan kot shukar hai, aap jee nay aapnee amanat vaapas lai layee hai. Aggay waastay vee bhanay vich chalan da uddam ball bakhsis karna. Daata Ji, praan jayai par Sikhi na jayai. Mehar karni”

Hearing this some of the guards were shocked and wondering what Sikhs were made up of? Some of the guards left their jobs by saying “these Sikhs are religious people. We cannot torture these innocent souls. Even their women and children are so strong and brave. They will rule Punjab one day.” Some fanatic muslims were enraged by this. They started to torture her again. Heavy weight was put on her body and her bones were crushed. They hit her with sticks. After so much torture she became shaheed but she never gave up her faith. Only word that came out of her mouth was “Waheguru Waheguru”. When Singhs heard the news of the tortures, they attacked Lahore and freed all the prisoners and punished the criminals. At the same time mir mannu died a horrible death.

I heard this story about four years ago from a kathavaachak so I don’t remember the name of the Singhni. I apologize. He told the story in so much vairaag and love that tears started to flow from everyone’s eyes. I was very new in Sikhi. I knew Sikhs in 18th century were very strong in Sikhi but I always thought Sikhs today are not that strong. Later on I forgot the story until I read Shaheedi of Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar. His shaheedi is so much similar to this singhni that I am totally convinced that Bhai Sahib Ji was a soul of 18th century. Not only Him but many of the Shaheed Gursikhs were the same souls who sacrificed in 18th century. History of sacrifices repeated itself. In 18th century after many shaheedis, the government thought they had destroyed Sikhi. Not a single Sikh was found from Delhi to Amritsar but Sikhs came out strong and took over Punjab. It was all due to sacrifices of Gursikhs. If sacrifices have been repeated then the history of Sikhs uniting and taking over Punjab SHALL be repeated again. The day is not far when Sikhs will take over Delhi and liberate Khalistan.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Vaheguru Ji...

Such wasa and is the piyaar of the shaheed Singh's and Singhnia of the our mahan qaum.

No words could ever express the debt of life we owe to Vaheguru Ji. Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj gave up everything to repay that debt, and our mothers and fathers have since followed...

Thanks for sharing that paji - totally needed to remind us of the sacrifices made for us today.

Sir Jave Tho Jave, Meri Sikhi Sidhak Na Jave

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History repeats itself: during the Singhnis tenure many muslim guards left duty and when Bhai Anokh Singh Ji 's tenure by Hind Sarkar many police havildars left duty... both times it was because of the meditation of these great gursikhs!

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Imagine the prem this Gurmukh Singhni had for Gurujee!

Imagine the amount of Naam Simran and Bani she used to recite!

Imagine the level of kirpa of SatGuru Jee this Gurmukh Singhni had!

She saw her little son mercilessly butchered, she was tortured to the max!

And guess what, she still thanked Gurujee that her and her son's Sikhi wasn't harmed!

Imagine what Sikhi is for a Sikh!

Khandeyo tikhi, vaalo niki!

But I guess people like me can only imagine! Rare and blessed are those who live upto it!


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