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Sri Amritsar.

June 10, 2006, Saturday 04:45 AM. IST

soriT mhlw 5 ]

jw kY ismrix hoie Anµdw ibnsY jnm mrx BY duKI ] cwir pdwrQ nv iniD pwvih bhuir n iqRsnw BuKI ]1] jw ko nwmu lYq qU suKI ] swis swis iDAwvhu Twkur kau mn qn jIAry muKI ]1] rhwau ] sWiq pwvih hovih mn sIql Agin n AMqir DuKI ] gur nwnk kau pRBU idKwieAw jil Qil iqRBvix ruKI ]2]2]30]

AYqvwr, 28 jyT (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 617)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! ijs pRBU dy ismrn nwl qUµ ^uSI-BirAw jIvn jIaU skdw hYN qyry jnm mrn dy swry fr qy du`K dUr ho skdy hn, qUµ (Drm ArQ kwm moK) cwry pdwrQ qy dunIAw dy nO hI ^zwny hwsl kr skdw hYN, (ijs dy ismrn nwl) qYƒ mwieAw dI q®yh Bu`K iPr nhIN ivAwpygI (aus dw ismrn hryk swh dy nwl krdw rhu) [1[hy jIv! ijs prmwqmw dw nwm ismirAW qUµ suKI ho skdw hYN, aus pwlxhwr pRBU ƒ qUµ Awpxy mno qno mUMh nwl hryk swh dy nwl ismirAw kr [1[rhwau[ (hy BweI! ismrn dI brkiq nwl) qUµ SWqI hwsl kr leyNgw, qUµ AMqr-Awqmy TMFw-Twr ho jweyNgw, qyry AMdr iq®Snw dI A`g nhIN DuKygI [ hy BweI! gurU ny (mYƒ) nwnk ƒ auh prmwqmw pwxI ivc DrqI ivc ru`KW ivc swry sMswr ivc (v`sdw) ivKw id`qw hY [2[2[30[

English Translation:


Meditating on Him, one is in ecstasy; the pains of birth and death and fear are removed. The four cardinal blessings, and the nine treasures are received; you shall never feel hunger or thirst again. || 1 || Chanting His Name, you shall be at peace. With each and every breath, meditate on the Lord and Master, O my soul, with mind, body and mouth. || 1 || Pause || You shall find peace, and your mind shall be soothed and cooled; the fire of desire shall not burn within you. The Guru has revealed God to Nanak, in the three worlds, in the water, the earth and the woods. || 2 || 2 || 30 ||

Sunday, 28 Jayt’h (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 617)






Sri Amritsar.

June 11, 2006, Saturday 04:45 AM. IST

soriT mhlw 5 ]

jw kY ismrix hoie Anµdw ibnsY jnm mrx BY duKI ] cwir pdwrQ nv iniD pwvih bhuir n iqRsnw BuKI ]1] jw ko nwmu lYq qU suKI ] swis swis iDAwvhu Twkur kau mn qn jIAry muKI ]1] rhwau ] sWiq pwvih hovih mn sIql Agin n AMqir DuKI ] gur nwnk kau pRBU idKwieAw jil Qil iqRBvix ruKI ]2]2]30]

AYqvwr, 28 jyT (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 617)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! ijs pRBU dy ismrn nwl qUµ ^uSI-BirAw jIvn jIaU skdw hYN qyry jnm mrn dy swry fr qy du`K dUr ho skdy hn, qUµ (Drm ArQ kwm moK) cwry pdwrQ qy dunIAw dy nO hI ^zwny hwsl kr skdw hYN, (ijs dy ismrn nwl) qYƒ mwieAw dI q®yh Bu`K iPr nhIN ivAwpygI (aus dw ismrn hryk swh dy nwl krdw rhu) [1[hy jIv! ijs prmwqmw dw nwm ismirAW qUµ suKI ho skdw hYN, aus pwlxhwr pRBU ƒ qUµ Awpxy mno qno mUMh nwl hryk swh dy nwl ismirAw kr [1[rhwau[ (hy BweI! ismrn dI brkiq nwl) qUµ SWqI hwsl kr leyNgw, qUµ AMqr-Awqmy TMFw-Twr ho jweyNgw, qyry AMdr iq®Snw dI A`g nhIN DuKygI [ hy BweI! gurU ny (mYƒ) nwnk ƒ auh prmwqmw pwxI ivc DrqI ivc ru`KW ivc swry sMswr ivc (v`sdw) ivKw id`qw hY [2[2[30[

English Translation:


Meditating on Him, one is in ecstasy; the pains of birth and death and fear are removed. The four cardinal blessings, and the nine treasures are received; you shall never feel hunger or thirst again. || 1 || Chanting His Name, you shall be at peace. With each and every breath, meditate on the Lord and Master, O my soul, with mind, body and mouth. || 1 || Pause || You shall find peace, and your mind shall be soothed and cooled; the fire of desire shall not burn within you. The Guru has revealed God to Nanak, in the three worlds, in the water, the earth and the woods. || 2 || 2 || 30 ||

Sunday, 28 Jayt’h (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 617)






Sri Amritsar.

June 12, 2006, Monday 04:45 AM. IST

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 5 pVqwl

<> siqgur pRswid ]

pRIiq pRIiq gurIAw mohn lwlnw ] jip mn goibMd eykY Avru nhI ko lyKY sMq lwgu mnih Cwfu duibDw kI kurIAw ]1] rhwau ] inrgun hrIAw srgun DrIAw Aink koTrIAw iBMn iBMn iBMn iBn krIAw ] ivic mn kotvrIAw ] inj mMdir iprIAw ] qhw Awnd krIAw ] nh mrIAw nh jrIAw ]1] ikrqin jurIAw bhu ibiD iPrIAw pr kau ihrIAw ] ibKnw iGrIAw ] Ab swDU sMig prIAw ] hir duAwrY KrIAw ] drsnu krIAw ] nwnk gur imrIAw ] bhuir n iPrIAw ]2]1]44]

somvwr, 29 jyT (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 746)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 5 pVqwl

<> siqgur pRswid ]

hy BweI! (dunIAw dIAW) pRIqW ivcoN v`fI pRIiq mn ƒ mohx vwly lwl-pRBU dI hY [ hy mn! isr& aus pRBU dw nwm jipAw kr [ hor koeI au~dm aus dI drgwh ivc prvwn nhIN huMdw [ hy BweI! sMqW dI crnIN l`gw rhu, Aqy Awpxy mn ivcoN fWvWfol rihx-vwlI dSw dI pgfMfI dUr kr [1[rhwau[ hy BweI! inrlyp pRBU ny iq®guxI sMswr bxwieAw, ies ivc ieh AnykW (srIr-) koTVIAW aus ny v`K v`K (iksm dIAW) bxw id`qIAW [ (hryk srIr-koTVI) ivc mn ƒ koqvwl bxw id`qw [ ipAwrw pRBU (hryk srIr-koTVI ivc) Awpxy mMdr ivc rihMdw hY, Aqy au~Qy AwnMd mwxdw hY [ aus pRBU ƒ nwh mOq AwauNdI hY, nwh buFwpw aus dy nyVy Fu`kdw hY [1[ hy BweI! jIv pRBU dI rcI rcnw ivc hI juiVAw rihMdw hY, keI qrIikAW nwl Btkdw iPrdw hY, prwey (Dn ƒ, rUp ƒ) q`kdw iPrdw hY, ivSy-ivkwrW ivc iGirAw rihMdw hY [ ies mnu`Kw jnm ivc jdoN jIv gurU dI sMgiq ivc A`pVdw hY, qW pRBU dy dr qy Aw KloNdw hY, (pRBU dw) drsn krdw hY [ hy nwnk! (jyhVw BI mnu`K) gurU ƒ imldw hY, auh muV jnm-mrx dy gyV ivc nhIN Btkdw [2[1[44[

English Translation:



Love of the enticing Beloved Lord is the most glorious love. Meditate, O mind, on the One Lord of the Universe — nothing else is of any account. Attach your mind to the Saints, and abandon the path of duality. || 1 || Pause || The Lord is absolute and unmanifest; He has assumed the most sublime manifestation. He has fashioned countless body chambers of many, varied, different, myriad forms. Within them, the mind is the policeman; my Beloved lives in the temple of my inner self. He plays there in ecstasy. He does not die, and he never grows old. || 1 || He is engrossed in worldly activities, wandering around in various ways. He steals the property of others, and is surrounded by corruption and sin. But now, he joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and stands before the Lord’s Gate. He obtains the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan. Nanak has met the Guru; he shall not be reincarnated again. || 2 || 1 || 44 ||

Monday, 29 Jayt’h (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 746)



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Sri Amritsar.

June 13, 2006, Tuesday 04:30 AM. IST

sUhI mhlw 1 ]

BWfw hCw soie jo iqsu BwvsI ] BWfw Aiq mlIxu Doqw hCw n hoiesI ] gurU duAwrY hoie soJI pwiesI ] eyqu duAwrY Doie hCw hoiesI ] mYly hCy kw vIcwru Awip vrqwiesI ] mqu ko jwxY jwie AgY pwiesI ] jyhy krm kmwie qyhw hoiesI ] AMimRqu hir kw nwau Awip vrqwiesI ] cilAw piq isau jnmu svwir vwjw vwiesI ] mwxsu ikAw vycwrw iqhu lok suxwiesI ] nwnk Awip inhwl siB kul qwrsI ]1]4]6]

mMglvwr, 30 jyT (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 730)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

sUhI mhlw 1 ]

auhI ihrdw piv`q® hY jyhVw aus prmwqmw ƒ cMgw l`g pYNdw hY [ jy mnu`K dw ihrdw (AMdroN ivkwrW nwl) bhuq gMdw hoieAw ipAw hY qW bwhroN srIr ƒ qIrQ Awidk qy ieSnwn krwieAW ihrdw AMdroN su`D nhIN ho skdw [ jy gurU dy dr qy (Awpw-Bwv dUr kr ky svwlI) bxIey, qW hI (ihrdy ƒ pivq® krn dI) Akl imldI hY [ gurU dy dr qy rih ky hI (ivkwrW dI mYl) DoiqAW ihrdw pivq® huMdw hY [ (jy gurU dy dr qy itkIey qW) prmwqmw Awp hI ieh (ivcwrn dI) smJ b^Sdw hY ik AsI cMgy hW jW mMdy [ (jy ies mnu`Kw jIvn smy gurU dw Awsrw nhIN ilAw qW) koeI jIv ieh nwh smJ ley ik (ieQoN ^wlI-h`Q) jw ky prlok ivc (jIvn pivq® krn dI sUJ) imlygI [ (ieh iek kudrqI inXm hY ik ieQy) mnu`K jyho jyhy krm krdw hY auho jyhw auh bx jWdw hY [ (jo mnu`K gurU dy dr qy if`gdw hY aus ƒ) Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlw Awpxw nwm Awp b^Sdw hY [ (ijs mnu`K ƒ ieh dwiq imldI hY) auh Awpxw mnu`Kw jnm suc`jw bxw ky ie`zq K`t ky ieQoN jWdw hY, auh AwpxI soBw dw vwjw (ieQy) vjw jWdw hY [ koeI ie`k mnu`K kIh? iqMnW hI lokW ivc prmwqmw aus dI soBw iKlwrdw hY [ hy nwnk! auh mnu`K Awp sdw pRsMn-ic`q rihMdw hY, qy AwpxIAW swrIAW kulW ƒ hI qwr lYNdw hY (soBw idvWdw hY) [1[4[6[

English Translation:


That vessel alone is pure, which is pleasing to Him. The filthiest vessel does not become pure, simply by being washed. Through the Gurdwara, the Guru’s Gate, one obtains understanding. By being washed through this Gate, it becomes pure. The Lord Himself sets the standards to differentiate between the dirty and the pure. Do not think that you will automatically find a place of rest hereafter. According to the actions one has committed, so does the mortal become. He Himself bestows the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. Such a mortal departs with honor and renown; his life is embellished and redeemed, and the trumpets resound with his glory. Why speak of poor mortals? His glory shall echo throughout the three worlds. O Nanak, he himself shall be enraptured, and he shall save his entire ancestry. || 1 || 4 || 6 ||

Tuesday, 30 Jayt’h (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 730)






Sri Amritsar.

June 14, 2006, Wednesday 04:45 AM. IST

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ]

koeI jnu hir isau dyvY joir ] crn ghau bkau suB rsnw dIjih pRwn Akoir ]1] rhwau ] mnu qnu inrml krq ikAwro hir isMcY suDw sMjoir ] ieAw rs mih mgnu hoq ikrpw qy mhw ibiKAw qy qoir ]1] AwieE srix dIn duK BMjn icqvau qum@rI Eir ] ABY pdu dwnu ismrnu suAwmI ko pRB nwnk bMDn Coir ]2]5]9]

bu`Dvwr, 31 jyT (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg:701 )

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! jy koeI mnu`K mYƒ prmwqmw (dy crnW) nwl joV dyvy, qW mYN aus dy crn PV lvW, mYN jIB nwl (aus dy DMnvwd dy) im`Ty bol bolW [ myry ieh pRwx aus A`gy Bytw dy qOr qy id`qy jwx [1[rhwau[ hy BweI! koeI ivrlw mnu`K prmwqmw dI ikrpw nwl Awpxy mn ƒ srIr ƒ, pivq® ikAwrw bxWdw hY, aus ivc pRBU dw nwm-jl cMgI qrHW isMjdw hY, qy, v`fI (mohxI) mwieAw nwloN (sMbMD) qoV ky ies (nwm-) rs ivc msq rihMdw hY [1[ hy dInW dy du`K nws krn vwly! mYN qyrI srn AwieAw hW, mYN qyrw hI Awsrw (Awpxy mn ivc) icqwrdw rihMdw hW [ hy pRBU! (mYN) nwnk dy (mwieAw vwly) bMDn Cufw ky mYƒ Awpxy nwm dw ismrn dyh, mYƒ (ivkwrW dy twkry qy) inrBYqw vwlI AvsQw b^S [2[5[9[

English Translation:


If only someone would unite me with the Lord! I hold tight to His feet, and utter sweet words with my tongue; I make my breath of life an offering to Him. || 1 || Pause || I make my mind and body into pure little gardens, and irrigate them with the sublime essence of the Lord. I am drenched with this sublime essence by His Grace, and the powerful hold of Maya’s corruption has been broken. || 1 || I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Destroyer of the suffering of the innocent; I keep my consciousness focused on You. Bless me with the gifts of the state of fearlessness, and meditative remembrance, Lord and Master; O Nanak, God is the Breaker of bonds. || 2 || 5 || 9 ||

Wednesday, 31 Jayt’h (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 701)



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Sri Amritsar.

June 15, 2006, Thursday 04:45 AM. IST

soriT mhlw 9 ]

jo nru duK mY duKu nhI mwnY ] suK snyhu Aru BY nhI jw kY kMcn mwtI mwnY ]1] rhwau ] nh inMidAw nh ausqiq jw kY loBu mohu AiBmwnw ] hrK sog qy rhY inAwrau nwih mwn Apmwnw ]1] Awsw mnsw sgl iqAwgY jg qy rhY inrwsw ] kwmu k®oDu ijh prsY nwhin iqh Git bRhmu invwsw ]2] gur ikrpw ijh nr kau kInI iqh ieh jugiq pCwnI ] nwnk lIn BieE goibMd isau ijau pwnI sMig pwnI ]3]11]

vIrvwr, 1 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 633)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 9 ]

soriT mhlw 9 ] hy BweI ! jyhVw mnu`K du`KW ivc GbrWdw nhIN, ijs mnu`K dy ihrdy ivc suKW nwl moh nhIN, Aqy iksy iksm dy fr nhIN, jyhVw mnu`K sony nUM im`tI smwn smJdw hY aus dy AMdr prmwqmw dw invws ho jWdw hY [1[rhwau[hy BweI ! ijs mnu`K dy AMdr iksy dI cuglI-burweI nhIN, iksy dI ^uSwmd nhIN, ijs dy AMdr nWh loB hY, nWh moh hY, nWh AhMkwr hY, jyhVw mnu`K ^uSI qy gmI qoN inrlyp rihMdw hY, ijs nUM nWh Awdr poh skdw hY nWh inrwdrI [ mnu`K dy ihrdy ivc prmwqmw dw invws ho jWdw hY [1[hy BweI ! jyhVw mnu`K AwsW aumYdW sB iqAwg dyNdw hY , jgq qoN inrmoh rihMdw hY, ijs mnu`K nUM nWh kwm-vwsnw Coh skdI hY nWh kRoD Coh skdw hY, aus mnu`K dy ihrdy ivc prmwqmw dw invws ho jWdw hY [2[ pr hy nwnk ! AwK ijs mnu`K auqy gurU ny myhr kIqI aus ny hI jIvn dI ieh jwc smJI hY [ auh mnu`K prmwqmw nwl ieauN iek imk ho jWdw hY, ijvyN pwxI nwl pwxI iml jWdw hY [3[11[

English Translation:


That man, who in the midst of pain, does not feel pain, who is not affected by pleasure, affection or fear, and who looks alike upon gold and dust; || 1 || Pause || Who is not swayed by either slander or praise, nor affected by greed, attachment or pride; who remains unaffected by joy and sorrow, honor and dishonor; || 1 || who renounces all hopes and desires and remains desireless in the world; who is not touched by sexual desire or anger — within his heart, God dwells. || 2 || That man, blessed by Guru’s Grace, understands this way. O Nanak, he merges with the Lord of the Universe, like water with water. || 3 || 11 ||

Wednesday, 1 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 633)






Sri Amritsar.

June 16, 2006, Friday 04:45 AM. IST

soriT mhlw 5 ]

gux gwvhu pUrn AibnwsI kwm k®oD ibKu jwry ] mhw ibKmu Agin ko swgru swDU sMig auDwry ]1] pUrY guir myitE Brmu AMDyrw ] Bju pRym Bgiq pRBu nyrw ] rhwau ] hir hir nwmu inDwn rsu pIAw mn qn rhy AGweI ] jq kq pUir rihE prmysru kq AwvY kq jweI ]2] jp qp sMjm igAwn qq byqw ijsu min vsY guopwlw ] nwmu rqnu ijin gurmuiK pwieAw qw kI pUrn Gwlw ]3] kil klys imty duK sgly kwtI jm kI Pwsw ] khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw DwrI mn qn Bey ibgwsw ]4]12]23]

vIrvwr, 1 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 633)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! pUry gurU dI srn pau [ jyhVw mnu`K pUry gurU dI srn ipAw pUry gurU ny (aus dw) Brm imtw id`qw, (aus dw mwieAw dy moh dw) hnyrw dUr kr id`qw [ (hy BweI! qUµ BI gurU dI srn pY ky) pRym-BrI BgqI nwl pRBU dw Bjn kirAw kr, (qYƒ) pRBU AMg-sMg (id`s peygw) [rhwau[ (hy BweI! pUry gurU dI srn pY ky) srb-ivAwpk nws-rihq pRBU dy gux gwieAw kr [ (jyhVw mnu`K ieh au~dm krdw hY gurU aus dy AMdroN Awqmk mOq ilAwaux vwly) kwm ko®D (Awidk dI) zhr swV dyNdw hY [ (ieh jgq ivkwrW dI) A`g dw smMudr (hY, ies ivcoN pwr lMGxw) bhuq kTn hY (is&iq-swlwh dy gIq gwx vwly mnu`K ƒ gurU) swD sMgiq ivc (r`K ky, ies smMudr ivcoN) pwr lMGw dyNdw hY [1[ hy BweI! prmwqmw dw nwm (swry rsW dw ^zwnw hY, jyhVw mnu`K gurU dI srn pY ky ies) ^zwny dw rs pINdw hY, aus dw mn aus dw qn (mwieAw dy rsW vloN) r`j jWdy hn [ aus ƒ hr QW prmwqmw ivAwpk id`s pYNdw hY [ auh mnu`K iPr nwh jMmdw hY nwh mrdw hY [2[ hy BweI! ijs mnu`K ny gurU dI srn pY ky nwm rqn l`B ilAw, aus dI (Awqmk jIvn vwlI) myhnq kwmXwb ho geI [ (gurU dI rwhIN) ijs mnu`K dy mn ivc isRStI dw pwlx-hwr Aw v`sdw hY, auh mnu`K AslI jp qp sMjm dw Byq smJx vwlw ho jWdw hY auh mnu`K Awqmk jIvn dI sUJ dw igAwqw ho jWdw hY [3[ hy nwnk! AwK—ijs mnu`K auqy pRBU ny myhr kIqI (aus ƒ pRBU ny gurU imlw id`qw, qy) aus dw mn aus dw qn Awqmk AwnMd nwl pRPulq ho igAw [ aus mnu`K dI jmW vwlI PwhI k`tI geI (aus dy gloN mwieAw dy moh dI PwhI k`tI geI jo Awqmk mOq ilAw ky jmW dy v`s pWdI hY), aus dy swry du`K klyS kSt dUr ho gey [4[12[23[

English Translation:


Sing the Glorious Praises of the Perfect, Imperishable Lord, and the poison of sexual desire and anger shall be burnt away. You shall cross over the awesome, arduous ocean of fire, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. || 1 || The Perfect Guru has dispelled the darkness of doubt. Remember God with love and devotion; He is near at hand. || Pause || Drink in the sublime essence, the treasure of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and your mind and body shall remain satisfied. The Transcendent Lord is totally permeating and pervading everywhere; where would He come from, and where would He go? || 2 || One whose mind is filled with the Lord, is a person of meditation, penance, self-restraint and spiritual wisdom, and a knower of reality. The Gurmukh obtains the jewel of the Naam; his efforts come to perfect fruition. || 3 || All his struggles, sufferings and pains are dispelled, and the noose of death is cut away from him. Says Nanak, God has extended His Mercy, and so his mind and body blossom forth. || 4 || 12 || 23 ||

Friday, 2 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 615)






Sri Amritsar.

June 17, 2006, Friday 04:45 AM. IST

sloku mhlw 2 ]

eyh iknyhI AwskI dUjY lgY jwie ] nwnk Awsku kWFIAY sd hI rhY smwie ] cMgY cMgw kir mMny mMdY mMdw hoie ] Awsku eyhu n AwKIAY ij lyKY vrqY soie ]1] mhlw 2 ] slwmu jbwbu dovY kry muMFhu GuQw jwie ] nwnk dovY kUVIAw Qwie n kweI pwie ]2] pauVI ] ijqu syivAY suKu pweIAY so swihbu sdw sm@wlIAY ] ijqu kIqw pweIAY Awpxw sw Gwl burI ikau GwlIAY ] mMdw mUil n kIceI dy lµmI ndir inhwlIAY ] ijau swihb nwil n hwrIAY qyvyhw pwsw FwlIAY ] ikCu lwhy aupir GwlIAY ]21]

SnIvwr, 3 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 474)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

sloku mhlw 2 ]

(jy koeI pRymI jIaUVw Awpxy ipAwry qoN ibnw) iksy hor ivc (BI) ic`q joV ley, qW aus dy ieSk ƒ s`cw ieSk nhIN AwiKAw jw skdw [ hy nwnk! auhI mnu`K s`cw AwSk ikhw jw skdw hY jo hr vyly (Awpxy hI pRIqm dI Xwd ivc) fu`bw rhy [(Awpxy ipAwry vloN hoey iksy) cMgy (kMm) ƒ q`k ky AwKy ik ieh cMgw kMm hY, pr mwVy kMm ƒ vyK ky AwKy ik ieh mwVw kMm hY (Bwv, Awpxy vloN Awey iksy suK ƒ qW h`s ky kbUl kry, pr du`K ƒ vyK ky Gwbr jwey) auh mnu`K BI, hy nwnk! s`cw AwSk nhIN ikhw jw skdw, ikauNik auh lyKy igx igx ky ipAwr dI sWJ bxWdw hY [1[(jo mnu`K Awpxy mwlk pRBU dy hukm A`gy kdy qW) isr invWdw hY, Aqy kdy (aus dy kIqy au~qy) ieqrwz krdw hY, auh (mwlk dI rzw dy rwh au~qy qurn qoN) au~kw hI KuMiJAw jw irhw hY [ hy nwnk! isr invwxw Aqy ieqrwz krnw—dovyN hI JUTy hn, iehnW dohW ivcoN koeI g`l BI (mwlk dy dr qy) kbUl nhIN huMdI [2[ijs mwlk dw ismrn kIiqAW suK imldw hY, aus mwlk ƒ sdw Xwd r`Kxw cwhIdw hY [ jdoN mnu`K ny Awpxy kIqy dw Pl Awp Bogxw hY qW Pyr koeI mwVI kmweI nhIN krnI cwhIdI (ijs dw mwVw Pl Bogxw pey) [ mwVw kMm Bu`l ky BI nw krIey, fUMGI (ivcwr vwlI) nzr mwr ky q`k leIey (ik ies mwVy kMMm dw is`tw kIh inklygw) [ koeI ieho ijhw au~dm krnw cwhIdw hY, ijs krky (pRBU) Ksm nwloN (pRIq) nw tu`t jwey [ (mnu`Kw-jnm pw ky) koeI n&y vwlI Gwl kmweI krnI cwhIdI hY [21[

English Translation:


What sort of love is this, which clings to duality? O Nanak, he alone is called a lover, who remains forever immersed in absorption. But one who feels good only when good is done for him, and feels bad when things go badly — do not call him a lover. He trades only for his own account. || 1 || SECOND MEHL: One who offers both respectful greetings and rude refusal to his master, has gone wrong from the very beginning. O Nanak, both of his actions are false; he obtains no place in the Court of the Lord. || 2 || PAUREE: Serving Him, peace is obtained; meditate and dwell upon that Lord and Master forever. Why do you do such evil deeds, that you shall have to suffer so? Do not do any evil at all; look ahead to the future with foresight. So throw the dice in such a way, that you shall not lose with your Lord and Master. Do those deeds which shall bring you profit. || 21 ||

Saturday, 3 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 474)






Sri Amritsar.

June 18, 2006, Sunday 04:45 AM. IST

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ]

mnUAw dh ids Dwvdw Ehu kYsy hir gux gwvY ] ieMdRI ivAwip rhI AiDkweI kwmu k®oDu inq sMqwvY ]1] vwhu vwhu shjy gux rvIjY ] rwm nwmu iesu jug mih dulBu hY gurmiq hir rsu pIjY ]1] rhwau ] sbdu cIin mnu inrmlu hovY qw hir kY guix gwvY ] gurmqI AwpY Awpu pCwxY qw inj Gir vwsw pwvY ]2] ey min myry sdw rMig rwqy sdw hir ky gux gwau ] hir inrmlu sdw suKdwqw min icMidAw Plu pwau ]3] hm nIc sy aUqm Bey hir kI srxweI ] pwQru fubdw kwiF lIAw swcI vifAweI ]5] ibKu sy AMimRq Bey gurmiq buiD pweI ] Akhu prml Bey AMqir vwsnw vsweI ]5] mwxs jnmu dulµBu hY jg mih KitAw Awie ] pUrY Bwig siqgur imlY hir nwmu iDAwie ]6] mnmuK BUly ibKu lgy Aihlw jnmu gvwieAw ] hir kw nwmu sdw suK swgru swcw sbdu n BwieAw ]7] muKhu hir hir sBu ko krY ivrlY ihrdY vswieAw ] nwnk ijn kY ihrdY visAw moK mukiq iqn@ pwieAw ]8]2]

AYqvwr, 4 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI) 18 jUn 2006

(AMg: 565)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ]

hy BweI! auh mnu`K prmwqmw dy gux nhIN gw skdw, ijs dw hoCw mn dsIN pwsIN dOVdw rihMdw hY, ijs auqy kwm-vwsnw bhuq zor pweI r`KdI hY, ijs nUM kwm sdw sqWdw rihMdw hY ijs nUM kRoD sdw duKI krdw rihMdw hY[1[ hy BweI! Awqmk Afolqw ivc itk ky hI prmwqmw dy guxW dI is&iq swlwh kIqI jw skdI hY[ mnu`Kw jnm ivc prmwqmw dw nwm iek durlB vsqU hY[ gurU dI miq au~qy qur ky hI prmwqmw dy nwm dw rs pIqw jw skdw hY[1[rhwau[hy BweI! jdoN gurU dy Sbd nwl sWJ pw ky mnu`K dw mn pivqR ho jWdw hY qdoN hI auh prmwqmw dI is&iq swlwh dy gIq gWdw hY[ jdoN mnu`K gurU dI miq auqy qur ky Awpxy Awqmk jIvn nUM pVqwldw hY qdoN auh prmwqmw dy crnW ivc QW pRwpq kr lYNdw hY[2[ hy myry mn! sdw prmwqmw dy pRym-rMg ivc rMigAw rhu, sdw prmwqmw dI is&iq swlwh dy gIq gWdw rhu[ hy BweI! prmwqmw sdw pivqR hY, sdw suK dyx vwlw hY[ aus dI is&iq swlwh kirAw kr, mn-ie~Cq Pl hwsl kryNgw[3[ hy BweI! prmwqmw dI srn ipAW AsIN jIv nIcW qoN au~qm bx jWdy hW[ prmwqmw p`Qr-ic`q mnu`K nUM BI ivkwrW ivc fu`bdy nUM k`F lYNdw hY, qy, sdw kwiem rihx vwlI ie`zq b^Sdw hY[4[ hy BweI! jyhVy mnu`K gurU dI miq auqy qur ky SRySt Akl hwsl kr lYNdy hn auh mwnoN zihr qoN AMimRq bx jWdy hn, auh mwno A`k qoN cMdn bx jWdy hn, auhnW dy AMdr su`cy Awqmk jIvn dI sugMDI Aw v`sdI hY[5[ hy BweI! mnu`Kw jnm bVI muSikl nwl imldw hY, jgq ivc Aw ky mnu`Kw jnm dI rwhIN ausy mnu`K ny kuJ K`itAw jwxo, ijs nUM pUry BwgW nwl gurU iml pYNdw hY, qy, prmwqmw dw nwm ismrdw hY[6[ hy BweI! Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`K kurwhy pey rihMdy hn[ Awqmk mOq ilAwaux vwly ivkwrW dy Sihr ivc msq rihMdy hn, qy, kImqI mnu`Kw jnm gvw lYNdy hn[ sdw hI su`KW nwl BrpUr hir-nwm auhnW nUM psMd nhIN AwauNNdw, sdw-iQr hrI dI is&iq swlwh vwlw gur-Sbd auhnW nUM cMgw nhIN l`gdw[7[ hy BweI! mUMh nwl bwhroN bwhroN qW hryk mnu`K prmwqmw dw nwm aucwr dyNdw hY, pr iksy ivrly ny hir-nwm Awpxy ihrdy ivc vswieAw hY[ hy nwnk! AwK- ijn@W mnu`KW dy ihrdy ivc prmwqmw dw nwm Aw vsdw hY auh mnu`K ivkwrW qoN KlwsI pRwpq kr lYNdy hn[8[2[

English Translation:


The mind wanders in the ten directions — how can one sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord? It is totally engrossed in sensuality, constantly tormented by sexual desire and anger. || 1 || Waaho! Waaho! Hail! Hail! Chant His Glorious Praise. The Lord’s Name is so difficult to obtain in this age; under Guru’s Instruction, drink in the subtle essence of the Lord. || 1 || Pause || Remembering the Word of the Shabad, the mind becomes immaculate, and then one sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Under Guru’s Instruction, one comes to understand his own self, and then he comes to dwell in the home of his heart. || 2 || O my mind, be imbued forever with the Lord’s Love, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever. The Immaculate Lord is forever the Giver of peace; from Him, one receives the fruits of the mind’s desires. || 3 || I am lowly, but I have been exalted, entering the Sanctuary of the Lord. He has lifted up the sinking stone; True is His glorious greatness. || 4 || From poison, I have been transformed into Ambrosial Nectar; under Guru’s Instruction, I have obtained wisdom. From bitter herbs, I have been transformed into sandalwood; this fragrance permeates deep within my being. || 5 || This human birth is very precious; one must earn the right to come into the world. By perfect destiny, I met the True Guru; I meditate on the Name of the Lord. || 6 || The self-willed manmukhs are deluded; attached to corruption, they waste away their lives in vain. The Name of the Lord is forever an ocean of peace, but the manmukhs do not love the True Word of the Shabad. || 7 || Everyone can chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har with their mouths, but only a few enshrine it within their hearts. O Nanak, those who enshrine the Lord within their hearts, attain liberation and emancipation. || 8 || 2 ||

Sunday, 4 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 565)






Sri Amritsar.

June 19, 2006, Monday 04:30 AM. IST

slok mÚ 5 ]

ndI qrMdVI mYfw Koju n KuMBY mMiJ muhbiq qyrI ] qau sh crxI mYfw hIAVw sIqmu hir nwnk qulhw byVI ]1] mÚ 5 ] ijn@w idsMdiVAw durmiq vM\Y imqR AswfVy syeI ] hau FUFydI jgu sbwieAw jn nwnk ivrly kyeI ]2] pauVI ] AwvY swihbu iciq qyirAw Bgqw ifiTAw ] mn kI ktIAY mYlu swDsMig vuiTAw ] jnm mrx Bau ktIAY jn kw sbdu jip ] bMDn Kolin@ sMq dUq siB jwih Cip ] iqsu isau lwiein@ rMgu ijs dI sB DwrIAw ] aUcI hUM aUcw Qwnu Agm ApwrIAw ] rYix idnsu kr joiV swis swis iDAweIAY ] jw Awpy hoie dieAwlu qW Bgq sMgu pweIAY ]9]

somvwr, 5 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 520)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

slok mÚ 5 ]

(sMswr-) ndI ivc qrdI dw myrw pYr (moh dy ic`kV ivc) nhIN Ku`Bdw, ikauNik myry ihrdy ivc qyrI pRIiq hY [ hy pqI (pRBU)! mYN Awpxw ieh inmwxw ijhw idl qyry crnW ivc pRo ilAw hY, hy hrI! (sMswr-smuMdr ivcoN qrn leI, qUM hI) nwnk dw qulHw hYN qy byVI hYN [1[ swfy (Asl) im`qr auhI mnu`K hn ijnHW dw dIdwr hoieAW BYVI m`q dUr ho jWdI hY, pr, hy dws nwnk! mYN swrw jgq Bwl vyiKAw hY, koeI ivrly (Ajyhy mnu`K imldy hn) [2[ (hy pRBU!) qyry BgqW dw drSn kIiqAW qUM mwlk Aswfy mn ivc Aw v`sdw hYN, swD sMgiq ivc A`piVAW mn dI mYl k`tI jWdI hY, (swD sMgiq ivc rih ky) is&iq-swlwh dI bwxI piVHAW syvk dw jnm mrn dw (Bwv, swrI aumr dw) fr k`itAw jWdw hY, ikauNik sMq (ijs mnu`K dy mwieAw vwly) bMDn KolHdy hn (aus dy ivkwr rUp) swry ijMn BUq luk jWdy hn [ ieh swrI isRStI ijs pRBU dI itkweI hoeI hY, ijs dw AsQwn sB qoN au~cw hY, jo AphuMc qy byAMq hY, sMq aus prmwqmw nwl (Aswfw) ipAwr joV dyNdy hn [ (hy BweI!) idn rwiq suAws suAws h`Q joV ky pRBU dw ismrn krnw cwhIdw hY, jdoN pRBU Awp hI idAwl huMdw hY qW aus dy BgqW dI sMgiq pRwpq huMdI hY [9[

English Translation:


Crossing the stream, my foot does not get stuck — I am filled with love for You. O Lord, my heart is attached to Your Feet; the Lord is Nanak’s raft and boat. || 1 || FIFTH MEHL: The sight of them banishes my evil-mindedness; they are my only true friends. I have searched the whole world; O servant Nanak, how rare are such persons! || 2 || PAUREE: You come to mind, O Lord and Master, when I behold Your devotees. The filth of my mind is removed, when I dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. The fear of birth and death is dispelled, meditating on the Word of His humble servant. The Saints untie the bonds, and all the demons are dispelled. They inspire us to love Him, the One who established the entire universe. The seat of the inaccessible and infinite Lord is the highest of the high. Night and day, with your palms pressed together, with each and every breath, meditate on Him. When the Lord Himself becomes merciful, then we attain the Society of His devotees. || 9 ||

Monday, 5 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 520)



Sangat ji,



I want to appologise to SANGAT that I have been little lazy untill now about posting HUKAMNAMA Sahib from Sri Darbar Sahib but it won't happen again. I'll post SRI HUKAMNAMA SAHIB on regular/daily.

Please forgive me and do ardaas so GURU JI sumat bakhshan meinu!!



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Sri Amritsar.

June 20, 2006, Tuesday 04:30 AM. IST

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]

mWgau rwm qy siB Qok] mwnuK kau jwcq sRmu pweIAY pRB kY ismrin moK ]1] rhwau ] GoKy muin jn isMimRiq purwnW byd pukwrih GoK ] ik®pw isMDu syiv scu pweIAY dovY suhyly lok ]1] Awn Acwr ibauhwr hY jyqy ibnu hir ismrn Pok ] nwnk jnm mrx BY kwty imil swDU ibnsy sok ]2]19]50]

mMglvwr, 6 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 682)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! mYN qW swry pdwrQ prmwqmw qoN hI mMgdw hW[ mnu`KW pwsoN mMgidAW inrI Kycl hI hwsl huMdI hY, dUjy pwsy, prmwqmw dy ismrn dI rwhIN pdwrQ BI imldy hn, qy mwieAw dy moh qoN KlwsI BI pRwpq ho jWdI hY[1[rhwau[ hy BweI! irSIAW ny isMimRqIAW purwx ghu nwl ivcwr vyKy, vydW nUM BI ivcwr ky au~cI au~cI pVHdy hn, pr ikrpw dy smuMdr prmwqmw dI srn pY ky hI aus dw sdw-iQr nwm pRwpq huMdw hY, ijs dI brkiq nwl lok prlok dovy hI suKdweI ho jWdy hn[1[ hy BweI! prmwqmw dy ismrn qoN ibnw ijqny BI hor Dwrimk irvwj qy ivhwr hn swry ivArQ hn[ hy nwnk! gurU nUM iml ky jnm mrn dy swry fr k`ty jWdy hn, qy swry icMqw-iPkr nws ho jWdy hn[2[19[50[

English Translation:


I beg only from the Lord for all things. I would hesitate to beg from other people. Remembering God in meditation, liberation is obtained. || 1 || Pause || I have studied with the silent sages, and carefully read the Simritees, the Puraanas and the Vedas; they all proclaim that, by serving the Lord, the ocean of mercy, Truth is obtained, and both this world and the next are embellished.||1|| All other rituals and customs are useless, without remembering the Lord in meditation. O Nanak, the fear of birth and death has been removed; meeting the Holy Saint, sorrow is dispelled. || 2 || 19 || 50 ||

Tuesday, 6 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 682)



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Sri Amritsar.

June 21, 2006, Wednesday 04:30 AM. IST

DnwsrI mhlw 3 qIjw ]

jgu mYlw mYlo hoie jwie ] AwvY jwie dUjY loBwie ] dUjY Bwie sB prj ivgoeI ] mnmuiK cotw Kwie ApunI piq KoeI ]1] gur syvw qy jnu inrmlu hoie ] AMqir nwmu vsY piq aUqm hoie ] rhwau ] gurmuiK aubry hir srxweI ] rwm nwim rwqy Bgiq idRVweI ] Bgiq kry jnu vifAweI pwey ] swic rqy suK shij smwey ]2] swcy kw gwhku ivrlw ko jwxu ] gur kY sbid Awpu pCwxu ] swcI rwis swcw vwpwru ] so DMnu purKu ijsu nwim ipAwru ]3] iqin pRiB swcY ieik sic lwey ] aUqm bwxI sbdu suxwey ] pRB swcy kI swcI kwr ] nwnk nwim svwrxhwr ]4]4]

bu`Dvwr, 7 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 664)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

DnwsrI mhlw 3 qIjw ]

hy BweI! mwieAw dy moh ivc Ps ky jgq mYly jIvn vwlw ho jWdw hY, hor hor vDIk mYly jIvn vwlw bxdw jWdw hY, qy jnm mrn dy gyV ivc ipAw rihMdw hY[ hy BweI! mwieAw dy moh ivc Ps ky swrI lukweI ^uAwr huMdI hY[ Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwlw mnu`K mwieAw dy moh dIAW s`tW KWdw hY, qy, AwpxI ie`jq gvWdw hY[1[hy BweI! gurU dI d`sI hoeI syvw dy rwhIN mnu`K piv`qr jIvn vwlw bx jWdw hY, aus dy AMdr prmwqmw dw nwm Aw v`sdw hY, qy, aus nuUM au~cI ie`zq imldI hY[rhwau[hy BweI! gurU dy snmu`K rihx vwly mnu`K prmwqmw dI Srn pY ky mwieAw dy moh qoN bc inkldy hn, auh prmwqmw dy nwm ivc mgn rihMdy hn, prmwqmw dI BgqI Awpxy ihrdy ivc p`kI itkweI r`Kdy hn[ hy BweI! jyhVw mnu`K prmwqmw dI BgqI krdw hY auh lok prlok ivc iezq K`tdw hY[ jyhVy mnu`K sdw-iQr pRBU dy pRym-rMg ivc rMgy rihMdy hn, auh Awqmk hulwirAW ivc Awqmk Afolqw ivc msq rihMdy hn[2[ hy BweI! iPr BI, sdw-iQr pRBU nwl imlwp dw cwhvwn iksy ivrly mnu`K nMU hI smJo[ jyhVw koeI imlwp dw cwhvwn huMdw hY, auh gurU dy Sbd ivc juV ky Awpxy Awqmk jIvn nMU prKx vwlw bx jWdw hY[ auh mnu`K sdw-iQr hir-nwm dI pMUjI Awpxy AMdr sWB ky r`Kdw hY, auh mnu`K sdw swQ inbwhux vwlw hir-nwm ismrn dw vpwr krdw hY[ hy BweI auh mnu`K Bwgw vwlw hY ijs dw ipAwr prmwqmw dy nwm ivc pY jWdw hY[3[ hy BweI! aus sdw-iQr pRBU ny keI mnu`KW nMU Awpxy sdw-iQr nwm ivc joiVAw hoieAw hY, auhnW nMU gurU dI bwxI gurU dw Sbd suxwauNdw hY, qy, pivqR jIvn vwlw bxw dyNdw hY[ hy nwnk! sdw kwiem rihx vwly pRBU dI ieh At`l mrXwdw hY ik auh Awpxy nwm ivc joV ky jIvW dy jIvn sohxy bxw dyx vwlw hY[4[4[

English Translation:


The world is polluted, and those in the world become polluted as well. In attachment to duality, it comes and goes. This love of duality has ruined the entire world. The self-willed manmukh suffers punishment, and forfeits his honor. || 1 || Serving the Guru, one becomes immaculate. He enshrines the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within, and his state becomes exalted. || Pause || The Gurmukhs are saved, taking to the Lord’s Sanctuary. Attuned to the Lord’s Name, they commit themselves to devotional worship. The Lord’s humble servant performs devotional worship, and is blessed with greatness. Attuned to Truth, he is absorbed in celestial peace. || 2 || Know that one who purchases the True Name is very rare. Through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, he comes to understand himself. True is his capital, and true is his trade. Blessed is that person, who loves the Naam. || 3 || God, the True Lord, has attached some to His True Name. They listen to the most sublime Word of His Bani, and the Word of His Shabad. True is service to the True Lord God. O Nanak, the Naam is the Embellisher. || 4 || 4 ||

Wednesday, 7 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 664)



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Sri Amritsar.

June 22, 2006, Thursday 04:30 AM. IST

jYqsrI mhlw 4 ]

Awpy jogI jugiq jugwhw ] Awpy inrBau qwVI lwhw ] Awpy hI Awip Awip vrqY Awpy nwim Eumwhw rwm ]1] Awpy dIp loA dIpwhw ] Awpy siqguru smuMdu mQwhw ] Awpy miQ miQ qqu kFwey jip nwmu rqnu Eumwhw rwm ]2] sKI imlhu imil gux gwvwhw ] gurmuiK nwmu jphu hir lwhw ] hir hir Bgiq idRVI min BweI hir hir nwmu Eumwhw rwm ]3] Awpy vf dwxw vf swhw ] gurmuiK pUMjI nwmu ivswhw ] hir hir dwiq krhu pRB BwvY gux nwnk nwmu Eumwhw rwm ]4]4]10]

vIrvwr, 8 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 699)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

jYqsrI mhlw 4 ]

hy BweI! prmwqmw Awp hI jogI hY, Awp hI sB jugW ivc jog dI jugiq hY, Awp hI infr ho ky smwDI lwauNdw hY[ sB QW Awp hI Awp kMm kr irhw hY, Awp hI nwm ivc joV ky ismrn dw auqSwh dy irhw hY [1[ hy BweI ! pRBU Awp hI jzIry hY, Awp hI swry Bvn hY, Awp hI swry BvnW ivc cwnx hY[ pRBU Awp hI gurU hY, Awp hI bwxI dw smuMdr hY, Awp hI ies smuMdr nUM irVkx vwlw ivcwrn vwlw hY [ Awp hI bwxI dy smuMdr nUM irVk irVk (ivcwr ivcwr) ky ies ivcoN m`Kx (AslIAq) lBwauNdw hY, Awp hI Awpxw rqn vrgw kImqI nwm jp ky jIvW dy AMdr jpx dw cwau pYdw krdw hY[2[ hy sqsMgIE ! iek`Ty hovo, AwE, iek`Ty ho ky pRBU dy gux gweIey[ hy sqsMgIE! gurU dI srn pY ky hir-nwm jpo, iehI hY jIvn dw lwB[ ijs mnu`K ny pRBU dI BgqI Awpxy ihrdy ivc p`kI ibTw leI, ijs nUM pRBU dI BgqI mn ivc ipAwrI l`gI, pRBU dw nwm aus dy AMdr ismrn dw auqSwh pYdw krdw hY [3[ hy BweI ! pRBU Awp hI bVw isAwxw v`fw Swh hY[ hy BweI ! gurU dI srn pY ky aus dw nwm-srmwieAw iek`Tw kro[ hy nwnk! AwK-hy hrI! hy pRBU! mYnUM Awpxy nwm dI dwiq b^S, jy qYnUM cMgw l`gy, qW myry AMdr qyrw nwm v`sy, qyry guxW nUM Xwd krn dw cwau pYdw hovy [4[4[10[

English Translation:


He Himself is the Yogi, and the way throughout the ages. The Fearless Lord Himself is absorbed in Samaadhi. He Himself, all by Himself, is all-pervading; He Himself blesses us with sincere love for the Naam, the Name of the Lord. || 1 || He Himself is the lamp, and the Light pervading all the worlds. He Himself is the True Guru; He Himself churns the ocean. He Himself churns it, churning up the essence; meditating on the jewel of the Naam, sincere love comes to the surface. || 2 || O my companions, let us meet and join together, and sing His Glorious Praises. As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, and earn the profit of the Lord’s Name. Devotional worship of the Lord, Har, Har, has been implanted within me; it is pleasing to my mind. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, brings a sincere love.|| 3 || He Himself is supremely wise, the greatest King. As Gurmukh, purchase the merchandise of the Naam. O Lord God, Har, Har, bless me with such a gift, that Your Glorious Virtues seem pleasing to me; Nanak is filled with sincere love and yearning for the Lord. || 4 || 4 || 10 ||

Thursday, 8 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 699)



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[June 23, 2006, Friday 04:45 AM. IST]

iqlg mhlw 1 ]

jYsI mY AwvY Ksm kI bwxI qYsVw krI igAwnu vy lwlo ] pwp kI jM\ lY kwblhu DwieAw jorI mMgY dwnu vy lwlo ] srmu Drmu duie Cip Kloey kUVu iPrY prDwnu vy lwlo ] kwjIAw bwmxw kI gl QkI Agdu pVY sYqwnu vy lwlo ] muslmwnIAw pVih kqybw kst mih krih Kudwie vy lwlo ] jwiq snwqI hoir ihdvwxIAw eyih BI lyKY lwie vy lwlo ] KUn ky soihly gwvIAih nwnk rqu kw kuMgU pwie vy lwlo ]1] swihb ky gux nwnku gwvY mws purI ivic AwKu msolw ] ijin aupweI rMig rvweI bYTw vyKY viK iekylw ] scw so swihbu scu qpwvsu scVw inAwau krygu msolw ] kwieAw kpVu tuku tuku hosI ihdusqwnu smwlsI bolw ] Awvin ATqrY jwin sqwnvY horu BI auTsI mrd kw cylw ] sc kI bwxI nwnku AwKY scu suxwiesI sc kI bylw ]2]3]5]

Sukrvwr, 9 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 722)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

iqlg mhlw 1 ]

hy BweI lwlo! mYnMU ijho ijhI Ksm-pRBU vloN pRyrnw AweI hY ausy Anuswr mYN qYnMU (aus dur-Gtnw dI) vwk&IAq dyNdw hW (jo ies Shr SYdpur ivc vwprI hY)[ bwbr kwbl qoN (&Oj jo, mwno) pwp-zulm dI jM\ hY iek`TI kr ky ciVHAw hY, Aqy jor-Dky nwl ihMd-dI-hkUmq rUp kMinAw-dwn mMg irhw hY[ sYdpur ivcoN hXw qy Drm dovy lop ho cuky hn, JUT cODrI bixAw iPrdw hY[ (bwbr dy ispwhIAW vloN sYdpur dIAW iesqRIAW auqy ieqny A`iqAwcwr ho rhy hn ik, mwno) SYqwn ies Shr ivc ivAwh pVHw irhw hY qy kwzIAW Aqy bRwhmxw dI (swaUAW vwlI) mrXwdw mu`k cukI hY[ muslmwn AOrqW BI ies zulm dw iSkwr ho rhIAW hn, jo ies ibpqw ivc AwpxI Drm-pusqk kurwn dIAW AwieqW pVH rhIAW hn qy ^udw A`gy pukwr kr rhIAW hn[ au~cIAW jwqW dIAW, nIvIAW jwqW dIAW Aqy hor BI sB ihMdU iesqRIAW-iehnW swrIAW auqy iehI A`iqAwcwr ho rhy hn[ hy nwnk! ies ^UnI ivAwh ivc sYdpur ngr dy AMdr hr pwsy ivrlwp ho rhy hn qy lhU dw kysr iCVikAw jw irhw hY[1[ (sYdpur dI kqlwm dI ieh dur-Gtnw bVI iBAwnk hY, pr ieh BI TIk hY ik jgq ivc sB kuJ mwlk-pRBU dI rzw ivc ho irhw hY, ies vwsqy) loQW-Bry ies Shr ivc bYT ky BI nwnk aus mwlk-pRBU dy gux hI gwauNdw hY, hy BweI lwlo! qMU BI ies At`l inXm nMU aucwr (cyqy r`K ik) ijs mwlk-pRBU ny ieh isRStI pYdw kIqI hY, ausy ny ies nMU mwieAw dy moh ivc privrq kIqw hoieAw hY, auh Awp hI inrlyp rih ky (auhnW dur-GtnwvW nMU) vyK irhw hY jo mwieAw dy moh dy kwrn vwprdIAW hn[ auh mwlk-pRBU inXmW vwlw hY, aus dw inAwauN (hux qk) At`l hY, auh AgWh nMU BI At`l inXm vrqwiegw, auhI inAwauN krygw jo At`l hY[ aus At`l inXm Anuswr hI ies vyly sYdpur ivc hr pwsy mn`uKw srIr-rUp k`pVw toty toty ho irhw hY[ ieh iek AYsI iBAwnk Gtnw hoeI hY ijs nMU ihMdusqwn Bulw nhIN skygw[ pr hy BweI lwlo! jd qk mnu`K mwieAw dy moh ivc privrq hn, Ajyhy G`lU-Gwry vwprdy hI rihxy hn, muZl A`j sMmq AT`qr ivc Awey hn, ieh sMmq sqwnvy ivc cly jwxgy, koeI hor sUrmw BI au~T KVw hovygw[ jIv mwieAw dy rMg ivc msq ho ky aumr AjweIN gvw rhy hn[ nwnk qW ies vyly BI sdw kwiem rihx vwly pRBU dI is&iq swlwh krdw hY, swrI aumr hI is&iq swlwh krdw rhygw, ikauNik ieh mnu`Kw jnm dw smW is&iq swlwh vwsqy hI imilAw hY[2[3[5[

English Translation :


As the Word of the Forgiving Lord comes to me, so do I express it, O Lalo. Bringing the marriage party of sin, Babar has invaded from Kaabul, demanding our land as his wedding gift, O Lalo. Modesty and righteousness both have vanished, and falsehood struts around like a leader, O Lalo. The Qazis and the Brahmins have lost their roles, and Satan now conducts the marriage rites, O Lalo. The Muslim women read the Koran, and in their misery, they call upon God, O Lalo. The Hindu women of high social status, and others of lowly status as well, are put into the same category, O Lalo. The wedding songs of murder are sung, O Nanak, and blood is sprinkled instead of saffron, O Lalo. || 1 || Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord and Master in the city of corpses, and voices this account. The One who created, and attached the mortals to pleasures, sits alone, and watches this. The Lord and Master is True, and True is His justice. He issues His Commands according to His judgement. The body-fabric will be torn apart into shreds, and then India will remember these words. Coming in seventy-eight (1521 A.D.), they will depart in ninety-seven (1540 A.D.), and then another disciple of man will rise up. Nanak speaks the Word of Truth; he proclaims the Truth at this, the right time. || 2 || 3 || 5 ||

Friday, 9 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi) (Page: 722)


someone plzz explain me the line in bold ...wht happened in 1521 or 1540??????????

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Sri Amritsar.

June 23, 2006, Friday 04:45 AM. IST

iqlµg mhlw 1 ]

jYsI mY AwvY Ksm kI bwxI qYsVw krI igAwnu vy lwlo ] pwp kI jM\ lY kwblhu DwieAw jorI mMgY dwnu vy lwlo ] srmu Drmu duie Cip Kloey kUVu iPrY prDwnu vy lwlo ] kwjIAw bwmxw kI gl QkI Agdu pVY sYqwnu vy lwlo ] muslmwnIAw pVih kqybw kst mih krih Kudwie vy lwlo ] jwiq snwqI hoir ihdvwxIAw eyih BI lyKY lwie vy lwlo ] KUn ky soihly gwvIAih nwnk rqu kw kuMgU pwie vy lwlo ]1] swihb ky gux nwnku gwvY mws purI ivic AwKu msolw ] ijin aupweI rMig rvweI bYTw vyKY viK iekylw ] scw so swihbu scu qpwvsu scVw inAwau krygu msolw ] kwieAw kpVu tuku tuku hosI ihdusqwnu smwlsI bolw ] Awvin ATqrY jwin sqwnvY horu BI auTsI mrd kw cylw ] sc kI bwxI nwnku AwKY scu suxwiesI sc kI bylw ]2]3]5]

Sukrvwr, 9 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 722)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

iqlµg mhlw 1 ]

hy BweI lwlo! mYnMU ijho ijhI Ksm-pRBU vloN pRyrnw AweI hY ausy Anuswr mYN qYnMU (aus dur-Gtnw dI) vwk&IAq dyNdw hW (jo ies Shr SYdpur ivc vwprI hY)[ bwbr kwbl qoN (&Oj jo, mwno) pwp-zulm dI jM\ hY iek`TI kr ky ciVHAw hY, Aqy jor-Dky nwl ihMd-dI-hkUmq rUp kMinAw-dwn mMg irhw hY[ sYdpur ivcoN hXw qy Drm dovy lop ho cuky hn, JUT cODrI bixAw iPrdw hY[ (bwbr dy ispwhIAW vloN sYdpur dIAW iesqRIAW auqy ieqny A`iqAwcwr ho rhy hn ik, mwno) SYqwn ies Shr ivc ivAwh pVHw irhw hY qy kwzIAW Aqy bRwhmxw dI (swaUAW vwlI) mrXwdw mu`k cukI hY[ muslmwn AOrqW BI ies zulm dw iSkwr ho rhIAW hn, jo ies ibpqw ivc AwpxI Drm-pusqk kurwn dIAW AwieqW pVH rhIAW hn qy ^udw A`gy pukwr kr rhIAW hn[ au~cIAW jwqW dIAW, nIvIAW jwqW dIAW Aqy hor BI sB ihMdU iesqRIAW-iehnW swrIAW auqy iehI A`iqAwcwr ho rhy hn[ hy nwnk! ies ^UnI ivAwh ivc sYdpur ngr dy AMdr hr pwsy ivrlwp ho rhy hn qy lhU dw kysr iCVikAw jw irhw hY[1[ (sYdpur dI kqlwm dI ieh dur-Gtnw bVI iBAwnk hY, pr ieh BI TIk hY ik jgq ivc sB kuJ mwlk-pRBU dI rzw ivc ho irhw hY, ies vwsqy) loQW-Bry ies Shr ivc bYT ky BI nwnk aus mwlk-pRBU dy gux hI gwauNdw hY, hy BweI lwlo! qMU BI ies At`l inXm nMU aucwr (cyqy r`K ik) ijs mwlk-pRBU ny ieh isRStI pYdw kIqI hY, ausy ny ies nMU mwieAw dy moh ivc privrq kIqw hoieAw hY, auh Awp hI inrlyp rih ky (auhnW dur-GtnwvW nMU) vyK irhw hY jo mwieAw dy moh dy kwrn vwprdIAW hn[ auh mwlk-pRBU inXmW vwlw hY, aus dw inAwauN (hux qk) At`l hY, auh AgWh nMU BI At`l inXm vrqwiegw, auhI inAwauN krygw jo At`l hY[ aus At`l inXm Anuswr hI ies vyly sYdpur ivc hr pwsy mn`uKw srIr-rUp k`pVw toty toty ho irhw hY[ ieh iek AYsI iBAwnk Gtnw hoeI hY ijs nMU ihMdusqwn Bulw nhIN skygw[ pr hy BweI lwlo! jd qk mnu`K mwieAw dy moh ivc privrq hn, Ajyhy G`lU-Gwry vwprdy hI rihxy hn, muZl A`j sMmq AT`qr ivc Awey hn, ieh sMmq sqwnvy ivc cly jwxgy, koeI hor sUrmw BI au~T KVw hovygw[ jIv mwieAw dy rMg ivc msq ho ky aumr AjweIN gvw rhy hn[ nwnk qW ies vyly BI sdw kwiem rihx vwly pRBU dI is&iq swlwh krdw hY, swrI aumr hI is&iq swlwh krdw rhygw, ikauNik ieh mnu`Kw jnm dw smW is&iq swlwh vwsqy hI imilAw hY[2[3[5[

English Translation:


As the Word of the Forgiving Lord comes to me, so do I express it, O Lalo. Bringing the marriage party of sin, Babar has invaded from Kaabul, demanding our land as his wedding gift, O Lalo. Modesty and righteousness both have vanished, and falsehood struts around like a leader, O Lalo. The Qazis and the Brahmins have lost their roles, and Satan now conducts the marriage rites, O Lalo. The Muslim women read the Koran, and in their misery, they call upon God, O Lalo. The Hindu women of high social status, and others of lowly status as well, are put into the same category, O Lalo. The wedding songs of murder are sung, O Nanak, and blood is sprinkled instead of saffron, O Lalo. || 1 || Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord and Master in the city of corpses, and voices this account. The One who created, and attached the mortals to pleasures, sits alone, and watches this. The Lord and Master is True, and True is His justice. He issues His Commands according to His judgement. The body-fabric will be torn apart into shreds, and then India will remember these words. Coming in seventy-eight (1521 A.D.), they will depart in ninety-seven (1540 A.D.), and then another disciple of man will rise up. Nanak speaks the Word of Truth; he proclaims the Truth at this, the right time. || 2 || 3 || 5 ||

Friday, 9 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)




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Sri Amritsar.

June 24, 2006, Saturday 04:30 AM. IST

slok mÚ 3 ]

nwnk igAwnI jgu jIqw jig jIqw sBu koie ] nwmy kwrj isiD hY shjy hoie su hoie ] gurmiq miq Aclu hY clwie n skY koie ] Bgqw kw hir AMgIkwru kry kwrju suhwvw hoie ] mnmuK mUlhu BulwieAnu, ivic lbu loBu AhMkwru ] JgVw kridAw Anidnu gudrY sbid n krY vIcwru ] suiD miq krqY ihir leI bolin sBu ivkwru ] idqY ikqY n sMqoKIAin AMqir iqRsnw bhuqu Ag´wnu AMDwru ] nwnk mnmuKw nwlhu qutIAw BlI ijnw mwieAw moih ipAwru ]1] mÚ 3 ] iqn@ Bau sMsw ikAw kry ijn siqguru isir krqwru ] Duir iqn kI pYj rKdw Awpy rKxhwru ] imil pRIqm suKu pwieAw scY sbid vIcwir ] nwnk suKdwqw syivAw Awpy prKxhwru ]2] pauVI ] jIA jMq siB qyirAw, qU sBnw rwis ] ijs no qU dyih iqsu sBu ikCu imlY koeI horu srIku nwhI quDu pwis ] qU ieko dwqw sBs dw hir pih Ardwis ] ijs dI quDu BwvY iqs dI qU mMin lYih so jnu swbwis ] sBu qyrw coju vrqdw duKu suKu quDu pwis ]2]

SnIvwr, 10 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 549)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

slok mÚ 3 ]

hy nwnk! igAwnvwn mnu`K ny sMswr ƒ (Bwv, mwieAw dy moh ƒ) ij`q ilAw hY, (qy igAwnI qoN ibnw) hr iek mnu`K ƒ sMswr ny ij`iqAw hY, (igAwnI dy) AslI krn vwly kMm (Bwv, mnu`Kw jnm ƒ svwrn) dI sPlqw nwm jpx nwl hI hMudI hY aus ƒ ieauN jwpdw hY ik jo kuJ ho irhw hY, pRBU dI rzw ivc ho irhw hY [ siqgurU dI m`q qy quirAW (igAwnI mnu`K dI) m`q p`kI ho jWdI hY, koeI (mwiek ivhwr) aus ƒ fulw nhIN skdw (aus ƒ inscw hMudw hY ik) pRBU BgqW dw swQ inBwauNdw hY (qy auhnW dw hryk) kMm rws Aw jWdw hY [mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`K pRBU qoN Bu`ly hoey hn, ikauNik auhnW dy AMdr l`b loB qy AhMkwr hY [ auhnW dw hryk idn (l`b loB Awidk sMbMDI) JgVw kridAW guzrdw hY, auh gurU dy Sbd ivc ivcwr nhIN krdy [ krqwr ny auhnW mnmuKW dI hoS qy Akl Koh leI hY auh inry ivkwrW dy bcn hI boldy hn, auh iksy BI dwiq dy imlx qy r`jdy nhIN ikauNik auhnW dy mn ivc bVI iq®Snw AigAwn qy hnyrw hY [hy nwnk! (Ajyhy) mnmuKW nwloN sMbMD tu`tw hoieAw hI cMgw hY, ikauNik auhnW dw ipAwr qW mwieAw dy moh ivc hY [1[ijnHW dy isr pRBU qy gurU hY (Bwv, jo pRBU qy gurU ƒ rwKw smJdy hn), fr qy icMqw auhnW dw kIh ivgwV skdy hn? r`iKAw krn vwlw pRBU Awp auhnW dI lwj sdw qoN r`Kdw AwieAw hY [hy nwnk! jo suKdwqw pRBU Awp hI (sB dI) prK krn vwlw hY aus dI auh syvw krdy hn, qy (ies qrHW) s`cy Sbd dI rwhIN vIcwr kr ky qy hrI pRIqm ƒ iml ky suK pwauNdy hn [2[hy hrI! swry jIA jMq qyry hn, qUµ sBnW dw ^zwnw hYN, ijs mnu`K ƒ qUµ (Awpxy nwm dI) dwiq bKSdw hYN, aus ƒ (mwno) hryk SY iml jWdI hY (ikauNik rokx vwlw) hor koeI qyrw SrIk qyry kol nhIN hY, qUµ iek`lw Awp sBnW dw dwqw hYN (ies kr ky) hy hrI! (sB jIvW dI) qyry A`gy hI bynqI hMudI hY; ijsdI bynqI qYƒ cMgI lgy, ausdI qUµ pRvwn kr lYNdw hYN qy aus mnu`K ƒ SwbwSy imldI hY [ ieh swrw qyrw hI kOqk vrq irhw hY, (sBnW dw) du`K qy suK (dw qrlw) qyry kol hI hMudw hY [2[

English Translation:


O Nanak, the spiritually wise have conquered the world, but the world has conquered everyone. Through the Name, their affairs are brought to perfection; whatever will be, will be. Under Guru’s Instruction, their minds are held steady; no one can make them waver. The Lord makes His devotees His own, and resolves their affairs. The self-willed manmukhs have been led astray from the very beginning; within them lurks greed, avarice and egotism. Their nights and days pass in argument and conflict; they do not contemplate the Word of the Shabad. The Creator has taken away their common sense and understanding, and all their speech is corrupt. No matter what they are given, they are not satisfied; within them is desire, and the great darkness of ignorance. O Nanak, it is right to break with the self-willed manmukhs; to them, emotional attachment to Maya is sweet. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: What can fear and skepticism do to those, who have given their heads to the Creator, and to the True Guru? The Protector Himself has protected their honor from the beginning of time. Meeting their Beloved, they find peace; they contemplate the True Word of the Shabad. O Nanak, I serve the Giver of peace; He Himself is the Assessor. || 2 || PAUREE: All beings and creatures are Yours; You are the wealth of all. One unto whom You give, obtains everything; there is no one else to rival You. You alone are the Great Giver of all; I offer my prayer to You, Lord. One with whom You are pleased, is accepted by You; how blessed is such a person! Your wondrous play is pervading everywhere. Pain and pleasure are with You. || 2 ||

Saturday, 10 Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)




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Sri Amritsar.

June 25, 2006, Sunday 04:30 AM. IST

sUhI mhlw 5 ]

quDu iciq Awey mhw Anµdw ijsu ivsrih so mir jwey ] dieAwlu hovih ijsu aUpir krqy so quDu sdw iDAwey ]1] myry swihb qUM mY mwxu inmwxI ] Ardwis krI pRB Apny AwgY suix suix jIvw qyrI bwxI ]1] rhwau ] crx DUiV qyry jn kI hovw qyry drsn kau bil jweI ] AMimRq bcn irdY auir DwrI qau ikrpw qy sMgu pweI ]2] AMqr kI giq quDu pih swrI quDu jyvfu Avru n koeI ] ijs no lwie lYih so lwgY Bgqu quhwrw soeI ]3] duie kr joiV mwgau ieku dwnw swihib quTY pwvw ] swis swis nwnku AwrwDy AwT phr gux gwvw ]4]9]56]

AYqvwr, 11 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 749)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

sUhI mhlw 5 ]

hy pRBU! jy qMU ic`q ivc Aw vsyN, qW bVw suK imldw hY[ ijs mn`uK nMU qMU ivsr jWdw hYN, auh mnu`K Awqmk mOq shyV lYNdw hY[ hy krqwr! ijs mnu`K auqy qMU dieAwvwn huMdw hYN, auh sdw qYnMU Xwd krdw rihMdw hY[1[ hy myry mwlk-pRBU! myrw inmwxI dw qMU hI mwx hYN[ hy pRBU! mYN qyry A`gy ArzoeI krdw hW, myhr kr qyrI is&iq swlwh dI bwxI sux sux ky mYN Awqmk jIvn hwsl krdw rhW [1[ rhwau[ hy pRBU! mYN qyry drSn qoN sdky jWdw hW, myhr kr mYN qyry syvk dy crnW dI DUV bixAw rhW[ qyry syvk dy Awqmk jIvn dyx vwly bcn mYN Awpxy idl ivc ihrdy ivc vsweI r`KW, qyrI ikrpw nwl mYN qyry syvk dI sMgiq pRwpq krW[2[ hy BweI Awpxy idl dI hwlq qyry A`gy KolH ky r`K id`qI hY[ mYnMU qyry brwbr dw hor koeI nhIN id`sdw[ ijs mnu`K nMU qMU Awpxy crnW ivc joV lYNdw hYN, auh qyry crnW ivc juiVAw rihMdw hY[ auhI qyrw Asl Bgq hY [3[ hy pRBU! mYN Awpxy dovy h`Q joV ky qyry pwsoN iek dwn mMgdw hW[ hy swihb! qyry quR`Tx nwl hI mYN iek dwn lY skdw hW[ myhr kr nwnk hryk swh dy nwl ArwDn krdw rhy, mYN A`Ty phr qyrI isPiq swlwh dy gIq gwauNdw rhW[4[9[56[

English Translation:


When You come to mind, I am totally in bliss. One who forgets You might just as well be dead. That being, whom You bless with Your Mercy, O Creator Lord, constantly meditates on You. || 1 || O my Lord and Master, You are the honor of the dishonored such as me. I offer my prayer to You, God; listening, listening to the Word of Your Bani, I live. || 1 || Pause || May I become the dust of the feet of Your humble servants. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I enshrine Your Ambrosial Word within my heart. By Your Grace, I have found the Company of the Holy. || 2 || I place the state of my inner being before You; there is no other as great as You. He alone is attached, whom You attach; he alone is Your devotee. || 3 || With my palms pressed together, I beg for this one gift; O my Lord and Master, if it pleases You, I shall obtain it. With each and every breath, Nanak adores You; twenty-four hours a day, I sing Your Glorious Praises. || 4 || 9 || 56 ||

Sunday, 11th Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)







Sri Amritsar.

June 26, 2006, Monday 04:30 AM. IST

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]

sMqn kY sunIAq pRB kI bwq ] kQw kIrqnu Awnµd mMgl Duin pUir rhI idnsu Aru rwiq ]1] rhwau ] kir ikrpw Apny pRiB kIny nwm Apuny kI kInI dwiq ] AwT phr gun gwvq pRB ky kwm k®oD iesu qn qy jwq ]1] iqRpiq AGwey pyiK pRB drsnu AMimRq hir rsu Bojnu Kwq ] crn srn nwnk pRB qyrI kir ikrpw sMqsMig imlwq ]2]4]84]

somvwr, 12 hwV (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 820)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! swD sMgiq ivc pRBU dI is&iq swlwh dI kQw-vwrqw sdw suxI jWdI hY[ auQy idn rwq hr vyly pRBU dIAW kQw-khwxIAW huMdIAW hn, kIrqn huMdw hY, Awqmk AwnMd-hulwrw pYdw krn vwlI rO sdw clI rihMdI hY[1[rhwau[ hy BweI! sMq jnW nMU pRBU ny myhr kr ky Awpxy syvk bxw ilAw huMdw hY, auhnW nMU Awpxy nwm dI dwiq b^SI hMudI hY[ A`Ty pihr pRBU dy gux gwauNidAW gwauNidAW auhnW dy ies srIr ivcoN kwm kRoD Awidk ivkwr dUr ho jWdy hn[1[ hy BweI! sMq jn pRBU dw drSn kr ky mwieAw dI iqRSnw vloN pUry qOr qy r`jy rihMdy hn, sMq jn sdw Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlw hir-nwm dw suAwdlw Bojn KWdy hn[ hy nwnk! (AwK-) hy pRBU! jyhVy mnu`K qyry crnW dI Srn pYNdy hn, qMU ikrpw kr ky auhnW nMU sMq jnW dI sMgiq ivc imlw dyNdw hY[2[4[84[

English Translation:


I listen to God’s Teachings from the Saints. The Lord’s Sermon, the Kirtan of His Praises and the songs of bliss perfectly resonate, day and night. || 1 || Pause || In His Mercy, God has made them His own, and blessed them with the gift of His Name. Twenty-four hours a day, I sing the Glorious Praises of God. Sexual desire and anger have left this body. || 1 || I am satisfied and satiated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God’s Darshan. I eat the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord’s sublime food. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of Your Feet, O God; in Your Mercy, unite him with the Society of the Saints. || 2 || 4 || 84 ||

Monday, 12th Aasaarh (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)

(Ang: 820)



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    • Definitely the Guru Sahibs would be a heavier Scriptures to handle. Dasam Granth is more towards Bir Rass, Guru Gobind Singh showed his Greatness (of course, they would never say this) by separating his own Baania.  And the BIGGEST test of all?? Do we try and read Dasam Granth, Understand n show respect like we do to SGGS? Or... Do we QUESTION it? Guru Gobind Singh Ji is testing us. 
    • My wife will be going for an MRI scan next week but her Kara won’t physically come off.  Is there any way the mri scan can be done with the Kara still on?  The alternative is we will have to try to saw it off before the scan.  
    • was researching this and came back to this thread. Also found an older thread:    
    • Net pay after taxes. If you don't agree, think about this: If you were a trader and started off in China with silk that cost 100 rupees and came to India, and you had to pay total 800 rupees taxes at every small kingdom along the way, and then sold your goods for 1000 rupees, you'd have 100 rupees left, right? If your daswandh is on the gross, that's 100 rupees, meaning you have nothing left. Obviously, you owe only 10% of 100, not 10% of 1000. No, it's 10% before bills and other expenses. These expenses are not your expenses to earn money. They are consumption. If you are a business owner, you take out all expenses, including rent, shop electricity, cost of goods sold, advertising, and government taxes. Whatever is left is your profit and you owe 10% of that.  If you are an employee, you are also entitled to deduct the cost of earning money. That would be government taxes. Everything else is consumption.    
    • No, bro, it's simply not true that no one talks about Simran. Where did you hear that? Swingdon? The entire Sikh world talks about doing Simran, whether it's Maskeen ji, Giani Pinderpal Singh, Giani Kulwant Singh Jawaddi, or Sants. So what are you talking about? Agreed. Agreed. Well, if every bani were exactly the same, then why would Guru ji even write anything after writing Japji Sahib? We should all enjoy all the banis. No, Gurbani tells you to do Simran, but it's not just "the manual". Gurbani itself also has cleansing powers. I'm not saying not to do Simran. Do it. But Gurbani is not merely "the manual". Reading and singing Gurbani is spiritually helpful: ਪ੍ਰਭ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁਭਾਖਿਆ ॥  ਗਾਵਹੁ ਸੁਣਹੁ ਪੜਹੁ ਨਿਤ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੈ ਤੂ ਰਾਖਿਆ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Lord's Bani and the words are the best utterances. Ever sing hear and recite them, O brother and the Perfect Guru shall save thee. Pause. p611 Here Guru ji shows the importance of both Bani and Naam: ਆਇਓ ਸੁਨਨ ਪੜਨ ਕਉ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਿਸਾਰਿ ਲਗਹਿ ਅਨ ਲਾਲਚਿ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਪਰਾਣੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The mortal has come to hear and utter Bani. Forgetting the Name thou attached thyself to other desires. Vain is thy life, O mortal. Pause. p1219 Are there any house manuals that say to read and sing the house manual?
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