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  1. It seems Guru Jee is blessing the Panth with good parcharaks. With basics of Sikhi team, Bhai Sukha SIngh, Bhai Gurnimit Singh Raaj Rangila. This Singh should do more videos like this
    3 points
  2. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh panthicunity, you have hit upon a truth of life, a truth which is given by the guru, but like other truths is paid lip-service and is presently ignored and lobbed into the waste basket. Consumerism, capitalism, indeed any form of 'ism' is a terrible disease. Why is it a disease? There has always been lust, greed, ego etc in society translating into uncessary wants, desires and ego fulfilling megalomania, however it was never part of 'popular culture' or the mainstream. For the large part of human history, we have lived HEALTHY and HAPPY lives, and GOD has provided EVERYTHING that we NEED. The Gurus themselves, when in human form had rich and fulfilling lives in every sense. Working hard with his hands to sow his own grain as part of a self-sufficient community, Guru Nanak Sahib ji had everything any self-aware human being could possibly want- God, clean organically grown food grown by his own hand, modest organic clothing made by his own hand and modest hutment to live in with his family, made from renewable materials, living in perfect balance with the natural workd, as pristine and unspoiled nature is God's form as much as any other. The Gurus in human form were experienced horsemen, swordsmen, excelled at poetry and philosophical endevours and took pain in the suffering of the world and were ergo the highest order of philantropists. They did not have any need for MONEY for everything they had and could ever want was provided by living in a symbiotic relationship with their natural surroundings. Pind Nanaki, which is now consumed by Anandpur Sahib, was in particular set up by Guru sahib to be a model small scale self sufficient community, living in balance in a symbiotic relationship with their pristine surroundings (ancient forests and wildlife). Such a life is so great that you will not be able to imagine it and it's benefits- one of the core reasons why today's mainstream lifestyle is such a disease- for we are limited to what we have and are able to experience. Once unspoiled nature is wiped out and limited to small pockets- we know no other way of life. One thing that nobody would pay attention to is sound. We ignore sound. Sound has historically played a great role in the development of humans. Our brains prioritise sound. The universe was created with sound. The sound current of the Naad vibrates in the Shabad, party through sound that may actually be perceived. For one who's inner ear is active through God's grace, is unfortunately overwhelmed by NOISE. Even your mobile phone has electronic parts that give off low frequency noise. The oceans today are abound with noise. This is interfering with the existence of the world at a very subtle and unexplainable (by today's knowledge of 'science') way. However to you, you know no other and it is accepted as normal. The consumerist world is visually driven- media, advertising, sex, suble sound is given the short stick. Keertan (praise the lord God whom I love), is struggling today. For your own amusement, ask a so called 'sikh sant' about said noise and he will be as clueless as a fish out of water. If the shabad guru were to take a human body today, his first reaction would be to instantly recoil and plug his ears for the global background noise from mechanics and electronics is overwhelming to the natural ear. This is one of many subleties that we ignore on a daily basis because we simply don't know better. The Gurus in human form did not have mass consumer products, electricity etc. Their manner of living was akaal- timeless- they were not, contrary to what the so called 'babas' and 99% of the "sikhs" today will tell you, which I personally consider to be absolure heresy, that the Gurus in human form were poor unfortunate backward uneducated people living in poverty of body and mind. They will not say so in those precide words but they will readily imply it in suggesting that the Gurus would "jump" at the "opportunity" to live with today's mod cons and consumerist lifestyle. In other words, in these days of Godlessness, we do not trust, nor believe the Guru nor follow their example when it does not suit. Dhan shabad guru cries hoarse about the pointlessness of accumulating uncessary material wealth. Gurbani refers to the futineless of applying the cleverness of the mind towards unjust and pointless means, and that they will not only be left behind, but may be the cause of problems unto yourself and others, including the natural words. Gurbani taken as a whole is profound to the extent, in my opinion, that the vast majority of people are perhaps unwilling to put it all together, or they are simple unwilling- stuck in the downward spiral of maya initiated by their own selfish egoistic houmai-ridden selves. Punjabis, who make up the overwhelming majority of Sikhs are amongst the most materialistic and consumerist societies in existence today. Statistics show that they are they make up the most materialistic and consumerist immigrant communities in the UK and the USA, surpassing the Jews, who (stereotypically) have a history of hoarding wealth. Punjabis within India are part of the whole developing nation system, that is to say, mindless "devepment" and "progress" at any cost, however what "development" and "progress" exactly? Punjab today has toxic rivers and polluted air, if there is any water at all left to flow, non existent ancient forest cover, no real pristine unspoiled nature to speak of and people are unsprisingly dying of cancers and various modern age lifestyle diseases, and this indeed holds true for most of the Sub continent. There are fortunately some who appeal for zero development, but such people are dismissed without though, as "backward savages" (whereas in fact they may be highly enlightened). How does one do introspection without bias is a valid question I hear you ask (or indeed should be asking). In order to be able to analyse the situation, one must disassociate from the present, as if we were looking at our present as if it were some civilisation in history. Only through this detachment from the daily grind, are we able to see how such fools we are. It is well established (all agree regardless of faith or godlessness), that life's true meaning is about positive virtues and self enlightemnment and indeed this is where the West his been headed in aspiration for a while now- i.e. clean air, health, organic food, world-free from poverty and suffering, sparing nature, pursuit of arts, poetry and philosophy etc- unfortunately they do it in the only way they know how- i.e. through the global economic system- i.e. ratrace to the top, collecting as much money as possible, trickle down to the poor, gaining the stresses and diseases of this life, and then trying to supplement it with the afore-mentioned good stuff (at the expense of dumping their waste then on the third world), further concreting in the minds of those in the developing countries that this is the only way to personal salvation. God of course be damned or is separate from life itself. And for those who cry hoarse about econmics and poverty- All whilst Gurbani tells us that poverty and suffering are a cause of human greed and selfishness, rather than any inherent trait- for God created the most perfect system and is the source of all things good. All the greatest thinkers throughout human history agree. You however may not agree based simply on the fact that you're part of this sytem. It is a highly intoxicating system from which we cannot detach for even mere self-introspection. It is a disease, a cancer of the highest order. Ask a so called 'sikh saint' about living a self-sustainable life, they way God has willed and he will look at you stupidly. Let us compare to the time of Guru sahib in human form- when the lions roamed free from persecution, from Gujarat to the Himalayas, when the rivers flowed undammed and where Guru Gobind Singh received the shabad of Benti Choupaye from Akaal Purakh and immortalised the teer sutadrav within it. There are no two ways about it- humans are a scourge on the earth- every place they occupy becomes wasteland or concrete jungle. We generally struggle to coexist with nature and wildlife is killed of in the biggest genocide in the history of the world- flora and fauna that have flourished for millions of years undisturbed and which at a subtle level, more subtle than man may ever be able to comprehend actually support our survival including through the subtle vibrations they release, but that is the subject of another debate. The human population explosion in the world is a NEW phenomenon. If you don't believe the GURU sahib, then please read "The third revolution" by Paul Harrison (http://www.amazon.com/The-Third-Revolution-Environment-Sustainable/dp/0140146598), which should be essential reading in schools- you absolutely must read this in order to understand why we are where we are today. Was the world always exploding with humans spilling out of every corner of the earth, widespread famines and diease, polluted water and air, consumerism/money/economics/capitalism/communism/'ism's of any kind- a big fat emphatic NO. We started out as living in small self sufficient, happy and healthy communities- highly rich in language, arts, culture and science (the average man knew more about astronomy and nature than you, the alleged modern school system educated reader). Research also about the native americans- not the plains Indians immortalised in pop western films, but rather the highly advanced aztec and other southern native populations wherein each man was farmer-priest-worker and soldier rolled into one (ring any bells?). Watch the documentary "500 nations" to know more about these enlightened people (again partly as we rather not believe the Guru's shabad and life example and like to believe others). Of course all the peace loving and highly advanced civilisations in existence were wiped out by greed and conquest at the end of the day. If we want to believe the Gurus, the poignant truth is available in the Shabad if you search with a true heart. The truth are available directly to those Gurmukhs whose mind is attached solely on GOD, if they so yearn for said truth. If however you are unable to do mere introspection and are unwilling to even consider than any alternative to the mainstream popular way of money driven- life being aspired for today, even exists, forget even could be optimal, then that is ego of the highest order, for we must always challenge our assumptions, no matter how basic, and learn the truth from the Guru and ask guide to guide us INTUITIVELY. Life is meant to be intuitive. Sahej. Without uncessary mental stress, consumerism ratrace included. Any any all so called 'modern' development is nothing more than a solution to problems created by previous "developments". Think about it. Do you know that today's lifestyle would not have been possible without oil? I bet you do not know that Guru Gobind Singh ji expressly forbade the burning of crude oil: maati ka tel jo is par jaale, maat ka tel phir usee ko jaale ['maati ka tel' actually meaning 'crude oil' and not just kerosene oil, which is one of the early petroleums. Plastics and chemicals are made from oil. This means an entirely organic life using renewable materials in all aspects of life. The Gurus lived this life and today even the "babas" cannot manage without crude oil and it's derivatives. But it's possible I assure you. Read also the "one straw revolution" by Fukuoka, another book for essential reading, it will help you break your mind's link between "job" "naukri" "money" etc and life. [Gurbani is very clear as to what is one's true profession and one's true trade and job but we pay these shabads lip-service as usual]. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JOB OR PROFESSION. In fact it is downright ridiculous to define yourself by this. On ownership: Gurbani is again very clear on what is capable of being owned. Slavery has existed in human history and continues to exist. The majority of 21st century slaves including children sex slaves, exist in India- a shameful truth indeed. Whilst today we have begun to understand that human beings cannot be 'owned', not long ago it was the norm to consider ownership of an individual, as mainstream thought. The bible, koran, torah, hindu scriptures all accept slavery, even if they ask one to be kind to one's slaves. God rejects slavery and seeks emancipation of his form. It is all his form. ALL. Parcicularly unspoiled nature. People buy and sell land. They are slave owners and enslave nature for their benefits. It is no secret that the big consumer push in the last 200 years has been on the back of slavery of humans prior and nature subsequent- for such 'development' needs to come from somewhere. In the sense that energy is finite, someone has to suffer for another's immoral gain. One can be a humble servant of God and be both friend and guardian of land. Nature has a right to self existence. Humans however see unspoiled nature as being far too much a temptation- for it must be conquered. There are some places where we are just not meant to be. Can you imagine a life without money? Without being a wage slave? Living in a peaceful, self-sufficient sustainable community that is highly self-aware? One where the naam vibrates? One where wildlife roam free? Can such a life exist today? It is very difficult but possible and this servant is amongst a few who have been ordered by God to try to make it possible. For today's lifestyle is not sustainable and will implode, I forewarn you. And when this happens only those who are living by their own hands will survive. And such life is bliss and the closest one to God whilst still living, I assure you. For anyone who reads this, let it be a though provoking message for self-intrspection, I do not present you with this golden information for mindless debate on this website- my words are for self introspection and if you want to know more, do an ardaas and God will lead you to like minded individuals, Inshallah. Please do not insult this servant of the Lord God by reading too far into the inevitable errors in the message, for he is not perfect, but the essence I hope is clear enough. Many words and no praise for God- such is my ego. God is my true inspiration, my sole friend, my only passionate lover, my parents, my support and my destroyer too. Unseen and unheard or conspicuous- he is all I see in everything- man, animal or tree, thoughts, actions and words, God is there waiting to be recognised. I rarely use internet today as I have left behind my 'consumerism' life of old, and only use this technology during the transition to a life free of . It is my God given mission to assist in bringing a self sustaining natural way of life back to humanity and I will happily die towards this aim- and die I might need to as this disease of consumerism/money is so toxic that even the mere suggestion of an alternative can get me killed in some parts. But I belong to God and not anyone else. Take care. Love your God. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
    3 points
  3. OTA meets with Sikh truckers to address shared issues 2014-04-09 TORONTO, Ont. -- The Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) and members of the Sikh trucking community have come together to address common concerns. The two groups met over the weekend at the OTAs offices. More than 40 representatives from the OTA and the Canadian Sikh Association (CSA) participated. The Sikh drivers expressed concerns about their rights to wear their turbans, however much of the discussion focused on issues that are universal across the industry, the OTA reports. Trucking is trucking, in the end. Most of the issues raised are the same everywhere, regardless of carrier size or the ethnic origin of carriers and owner-operators, said OTA president David Bradley. While this was the first meeting of its kind, everyone who attended agreed it was very constructive. Going into the meeting we were not sure what to expect, but we were received very well by OTA and its board members who were in attendance, said Simran Kaur Chattha, chair of the Canadian Sikh Association. Through dialogue we hope to promote a better understanding between Sikh truckers and the membership of OTA which is a very effective voice for the industry. Source - http://www.trucknews.com/news/ota-meets-with-sikh-truckers-to-address-shared-issues/1003003649/?&er=NA
    1 point
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    1 point
  5. At some point during the last century, humans have decided that in order to be happy, we have to work our off not because we need to provide for our families, but because we need to buy the best newest stuff. The newest phone, the newest car, the biggest house etc.. Lately, a German intern died after 72 hours of no sleep because he's working at an investment bank and is willing to sacrifice what it takes, even his life, so that he secures his 'future' of endless stream of buying stuff that will define who he is. That's basically our lives nowadays, we work not because we need to fulfill a certain adequate of standard of living for those we care about, we work so that we buy stuff and spend what we earn on going to fancy restaurants and clubs. And the problem is the buying never stops, you will keep spending your money on stuff that will in the end consume you instead of you consuming them Farida Roti meri kaath kee , laavan meri bukh jere Khange chopriya , ghane sehenge dukh ... You can say that each person lives his own life, and I can't say that's wrong for a person to work all day just so that he buys the newest car, but the problem with this hyper-consumption is that if it's sustained, it will be the end of humanity. Imagine if all the Indians and the Chinese (and not just a small subsection of them) can afford to live the same lifestyle the Westerners do. Also, just look at pictures of Beijing and Shanghai, see the blinding fogs they have there. It's not because of THEIR aggressive manufacturing it's because of OUR aggressive consumption. Nobody stops to think that his designer clothes is made by the hands of small children working in the most dangerous environments that significantly contribute to the world's pollution levels. That's the biggest threat to humanity as a whole and to us as individuals. We forgot about human happiness, instead we are willing to work half our day so that we can make payments to our houses and cars and when you finish paying you realize you're a disease-ridden old man and that your life is already over. And I am not saying I am not implicated in this or I won't be even more implicated in the future, I am just complaining that we have become passive consumerists
    1 point
  6. I would like everyone suggest books which is must read for Sikhs , it can be related to anything , Religious , history or Political. Now days i am reading Identity and Survival: Sikh Militancy in India, 1978-1993 - This book is not biased like other on Sikh militancy
    1 point
  7. Wjkk wjkf ji, Could anyone help with converting the below video to an audio file or downloading the same? thank you.
    1 point
  8. I bought what is called Aircraft Cable from Canadian Tire it cost me $7 I think. It was in a section where there was a whole bunch of metal wires hanging.. you can buy anyone of those and they will do the job, just make sure black grease doesnt come of it cause that will wreck your paag. I cut it at about the length of my paag more or less; Try to cut the edge nicely as possible. Sikhi Store sells them too http://www.sikhistore.com/product/torra/. You can also search ‘tora chand’ on Google Images to get an idea of what it looks like.
    1 point
  9. A few things that I have found: -Size certainly does not equal sturdiness. In fact in most cases a well tied smaller dumalla is much more sturdy than a large dumalla. -Mal mal kapra i very good as it is very 'clingy', so to speak. Use mal map kapra for both dastar and bunga. -Tie a bunga into your kes and wrap the remaining material around your head at least three times so that the bunga can act as a keski. As a result you can tie your dumalla straight onto of your bunga without having to tie an extra keski in between. In my experience, tying an extra keski between the bunga and the dastaar makes it less sturdy. -As the lars come around the back of your head, tie them as low as possible. -Also the most effective thing I have found- When starting their dumalla, most people take a bunched up lar from the top of the head and diagonally bring it down over their ear. Instead of this, you should open up the lar, and bring it across your entire head before covering your ear. The lars will therefore be more horizontal however, this makes the foundations of your dastar very secure around your head. -When tying your bunga, try and keep your joora as small as possible. don't even wrap the extra material around your joora to try to make it big, just wrap all of the remaining material around your entire head. My dumalla is not very fancy to look at, partly because I just prefer it to look more simple, but also because personally its secureness is more important to me. Generally speaking a more sturdy damalla will end up looking like a goal dastar with a bunga underneath. EDIT: Also make sure that you actually put a knot in your joora, and not just curl it into a ball by going round and round.
    1 point
  10. It's up to you.. I prefer to go an inch.or two over both sides of your ears kinda like the beginning of tying a.paag then do a round or two rounds at The very top then do circles in the middle..and then finally tying your dastar ontop leaving some of the Tora showing though the 50 or sometimes completely concealled but I recommend doing whatever fits you dastar best.. its completely up to you
    1 point
  11. you can buy a Tora from Canadian tire or home depot. It is a thick metal thread and wrap that around your dastar and it will never fall of.. and then tie another pug ontop. I am assuming you are tying two paags. If not that is also very helpful. Tie a small paag and then a bigger on ontop using the small one as a 50.
    1 point
  12. Life is about being not doing. Its about what you are being when you are doing something? You could be doing anything but are you being anxious, arrogant, selfish , loving, compassionate...... What you are being is what you feel . Ironically we call ourself human being not human doing. Sikhism per my understanding is about being. You can have all the riches and comfort but you should always have your priorities in order. Knowing as Guru Teg Bahadur says in most of his vairag sabads life is an illusion, nothing you see is real. Its just what you think you are in reference to something. Its like we give importance to things based on our priorities. Based on our minds We are making it all up.
    1 point
  13. What you mean Aaam (common) hindu/brahmin is not involved?? These Aaam people voted for the Sikh killers every time. If you check the numbers, it was close to 70% who voted for Tytler, Sajjan, Bhagat, etc. after 1984. If they are given a chance today, they will still vote for them because for these Aaam people killing Sikhs doesn't mean anything!! Of course, I always add my qualifiers, there are small number of Hindus who are very good people. However, this number is miniscule.
    1 point
  14. Guru's philosophy (Gurmat) is vegeterianism not Vegan. Especially living in the UK with its poor weather/pollution and where you are already not getting fresh fruit and veg and everything is processed and has chemicals in. Its not a good idea. Veganism is just extreme form of choosing your diet. Gurmat is vegetarian but its no big deal if you wanna be vegan, just make sure you are getting all your nutrients. I doubt it will help spiritually. Spiritualy its all about making the effort naam/gurbani abyaas, satsang, amrit vela, rehat
    1 point
  15. The answer is provided on this page: http://searchsikhism.com/hind11
    1 point
  16. Fateh I was just wondering if anyone has had first hand experiance of dealing with anxiety or depression or any kind of mental health problem? And how did you deal with it? Thankyou guys
    1 point
  17. Bro, I think he is also going to India for the sake of the experience. When a person goes to Mehta and lives there he will come back a changed man and become an unshakable Singh because he will be surrounded by Chardikala Singhs 24/7. Going to Taksal is an excellent idea.
    1 point
  18. Joh kuch nahi bann sakeh; ohh nindak bann jande ne... Those who fail to become anything in life; becomes nindaks...
    1 point
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