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Everything posted by fauji07

  1. any thing made out of organic material can be dated by messuring the amount of carbon decay. metal can not be carbon dated. but to carbon date you do need a sample that will get distroyed so it might not be good to do it with old swaroops even thogh they can use very small samples now days. but there are other ways to date which will probably be more appropriate, experts can examine the pages and ink and get a pretty good estimate
  2. although the western world currently dominate the world it has nothing to do with race or intelligents, or mentality its all do to geography that they have excelled. its true when people are in power they are going to abuse it and try to hold on to it, its human nature and it don't matter what ethnicity you are that is why we need sikhi to help us over come worldly ways. the west is fast loosing there control over the world too india and china are on the path to be the next super powers and sadly america is declining just like the british did the army can be good it will make you stronger and increase your miri just don't loose your piri. can you keep kesh in british army are there any restrictions on jobs etc? would love to know
  3. what is the meaning of gur prasad in mul mantra one translation is He is realized through the grace of the Guru but who was guru nanak dev ji refering to by the guru. when nanak said it there were no other gurus. please explain iv always taken that verse for granted and never thought about it deeply
  4. fauji07

    Size Of Kashara

    2.5 meters is huge! i think the should fit the person and be knee length and i feel nala is the best. just my thoughts i could be wrong. and as far as using them as a tent thats hilarious all have to try it sometime. however you can use them to float try it in a pool some time your nalas got to be tight though.
  5. fauji07


    What kinda hookah are you smoking. of course you inhale the smoke. and usually more than a cig becouse you usually sit around for hours doing it. so no not exceptible.
  6. america is in a sad state. were printing money like its toilet paper and were borrowing too much from china( there getting rich and laughing). the dollar is probably worth half penny's to the british pound! pretty soon will be pushing shopping carts full of cash to the store for a loaf of bread. the primary is a sham the only people who get media attention are people who are "electable". well if they get media attention than it will make them electibal it should be about issues not who's black, female or other superficial traits. obama is very likeable but i don't know much about his views. i don't care much for hillary she just rides on her husbands reputation last time i checked the nineties werent all peaches but i guess campared to this adminstration it was shangra la. and it would be cool to have clinton back in the white house i wounder what his title would be 'first man maybe' Richardson was a good choice he had the most experience in acomplishing hard tasks, but he got no press hopefully he gets in the cabinent. i support ron paul the most outta any of them. he is the only one who actually addresses issues that the powers that be don't want talked about so therefore no one knows about them or him. he also dosent say what people want to hear(which hurts his chances) he says what he believes and its usually the truth, but people don't want honosty. he actually knows a thing or two about history and foreign policy! but the press has smeared him at every turn so he doesnt have a chance. so i probably wont vote if its just between tweedle dee and tweedle dumb but hey we might get some of are money back, just make sure to spend it as fast as you can its the patriotic thing to do! any one want to go to vegas?
  7. that was really hard to watch. does any one know what movie this is from
  8. good for jethadar sahib! its good to see some one standing up and not just worrying about there career. even if one does not agree with him does this really warrent excommunication?
  9. waheguru is everywhere not just up. but rocket pugs do help when running :s
  10. here is a nice video discussing dasam granth. very strait forward and to the point
  11. just behappy there is still sikh youth. i think its fine that people act on there own accord so that there will be more sikhs. because if there are more sikhs then it will be easier for the gurmukhs who want to practise sikhi strickly because sikhs will become recognised by the larger society. im just happy when i see a sikh i don't start judging them on rehet but then again im from the states where there arn't many of us.
  12. "When a asian kills his wife for cheating its called honour killing, when a white person does it it goes unnoticed" no when a white person kills his wife its called murder! and is sometimes labeled a crime of passion. honor killings are generally supported by the family of the murderer. white familes don't feel that theve been shamed if some one in there extended family cheats on there spouse. the label honor makes it sound like its something honorable so it dosnt sound so bad. as for youth behavior asians have always succeeded more than other immegrant communities because of hard work and high standards. i guess all that is changing now that they are born in the west and feel some since of intitlement. its sad
  13. her post was about asking advice about using dating websites so apparently her parents arnt finding her some one. i don't see any thing wrong with dating as long as the purpose is for finding some one for marriage and you don't get blinded by kam. if dating is against sikhi please enlightin me. i would however strongly suggest consulting parents or some respected gursikhs before you do marry. ps just out of curiosity don't feel obligated to answer. but have your parents are you married and did your parents arrainge it. just curious. that might make a good thread. i apoligise if iv offended any one.
  14. dont worry over one guy he sounds like an a hole. you need to meet as many people as you possibly can most of them will not be right for you but eventually one will be. you just need to meet lots. and try to find people in your area so you can actually meet them. don't have a long online relationship before meeting them. meet them as soon as you can so that you will not waste your time. you dont want to text some one for six months online and then relise you don't like the person once you'v met. try different sites too. just keep your wits about you and meet in a public place bring a friend if you like. and don't let your parents push to do rash things you arnt ready for take your time. just my thoughts on the subject.
  15. it was an accident, iv did the same thing once. you didnt get intoxicated so its alright. its just ethenol what matters is how its used
  16. thanks for the answers about sarbloh nuthing worse than seeing some one with a gold kara. i personally like carrying a small folding knife as my kirpan. its easy to conceal so it dont attract unwanted attention and can take it most places. is that alright to be used as a kirpan
  17. im not sure but iv heard the boys were taunting the tiger and it responded like a true singh.
  18. i just hope it was al qaeda and not mushaaraf that killed her. if it was mushaaraf then his time is probably numberd and i think he is one of the only people who can hold the place together. but if enough evidence is against al qaeda then the pakistanis might unite against the extremists which would be a good thing. im sad that she died but she did come back to pakistan at a horrible time and her arrivel destablized the country in the midst of a civil war. the west seems to like to paint her as a champion of democracy but she was really trying to grab power while musharraf was weak. and she was thrown out in the first place for being corrupt but i guess all politions are to a certain extent.
  19. not trying to start long debate but just wondering. arnt sarbloh kirpans generally very blunt? and what purpose does gatra serve other than inspirering sangat because it draws attention to ur kirpan
  20. its anti panthic!! call the sgpc i demand a probe
  21. is any body honastly offended by this. it dosnt even look like a sikh guru not that i know what the gurus looked like, i don't think any body knows what they looked like, looks more like sai baba, and jesus probably didnt look like that either. i got a good laugh out of it. it was probably made in good humor and who ever made it probably had fun making it.
  22. wasnt there already a picture of sant ji in the museum at darbar sahib. im sure i remember seeing it near to the pictures of 13 shaheeds of baisakhi 78, does any one remember seeing that picture or am i just imaging it. what is the big deal now if in fact there was already a picture.
  23. the thing with family names is that they normally are associated with caste which needs to be eradicated from panth if we ever want to live up to the ideals set forth by are guru. so i think it is better if you really want another name is to use where your from. such as 'bindranwale' or 'london' or 'uk' or 'canada' <_<
  24. terisharan is right. if you study biology you will know that there are constanly new species formed. i think 8.4 million is the number of lives one must go through before being liberated. each step at goindwal is meant to wash away the karma of 1 lakh lives and there are 84 steps. goindwal was established by guru amar das ji so i don,t think we should disregard the concept of 8.4 million lives as being hindu. ps science is a bunch of crap and we used to live in a garden with an apples and a snake etc and earthquakes are god punishing us for not killing gays come on people as sikhs were suposed to look at things with logic and always be on the search for truth, science is the search for truth
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