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Khalistan Will Never Be Made By Peace

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Let's say Khalistan is establish, what will happen to all the Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs (they are the one don't follow the 5 K's) and non-Sikhs living in Punjab? Would they get equal rights?

Why do you think non-Sikhs won't get equal rights? Are Sikhs knows as oppressors and for practicing inequality? Kingdoms of Baba Banda Singh and Ranjeet Singh are perfect example to look at. Even if only Sikhs live in Khalistan the country will still survive. Look at every muslim country and see if other religions can flourish and if non-muslims have equal rights. Most of the countries Muslims took over became third world in no time but still surviving. Sikhs can do lot better. Heck, even in USA many communities don't have equal rights and religion plays a significant role in politics. Answers are out there just try to find 'em. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Let's say Khalistan is establish, what will happen to all the Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs (they are the one don't follow the 5 K's) and non-Sikhs living in Punjab? Would they get equal rights?

Why do you think non-Sikhs won't get equal rights? Are Sikhs knows as oppressors and for practicing inequality? Kingdoms of Baba Banda Singh and Ranjeet Singh are perfect example to look at. Even if only Sikhs live in Khalistan the country will still survive. Look at every muslim country and see if other religions can flourish and if non-muslims have equal rights. Most of the countries Muslims took over became third world in no time but still surviving. Sikhs can do lot better. Heck, even in USA many communities don't have equal rights and religion plays a significant role in politics. Answers are out there just try to find 'em. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


So this means that anybody (including Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs) can become a Prime Minster/President of Khalistan?

Anyways, I was reading someone else's comment in some other website and he said that leader of Khailstan has to be a baptized Sikh. Then he goes on saying stuff like what is the point of Khailstan if majority of Sikhs don't follow the 5 K's in the first place. So maybe now y'all understand why I ask this question to ya.

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So this means that anybody (including Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs) can become a Prime Minster/President of Khalistan?

the answer is NO*. This is not discrimination or anything. By equality I mean, no one will be oppressed and everyone will have full right to practice his religion. only a white, male christian can become president of USA. and only a muslim can become preseident of a muslim country like UAE and Kuwait. still surviving and so will Khalistan. anybody not like the rules just don't go live there. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

*My opinion but we will know for sure once the country is established.

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Let's say Khalistan is establish, what will happen to all the Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs (they are the one don't follow the 5 K's) and non-Sikhs living in Punjab? Would they get equal rights?

Why do you think non-Sikhs won't get equal rights? Are Sikhs knows as oppressors and for practicing inequality? Kingdoms of Baba Banda Singh and Ranjeet Singh are perfect example to look at. Even if only Sikhs live in Khalistan the country will still survive. Look at every muslim country and see if other religions can flourish and if non-muslims have equal rights. Most of the countries Muslims took over became third world in no time but still surviving. Sikhs can do lot better. Heck, even in USA many communities don't have equal rights and religion plays a significant role in politics. Answers are out there just try to find 'em. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Good point Bijla, you kniow, i don't know why alot of ppl make u slook like something we are not. Makes me wonder why ppl would even think of such things...

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Let's say Khalistan is establish, what will happen to all the Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs (they are the one don't follow the 5 K's) and non-Sikhs living in Punjab? Would they get equal rights?

Why do you think non-Sikhs won't get equal rights? Are Sikhs knows as oppressors and for practicing inequality? Kingdoms of Baba Banda Singh and Ranjeet Singh are perfect example to look at. Even if only Sikhs live in Khalistan the country will still survive. Look at every muslim country and see if other religions can flourish and if non-muslims have equal rights. Most of the countries Muslims took over became third world in no time but still surviving. Sikhs can do lot better. Heck, even in USA many communities don't have equal rights and religion plays a significant role in politics. Answers are out there just try to find 'em. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Good point Bijla, you kniow, i don't know why alot of ppl make u slook like something we are not. Makes me wonder why ppl would even think of such things...


Everyone on the forum is here to learn more about the Sikh religion. No one is proclaiming one thing superiour over another, or making someone look like something they're not. How else are we all supposed to learn more about our faith if we do not inquire about it?

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So this means that anybody (including Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs) can become a Prime Minster/President of Khalistan?

the answer is NO*. This is not discrimination or anything. By equality I mean, no one will be oppressed and everyone will have full right to practice his religion. only a white, male christian can become president of USA. and only a muslim can become preseident of a muslim country like UAE and Kuwait. still surviving and so will Khalistan. anybody not like the rules just don't go live there. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

*My opinion but we will know for sure once the country is established.


I think anybody can be a president of the United States as long they're born in the United States.

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The Khalistan you are debating is different to my notion. Khalistan is not and will not be a physical plane and geographically placed. Please read on.

Rather than consume our energies on the issue of Khalistan we should first become SIKHS and by living as SIKHS progress to become part of the KHALSA.

Once we are able to live as a Khalsa , a NATION OF THE KHALSA WILL EXIST TO LIVE BY THE KIRPA OF WAHEGURU. The KHALSA NATIONS creation having being completed in 1699( BEGAN BY GURU NANAK DEV JI). It is sad that since the sikhs have not followed in the footsteps as instructed by Guru JI and we did not maintain the Nation

Lets think for a minute.When WAHEGURU created man I am pretty sure formation of the Khalsa was in the plan ( Khalsa Akal Purak Ke Fauj).Why not obey the message of Guru Ji and to strive forward and when the conditions permit

(Waheguru Knows) the whole of mankind will be part of the Khalsa.

The subject of Khalistan as a geographical nation and how it will be run and who will be included or not do not fall within the realms of sikhism. The Khalsa should see the akal purak ke Fauj far greater than being discussed here.

At present we already have Khalsa Raj over every country.How? The Khalsa's Nishan Sahib flies in every town and city. There is no other example of any countries flag being allowed to fly in another country.

The Kirpa that will be showered will form the Khalsa Raj in our minds and when the two will meet and cross THE KHALSA NATION WILL AGAIN ARISE and all will see the LIVING JOT in the SGGS JI. I believe in 1699 these two elements were present when the Khalsa Nation was completed.

At present we are very far from the time the Nation will arise again.However,

together we can bring about those conditions for our future fellow beings to enjoy by laying the foundations now and for that to continue. Simply believe it or not OBEY AND ACCEPT THAT WAHO WAHO BANI IS NIRANKAR.

When the Khalsa of today realise our requirements and JAP THE NAAM


Blessings to the Human Race for one day they will be part of the Khalsa Nation.

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