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Slurs 'n' Simran - at 1984 June Rally

Nama Singh

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I just did a search on some news pages and found out some more information on fascist regimes that I thought others on this board may want to discuss. After all, that would be more professional and forthgoing than just having a 1-sided convo like you seem to be doing with me for some reason. By 'yourself', I didn't mean YOU- I don't really think we need to get into a grammatical debate over this. I considered it  obvious  from thepost count on this thread there are MANY readers- some of which may not write.


In which case it might be more appropriate to start a new thread with an appropriate heading and to raise the issues for discussion you want in that thread.


Personally, I wasn't intending for an in-depth analysis of one mere word mentioned in a post of mine.

A few eager beavers decided to disect my post and concentrate on 'fascism' just after I mis-spelt it and then offered an online dictionary definition.

If you look at the bulk of my initial post on this topic, maybe you can get a gist of what I was trying to say, as I've re-iterated in the post before this one. wink2.gif

i.e. LET@S DO SUM SIMRAN SinghO!!!!!

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If you thought flag burning, face covering, spitting, swearing was a beadbi, why didn't you stop it there and then instead of whinging about it on the internet?

The actions may not be Gurmat but if you were so extremely opposed to it you would have stopped it there. Calling people cowards for covering their faces - fair enough if you said it to their face - to moan about it on the internet doesn't make you particularly different to them. There's not much point putting down other people as cowards or pakhandhee hypocrites when you yourself are no different.


People did but for the sake of starting fights between ourselves in the public and diverting attention away form the true focus point they refrain from taking this further.

What is it with youngsters and covering their faces. Do they think they are at one of these left wing anti G8 rallies where they are going to pelt the police with stones and cause havoc. There is no need to cover the face unless you are a coward. As Tippu Sultan once said somehting along the lines of "I would rather live 1 day as a tiger than 100 as a sheep".

You had the same idiots at the bezhti protests covering their faces as if they were gangsters.

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Guest A Singh.

You have missed the point I am trying to put across.

You do not become a "tiger" by showing your face at a peaceful protest 21 years on after an event. Covering your face gives a bad impression to people watching, I dont think anyone will doubt that.

But calling them "idiots" and "cowards" on the internet is not constructive. In terms of bravery, don't think you are any better than them. No one who whines on the internet is.

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You have missed the point I am trying to put across.

You do not become a "tiger" by showing your face at a peaceful protest 21 years on after an event. Covering your face gives a bad impression to people watching, I dont think anyone will doubt that.

But calling them "idiots" and "cowards" on the internet is not constructive. In terms of bravery, don't think you are any better than them. No one who whines on the internet is.


I am no better than them but at least I was not hiding my face like a woosie. What you want me to call such people. They are cowards and from ones I have met they do not even know Mool Mantar yet prod them abit about khalistan and they can go on and on about till the cows come home about how the farmers in Ladakh and Himachal are stealing their punjabi river water etc etc and how they want Chandigarh cus it has the best clubs and discos in punjab region.

The reason for hiding face is they fear something. This shows they are cowards. I thought for a second that maybe some followers of the Jain faith had turned up to show their support.


PLEASE keep posts clean of any personal attacks. We would like to leave this thread open at this present moment for futhur discussion. Someone has raised a valid argument which is not against forum rules.

We are sure you will adhere to this request from here on.

Many thanks



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Guest A Singh.

To be compared to a Jain is Chardi Kala - we should respect the fact that a member of another Dharam has so much Daya for Guru Ji's creation they do not want to even swallow an insect so they cover their face. Imagine if we could show this much Daya to our fellow human beings - instead of talking negatively about them on the internet we touched their feet - if everyone kept to this principle wouldn't the world be a better place! How much more constructive would that be!

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it'd be nice to see fewer personal attacks on this thread. The flag-burning and swearing has been mentioned at LENGTH but was not in any way near representative of those present. Does anyone other than Nama Singh have anything else constructive to say about ways of improving the rally?

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Dear all,

WJKK WJKF. I have been reading about the rally in London in the memory of Operation Blue Star launched by GOI. However, I have a sad story of my own.

I came to the US to study two years ago and got nothing but insults from these bloody goras-so much so that I had to cut my hair. I really did not want to do it but I could not bear the insults any longer. Then I read all the posts on Sikhsangat.com and Sikhlionz.com and while it is true that the GOI is responsible for many atrocities committed, I think that is a thing of the past.

I have to say that I was much happier in India than I am in America. I wasn't discriminated against or anything like that. My blood still boils when I see pictures of Harminder Sahib in 1984 and I will NEVER forget it but I cannot accept this fact which is on all websites that all Hindus and Muslims are killers.

It was the people in power like Indira and Sajjan Kumar etc. on whose orders our brothers and sisters were killed. However, can we blame the entire Hindu population for it? Similarly, four of our Gurus became Shaheed on the orders of Muslim rulers but ordinary Muslims can be our friends.

Our Gurus have always taught us tolerence and to live in harmony with all others but also to rise up in arms against an enemy. However, I don't think our enemy is the common Hindu or Muslim.

While I was in India, I had discussions regarding Khalistan with some of my friends but I can tell you that most sikhs in India are not interested (especially the younger generation-everyone wants to cut their hair and live a life of luxury) but when I came to America, I found that the Khalistan movement is still alive-not so much in America but definitely in the UK and Canada.

However, most of my friends are Hindus (and two Muslims from Pakistan). They are the only ones who stand up for me in the college.

Given my personal experience, tell me how can I hate them? Also, they don't hate us. May be there are certain organizations like the RSS and some Islamists which hate us but I have always found the Hindus in my college to be wonderful. If they hated me, why would they save me from the Goras (who for some reason think I am a muslim and made fun of my turban before I decided to cut my hair). You know the worst part - when I told a few Singhs (at a Gurudwara) about my problem in the college, they told me they could not do anything and told me to go to the police instead.

That is why when I saw the rally and I saw the Singhs forgetting their Sikhi and indulging in burning of the Indian flag, spitting on it and swearing while the Panj Pyare's were doing Naam Simran right in front of them, I was upset. Ours is the greatest religion of all and when we do these stupid things are these are covered by the media, all the goras think we are a race of troublemakers.

I hope I am making sense. I got my hair cut and I am still very disturbed and upset about it.

-A humble GurSikh

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can you people have one rally a year to remember shaheeds without complaining to each other?

Geez, In Punjab Jagir Kaur gets mann arrested becuase of khalistan slogans at Darbar Sahib, you guys are fighting about flag burning at teh U.K. rally, chill out, above all this petty arguing is the memory of over 20,000 Sikh lives, why aren't you talking about those gave you a reason to hold thsi rally in the first place?

yeah Indira was called a dog, but did you know that 2500 saroops of Guru Granth Sahib were set ablaze in teh Darbar Sahib atttack? Instead of this stupid arguing save your own turbans first, worry about Indira's post death title later.


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