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Teen Suicide Bombers Bombed London


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As far as I am concerned this character "kurtas" does not exist he is on ignore. He has nothing valuable to contribute or debate just wants to critise me because of my stance on Khalistan. It seems he cant take a hint that I have no interest in getting involved in a slagging match.

If he replies to my post again people can judge for yourselves what this guys intentions are.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Just a thought, but my friend asked me this question:

Why is it that the Muslims who study the Quran 24/7 insist upon killing all the "kafirs" with suicide bombings of innocents and so forth, then all the Muslims, whose wives don't wear Hijab, Muslims who barely practice their faith always come and and say our faith is a faith of peace.  My friend was wondering if these "peaceful" Muslims know more than these Jihadis who study the Quran inside out.....

If you look at the sikh movements, it has always been the people who are not attached to Gurbani that committed the mass murder of innocents, while the people who were attached to Gurbani, Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa, Sukha and Jinda, etc, always fought with compassion for humanity.

The majority of media, etc have been preaching that Islam is a religion of peace, I think it needs further review, because history and present-day situations are proving otherwise....


From the second chapter(Surah) of the Quran: (5:51)


O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.


I have had several conversations with UK muslims from pakistani background and I got to say the majority try to justify the use of suicide bombings to kill innocents even though they do not refer to the quran.

They say when your enemy has a tank and you have nothing off course you gonna use your self to fight the enemy. I say to them why fight innocents with such tactics though? why dont you fight the troops who kill your people. Then they have no answer.

It seems they are so brain washed at early age with quran that even if they are "moderate" they have lost the spiritual side. The side of Islam like sufism. Thats why when I refer to Muslims in a bad light I talk about sunni's and wahhabis who I find the most racist and intolerant of non-muslims.

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"Thats why when I refer to Muslims in a bad light I talk about sunni's and wahhabis who I find the most racist and intolerant of non-muslims. "

I agree.

pakistan is a majority Sunni nation and Saudi arabia has waahabis..and they are both pretty messed up..

Sufis are awesome! They are a tiny minority though, probbaly more respected by Sikhs etc than by the Muslims as a whole.

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As far as I am concerned this character "kurtas" does not exist he is on ignore. He has nothing valuable to contribute or debate just wants to critise me because of my stance on Khalistan. It seems he cant take a hint that I have no interest in getting involved in a slagging match.

If he replies to my post again people can judge for yourselves what this guys intentions are.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Top stuff.

Criticise you because of your views about Khalistan...? ...lets see a Sikh bus driver is attacked in Denmark and someone advocates Khalistan in the thread despite no link to the event. Appears as if someone is intent on bringing khalistan into every debate without any underlying reasons. Why dont you concern yourself with the topic in hand rather than going off on tangents ?

It appears someone is now believing there is a conspiracy against them based on them advocating khalistan.

Same with this thread, yes Muslims were behind it but that does not make them all bad. I give a few examples from history, there are plenty others I could give where Muslims aided the Sikhs. Pir Budhu Shah his sons and 700 of his followers aided Guru Gobind Singh Ji. No doubt there were people with stereotyped views at the time who were probably echoing your views.

As for my intentions, it is to discuss and debate. You obviously cannot do this and just want everyone to agree with you. Well why run away from debate prove your conspiracy theories or do not make such wish wash up.

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"Thats why when I refer to Muslims in a bad light I talk about sunni's and wahhabis who I find the most racist and intolerant of non-muslims. "

I agree.

pakistan is a majority Sunni nation and Saudi arabia has waahabis..and they are both pretty messed up..

Sufis are awesome!  They are a tiny minority though, probbaly more respected by Sikhs etc than by the Muslims as a whole.


There was a sufi muslim caller to a radio station i was listening to and I was so impressed by his words that makes you think yes not all muslims are evil racist killers bent on going to hell.... the ones who have lost spirituality.

Sufi's seem to have retained that spiritual side, dispute being overwhelmed in numbers by muslims off other sects who call them "kuffars" aswell.

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I am not sufi I am a sunni muslim I can assure you this is one sunni muslim who is not an 'evil racist killer bent on going to hell' and neither is any muslim whom I know :doh:   Thank you


lol... I know you aint..... on the contrary your very nice actually.

My statement doesnt not apply to you becos you are exploring other beliefs and take the time to learn about others.....

I'm talking about those type of muslims, mostly sunni / wahhabi's, who are narrow minded becos they have been fed nothing but quran and then taught to go "fight the kuffars in the way of allah" by poisonous leaders. Who believe they are the best because they are muslims and others are inferiour so it's ok to be abusive / racist to them. Who believe the one God can only be called "Allah" and nothing else. Who believe Islam should dominate the world and others have to sumbit to it or face more war until others submit to its ideology. Those are the type of muslims I am refering to and I have nothing but contempt for them.

They are enemies of all decent humanity therefore they are my enemies.

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no ofence, not wanting 2 have any grudges but wenever i see kurtas's name on a thread i am 90% certian its an argument :doh:


lol....Tru Say Veer JI

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lol... I know you aint..... on the contrary your very nice actually.

My statement doesnt not apply to you becos you are exploring other beliefs and take the time to learn about others.....

I'm talking about  those type of muslims, mostly sunni / wahhabi's,  who are narrow minded becos they have been fed nothing but quran and then taught to go "fight the kuffars in the way of allah" by poisonous leaders. Who believe they are the best because they are muslims and others are inferiour so it's ok to be abusive / racist to them. Who believe the one God can only be called "Allah" and nothing else. Who believe Islam should dominate the world and others have to sumbit to it or face more war until others submit to its ideology. Those are the type of muslims I am refering to and I have nothing but contempt for them.

They are enemies of all decent humanity therefore they are my enemies.


lol... charming well thank you tongue.gif and thanx for clearing up your point

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