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Vegetarian Etc

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well recently ive decided to stop trimming my beard and to let it grow, now ive decided to become a vegetarian aswell but im not not sure what it takes in order to be a vegetarian; i mean i used to think that you just stop eating meat but my brother said you have to stop eating cheese aswell because it comes from a animal but wouldnt that mean i would have to stop drinking milk aswell........man! im so confused....i know why sikhs arent supposed to eat eggs.....could someone offer me some advise.

also i have another problem....well its this....most sikhs in this forum might have parent who are fully religious and go to the gurdwara etc but my parents arent like this.....well my mum is always shouting, screaming and sometimes violent but im not sure what to do......my dad is clean shaven and drinks and smokes all the time i think the only time he's sober is in the morning so i cant really relate with him but the could thing is both my parents have always encouraged me to keep my hair and wear a turban which is rare i think.....but they have never been there for me but only for material things not emotionally......could someone give me advise as to how to help my parents as i dont have anyone to turn to......im only 21 and somehow ive managed to pass my exams and starting the final year on my law degree so its a very important year and im stressed........i know im young and i never thought that i would never go through this crap in my life.....since the attacks in london i havent been attacked by racists but now that ive decided to grow by beard i just see myself being attacked and facing more prejudice than i already do.....also im starting to feel very bitter towards my parents and sikh women because ive never had a good role model of what a good sikh women is but only my abusive and violent mum..........i know sikh women arent like this but ive never known any better..........so could anyone reading this give this advise as i dont want to become a bitter person and because of my parents im already a selfish and stubborn person because ive learnt to rely only on myself.

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I think the degree that you are a vegetarian is your choice.

What your brother is saying is become a Vegan.

There are many people on this site that will have views ranging from Veganism to Vegatarianism, to Vegatarianism eating eggs only, to Vegatarianism which includes fish wacko.gif (I'm confused about this one), to me (who will eat what is good for the mind or body (be that vegetable or meat), to out an out meat eaters.

All are good in Waheguru's eyes, so long as they are controlling the 5 vices, and these are namely Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Hankaar.

Do what is right for you. The best thing that you have done is stay away from booze, ciggarettes and drugs. Take one step at a time and the rest will follow.

Have a look at www.sikhs.org, this site gives a good insight into the Sikh way of life.

Best of Luck


Randip Singh

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people dont eat cheese as it contains animal rennet,e asyw ay round that is when you buy cheese make sure it says vegetarian, package will usually have a green V sign. you can drink milk etc. as long as you dont eat meat, fish or eggs your ok.

in regards to your situation at home i.e. parents , dont worry your not the only one, many ppl on this forum go through such things, onyl way is to do part, get up early as you can and repeat waheguru, do seva at gurdwara and never boast about your part, seva etc and live humbly, then happiness will be atracted to you and you problems resolves them selves. remember once you come close to guru jee he comes close to you and your affairs are his problem and you can live care free

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I practiced the vegan diet for 5 months, search for "Vegan" on this form, you will find my post about why I became a vegan. But it was too hard for me, I also started feeling very weak and tired, and after talking to my doctor who btw is a Sardar, I started taking milk products again. I am sure you will find all the info you need on my old post. Most vegans dont have anything against drinking milk, its just that they dont like the way they treat the animals and also the things they put inside the milk, so its a kind of protest. You will find arguments for the Vegan diet and arguments against it in my old post, just search for the word Vegan.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

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you can get organic milk from the grocery store you go too... but be prepared to pay more money for it

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personally for me and many others (maybe) being a veggie = not eating killed products so umm cheese and milk are not killed products so they are ok tongue.gif

Also relating your diet to your spiritual status: Two singhs both started NAAM jaap at the same time; one singh was a meat eater and the other was a veggie.

The veggie had acceled to a higher level (roam roam simran) where as the meat eater didnt get anywhere. The meater had become depressed as his friend had "gone places" where as he didnt. He is also finding it very hard to stop eating meat.

This has happened all within 6 months so i think the fact you are taking steps towards becoming a veggie is great! Just dont get trapped inbetween like "oh im a veggie now but then ill eat meat" tongue.gif

just my 2p!! LOL.gif

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personally for me and many others (maybe) being a veggie = not eating killed products so umm cheese and milk are not killed products so they are ok tongue.gif

Also relating your diet to your spiritual status: Two singhs both started NAAM jaap at the same time; one singh was a meat eater and the other was a veggie.

The veggie had acceled to a higher level (roam roam simran) where as the meat eater didnt get anywhere.  The meater had become depressed as his friend had "gone places" where as he didnt.  He is also finding it very hard to stop eating meat. 

This has happened all within 6 months so i think the fact you are taking steps towards becoming a veggie is great! Just dont get trapped inbetween like "oh im a veggie now but then ill eat meat" tongue.gif

just my 2p!!  LOL.gif


Veer Ji, I am a vegetarian, but I know for a fact that in the Sikh religion you diet doesnt affect your spirituality.

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The veggie had acceled to a higher level (roam roam simran) where as the meat eater didnt get anywhere.  The meater had become depressed as his friend had "gone places" where as he didnt.  He is also finding it very hard to stop eating meat. 

This has happened all within 6 months so i think the fact you are taking steps towards becoming a veggie is great! Just dont get trapped inbetween like "oh im a veggie now but then ill eat meat" tongue.gif

just my 2p!!  LOL.gif


Debunkum and nonsense. grin.gif

Your diet has no influence on your spiritual state apart from that which you are consuming that is harming your mind and body physically.

The meat/veggie argument is a nonsense and is just pure egotism. By your reckoning Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha were all spiritually empty.

There are even records of the Guru's hunting and eating meat (see the Sri Dasam Granth). The Meat Veggie issue is a non-issue and is personal.

The only thing you are feeding when you stuff yourself with a diet that you think is better than others is your Hankaar.

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i somewhat agree that ur diet don't have nethin to do wit ur spirituality.. and as randip singh said it depends on how much of a 'vegetarian' u wanna be... i know amritdhari sikhs who drink milk n eat cheese... i know amrtidhari's that don't... so i's up to you.. but IMHO... my vegetarianism is no meat, no fish, no egg, i cut out milk recently (almost completely)... but i still eat cheese every now and then... other then that.. i guess ur good to go..

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