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Sikh Officer Helps Killers Flee Abroad


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Slough Express Article

Date: Dec 2 2005 Friday

Front Page Article:

'WPC helped killers to flee abroad'

By Daniel Lyons

A POLICEWOMAN helped two men flee the country after they allegedly tortured a teenager before shooting him in the head, a jury heard this week.

Prosecuting lawyers claim PC Rupinder Gill, 27, was in a relationship with Mohammed Akbar when 18-year-old Daniel Higgins was killed.

Her boyfriend was one member of an armed gang which broke into a flat and took it in turn to torture Mr Higgins with knives and a hammer, Reading Crown Court was told.

Mr Higgins was then shot as girl-friend Natalie Muncey cowered with her ten-month-old baby in the next room of the flat in Thirlmere Avenue, Burnham.

Akbar, 28, of Eastbridge Road, Slough, and friend Zahir Hussain allegedly used a Eurostar train to get from London to Paris after the attack in November 2003.

Gill is accused of travelling with them and returning to England a few days later.

Her mobile phone records allegedly show that she had been talking to Akbar within minutes of the savage killing.

And police searching her computer found she had looked up flights and Eurostar times on the internet, the jury heard.

Charles Miskin QC, prosecuting, said the gang murdered Mr Higgins to avenge the killing of Mohammed Choudry in February 2003.

He added: "Mohammed Akbar was amongst these masked men. He does not deny that.

"At the time of the offence, Rupinder Gill was his girlfriend and two days after the murder he and another man called Zahir Hussain fled the jurisdiction.

"They fled by Eurostar to Paris, from where they moved to Malaga. Mohammed Akbar's girlfriend assisted him in his flight."

The pair were arrested and extradited from Spain earlier this year.

Detectives investigating Gill, who trained at Hendon Police College, found St Valentine's Day cards sent after Akbar had fled the UK. The trainee officer was arrested in May 2004.

Hussain has since admitted assisting an offender and Akbar, although admitting to being in the flat, denies murder.

Home Office pathologist Dr Ashley Fegan Earl told the jury that Mr Higgins' killers used a machete to cut into his head. They also stabbed him all over his body and hit him with a blunt weapon.

Gang member Majad Khan, 29, of Wexham Road, Slough, was jailed for 20 years at Reading Crown Court in November last year for his part in the teenager's murder.

Gill, from Hounslow, denies assisting an offender.

The trial continues.

link - http://icberkshire.icnetwork.co.uk/0100new...-name_page.html

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Great another apni, another case. Im seriously lost 4 words.

Natalie Muncey cowered with her ten-month-old baby

How fu** would she feel if her husband or wateva was murdered infront of her and her 10month old baby and another girl helped the murderes flee the country :lol:

Hope that rupinder gill get locked up as for long as possible.

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Sikh supreme

You are a sikh. You use the words “jatt” sikh family as if it is something of great significance when it is a shameful disease. You have in effect expressed yourself as a racist in terms of sikhi.

A women going out with a person of a different race may be misguided, may be troubled etc. but a "who*e”? What in the world does that have to do with being a “<admin-cut>The word itself is largely propagated by men. For every women you think is a "who*e", there are many more men who are <admin-cut> by choice and control! You have expressed yourself as sexist with your language. Honor killings for “whores” is what you promote? It is views like this that mainstream media loves to use to feed negative public stereotypes.

If a father told his daughter that he was a "jatt" sikh and going out with a different race makes women whores, there is probably a very good chance that daughter would seek to rebel against all of that. If “jatt” sikh fathers raise their “jatt” sikh sons with this sexism and racism, then it is obvious why women might want to seek relationships completely outside of sikhi.

I agree with where you are trying to arrive, but using the above posting of a criminal to carelessly spew your anger in this manner is not the way to do it.

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i just had to skip a couple of posts after i read the first few sentences.

the language was again disgusting, call these women what u want but not on a forum especially when it was not even a thread on a sikh woman dating outside her religion!

give it a break, let ur anger out on the wall.

and what makes any person here think that she was a sikh.

i did not see the name ''KAUR'' used in between her first and last name, did u?

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This is a true story that I heard in Canada, the Greek boss of a company based in scarborough once had a pakistani g/f after he got divorced with his first wife. After spending a long time going out with her, he expressed the desire to marry her. And she took him to her family, her parents first opposed the whole idea, being orthodox blah blah an all that. But her father soon pretended to come around on the condition that her Greek boyfriend would convert to Islam. He asked the girl's father to sod off.

End of story.

Moral of Story: Go out with whomsoever else you want, plz do not go out with pakistani muslims (esp of the punjabi variety).

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