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Sikh Kids On Drugs, Drink And Crime


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:nihungsmile: Ever wondered why our younger generation are going down the road of crime....? maybe its because they cant find the right connection between our religion and them... Maybe if we had more sikh classes, events on an EVERYDAY basis in gurdwaras then maybe they would find other kids to connect with. It is easy to be led astray when your young. Kids have alot of energy but if not put on the right path they will follow any path even the path of KAAM, KRODH, LOBH, MOH AND HUNKAAR.

Basically you need more youth in gurdwaras, to invite the youth on drugs, drink and crime so they can find guidance from people they can connect with. not old people who tell them wat to do so they rebel....

Does anyone know wat i mean?

please reply



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Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ke Fateh!

You are correct in a way.

Many sikh youth today are "afraid" and unwilling to change around older people and grownups around gurdwaras. This issue can be dealt with youth groups inside gurdwars that invite other youth and help them get on the right path. More youth presence in gurdwaras will allow other youths to feel "safe" and will end up willing to learn and try more as other youth are also learning (ones present in the gurdwaras).

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ke Fateh!

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Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh.

yes i agree...

the Gurudwaras around my area organize special events for kids.. and adults if they wanna come along...

like going for walks, hiking, having picnics lol

and one time, people my age had to make posters and each person was assigned to make a poster with facts about a Guru sahib (except Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji)... as we went on this lil trip where we walked through woods on hills, we also gave the kids a chance to read the posters which were taped to trees :wub: lol

in the end, we had a few people educate the kids about Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji...

and we had a picnic at the end

lol...i thought that was a pretty good idea...anyone agree?? :@rolleyes.gif


Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh.

yes i agree...

the Gurudwaras around my area organize special events for kids.. and adults if they wanna come along...

like going for walks, hiking, having picnics lol

and one time, people my age had to make posters and each person was assigned to make a poster with facts about a Guru sahib (except Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji)... as we went on this lil trip where we walked through woods on hills, we also gave the kids a chance to read the posters which were taped to trees :wub: lol

in the end, we had a few people educate the kids about Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji...

and we had a picnic at the end

lol...i thought that was a pretty good idea...anyone agree?? :@   rolleyes.gif


Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh.


not many hills around where i live, just roads and dual carriageways lol

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Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh.

yes i agree...

the Gurudwaras around my area organize special events for kids.. and adults if they wanna come along...

like going for walks, hiking, having picnics lol

and one time, people my age had to make posters and each person was assigned to make a poster with facts about a Guru sahib (except Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji)... as we went on this lil trip where we walked through woods on hills, we also gave the kids a chance to read the posters which were taped to trees :wub: lol

in the end, we had a few people educate the kids about Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji...

and we had a picnic at the end

lol...i thought that was a pretty good idea...anyone agree?? :@   rolleyes.gif


Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh.


not many hills around where i live, just roads and dual carriageways lol


lol rolleyes.gif

well then...indoor games can be played..... :cool: lol

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Basically you need more youth in gurdwaras, to invite the youth on drugs, drink and crime so they can find guidance from people they can connect with.  not old people who tell them wat to do so they rebel....



You've hit the nail on the head!

Get rid of the Budhe Gurdwara fronters, who when approached shoo the youth away with a simple 'Your a child you don't know' attitude! These idiots forget they won't be sitting around in years to come, and if they don't allow the youngsters to participate who's going to look after the Gurdwaras? Just look at all the old churches! :wub:

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I totally agree to each and every post over here ..that the sikh youth are badly getting distracted to materialistic world...and in the fear of losing the pace with which world is moving they tend to forget the real sense of life and of course give up on the true principles of Sikhi.

Everyone over here is having only one appeal , that there has to be a significant change in the way the Sikh children are bought up ..so that they are sikhs nt because they are born in Sikh family but because they can, in any possible way understand the true meaning of Sikhi. .....But the Big Question is how can we bring abt that significant change.....I have a suggestion and an Opinion on this.

The best way to make something appeal to someone is by preseting that very thing in a heroic manner and dynamic style...the same thing should br implemented over here that the Sikh history Should be presented in a very dynamic manner(the best way I can portray my example is the way Taranjeet Singh Of UK is makin a game on Sikh History named sarbloh Warriors with all the possible technology and as much efficiency in the Historic deyails as possibale and he is making it commercially free **www.sarblohwarriors.co.uk*)If we can do that I think we give them(youth) the reason to think that why is this Religon so unique and it is just a matter of giving them the thread and then they can carry it frm their on.

Possibly what I want to say here is that if we cannot contribute towards this directly but we can definatley do something abt it by thinking abt it and spreading the word everywhere and provide funding for the Sikh Youth who are taking such initiatives.

Having picnics and awareness by the Local Gurudwaras can definately help but ...honestly how many people turn up at Gurudwaras and at Such local camps........ probably forced by their parents..we need to do something that will tell them to do something by themselves but nobody enforcing nything.

Cant we show that being pure.without smoking,drinking,abuse,druggs can be Dynamic and Modern...of course we can show that ...this will give a big Boost to Sikhi in a Big manner and that too Universally ..because we can make use of technology as we are doing over here..the shout wud be heard across the globe nt in a county,town,state or Country.

Some of the things that i cud think of, that can help reach close towards what we Desire....Religeous Animation,3d Games,Books abt Sikh Military and their Contribution,Activity of Sikhs In various walks of life on channels and Media,Digital Religeous Music......plz remember im nt telling ny one to deviate in nyway frm nything wat Sikhi says and wat the message is..... this is just to give the First Step Towards the realization..

This was my opinion and i dont know why I feel something inside that many people will agree with me on this (i may be wrong)..plz may I have ur feedback and move foreward.

Raj Karega Khalsa

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