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Breaking The Silence!

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A Presentation that will give an insight to the problems faced by the Sikh community and Sikh Youth. The truth about what happens in colleges, universities and in the work place. How fundamentalists could potentially target YOU and your family because you are a Sikh.

We will highlight well-organised groups, and organisations that want to target YOU and your Family.

A presentation not to be missed! Presented in Punjabi and English. With an open Question & Answer session.

Saturday 17 June 2006 @ 4pm

The Sikh Temple

282 A Chapel Town Road


Sunday 18 June 2006 @ 11.30 am

Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Seven Kings

722/730 High Road Seven Kings ILFORD


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Check out the profiles of Sikhs gals on shaadi.com and hi5.com and you can see the reason why they are so messed in the head.

2 words some up how they get corrupt and targetted by islamic nuts:


Parents try to do their best for their kids in western society trying to be modern and liberal giving their girls equality and yet some punjabi sikh girls throw it all back in their face by their disgracful lack of respect and then to top it off go off with a muslim guy who wants to undermine your faith and wish to create all the world's people to follow a barbaric faith which undermines womens rights and treats them no better than cattle and baby making machines.

The girls that need to be targetted for this awareness campaign do not attend gurdwara's because they dont see themselves as religious but will call themself Sikh to have some kind of identity. The awareness campaign needs to be started in colleges and uni's drawing in girls of Sikh background who have been raised in liberal environmemt to learn about their faith, history and tactics of islamics.

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If you google anything Sikh related or even religiously then at least one Muslim thing pops up.

They are tring to rule the world by force and are tyrants about it.

Raj kareg ga Khalsa and not by force.

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i am happy at least for the fact that the people of my religion are discussing the topic which has worried me and has left me disturbed for past six months. it is good to know that at least we have identified who are targetting our sisters.

i am not anti to any religion but very severe on anyone who harms my people. i live with muslim guys in london. and i am very well versed with their mentality. targetting girls from other communities is on par with a good deed for them. in fact it soothes their heart to brand the girls of other religions as corrupt and their own girls as "homely" and "cultured".

Getting caught into a muslims' trap and subsequent conversion( ensuring jannat for a muslim...lol) is not a new thing. in fact we are very late to respond and most of our community has failed to identify this as a major problem. if some of u have not read then go to the link www.sikhlionz.com/hut and know the reality and educate others....this was something that opened my eyes.

it is a good thing that some people have come forward and are raising awareness but without our total support their efforts will just bring limited results so in order to save our community from this evil we should all consider this as our duty to educate our community and help stop the damage being inflicted upon us. may waheguru help us in this good cause.


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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Not heard much about the Sikh Awareness Society, but well done for carrying out the parchar. One beanti, please be blunt about the fundamentalist group you are raising awareness about. If it's muslim than state it on the poster. Unfortunately, today Singhs get branded fundamentalists by our own community. It's easy to mis-interpret the poster.

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Not heard much about the Sikh Awareness Society, but well done for carrying out the parchar. One beanti, please be blunt about the fundamentalist group you are raising awareness about. If it's muslim than state it on the poster. Unfortunately, today Singhs get branded fundamentalists by our own community. It's easy to mis-interpret the poster.

With the law the way it is, u have to be tactical in your approach. Last thing we want is for Sikhs to get branded terrorists along with Muslims. The way this parchaar has been done up and down the country has been going very well so far with huge turnouts. Its working.

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Fateh Ji,

Who's raising awareness of the CULT-DEHDHARI GURU Groups who are also a threat to our Kaum, maybe even bigger than the Islamics?

Why is no body combating the parchaar of RADHSOAMIS, DARSHAN DASIS, NAAMDHARIS, NARINDER GREWAL etc that are causing more damage to our Kaum than the Muslims? How many relatives do you know you are following some kind of Guru/Baba with an anti Gurmat stance compare to families who have been targetted my muslims?

I am not bashing the good work that this awareness group are doing, but what always concerns me is how easy we identify the muslim as the enemy to our Kaum and turn a blind eye to the sly enemy who seems to have comfortably established themselves in our community.

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