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Jazzy B

Guest Jas Singh

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naww i dont' buy it man

his lyrics for example where

"ma theraye gongloo patloo gah"

now every1 here knows what he actually means by that...sure some of his songs where real but some of em where really sexually explicit

If you don't like them don't listen to them, at the end of the day I will keep on listening to them.

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If you cant see god in all, you cant god at all (SGGS)

Veerji..this is something Guroo Jee continually teaches us..and certainly a must for those attached to his lotus feet..

I'm just wondering veer what panna is this from?? I haven't been able to find it, I may be wrong but I don't believe this 'quote' is actually from Guroo Jee's bani, but rather a quote Yogi Bhajan said, again I could be wrong, and of course this is a bachan guroo jee teaches us..but I'm talking about the actual quote/panthkee..would appreciate the panna.


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Guest Akaal108

I dont know the panna penji but yes you are right i got it from yogi ji... but i m sure its from gurbani... and thats the message siri guroo granth sahib ji is tryin to tell us.. gurbani mata roop haie. and shanouo moorakha nouo samjhai rahaie haie.. .. so doing its duty ^_^

Sabh mein jot, jot haie soie, tis thaie chanan sab mein chanan hoi (Kirtan Sohila)

Sach kaho sun louou sabeh jin Prem kio tin hii prab paooe (dasam granth)

and they are lot more verses that gurbani to tell us and to convey the message.... that if you cant see that same light of akaal purkh in everyone then you cant understand maharaj diii lelllla...

How much we can learn from it?? Thats completely up to us... updesh has been given by guroo maharaj ji to us... following it or not following it thats up to us.. I myself struggling to workin on it right now.. personally for myself.....improving slowly...

akaaaaaaaaaaal hee akaaaaaal

anand hii anand ^_^^_^

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Veerji, as I tried to make clear in my previous post I do know (and love) that Guroo Jee teaches us this bachan again and again..it is most touching..but I just don't think you should write (SGGS) if it's not from Guroo Jee's bani..that's all..Of course that message is conveyed, but it is a different thing to say Guroo Jee 'said it'. I could say many things that Guroo Jee had taught me, but my quotes are just dust compared to the jewels (bani)...

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I dont know the panna penji but yes you are right i got it from yogi ji... but i m sure its from gurbani...

It would be appreciated if you do not manipulate GURU JI's BANI and say you got it from somewhere , where infact you got it from somewhere else !!!

you got a quote from yogi ji and tried passing it of as bani from SGGS... I BELIEVE THAT IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE !!!!! ACTUALLY I KNOW THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE !!!!

also you shouldnt try to manipulate the sangat on this site by quoting things and giving false sources. ' IM SURE ITS FROM GURBANI' that aint a good enough excuse buddy

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Guest Akaal108

Sikh soldier...

have you seen sometimes scholars do vaikhiya of gurbani and they sometimes put sggs as refererence to viakhiya .

Viakhiya simply means explanation...

so thats what i did...

i appolize if i hurt someone.. i ll go ahead edit my post

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  • 3 weeks later...
Jazzy B sales dropped, and apparently according to the press, they even beat him up at one of his gigs. In interviews, he is often questioned about this aswell. Same is happening to other singers.

As a result many singers have got older so-called Dharmic tapes. This has included many singers. Essentially this is just a media stunt. Next time people interview him and others about ruining punjabi culture, they will just respond by saying they have Dharmic tapes aswell.

I read somewhere that people are being quite affected by artists looks that i.e.

they are having hair cuts (EVEN SIKH WITH PAAGH)to look like Jazzy B 

Man they are SOOOO distroying Sikhi di Shaan! and Panjabi Virsa

what about granthi's isn gurdwara promoting castist beliefs??? i had my shoes stolen from a gurudwara, (i have since been informed by the locals that the giani there is corrupt and he is probably the one that stole them, but i have no right to accuse as i have no proof, so i will leave waheguru to judge)

but the fact is, you accuse bhangra artists, but what about those that form comitees in the gurdwara and cause for castist hatred amonst our own brothers...


y friend, she was refused from being allowed to do seva in a gurudwara because she is a jatti by caste, a caste system that she doesn't believe in, yet the gurudwara mmbers looked down at her and made her feel bad for entering a "ramgharia gurudwara" what kind of stuff is that, in the house of waheguru!!!!

so bhangra artists aren't the ONLY ones who are corru[ting singhs and destroying sikhi, i feel the gurudwara members are WORSE!!! although some - (the new gurudwara in milton keynes - to be made) is COMPLETELY open to all....

the people helping build it were offered vaste sum's of money to make it into a "ramgharia" or a "singh sabha" but they refused...(they offered to completely fund the whole creation.!!!) >>>what kind of stuff is that???

U.K singh sabha gurudwara - Ramgharia gurudwara....no jatts or turkhans or ramgharia allowed, seperate gurudwaras for different caste of singhs????....in the HOME OF WAHEGURU, a place where all sikhs should feel at home, the giani who you think should provide you with support is the one whose kicking you out of the house of god...

also...another big issue that no-one has picked up on...umm i take it not many of you heard the first track or the inlay card..the album is joint production with the Tadhi sabha u.k (tarseem singh mohra appologies for spelling mistakes)...so its not ONLY jazzy b & shinda bhaji production, its tadhi sabha u.k aswell.

please STOP criticising, and respect others for doing something that NONE of you have or will ever do. he biggs up jattz, i am TOTALLY anti cast and i hate the caste system, yet ask 90 percent of the sikhs in the u.k or india what caste they are, i garuantee a reply willl cpme back along with "oh i don't believe in caste" but errmmmm ....u know what caste u are...why would you want to know what caste you are if you are anti-caste!!

my intentions in this reply are not to hurt o

r offend anyone, and i dearly appologise if anything i have written has offended anyoone, please forgive me, but my aim of this reply was to make people understand that its not only the bhangra industry that is promoting caste, our very own gurudwaras are!! which is WRONG!!! and MUST BE STOPPED before we have the right to tell others to stop this caste stuff!!!


bul jog mhaf......

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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