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Just Came Back From India....

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lol i looked up the meanin - not sure if i am - but am me lol - there'll soon b a definition of being me :cool:

Your reply prooves it :) that u r!!

lol i dont know weva its a gud thing tho :) people tend to get my bad side first - like Peacemaker :sady: lol

I'm sorry, but I hate when people try to label all hindus as bad just because of 84. That's just bs!

God bless equality and to hell with all the racist, ignorant idiots!

oiii Bhaji i aint rascist!!!! people just dont understand what i gotta say - i was talking about SOME hindu's not all

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I'm sorry, but I hate when people try to label all hindus as bad just because of 84. That's just bs!

God bless equality and to hell with all the racist, ignorant idiots!

Hey all I can say to this is "Amen". I probably live in one of the BIGGEST Continents of RACISM ever. The fact is, people need the drama in there life or life is boring. This is what I have gathered from most people.

For india, and the hindu's. I've asked my parents about it and they told me when they have time they will tell me. As far as i've seen in this topic is that hindu's sat there watching sikh's die.

Someone please give me more knowledge about this^ topic.


@Kir: I didnt say that you HAVE to do something. I also did say that you should respect where you come from. Just saying that you will not get called hindu will get a lot of people on your a**. Just fix them. Do not go "OMFG, NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN(something to this extent)". You will not exactly say that but thats what I explained it as.

Anyway, whatever is fine with you is fine with you. Just do not get caught up. What I mean is there are some sikh's with hindu parents(as is, but i do not mind) that will get PO'ed if you ever say this to them. That's all, just take care of yourself in the streets about this topic.



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Everyone has his/her own opinion just as brother who started this topic has.

To get correct information about panjab i think it would have been better if the brother discussed the matter with some elderly or bajurg who have seen the whole transformation wiv their own eyes over several past decades. The reality is that sikhi is on massive decline in punjab in both ways: quality as well as quantity. There are four districts where sikhs have come in minority (gurdaspur, nawanshehar, jalandhar, hoshiarpur) and as well as capital chandigarh which is taken away from punjab and made as union territory. Quality wise none would argue that chardi kala sikhs like those in past are not seen anywhere, youth (like me) preffer patitpuna,are proud to be jatt or punjabi rather than sikh, the voice for khalistan is nearly 'dead', we are satisfied with "hindu marriage registration certificates" , dera culture is flourishing, amritdharis are rare, hindutva is taking over sikhi in punjab, drugs and bhaiiyas are flodded in panjab to maximise the damage, agriculturist (jatts) are crying coz water level is falling and panjab is set to be a desert. The list is endless

I hate when sikhs rave abt being indians we've nothing in common ideological or even physical.We look very different than average indians and our authentic culture is far different than that of indians. We gotto shun this indian spirit and at least call ourself just sikhs if we want to dream abt khalistan just as indian kashmiris call themselves as kashmiris rather than indian coz they are serious abt their freedom unlike us. I was born in punjab spent my first 21 yrs there before coming to u.k 2 yrs back. I lived my like as another panjabi youngster, proud to be jatt scribed on my car and just paying occasional visits to gurdwara. I used to call myself indian as well but after knowing that so much has happened with 'sikhi' i feel ashamed to call myself an indian, i just can't be a citizen of a country which is one of the most intolerent in the world, cripples minorities, teach false history to destroy other religions, degrades my religion and gurus, ruled by fascists. And yes i don't accept hindutva as the ideology. Sikhi is our ideology.

As for development thumbs up to indians they are developing fast infact their economy has a massive growth, only second to china and is projected to grow at 9% next year and whole world is raving abt india, the economy, the culture, bollywood. I know i am on the losing side and we have been timely defeated but that doesn't mean i should give up to materialism and forget the past. Money factor and the glitter doesn't bring me any closer to india coz i don't want to lose my morality for materialism.

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Guest Narinder Singh
majority of hindus stood by and watched thousands of innocent sikhs get killed and do nothing and then they voted overwhelming for the mass murderers to be elected to government

they havent dont anything wrong

Wow man I just learned something new. Never knew this. Yeah, so in a way I understand why sikhs don't wanna be called hindu, I'm gonna look into this. Thanks.


@Narinder Singh:

Im not concerned, I just like to know that there are still people out there that carry there own religion. Being born in America I have noticed that my generation and on does not KNOW ANYTHING about THERE RELIGION. Or for that fact where they come from. I am proud to know where I come from. I know people that don't know what they are. They call themselves american, but american is not a religion. Many youths now-a-days do not call themselves anything. They just say they are american, canadian, etc. I do not understand why people do not wanna know where there ancestors or there parents came from. I personally wanna know some of my history. History is mostly not important to me. But sometimes it is useful. For times when you need to learn from mistakes that were made before.

Anyway, many people like you for instant, do not know or care what they are. I frankly do not care about these people anyway. Ill get along with them and etc, but I personally see them as people who can give a flying rat's *** what there ancestors or there family had to do for them. Most of us(americans,canadians, etc) should be GREATFUL for being here. In a much better life, better envrionment, better health care, better etc. Atleast we have much things people back then did not. Most people back then were greatful for everything they got. Most people now-a-days do not care about what they have. They want more.

I appreciate for what I have and thank my mom and dad for coming to america. I love being in this country for many reasons:

Government actually cares.

Better Health Care.

Better Technology(some cases).

Better streets(thanks to government).

A lot more.

Basically most of them fall into Government actually cares. Like Better streets, by this I mean maintained, built sturdy, quality streets. I've seen news about how this bridge fell and there was a school bus and ## were killed in india. This is the kind of stuff im happy about. No $h*t on streets, etc. I am also not happy about some of the things in this country. Like racism and etc. But, I have to deal with the fact that this generation and on is now full of people that can careless what you are. Most are atheist's themselves so they do not care much about what color,race,religion you are. I have friends that are christian, atheist, etc. Most of them like to sit and talk about different religions and the aspects and beliefs. Most do not care what race,color,religion you are, they just like you for you.

Anyway, my point is, it just shows how much people care and do not care.



First off, your mixing religion with culture, and territorial bounderies, our gurus were not concerned with culture or what part of the world one came from. Youve continued to mix sikhi and culture through out your post, are u talking about culture or religion? And your saying that people like me dont care for who they are and where they came from?? What? Dude, u sound really confused, where in my post did i say anything liek that. I know who my ancestors were, and where they came from, thats not the point im trying to make. What im trying to do is identify with myself, whats my identity, its obviously not indian because ive never lived in india, nor can i speak, read, or write the national language of india. Id be more punjabi than indian.

And u talk of not knowing or following what u dont indentify with or practice. I dont indentify with being an indian, nor do i practice it in any way shape or form, so therefore i dont claim to be an Indian. As for being Sikh, i indentify with being a sikh, and find the sikh life style practical and realistic, indian culture, not so much. And u say history isn't that important to u, yet in the same post u criticize people who dont learn about their history.

Most Americans are atheists?? Man, youre falling off the edge here, 90 to 95 percent of americans believe in a god or a higher power! And by the way, u lumped being christian and atheist in the same category.

To some everything up, u come off quite judgemental and i hope in the future you'd read what one writtens carefully before jumping to conclusions.


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i think some people are taking my post the wrong way. i never meant to say that punjab is some model sikh state, where sikhi is shining and everyone is amritdhari.

god no.

my point was that there is a sikh spirit there which lives despite all the onslaught. the spirit is not dead. it is in a few people, but it's just so darn strong. i would wake up because the local gurdwara would be heard doing gurbaani kirtan early morning. went to harmandir sahib saw the great amount of sharda.

yeah things are bad. but i saw some good. i did see a lot of young kids with kesh. what you think none exist? geez man. just cause i listed a few positives, i don't see why everyone is burning. i didn't see justice for sikh victims, i didn't see memorials for 1984 shaheeds, or memorials for delhi pogrom victims, i didn't see anything which would heal the wounds of teh sikh nation.

what i did see was an indestructible sikh spirit. go there and see it for yourself. stop acting like a bunch of immature little kids. by no means did i visit india and become some hardcore bharti, i'm a staunch supporter of an independent sikh state, and always will be. i don't hate india. i want to see india prosper, hundreds of millions of poor indians deserve it.

all the hindu marraige acts, the pogroms, the tortures, i saw a people with the power to overcome. people there remember. i did speak to elders. they said, people are caught up in the struggle just to get roti everyday and don't have time for these things. for someone like me who gets three meals guaranteed in america, i understood what they were saying.

geez man, just wanted to right a few positives for once about punjab and world war three is starting up in here. i guess if i wrote that punjab is a pile of garabge it would have pleased a few people. i'm sorry but not everyone in punjab is killing babies in the streets, doing drugs, cuttin kesh, and raping girls. sometimes we read these stories and paint a picture of punjab like some hell on earth scenario...

anyways peace.

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So let me get this straight. Since people are "hatin" indians becasue they mix indians and Muslims toghter(indians cannot be hated upon, we have not done anything wrong).

Anyways, if you don't classify yourself as indian BECAUSE people will mistake you for HINDU's, then all i have to say is that your ignorant. YOU ARE INDIAN. It's a fact. Punjabi is in INDIA. Deal with the fact that you will ALWAYS get CRAP from RETARTED people. I GET CRAP EVERYDAY. They think indian's and muslim's are the same thing, but i tell them i am an indian SIKH. Guess what, does not change anything. So if your classifying youself as punjabi I have no problem with that, but do not say you will not call yourself indian because people will give you crap, because that sounds stupid.

Also, so if people think your Hindu? What's wrong with that? I understand your a SIKH. Im a Sikh and I get <Edited> when people call me muslim. If they call me hindu, I say no, im punjabi. Most assumtions are based on what they learn at school. In american hinduism is known more then Sikhism, so I do not have problem with someone calling me hindu, i just fix them.

Also, how can hindu's be racially hated? They have not done anthing wrong. Just as Punjabi's have not done anything wrong.



I WILL NEVER EVER ACCEPT SOMEONE REFERRIN TO ME AS A HINDU- NEVER EVER - why shuld i? am Sikh Panth Follower / Panjabi - after 1984 - i spit on them MOST hindu's that supported blue cross - i know what i am - label it ignorant - wuteva i dont care - u call urself what u want and i'll call myself what i want.

psssh if u think hindu's never did anythin then.....wow rolleyes.gif

i aint disrespecting u Bhaji - am learnin jus like EVERYONE else - but i dont think u can go round tellin me what i "should" and "should not" be doing - its my choice - jus like u got a choice....:TH:

Respect you put tht fool straight,look at him he gets vexed when someone calls him Muslim,but not when they call hin HIndu-insted of Sikh for life he should be Hindu for life

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I'm sorry, but I hate when people try to label all hindus as bad just because of 84. That's just bs!

God bless equality and to hell with all the racist, ignorant idiots!

Hey all I can say to this is "Amen". I probably live in one of the BIGGEST Continents of RACISM ever. The fact is, people need the drama in there life or life is boring. This is what I have gathered from most people.

For india, and the hindu's. I've asked my parents about it and they told me when they have time they will tell me. As far as i've seen in this topic is that hindu's sat there watching sikh's die.

Someone please give me more knowledge about this^ topic.


@Kir: I didnt say that you HAVE to do something. I also did say that you should respect where you come from. Just saying that you will not get called hindu will get a lot of people on your a**. Just fix them. Do not go "OMFG, NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN(something to this extent)". You will not exactly say that but thats what I explained it as.

Anyway, whatever is fine with you is fine with you. Just do not get caught up. What I mean is there are some sikh's with hindu parents(as is, but i do not mind) that will get PO'ed if you ever say this to them. That's all, just take care of yourself in the streets about this topic.



truu say Bhaji - so sorry if i did come across as disrespectin u!!! BUT am not disrespectin where I come from i KNOW EXACTLY where i come from and am proud of my Vude'h - but i get really p'd wen people tell me 'you this n that' - i dont wanna be labelled as something am not - jus like i dont wanna be labeled as a group - we all indiviuals in this world yeh, we jus on the same path. i dont like being grouped up as in a majority - we all a minority who followin this road - but in groups - am jus indiviual - taggin along

Also Bhaji - dont think that i find it offensive JUST becuase i dont want people to mistake me for a muslim or hindu - it aint ONLY becuase of that - i dont wanna offend ANY faith - but i dont want to be labelled as part of a faith where MOST played part in disrespectin / killin etc my Sikh / panjabi Vude'h - not ONLY in 1984 - ANY B.C. / A.D. / Century - call it recent terms AND OR times from when our Guru were walking this earth.

So let me get this straight. Since people are "hatin" indians becasue they mix indians and Muslims toghter(indians cannot be hated upon, we have not done anything wrong).

Anyways, if you don't classify yourself as indian BECAUSE people will mistake you for HINDU's, then all i have to say is that your ignorant. YOU ARE INDIAN. It's a fact. Punjabi is in INDIA. Deal with the fact that you will ALWAYS get CRAP from RETARTED people. I GET CRAP EVERYDAY. They think indian's and muslim's are the same thing, but i tell them i am an indian SIKH. Guess what, does not change anything. So if your classifying youself as punjabi I have no problem with that, but do not say you will not call yourself indian because people will give you crap, because that sounds stupid.

Also, so if people think your Hindu? What's wrong with that? I understand your a SIKH. Im a Sikh and I get <Edited> when people call me muslim. If they call me hindu, I say no, im punjabi. Most assumtions are based on what they learn at school. In american hinduism is known more then Sikhism, so I do not have problem with someone calling me hindu, i just fix them.

Also, how can hindu's be racially hated? They have not done anthing wrong. Just as Punjabi's have not done anything wrong.



I WILL NEVER EVER ACCEPT SOMEONE REFERRIN TO ME AS A HINDU- NEVER EVER - why shuld i? am Sikh Panth Follower / Panjabi - after 1984 - i spit on them MOST hindu's that supported blue cross - i know what i am - label it ignorant - wuteva i dont care - u call urself what u want and i'll call myself what i want.

psssh if u think hindu's never did anythin then.....wow rolleyes.gif

i aint disrespecting u Bhaji - am learnin jus like EVERYONE else - but i dont think u can go round tellin me what i "should" and "should not" be doing - its my choice - jus like u got a choice....:TH:

Respect you put tht fool straight,look at him he gets vexed when someone calls him Muslim,but not when they call hin HIndu-insted of Sikh for life he should be Hindu for life

:) naaah am jokin i lub all my Bhaji's n Bhenji's on here lol nuffin like a gud discussion / debate 2 kick start a day....lol grin.gif lol that was a well nerdy comment hunaa lol :)

but jus so everyone knows i got NUFFIN against ANY religion that hasent got ANYTHIN against my Dharam or my beliefs and since we live in a world where people are comin against each other's faith then if i do come across as rascist / ignorant etc then so be it...

also there was a time in india when Panjabi was the national language - 1991 - Guru's Kirpa - we'll hav a turn 4 the betta

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India itself wasn't one country until 1947.

Sikhs had their raj, the Brits had their's, rajputs,marhattes, muslmaans, etc.

White man comes to India with a crayon in his hand and scribles lines on a map and there you have it--India, with more than half of Punjab thrown away and eventually made even smaller, a messed up Africa, and violence that still lasts today.

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