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What Does Hindu Images Portray


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Ok yaar take it lightly i am not very serious now,i will also not mind if he says this to me.

If i offend him i am sorry but it was just a humour, he can reply me in same coin.

After all we are all same, same follower of Akal, whether we have many differences at many topics, but i think we all feel same for sikhi and our Gurus. So in many respects all of us are same. Children of Dashmesh pita.

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im with ocelot for sure. Respect religion is one thing but why rep it with avtars and praises??? W tf wud you do the same about jesus or muhammed or prophets of any other religions??

relevent sakhi from another forum:


at the time of bhai randheer singh there was a singh ji named bawa ji.one time they were going somewhere on there rera or bull cart with some singhs and suddenly there gadda or bull cart got struct in the big toya or khada. all the singhs tried hard to get the bull cart out of the toya. but all the efforts were useless and then at last the singhs asked bhai bawa ji to call the shaheed singhs and get the gadda out. but bhai bawa singh ji told the singhs that why to disturb the shaheed fauj let us call hanuman for it. they asked" Oye hanuman edar ayin" then he asked bhai bawa ji that wat is your hukam, main tuhadi ki sewa kar sakda han. bhai bawa ji asked him to get the bull cart out of the toya. he by his one fingure got the bull cart out of toya.

moral: dont disturb the shaheed singhs for chota mota kam. call the devi devta instead.


I dont understand what you "Nihangs" find so great about devte, i agree we shouldnt insult them becuase yeah they are real and they are high in their own way, and you shouldnt disrespect other faiths. But they are nothing on a true Khalsa. Did you know amazing gursikhs have devte flying above and around them? They try to get sangat of amazing sikhs of the even more amazing Guroo.

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im with ocelot for sure. Respect religion is one thing but why rep it with avtars and praises??? W tf wud you do the same about jesus or muhammed or prophets of any other religions??

relevent sakhi from another forum:


at the time of bhai randheer singh there was a singh ji named bawa ji.one time they were going somewhere on there rera or bull cart with some singhs and suddenly there gadda or bull cart got struct in the big toya or khada. all the singhs tried hard to get the bull cart out of the toya. but all the efforts were useless and then at last the singhs asked bhai bawa ji to call the shaheed singhs and get the gadda out. but bhai bawa singh ji told the singhs that why to disturb the shaheed fauj let us call hanuman for it. they asked" Oye hanuman edar ayin" then he asked bhai bawa ji that wat is your hukam, main tuhadi ki sewa kar sakda han. bhai bawa ji asked him to get the bull cart out of the toya. he by his one fingure got the bull cart out of toya.

moral: dont disturb the shaheed singhs for chota mota kam. call the devi devta instead.


I dont understand what you "Nihangs" find so great about devte, i agree we shouldnt insult them becuase yeah they are real and they are high in their own way, and you shouldnt disrespect other faiths. But they are nothing on a true Khalsa. Did you know amazing gursikhs have devte flying above and around them? They try to get sangat of amazing sikhs of the even more amazing Guroo.

Relevant saakhi, but it doesn't support your argument rather it creates a superiority complex within the mind that doesn't help anyone but those who are already biased towards their particular way of thinking.

Here is another way to look at your Story.

A Singh went to a Daaba to eat some roti, after eating the roti, he got up to pay the owner where he was cooking in the tandoor. When Singh ji pulled money out of his pocket, some of it fell into the tandoor. He asked the owner to get his money out, but he refused. So Singh ji, got down into the tandoor after it had cooled a bit but was still hot. Going in he goes....Raam, Raam, Allah, Allah as it was very hot inside. After he got out the owner with a confused look on his face asked the Singh why would he say Raam or Allah when you are a Sikh. Singh ji replied, Lai...main ainay shota kum vaastay aavtha Waheguru Tandoor they vich kio lai kay ava?

Raam Vuddha ja Waheguru?

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ok this is just ridiculous...

u know what ocelot, idol worshipping is banned. We shouldn't worship idols. But is an avatar image an idol? And don't pull another slippery slope argument and say that very soon we'll start worshipping idols because right now we have an avatar on a frikkin internet forum...

Just realize that the fact that we have an image posted as an avatar doesn't mean that we are not Sikh. In fact, you have insulted the person with that avatar image out of order and with no justification. What do you KNOW about him? How can you judge that he will "fall for hinduism" just cuz he has some pic on his profile? Why do you care about some westerner coming on this forum?

don't just laugh this one off...

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I can't beleive racist scumbags are allowed to diss other dharam freely, what happened to forum rules now? i cannot beleive level of biogtry you guys come up with.

ps- singhstah, with all due respect sikhi didnt started from dhan dhan bhai sahib bhai randhir singh ji, get off the internet and read some books of sant gurbachan singh ji bhindranwale and bhai dya singh ji rehitnama once an while regarding orgins of kachera, you be suprised- it derived from sri hanuman ji who you subtly try to diss.

obviously you will call this rss propaganda blah blah yet find it absoultely ok to quote from bhai dya singh ji rehitnamas to prove your jatha beleifs..you know sikhi isnt buffet place, where you pick and choose whatever suits your agenda.

its late here, i ll get you the exact name of the book written by sant gurbachan singh ji bhindranwale, where this is mentioned.

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There is an interesting story about a complaint made by Raja Tara Chand before Guru Hargobind about a Sikh by the name of Bhairo. This has been reported by a contemporary in his book Dabistan-i-Mazahib. Bhairo went into the temple of the Devi and broke the nose of the idol. Guru asked Bhairo to explain his action. Bhairo asked Tara Chand whether his Devi can speak and tell who has broken her nose. Tara Chand laughed at this and said that Devis never speak. Bhairo replied, what is the point in worshipping a Devi who can not protect itself and cannot speak .Raja Tara Chand had no answer to this
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How many of you have ever seen a well respected and follower of islam using image of ram, Krishan .

A catholic doing same.

A hindu (knowing hinduism) using prophet?

When all are good in there religion and not need any other religion then what is wrong with sikhs.

To all sri hanuman waale.

Then you have to accept as Hinduism says earth is flat, The sun is Surya devta that comes on seven horses. Entire universe was flooded with water, the hanuman puts sun in his mouth. and what not.

Do you have no IQ. It is just Kori gaap written by Brahmins to get money from poor and ignorent people.

Skeptic sikh just one thing what is good in using hanuman to sikhi? What does it symbolises. What is importence of Hanuman in sikhi? Do you believe Ramayan is true or mythology?

Sikhs are given bani, i feel surprised that people need these mythology more than bani.

There is no so called hanuman, aerodynamics he cannot fly, matter is constant cannot grow its size, Skeptic Sikh just you say about tech how can you prove there is anything as hanuman that ever existed, it can fly :D

These things are required by people with no brain to live a happy life as bani is not sufficient for them.

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