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Ashutoush's Hooligans And Groupies Smash Up "rozana Spokesman" Offices


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they are keep their bibis forward !!!!! sikhs should do the same

Most of the bibis who are 'chellian' ( followers) of Ashutosh were Sikhs or still call themselves Sikhs. One of the shinning example is Sardarni Badal (wife of Parkash Singh Badal). Recently, in reply to a question she answered that she is a follower of Ashutoush and also she is a Sikh. This shows that she does not know what a Sikh is. I suppose this also goes for rest of that family as far as knowing what a Sikh is, yet all of the members of that family consider themselves to be the leaders of Sikhs and are heads various wings of the Akali dal (Badal).

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The original article that have caused the Noormalias to act like this. The article is in fact, a summary of an interview of Pooran Singh who has been a former driver of the head of the cult in which Pooran Singh (the driver of the saadh) tells of what is happening to women in the Noormalia dera. The Rozana Spokesman ( the newspaper in the news) printed it

I am at a loss as to undetrstand why so many Punjabi women are so ready to become the concubines and hand maidens of these saadhs. We have heard of so many of these babas and cultist saadhs recently.

http://www.***anti-sikh website not allowed***/fullpage.as...=29&pview=5

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Attacks on the spokesman offices throughout panjab by Noormehliyeh (Followers of Ashutosh)

Following the statement of Puran Singh, ex-driver of Ashutosh, Noormehliyeh attacked the offices of rozana spokesman in cities including Ludhiana and Muktsar. The statement which was published in Rozana spokesman, stated that women were trated badly and were used to please ashutosh's "pleasures"!!!

Offices acroos Panjab were smashed by the women wing of the Noormeliyeh. They were led by the general secretary of the 'Noormeliyeh Nari Shakti Jagran' Gurmeet Kaur..Senior Journalists from Ludhiana, Jalandhar and Patiala were injured and later admitted into hospital...In reaction, Sikh Jathebandiya took out a morcha in Muktsar. Leaders such Bhai Daljit Singh Bittu, Bhai Kanwarpal Singh, Bhai Jasbir Singh Rhode, Sant Ram Singh Bhindranwale have condemn the attack and criticised the Punjab Government for allowing this to happen!!!

Gurpal, Gurdeep and Lakhbir 'Singh' who are followers of Ashutosh, were arrested and charged under the indian penal code 452, 323, 427 and 341. (Basically, criminal damage, attempt to murder etc)

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You know its great.... Spokeman's dirty with kala afghanist and the missionary ppl.. Its good to see two anti panthic elements fighting wid each other..

that was a very stupid comment for a smart guy like you wasnt it? it dont matter who the newspaper is tight with but the fact remains spokesman is the only state-wide newspaper in punjab which has spoken in Sikh interests and has even wrote articles in favour of Sikh Militancy. Funny how every panthic jathebandi has condemend the attacks and some (Shiromani Tat Khalsa and Sikh Youth Federation Bhindrawala) have declared war against ashutoush because of the attacks, and yet you think it was a good thing?

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classic example of

je sikh sikh nu na maare

eh quam kade na haare.

who cares about kala afghana, chitta afghana, gulaabi afghaana, laal afghana, sandhuri afghana, ferozi afghana, etc etc.

be united for once. geez man, don't you people get tired of all this nonsense. what have missionaries done to you people? what have they insulted your rehit, your jatha?

get over it. in the end we are all sikhs. first save your turbans from outsiders then after that, knock each other's turbans off.


divided we fall.

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classic example of

je sikh sikh nu na maare

eh quam kade na haare.

who cares about kala afghana, chitta afghana, gulaabi afghaana, laal afghana, sandhuri afghana, ferozi afghana, etc etc.

be united for once. geez man, don't you people get tired of all this nonsense. what have missionaries done to you people? what have they insulted your rehit, your jatha?

get over it. in the end we are all sikhs. first save your turbans from outsiders then after that, knock each other's turbans off.


divided we fall.

The fake Baba, Sants and Deras are in full control of the Sikh religious and political affairs. Sikhs are beaten up by cults on a regular basis, how things have changed where Sikhs used to get respect.

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