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Sikhs And Panjab Compared To Buddhists And Tibet


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Lately I've been watching all the drama over Tibet. One thing I notice is that all sorts of people, from different backgrounds and ages are willing to protest against China's treatment of Tibetans.

What is the difference between us and Tibetans that make the western world turn a blind eye to what has happened to Sikhs?

I sometimes get the notion that there is is some distrust and even hatred between the Anglo political setup and Sikhs. We all know that Sikhs were a powerful people prior to the British invasion of 1849, sometimes I think that many westerners in power would not like to see Sikhs in such a position again and are complicit in Sikh oppression, to make sure this is so. Also the economic relationship between Hindustan and the west would also make them turn a blind eye.

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india does a very good job of covering up whats going on. and i think sikhs get a lot of bad press coz of teh fact that we stick up 4 ourselves. the dalai lama is well known throughout thw world has has a lot of influence. buddhist in tibet r peaceful and people sympathise with that. india is just as bad as china if not worse!make me sick we shud boycott this olympics.

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The Dalai Lama's interfaith advococy and promotion of non-violence has earned his movement a place in the heart of many people. In other words, he marketed his movement well. Sikhs on the other hand, SOME have unfortunately thrown sikh principles out the window and been willing to advocate the promotion of hatred against all hindus, and in some cases even mass killings blink.gif Most sikhs, easily the majority do not support such extremism. But this kind of extremism hurts us more than it helps. Not to mention all the illliterate gangsta types who scream out slogans but don't live up to the khalsa jeevan, talk about khalistan but still swear a blue streak...

Buddhist monks seem so serene, which attracts people.

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The West would love to see China fall in terms of economy, and so this "support for Tibet" is just a masked stunt to damage China's image and thereby its economy. India is a powerful economic ally of the West, and so anyone who messes with India, its integrity, its image, is proving to be a threat to Western interests. This is the reason why only a handful of Western politicians sided with Sikh separatists and raised their voice against what the Sikhs were facing in India. Few weeks ago I watched a 3.5 hour documentary on You Tube (19 videos) on how 9/11 was an "inside job". The kind of evidences they provided were beyond shocking.

Its all an "economic stunt" I'd say. This "war on terror", this "free Tibet" is all only for some sort of financial, economic or monetary purpose. If the world police (Uncle Sam) had genuine humanitarian concerns, there are scores of other ethnicities suffering terribly in the world today. Why are their cries falling on deaf ears? Its not just Sikhs alone who are being neglected, but several other minorities in other parts of the world about whom these so-called world powers are least bothered.

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I get what you're saying guys. These days its pretty easy to stick someone with a turban and beard who has done some evil crap all over the media (I mean from amongst us). Like it or lump it, the majority of people are influenced in their opinions from stuff like this. Buddhist monks must seem like cuddly, easy going and peace loving. The complete opposite of what some hyped up and angry Singhs portray.

Truth be told Sikhs including Amritdharis still are seriously status obsessed. They haven't got over that aspect of Panjabi culture by miles. Also try and compare Nihungs today with Tibetan monks (who I see as sort of equivalents). Those Tibetans live seriously more disciplined lives than many Nihungs, a lot of whom are all fat and slobby as a testimony to their disciplined lifestyle.

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Who cares about the Dala Lamai

I don;t

China ought to smile at the Sikh movement for Khalistan...


Thursday 3rd of April 2008

Dr. Amarjit Singh, Khalistan Affairs Center

China ought to smile at the Sikh movement for Khalistan & support the aspirations of Christian Nagas for Nagalim which steps will immediately end India’s anti-China subversive activities in Tibet, Dharamsala & around the world long before the XXIX Olympiad Former Defence minister George Fernandes talks

of plans to‘ambush’ the Chinese Olympic torch relay in India on 17 April, 2008!

How come ‘His Holiness’ the Dalai Lama, the Human Rights activist, chose to remain silent, unlike His Holiness the Pope, about the 1984 Indian state-sponsored pogroms against the Sikhs?

Washington D.C. Wednesday April 02, 2008: India’s leading English language newspaper, the Times of India, in an expose on March 30, reports that, few groups on this planet can match the ability of the Dalai Lama and his cohorts, in the Tibetan diaspora, to network, make friends and milk the power of naïve Western sympathy for ‘harmless-looking purple-robed’ monks who skillfully supply the Western media with gory tales and images of Chinese ‘oppression’ and ‘aggression’ in Tibet, which are floated on several hundred websites, the authenticity of which information cannot be verified independently.

The above mentioned Times of India report shows how a few Tibetan activists, trained in securing support from the most improbable corners of human conscience, began a signature campaign in Mumbai recently. Within a few hours, thousands of Dalits, (‘Untouchables’) who were protesting nearby about the suffocating socio-economic discriminations against them in caste-ridden India, signed a petition pledging support ‘without having expanded their constituency’. The signatures were turned into a memorandum, by the Tibetan protesters, which was later forwarded to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Likewise, ‘His Holiness’ the Dalai Lama and members of his Tibet-government-in-exile living in Dharamsala, India, since 1959, have also learnt the art of telling their side of the ‘Tibet’ story while refusing to recognize or empathize with gory events that took place in their Indian neighborhood. For example, the Dalai Lama, a ‘holy man’ did not acknowledge even once, (unlike His Holiness the Pope) the cruelty of the June 1984 Indian Army attack on the Darbar Sahib, the holiest Sikh shrine in Amritsar, located only a hundred miles away from Dharamsala; or, condemn, even once, the November 1984, state-sponsored bloody pogrom which took place in Delhi, located two hundred miles from Dharamsala, in which over ten thousand Sikh men, women and children were murdered, in three days, after a ‘wink and a nod’ from none other then the then Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi; or, raise his voice in sadness and human sympathy at the murder of thousands of Sikh Youth who were hunted down and murdered in ‘false encounters’ in the Punjab by Indian armed police, in the dark decade of the 1980’s, when a whole generation of Sikhs was eliminated by the Indian rulers; or, even once empathize with the beleaguered Nagas by taking a public stand against the bloody Indian state-sponsored genocide, which has been carried out by the Indian Army for over half a century, in Christian-majority Nagalim and other parts of North Eastern India inhabited mainly by fellow-Mongoloid people of Tibetan ancestry who seek freedom as they do not want to live in a caste-ridden Indian colony.

The Dalai Lama and his henchmen, it is quite obvious, are well aware that as the dates of the August 2008 World Olympics approach, the global media’s interest in China is highly ‘cashable’. Dalai Lama & Co., therefore, see the disturbance they seem to have covertly engineered in Lhasa, as a great opportunity to embarrass the ‘Middle Kingdom’ – China – which it seems has made the mistake of underestimating the soft-spoken Dalai Lama’s reach and propensity for ‘mischief’. Beijing also seems to have ignored the deep involvement of India’s numerous Intelligence Agencies in subversive activity, against China, inside Tibet, in India and rest of the world, while overestimating the soothing effect of massive Chinese investments which have resulted in outstanding economic progress in the Tibetan economy which has maintained more than 12% development growth rate for seven consecutive years – one of the highest plus rates in the world.

Meanwhile, India’s National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan, it seems, has made a Freudian slip during a telephone conversation the Chinese State Councillor Dai Bingguo had with him, last week, when Narayanan is reported to have wished a ‘complete success’ of the Beijing Olympics while asserting that, “India will always stick to this position as it has been doing all along.” This loaded remark has been interpreted to mean, (by observers, like this column, who know the devious Chanakiyan mindset of the Indian rulers) that India’s 50-years long subversive activity in Tibet will continue as is evident from the plans by Indian Intelligence agencies to ‘ambush’ the Olympic Torch relay when it arrives in India this month (on April 17) from Pakistan. A former Indian Defence Minister, George Fernandes, has let the proverbial ‘cat out of the bag’ when, according to the HINDU newspaper, he told Karan Thapar’s “Devil’s Advocate” program on CNN-IBN, last week in Delhi that, “the Olympic torch should not be allowed to come to India and that he had asked his‘ colleagues’ and others to make ‘whatever effort’ was required to prevent the Olympic flame’s run in this country”. No wonder a so-called copy cat Tibetan ‘Independence Torch’ has been suddenly unveiled in Dharamsala, on 25 March, (where the Dalai Lama, and his Indian financed government-in-exile are based) according to a report in the Khaleej Times a Dubai-based English language newspaper. This ‘Tibetan torch’ is reported to have reached New Delhi last Sunday on its journey around the world to highlight the Tibetan cause and bring the Tibetan protests to world attention before the start of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad being held in Beijing from 8 to 24 August, 2008.

Interestingly, a senior Indian diplomat, one Kanwal Sibal, a former Foreign Secretary of India, in an article headlined, “Tibet Is Our Best Card To Settle Borders With China” (published in the latest issue of the popular OUTLOOK news magazine - of 7 April, 2008) has suggested that, “Unless shaken, Beijing will have no incentive to deal with the issue.” The article indicates the level of suicidal jingoism prevalent in the thinking of senior Indian decision-makers and the depth of Indian involvement in the disturbances in Tibet as well as worldwide protests. The OUTLOOK article also explains India’s suicidal policy on Tibet and the Dalai Lama as the article goes on to assert that, “While giving asylum to the Dalai Lama in 1959, India imposed the condition that he would not engage in any political activity on Indian soil. In 1959, there may have been some logic in putting restraints on the Dalai Lama in the expectation of reaching a peaceful border settlement with China. But the 1962 conflict, the occupation of large tracts of Indian territory by China since then, and the enormous damage to India’s security inflicted by China’s policies towards Pakistan in particular should have convinced us to revise our thinking about the political utility of the Dalai Lama card.” It is obvious that Mr. Kanwal Sibal’s above opinion piece, in OUTLOOK news magazine about India using the Tibet ‘card’ against China, is written with an eye to Western applause for such a stance. ‘Khalistan Calling’ dated March 26, 2008, (headlined, “What can India do if China diverts the Sutlej river in Tibet or fires non-nuclear missiles at Dharamshala in anger & hits the Bhakra Nangal dam instead?NOTHING!” provided an honest educated analysis of the hopeless military/geographical situation that exists, a la 1962, for India if it ever chose to confront China in the Himalayas over Tibet or the Dalai Lama or any other issue.

India’s neighbors perhaps do not realize that the world’s 26 Million muscular Sikhs (3 million free and prosperous in the diaspora and 23 million captive in Indian occupied Punjab) all of whom recite a daily prayer for the return of Sikh rule (‘Raj Karayga Khalsa’) are India’s ‘Achilles heal’. The Indian rulers, an evil nexus of the minority Brahmin and Bania castes (hardly 4 % of India’s population) know that, and are therefore, terrified of the day when a neighbor of India (China &/or Pakistan) decides to ‘smile’ at the Sikhs by noticing their aspiration for a buffer state of Khalistan. An economically viable, water and food rich, buffer Sikh state East of the Pakistan border (and West of the Chinese border) a la the brave Nagas who are also fighting for an independent oil-rich buffer state of Nagalim, West of Myanmar, East of Bangladesh and South of the Chinese border. There is no doubt that a friendly Chinese interest in acquiring more information about the proposed buffer state of Khalistan would electrify the Sikhs and terrify the Indian rulers into putting a quick end to Dalai Lamas provocative theatrics and Indian covert activity in Tibet and Dharamsala pronto, long before the start of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad being held in Beijing from 8 to 24 August, 2008.

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Sarpanch - I don't get you. China has a strict "NO" policy towards religion - as you could expect given its communist background. How the hell they would actually warm to Khalistan given this is inconceivable. Unless it was a move to destabilise an old adversary.

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WaheguruJiKaKhalsa WaheguruJiKiFateh

The Anglo hatred for Sikhs first made itself evident with the division of the Indian subcontinent. The British will never forgive the Sikhs for the problems we gave them during their unjust occupation of India & they always have and always will consider us the main thorn in the side of their Empire. For this disobedience (or what would today be know as “Acts of Terrorism”) they divided the Sikh homeland directly between the two main warring factions i.e. the Muslims & Hindus, knowing full well that the Sikhs would never again regain the exact territories previously controlled under the Khalsa Raj.

WaheguruJiKaKhalsa WaheguruJiKiFateh

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WaheguruJiKaKhalsa WaheguruJiKiFateh

The Anglo hatred for Sikhs first made itself evident with the division of the Indian subcontinent. The British will never forgive the Sikhs for the problems we gave them during their unjust occupation of India & they always have and always will consider us the main thorn in the side of their Empire. For this disobedience (or what would today be know as “Acts of Terrorism”) they divided the Sikh homeland directly between the two main warring factions i.e. the Muslims & Hindus, knowing full well that the Sikhs would never again regain the exact territories previously controlled under the Khalsa Raj.

WaheguruJiKaKhalsa WaheguruJiKiFateh

Also Mstr Tara 'Singh' was planted their by the nehru/gandhi/hindu lobby , Tara 'singh' went on to become a co founder of the Fanatical Hindu Terror group the VHP - Vishwa Hindu Parishad World Hindu Council in eng

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