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Hyde Park Rememberance March For 1984

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Nice slogans this year

As usual ZERO media coverage media goes blind when it comes to India , 1 BIG rally a year is not enough nowhere near enough , we need at least TWO BIG RALLYS, I propose the 15th August rally is a Moving one which ends at the Indian Embassy outside it then stays there for about two hours , this way more people will come and we can bring London to a standstill like in 1984 if we CANNOT bring London to a stand still we will achieve very little

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I propose a rally on August 15th from hyde park to the Indian embassy , as year on year this single big rally is not enough to get attention the Indian govt are watching but is not a major problem for them as they know its just 1 day a year and everyone will repeat the speeches and go home.

Now with the August 15th rally we just stand outside the embassy and go home after a few hours thats not enough and im sure many will agree that it has no effect what so ever ,in terms of forwarding the cause, it does educate passers by but how many of them care?

What we have to do is make the August rally big ,im not saying massive TV screen and so on,but a march from somewhere to the embassy ie: Hyde Park, we need change to this as year on year the rally date comes and goes,but still it never makes headlines or anything of that sort of nature

Im sure almost everyone will agree on this issue, and agree that there needs to be a march through the streets of London to the actual embassy not just a small protest outside the embassy.

I will try to answer any questions people have about this and I hope we can for once agree that this is the kind of thing we need right now

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I agree that we need much more media coverage however I think that this will not be acheived by just having 2 rallies instead of the normal 1.

A group should be setup who would go from as many Gurdwara as possible and do parchaar on this issue & maybe showing video etc and liasing with the Gurdwara ASAP.

Because what would get us media coverage is numbers. If we could get like someone mentioned, a 50,000+ strong turnout, that would send a much bigger message to the world then any shouting/naray could ever do,

How can we do that though?

It would be very hard work and we would need the support of most of the UK Gurdwara for that but whatever it takes, we need all Gurdwara on board for this. For example, a Nottingham Gurdwara I go to manages to take about 4-5 coaches on a day trip to the seaside every year. They announce it for ages beforehand, telephone calls go out and is included in the newsletter that gets posted out etc, but do not even announce the June event. Some very gentle loving persuasion and relationship building, although would take time, could hopefuly gain us an extra 2-3 coaches from that Gurdwara alone. Then if you multiply that by how many other Gurdwaras are in a similar position across the UK and now we are getting somewhere.

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25th anniversary next year ,planning has to commence now,can the FSO Book Trafalgar Sq please,and also we should take a longer route maybe down the 'Mall' that long road leading down from Buckingham Palace - then to Trafalgar:

few suggestions from FrontLine Panjabi Youth Blog


Improvements suggested:

We are meant to be victims of the brutal genocide that was committed against us. We are there to mourn our dead and remind our selves we are slaves. So a better way of doing this would be:

* All should wear black clothes, imagine if thousands of people were dressed the same and held candles in their hands. The Media would be there straight away. On-lookers would pay more positive attention and understand this is some sort of mourning.

* Have a few funeral cars leading march with caskets saying "20;000 Sikhs murdered in 1984" etc

* Having better banners which address the reason we are there.

* Have English speakers addressing public on loud speakers throughout the whole march. No point shouting out Sikhi slogans as on-lookers don’t understand them. We are there to create awareness.

* Invite the Jews or Tibetans, and have them march with us against genocide. That creates more attention and helps spread the message.

The march is always advertised in a crap manner, with so much media in this day and age. Very little people ever know the right date of the rally!

We need to organize and evaluate the rally, if not it will become a dying trend as a lot of people are getting fed up with the atmosphere and choose not to attend.

Posted by we need freedom at 04:40

Lets plan now so we can promote the rally at least 5 Months ahead of the event

Advani Kutha Maro Jutha

Sonia Kuthi Maro Juthi


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