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No Human Guru. No Guru After Dhan Guru Granth Sahib Ji


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Shabad Gurbani written on paper with ink and put together is called Guru Granth Sahib. I suggest you study definition of "Granth". Panth can choose Panj Pyare (not any lallu panjoo) who under the guidance of Guru Granth Sahib can make decisions. Guru Sahib said, "Atma Granth Vich, Sareer Panth Vich". Again, human guru is out of the loop. No one can replace Guru Granth Sahib (Gurbani Guru). I suggest you address my points or refute them if you believe otherwise and provide some evidence. Otherwise it shows how foolish human believers are.

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"vah your post was full of lies, hate and incentive to prove your faith correct... Guru Singh Sabha"

brother Jujhar Singh, i have namdhari friends & we get along great, but we agree to disagree over this topic. they agree to greater satkar for Bani & i agree to satkar for Baba Ram Singh & we leave it there. we should have no needless issues with the common man whatever he is a follower of as sikhi teaches sarbat da bhalla.

as for Singh Sabha lol im no fan.. they've gone too far recently as do many sects/groups inc. dare i say it.. dehdhari followers..

we're not so dissimilair. you have shardha & pyaar for Gursikhs like Baba Ram Singh ji which i admire. Baba Ram Singh ji had a jeevani that nobody on this forum or most Sikhs can touch. hence i can understand why people believed he could lead sikhs to freedom be it spiritual or political. i was gifted a namdhari gutka which ive used as it is very reliable for Guru Granth Sahib & Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Bani.. although i admit i dont agree with ardas or history in it.

so dont let me stop you from respecting Gursikhs who have shardhaa in Adi Guru Granth Sahib but i say this from my own pathetic life that when you are backed in a corner & all alone and you've screamed and shouted and nobody hears your cries thats when we realise value of Gurbani over all else

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But other faiths are allowed to have as many gurus as they wish, it is not for us to tell them how to worship

if they choose to worship sggs like an idol or degrade sggs to the level of some fake illiterate baba..then i think you know what is done, right?

But that doesn't mean God still can't appear in human form.

does God appear in the form of donkey, or zebra or snakes? why only human form, whatever happened to equality! sigh ! God shouldn't differentiate between species, isn't that speciesim? and has God ,by chance, ever appeared as a Khusra?

if they decide that sggs is their holy book let the do what they wish with it, whats it got to do with you? just make sure that you respesct your holy book and let god decie what to do with anyone that god feels has amde a mistake. dont kill anyone in the name of religion!

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According to Gurbani, avtars, prophets etc are all below the level of Satguru and under the influence of maya and kaal. They are not Akal Purakh Himself. Avtars who come to this earth are blessed with some powers to carry out their mission and then they die. Dasam Granth clearly states that all the avtars failed in their mission and under the influence of ego propagated themselves instead of propagating Naam. They taught their followers to follow them and later on they died. In Chaubis Avtar it is clearly written:

In the Sukhmani Sahibji, Sri Guru Arjan Devji mentions Sadhu and Sant and I agree with you they are all fighting the 5 evils and are vulnerable to these and as you mention are below the level of a Sat Guru.

But Guruji also mentions Brahmgiani which are above the 5 evils, Hankaar. Wouldnt that make them Satguru?

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I was reading todays hukamnama from Darbar Sahib and at the end of the Hukamnama it states "Nanak begs for the dust of the Saints."

Why is it that in todays Sikhi we seem to beg for the Blood of saints, where as a Satguru, Brahmgiani Guru Nanakji who is aap Parmeshwar begs for the dust of the saints.

Do we have the right to do anyones Nindya let alone Sant ke Nindya, as we have no way of measuring someones Kamai/Bhagti? Only someone with Kamai can see the Kamai of another.

SOOHEE, FIFTH MEHL: I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, the Merciful Lord. Please, bless me with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Perfect, Compassionate Lord. || 1 || Pause || Please, grant Your Grace, and cherish me. My soul and body are all Your property. ||1|| Only meditation on the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, will go along with you. Nanak begs for the dust of the Saints. || 2 || 32 || 38 ||

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Guru Granth Sahib Ji IS sampooran and so if they are complete and perfect there is no need to have deydhari gurus. Yes The first das Guru's were deydhari but they all contributed to Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, their aatmic jot of Waheguru Ji was passed to Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Rather than asking for proof of the above statement why dont you prove where it says you can have deydhari gurus after Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj?

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