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other than good education etc I am person b in my family.

I dont care if they or anyone is jealous or mad at me. All I can do is be myself and do my best. Gods will is what makes the world go round, so what can I do to stop someone from being upset????(zero)

If the family is torn apart then understand the ungratefull person is what did it not the person just doing their thing.

Im the major black sheep in my family and evryone is mad that Im a Sikh more than they are christian, and once they got into a debate about christianity and all I said was then actually be a christian besides claiming to be one (and this caused an uproar) was I going to admit that you can be christian by mrere words???(NO because thats not truth) but they think aslong as you do a then b means no matter what you go to "heaven" and from what I know that is simple to say but difficult to do. Well long story short my family now knows my view and they have theirs and I am not stubborn to have my view as they will say im stubborn. But sticking to the truth is the best way, if I lie and say its ok to be a christian 2 hours a week then I would be lying.

person b should not care if others a mad, person b should just do their thing and not hide anything. If person a is that ungrateful then they mess up themselves and everything around them(as proven)

If the family is falling apart then its not due to person b's success but because person a dwells on failure.

Telling a loser they are ok being like that is lying. but keeping your words to yourself is not bending the truth but sometimes the truth hurts so sometimes holding it in is a better detourent to problems rather than machine gunnning truth out.

Flaunting things and having things are different. Dont dwell on others jealousy or failures just Understand Guru Sahib and Gods hukam and let others do as God wills them to be and do, help them if they ask for it but if they want to dwell in falsehood and a bad additude then let them.

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[Now......take this for example......At work:

The person has just found a fabulous new job, great wages, great area, stress free, etc. But getting to work is a problem. Everyday he/she is late because of traffic, so the person tries going earlier but ends up getting caught up in traffic. (by traffic I don't only mean general traffic, I mean any obstacles which may interfere with time). The poor person tells the manager all the truth, manager get's tired of excuses, fires him/her over time.

So what to do, where to go from here......you think the tell the truth is so simple, then that's great. Thats guru ji's keepa.

mentally tell your brain, the time to get to work is not 8am, but 7:30am. so if you do everything according to 7:30am time, then you surely will reach at work at 8am. I keep clock in my car always 5mins. ahead. I know it, but I am fooling my mind, plus fooling my kids minds too. If they ask me, I tell them truth, and they ask but mommy why do u do it even though u know its 5 mins. ahead. I do play this game with my own mind. it keeps me rushing and get out of house quickly.

But anyways. another example of telling truth at work. on other day, I ended up calling to work about not showing up that day. I was not sick, but it was not vacation either. I wanted to use it out of my sick days, as I have some left overs. But I didn't want to lie to my boss either. Even though hubby suggested that just tell her that you were not feeling well. I said no, I am going to stick to truth and let her judge. the way boss answered was great, she said it was emergency for you and employees are entitled to use 2 sick days as emergency days. So everybody wins. I am true to myself and boss didn't do anything wrong either.

I do get into situations (I am sure we all do) that we have to step back and think, to tell the truth or lie. I think and then I choose to be true and ask babaji to stand by me please. And babaji does. I keep my promise and babaji keeps his. all winners.

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Now this forum is based on Sikhs to understand Sikhi, right. So I have seen a number of accounts stating their age which is more than 90+ (I know why they did it), but is it the truth? NO IT IS NOT. Then why is it done? for online security and safely talking to one another all over the world and not knowing personal details. Now for those of you who still think truth is the winner here......would you post such personal information over an untrustworthy website/forum (doesn't have to be this one)?

Sometimes youll get all lies and more lies. It should not affect you because you know the world is prone to lying. If others lie then they get the bad vibe in return, how can you do good with a bad vibe???? No matter how hard they try they have to shed the bad before they can do good or get good vibes in return, so many youths today cant get Sikhi because they have too much bad vibe that to them seems normal and then they wonder why they dont understand Sikhi and eventually Sikhi becomes a waste of time because they made the barrier between them and Sikhi but have become blind to it. To tell you the truth Ive met with people from forums, and so far everyone is really kewl but doesnt mean Ill go meet up with anyone. Putting your age in your profile shouldnt matter but yeah putting the truth down does get your credibilty straight for example: if a kid is 15 and has very childish views they tend to hide their age because when they post nonsence they can pretend like they are older and not be looked at as young and uneducated with their views on SIkhi. Or you are older and you post Gurbani related issuses and people can know that youve gone past the childish stage of life and are more likely to know what you are talking about. The young will try to implement garbage manmat by claiming to be older. Ive even come across many people who are either hindu/muslim/christain and pretend to be a Sikh on the forum, after a few posts of questions you can tell if they have any education of Sikhi instead of a bias view against Sikhi, a Sikh of Guru Sahib would never fight against Gurmat or Sikh principles so once someone does regradless if they call themselves a Sikh sheds light into their real stance on if Guru Gobind Singh summened them in Darbar Sahib for their foolishness and claiming views against Guru Sahibs rehat etc. If people lie dont be suprized, Ive come across many many liars in person and on forums, most are just insecure about their faith in Sikhi. A liar is addicted to lying, when you lie enough times it becomes easy and youll actually not feel any guilt from lying, those that never lie will feel ashamed to even think to lie, so when/if they lie they feel they committed a huge sin. Those who can lie at everyother word have no shame and become distant from Sikhi no matter how many times they pretend to pray or fake matha teks to Guru Sahibs Saroop or no matter how many times they go to a Gurdwara. Real people have real intentions, a lie is a scam to doop the person they are lying to and isnt honest like Guru Gobind Singh is as not slashing any enemy that runs from the battle field or not drawing the battle plan as an offensive tactic but only a defence. When a person beomes a liar they shame their true self and actually become a rotting soul, they are like a ghost or a demon that has taken over the body their mother gave birth to, and its a shame and a very sad day once they are far from becoming real.

If someone feels the need to lie then they cheat themselves and everyone else around them. Take the consequence for the truth because a Khalsa is to only live in the truth and our goal as a Sikh is to become a Khalsa whether you are poor, cripple, popular etc you should be a Khalsa not just a person that does bani and listens to kirtan, you have the chance just as much as anyone else to rise above the monotonous person that shows up on a Sunday and doesnt improve in any way. I could go on and on about this but Ill stop here........

Person A stinks. Person B is clean. Person A hardly has a bath/shower during the week. Person B cleans him/her self daily and is quite hygienic. The problem is they live together as a family. Now Stinky person A stinks, and he/she is making food in the kitchen. Person B is hungry and wants food. Person B decides to make a sandwich. Person B cannot even go near Person A cus they Stink. So what do they do, they tell person A to go and take a bath. which upsets person A. causes an argument. Now this is the truth, which is said in a unpromising manner. Imagine actually living with Person A in real life, how can you possibly keep telling them to clean up, wash your hands, etc??

two ways thru this: 1) you should control your hunger by waiting a few mions until stinky is out of the way (simple to do) 2) make your own food and ignore the person that is not clean physically and/or spiritually. You cant implement your views on being clean or religion in lots of cases. Now On a forum you arent going to get the same additude youll get if debating in person, because many views will arise when in person ie. a guy is racist and is a bigot wont listen to the person if they said "dont push that button or youll die" and the bigot with push it just to make the other guy angry(which results in good advice being ignored etc) or their are people who think "well Im prettier so Im able to implement my views and make them feel bad in a way by seeing if they will get upset by telling them they are ugly" etc...(it goes off the original subject and become personal feuds) Im older so even if you have a degree in any subject Im not going to listen(simple superiority complex) Basically people like to nitpick personal issues to get what they want. On the forum you can get a better view across even though a slight bit of the above tactics are still used, but personal opinions about people arent used as much (obviously if some stupid person tries to implement manmat garbage then they get put in a category of uneducated Sikhi and are not held credible with their opinion) I personally put my pic up because I am saying these things while others will never put their pic as an avtar because then they lose credibilty and cant lie behind a screen anymore (or there are those that put up a fake pic and try to lie about who they are for credibility causes) I encourage people to put up your real pic because then youll tend to stay within certain parameters of what you say, without it you can be as wreckless as you want, with it means youre able to deal with racists(like I have lots of times) or anyone esle that try to you cyber terrorism to implement bogus Sikh views and try scaring off someone with lots of influential advice to fellow Sangat etc.

If you are having such a problem then be the bigger person and volunteer to adjust your schedule to allow the person with no morals or anything similar to go on their way in peace. Sometimes confrontation can be avoided by just putting down arragance and being humble, other times at the last resort then take them down because they abused the situation by taking advantage of your ways of detouring the problem. Im not saying only submit but know if its worth staying quiet or standing up at the proper time(s) Lots of human factors have circumstances that need an overview plan of how to deal with the situation, if you can do this when able to think about what to do then it is easier to stay level headed if being ambushed etc............... (practice how to deal with situations) :)

Now that I look back on this post it seems like the science of forum posting :lol:

ਕਬੀਰ ਰੋੜਾ ਹੂਆ ਤ ਕਿਆ ਭਇਆ ਪੰਥੀ ਕਉ ਦੁਖੁ ਦੇਇ ॥

Kabeer, what good would it be, to be a pebble ? It would only hurt the traveller on the path.

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for the second part, you talk about keeping it low. ok. So person B should stay humble and wait unitl he/she misses their train for work......stay hungary throught the day, because the stinky smell put them off from going into the kitchen and made them forget to take extra money to eat out or something.

If the routine is the same then eat earlier than the person. Or know youll get something later.

Seriously my whole family is babied and gets everything they want, me I have to fight for what I get and continue fighting for it or Ill lose what I fight for. My stepdad once told me you dont get babied like them and in the end youll gain more than them(my brothers and sisters are very dependent of my mom and stepdad) Instead of getting support I get a battle to fight, once the coast is clear youll see how easy and pleasant it is when all that garbage isnt around anymore. My brother lives 500 miles away and my mom is there for anything he needs while I live 10mins away from my mom and dont get jack. But in the end I know how to fend for myself while my brother is like a pet dawg that doesnt eat unless you remember to put food in the bowl.

Strength comes with truth. Only a mentally strong person can tell truth and they also can filter thru peoples lies.

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Although this discussion is mainly about telling the truth, I still find what you said quite interesting.

It's like, you carry on with your chores, your work, your road, your life, Yet there are haters trying their best to push you away, trying to know more about you, trying to see if they can find any exploits in you. Then doesn't one's life become less social and isolated within them (lets just say boring). You find it hard going out, cus you know there are people keeping an close eye on you, and as soon as your in a weak area, then boom. All you have worked for, all you have pushed for becomes nothing, how can one possibly live like that?

I admit it being hard to control several emotions at a time, but how can we try to get to that level. Where one doesn't care about the obstacles (big or small) around them?

Everyone lives in fear in this day and age but you have to get on with life. No matter what we do we are always going to come across jealous people even if we do not ask to be envied in any way and try our best to be humble. I've experienced it within my own home between members of my family, and as people grow older you hear more and more stories of sibling rivalry and jealousy sometimes ending in tragedy. I've found Sikhi to be the only way to overcome these obstacles. The level where nothing can hurt us would be chardi kala and I believe that's acheived with heartfelt naam jap. Eventually it would become samadhi or oneness with god depending on when you're so blessed.

Unless we're incredibly spiritually advanced this kind of thing will hurt us, even though I try to stay at peace and ignore, it always gets to me to some extent- but sikhi is always there to help us bounce up again stronger than before, hopefully having learnt the valuable lesson that god is only person we can fully trust and who will always love and be there for us.

If you're own family and parents can bring you down who else can you put your trust in, but like I said we're here for a reason and have to get on with life, mingle with others, but at the same time stay detached. I guess we have to remember we're travellers in a dream (a horrible dangerous one at that!) and realise that nothing and nothing someone can say or do to us is that important- we not here for others, we're here to serve and obtain union with god and he loves us and that's all that should matter- that's what I now think when people try to get me down.

Jal purā▫in ras kamal parīkẖ.

This is the true mark of wisdom: that one remains detached, like the water-lily, or the lotus upon the water.

Gurmukẖ nirmal rahėh pi▫āre.

The beloved Gurmukhs remain immaculately pure,

Ji▫o jal ambẖ ūpar kamal nirāre. ||2||

like the lotus in the water, which remains untouched. ||2||

Baho bẖekẖ kar bẖarmā▫ī▫ai man hirḏai kapat kamā▫e.

People wear all sorts of costumes and wander all around, but in their hearts and minds, they practice deception.

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