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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

AKJ and taksal and other jathebandi equally stress the importance of keski. The only difference is akj and a few scholars stress keski is a kakkar.

Also kes is much much more important than keski (that is why u must pesh if you were to cut it). Kes stores our energy from out bhagti. It helps you in your spiritual life, while kakars help us more here on earth.

I am just sharing my little bit of knowledge. I hope I have not said anything wrong.

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It's matter of personal choice to see what's wrong and whats rite.. My maternal grandma wears keski.. and she does not belong to any jatha.. Soit's just what's ur soul needs.. If u think that keski is important, then wear it but *don't* criticize the ones who doesn't :D if one think that having long hair is important, then keep the hair long and respect it BUT don't criticize the ones who wear it and specially don't criticize any jathas for that.. (it's just what i hearing stuff on internet.. )

As to me.. As long as Sikh respect his/her hair and covers it all tha time.. everything is cool to me.. but singhnia in keskeee looks more cool... wubb.gif

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I also believe that it is a personal choice. I have known many women who wear a keski because they are forced upon...so that kinda beats the purpose. I feel that you can wear anything as long as ur HEAD IS COVERED!.So lets keep a positive attitude towards this issue rolleyes.gif In the end everything will be juged in Gods court

Bhul Chuk Mauf


It is not the life you live, but the courage you bring to it.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

A few reasons include: it protects our dasam duar, our head, and our kes (energy storage device). Bani/gurmat/naam flow up and down from the navel to the dasam duar..

also on a side note.. the only difference between keski as a kakkar, and keski as rehat (taksal) is that as keski is a kakkar you would wear keski while taking kesi ishnaan.. otherwise most of the time gursikhs will have keski on anyway.

I dont see the harm in wearing keski while in the shower.. just in case :nihungsmile:

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