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Worried About Mate'S Deep Depression

Guest worried_mate

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Guest worried_mate

Wjkk Wjkf!

I hav a really good mate who recently went thru a really rough incident (was raped), n nw she has falln into deep depressioin...she cuting herself of frm evrything n every1....I dnt knw wat to do...i live far frm hr so cnt really go n c her, bt evrytym i try n gt in contact wth her she dusnt answa her fone, she will jus txt sayin shes busy...she wnt tell ne1...cam dwn 2 c her a few weeksback, and she wudnt let ne1 touch her or cum near her,wich is not hu she is, shes normally vry warm and affectinate,i gt tht afta wat hppnd she dunt wana b touchd

im nt amritdhari or neting lyk her so nt sure wat advice 2 give her

wat can i do for her n wat advice cn i giv her?

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Guest Also Worried

thats very heartbreaking to heard. who was she raped by a stranger or someone she knows because if she knows him then she can report him. It will be hard but she needs to talk to her parents/siblings they will be in shock and angry BUT not at there they will love her and would want to protect her. she cannot suffer alone otherwise it will keep on killing her everyday. Im worried she may do something terrible like suicide.

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Guest worried_mate

iz a family member i tink....she wont tel any1 cos she dnt wana stress or hurt her family....so she dealin with it al on her own...i dnt tink she wud kil herslf, she dusnt want him2defeat her...or2 crush her sikhism....i tink she wnts2move on 4m it al bt she dusnt realise tht if she dus2 quikly widout dealin wid it or aceptin wat happnd den she wil hv a breakdwn...i cn c it in face,da sadness, she cries wen she dus paat,she smiles n thn its lyk she remembrs wt happnd thn stops smilin or laughin...she nds suport n dunt knw hw2 giv 2 her

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Guest advisory board

It is indeed sad to know this. However, please do shed some light on the relative, and the kind of relationship your friend was having with him. If its an older man who forced himself on her, its disgusting and he should be reported before he targets any other innocent girl in or out of the family. The reason why I am asking to detail more, is because I have seen instances where a girl could get into a "physical" and/or "inappropriate" relationship with a guy, and later on feel she was used, or she didn't "enjoy" it, and therefore starts feeling that she was raped, even though the act could have very well been consensual with the agreement of both persons. So it is important to know what was going on between them before the incident. I am not trying to blame the girl, but the way she is reacting makes one think that she is feeling guilty about it, which can't then be rape exactly. 1.) She feels bad/guilty after "doing it", and is therefore depressed, that's one possibility. 2.) She was indeed raped, and now doesn't want chaos within her family due to this coming out, that's another. If he forced himself on her, no matter who he is, he SHOULD be reported to the police without any further delay.

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Guest worried_mate

I knw 4 fact he 4rced hmself on her...she dusnt wana tel ne1 cs she dusnt wnt wat hppnd2b burden on famly n she sez dey had enuf probs widout dis as wel...she alwyz wrryin abt otha ppl n burdenin herslf wid oda ppls probz n nw she seems2b reli depresd, she nt sleepin prprly or neting,alwys cryin, nt eatin prprly jus reli worrid abt her n dnt knw wt 2 do...she did intialy rprt it bt den she wid drew it...cs she cudnt tel her family....

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advisory board pls shut up!!!! i think teh poor girl know what rape is!look how much she is suffering? physical contact plz dnt be so naive.

penji/parji i in an environment where this thing is brought up a lot and its sickening! a girls life can change just like that all for the lust of a man! how can god let this happen??i dnt get it. shes needs to talk about it. u reli need to get her to talk to u or talk to sum1 maybe she doesnt know. but if sh lets it stick with her itl wreck every relationship with a man shel ever has. u need to show her ur there 4 her keep texting dnt lose that even if she dnt reply! ie just text sumfin light hearted and ask how she is. even if its sumfin like ' hey miss x i just burnt the roti hope u are well?'. this will make her laugh and reassure her that ur there. pls keep teh cintact im worrried for her. my heart hurts hearing this there no answer as to why god allows this <banned word filter activated> it p's me offf so baddddddddddddd

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Guest advisory board

I knw 4 fact he 4rced hmself on her...she dusnt wana tel ne1 cs she dusnt wnt wat hppnd2b burden on famly n she sez dey had enuf probs widout dis as wel...she alwyz wrryin abt otha ppl n burdenin herslf wid oda ppls probz n nw she seems2b reli depresd, she nt sleepin prprly or neting,alwys cryin, nt eatin prprly jus reli worrid abt her n dnt knw wt 2 do...she did intialy rprt it bt den she wid drew it...cs she cudnt tel her family....

This clarifies a lot. Have her report again, and do NOT withdraw it this time. You'll be saving a lot of other girls from this monster. He needs to rot in jail.
advisory board pls shut up!!!! i think teh poor girl know what rape is!look how much she is suffering? physical contact plz dnt be so naive.
Relax dude! I am not being naive. There is a lot that goes on in this world, since there are girls who are not so innocent as the bhenji in question as she has been the victim. There are situations where it is consentual, but the girl ends up accusing the guy of raping her. Now that we know the whole story, we know he is a monster who forced himself on her. There is no need to get personal. We all find this equally disgusting.

"worried_mate", what part of the world are you at? We can try to find help from somewhere around and make sure this beast is brought to justice.

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