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10 Secrets Radical Muslims Don'T Want You To Know;


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1. Islam is a MISSIONARY religion committed to CONVERSION, according to the Koran the world is divided up into 2 parts, Dar-as-Islam (House of Faith) a title which applies to all Islamic countries and Dar-al-Harb (Household of War), land not yet surrendered to Allah, which is the rest of the world. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage Jihad (Holy War) against Kafirs, infidels and non-believers what the Koran calls non-Muslims and make them submit to Islam. Violence against Kafirs is encouraged in the Koran, if gentle persuasion doesn't work.

2. Conversions of Sikh men and women is becoming an increasing problem, hundreds of reported and verified conversions in the last few years. Dozens of cases were reported in October 1995 alone, when the new academic year started also converted. Universities in London, Bradford and Luton are particular problem areas.

3. At the Hizb-ut-Tahrir ( HUT ) conference at the Wembley arena in August 1994, a Sikh was converted on stage in front of 8000 cheering and clapping Muslims. The Sikh girl then proceeded to attack Sikhism making particularly offensive statements against the Sikh Gurus. The audience laughed and continued to cheer. Some of this speech was televised on satellite T.V and on the HUTs pirate radio station. Muslim leaders at the conference called for an intensification of the campaign to bring Sikh and Hindu women to Islam. The same thing happened at HUTs Rally for Islam conference in Trafalgar Square, August 1995. This time 2 Hindu women were converted on stage in front of 2000 cheering Muslims. Again Muslim leaders demanded that Muslims boys try harder to convert Sikh and Hindu girls.

4. The self appointed Muslim parliament of Britain passed a resolution demanding that the British government make it illegal for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim. It also called for the banning of conversions of Muslims to other faiths. Any Muslim who did convert was to be stoned to death according Islamic tradition. Thankfully, the British government did not take their demand seriously, but the event showed the Muslims double standards and hypocrisy.

5. HUT leaders issued a directive in January 1995 to specially selected male members telling them to place Ads in personal columns of national newspapers inviting relationships from Asian women, they were told to write the religion and nationality of the girl were unimportant and be ambiguous about their own backgrounds by for example only describing themselves as Asian.

They were further told to form intimate relationships specifically with Sikh girls with the aim of conversion. The expense of any dates were to be paid by the HUT.

6. Certain Muslims have taken to wearing Karas at Bhangra gigs with the aim of specifically seeking to meet Sikh girls. When meeting the Girls, these people identify themselves in such a way that the girl does not realise that they are Muslim, for example by shortening the name Mohammed to Mohan. They form relationships with the girl and begin the slow path to conversion.

7. A Muslim bent on converting somebody, will spin a web of lies. For example girl converts are tricked into believing that men and women are equal in Islam.

They are not told that rape victims according to the Koran have produce 4 Male witnesses of good character to say that they were raped or they will be charged with adultery and stoned according to Islamic tradition (hundreds of cases where this has occurred are on file with Amnesty International, contact them for further information). Also according to the Koran, all a man has to do to divorce his wife is say Talaq 3 times. For women of course getting a divorce is much harder. Besides which what woman wants to share her husband with three other women.

The new method that they are employing is to change their names by deed poll to Mohan Singh and Balraj Singh , they add surnames on to Gill and Hayer are two of there favorites. Please check the person you are going to marry and there credentials through your parents or close relatives NAMES MEAN NOTHING THERE ARE BEING CHANGED BY DEED POLL IT ONLY COSTS THEM A COUPLE OF HUNDRED POUNDS , SUPPLIED BY RADICAL MEMBERS OF HUT.

8. HUT leadership has instructed its members to specifically target problem groups of conversion. These include young teenage girls, people with social problems, the recently bereaved and victims of abuse as children. These people are considered to be weak willed and easily manipulated once identified the Muslim will try to convince their target that Islam will somehow solve all their problems. Incidentally in 1992 the hut produced an article telling Muslim men to particularly target non-Muslim girls with plain or unattractive physical, facial or body features. These girls the article said would not be accustomed to this attention and thus be easier to lure. It went on to say that the discomfort you may feel in such relationships, especially if intimate is only temporary however the rewards you will receive in Heaven will last for eternity.

9. The HUT has instructed Muslims to work in groups when converting, with one person forming a very close friendship with their target. The group then works to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the person involved and then will work accordingly. If for example, the person loves sport and is very athletic, they boast how Islam actively encourages sport and how some of the world's best sportsmen such as Muhammad Ali, Tyson and Imran Khan are Muslims.

If the person has a strongly anti-white attitude, then they will stir up racial hatred against whites even more by talking about past white injustices against them. This policy has been used effectively with Afro-Caribbeans, with whom they talk about the slave trade and give Malcolm X as role model (Muslim groups leafleted black cinema audiences watching Malcolm X when it was released ). Similarly, the hard up have been offered well-paid jobs with Muslim businesses providing they convert.

10. Forced conversions do occur. There have been many documented cases when Sikh and Hindu girls have been taken to Pakistan by their Muslim boyfriends and forcibly converted. Those resisting are passed on to other Muslim men who keep the girl under lock and key, in some remote village without telephones. All the girls money and her passport are taken away. Other cases have occurred when Sikh and Hindu girls are photographed naked by their Muslim boyfriends, and are told to convert or else the photos will be published in magazines and sent to the girls family and friends.

Conversions into Islam are are encouraged on those people who have Ignorance or Misunderstanding of Sikhi. Take time to understand your religion and educate others. Be aware of the subtlety of the process of conversion.

Depending on the person's ignorance/ knowledge of Sikhi- the progressive undermining of Sikh Religion occurs through misquoting religious texts and falsifying historical events. The HUT and other Muslim groups have said that they aim to make FRANCE, an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC by the year 2015 and Britain by 2025 through CONVERSIONS, IMMIGRATION and high MUSLIM BIRTH RATES.

Fanatics are on record as having vandalised books on Sikhism and religious texts such as the Guru Granth Sahib in Council, School, and college libraries. False propaganda and messages are written on covers and pages for the readers of the book. These messages usually attempts to UNDERMINE your faith by MISQUOTING religious texts and distorting reality. Check your local library especially if you live in an area with a history of trouble.

Recent events have shown that radical Islamic groups have become increasingly envious of our Sikh prosperity in the West. Certain Islamic leaders have told worshippers to hurt kafir Sikhs economically.

The Economist Magazine (June 17th 1995 edition ) reported that no Sikh youths took part in the Bradford riots, only Muslim males. Sikh businesses were attacked. In fact other reports state that older, masked Muslims ( thought to be HUT ) went down the streets ahead of everyone else, and specifically marked out Sikh shops with spray paint, for destruction by rioters following them.

The HUT produced and circulated articles in universities, stating that Jewish and Sikh students were dogs and must be removed from higher education. (As reported in the Guardian, 31st October 1995 edition). The Muslims have realised that the power, respect, money and knowledge and influence brings makes us more powerful enemies. The harassment and bullying of Sikh students at schools and colleges (by such acts as the storming of West Thames college in Jan 1995) is part of a wider strategy.

Sikh youths must strive to get highly educated as they possibly can. University students should act as role models and encourage younger members of the community to get an education. This will greatly benefit not only you and your family, but help your community.

Muslim Youths have been instructed to infiltrate all organisations and positions of authority they can. They have also been told to keep their Islamic fundamentalist secret and subtly remove our community from a position within these organisations. For example, they have been directed to join Student Union bodies, the Media, anti-racist groups community groups, councils and political parties.


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Muslim and Christians Religions Both Originated from SHUKRCHARYA(Guru of Demons).Hindu Religion was Originated from Devtass.(That is Why Muslims and Hindus fight over Kashmir) bcz Kashmir is a Place of Rishi Kapalmuni(Father of Devataas and Demons-Ditti and Additi as their Mothers).

Ultimately it s War between Gurmukhs and Manmukhs. and @ the end GURmukhs wins

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Muslim and Christians Religions Both Originated from SHUKRCHARYA(Guru of Demons).Hindu Religion was Originated from Devtass.(That is Why Muslims and Hindus fight over Kashmir) bcz Kashmir is a Place of Rishi Kapalmuni(Father of Devataas and Demons-Ditti and Additi as their Mothers).

Ultimately it s War between Gurmukhs and Manmukhs. and @ the end GURmukhs wins

Mohinder pal

So according to the theory above, the Christians, Jews and Muslims (in short the Abrahamic faiths) should not be fighting amongst themselves as they are descendents of the Demons...What's your source for the above?

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Demons have the nature of fighting between themselves bcz of Ignorance(Tamsic Nature Inborn).

The Source is the Puratan 10th Patshahi Guru Prakash- this part was explained by Guru Gobind singh ji to Saadsangat while narrating the Story of Shukracharya and Demons. I wonder if Twareekh Khalsa has this Sakhi in it?

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What is the point of rehashing this old stuff from 15 odd years ago?

So much has been said about the grooming and conversion of clueless apneean in the UK, is it not the case now that if our lot are still falling for this stuff then we ourselves (as a community) are at least partially to blame for being so unbelievably naive in the first place?

Yes, there is a strain of Muslim (usually Pakistani) that will target anything that isn't nailed down for conversion. Many apneean seem to be especially easy for them to switch by the looks of it. Isn't part of the problem the way we are bringing up our own youth that makes them so susceptible to this?

We create many shallow westernised girls or Bollywood queens with no spiritual and morally strong character and then we complain that they are converted.

Plus how many of our munday are complete pajamas? Women need a feeling of physical security from a man/men in their immediate family. This is an evolutionary aspect of femininity. Without it they are likely to run off with some bundha that gives the impression of strength, even if he is a sullah 'gangsta' wannabe.

We can't really change the converters nature, what we can do is change what we do as a quom that often makes conversion easy for them. We have to take responsibility for this ourselves. Just screaming about what some Paks do isn't going to change anything.

At least try some new innovative tactics to combat this instead of rehashing old ones that never worked.

And that isn't an okay to grovel up to right wing goray neither.

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Demons have the nature of fighting between themselves bcz of Ignorance(Tamsic Nature Inborn).

The Source is the Puratan 10th Patshahi Guru Prakash- this part was explained by Guru Gobind singh ji to Saadsangat while narrating the Story of Shukracharya and Demons. I wonder if Twareekh Khalsa has this Sakhi in it?

Who would be considered descendents of the devtay? All Hindus..does that include Budhist, Jain too? Is the Khalsa grouped into this, if so why then the attacks from the Brahamincial authorities?

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Guest amar_jkp

Muslim and Christians Religions Both Originated from SHUKRCHARYA(Guru of Demons).Hindu Religion was Originated from Devtass.(That is Why Muslims and Hindus fight over Kashmir) bcz Kashmir is a Place of Rishi Kapalmuni(Father of Devataas and Demons-Ditti and Additi as their Mothers).

Ultimately it s War between Gurmukhs and Manmukhs. and @ the end GURmukhs wins

Hindus from devtas lol

Hindus are involved in more genocides then any other commmunity in the world.

How Budhisim disappear ?

Numbers of relegions of Abo orginals were disappered in India how ?

Shukracharya and all devtas are just myth they never existed .

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Mohinder Pal,

I like your post. It makes sense. The Abramanic faiths do feel like descendents from rakshas, and I am not surprised that they fight amongst themsleves, this is part of their nature.

I think the original post needs to be brought up time and time again. We as Sikhs try to see the good in all people but other people are hell bent on their misguided ways and we need to remind ourselves rather then fall into a false sense of security.

Did any one see the Dispatches programme the other day? It was called 'Marrying Your Cousin'.

It was most disturbing seeing the effects of inbreeding amongst the P'stan commuity, the effects on the kids are horrific!

Yet they are all in denial, infact most were in praise of marrying within their families.

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Hindus from devtas lol

Hindus are involved in more genocides then any other commmunity in the world.

How Budhisim disappear ?

Numbers of relegions of Abo orginals were disappered in India how ?

Shukracharya and all devtas are just myth they never existed .

Not all Hindus are bad, infact of old they were a majestic race but got corrupted along the way. Religions raising and falling has always happened, even the devtays

had problems when the rakshas started taking over, even devi could not cope then Dusht Daman Ji sorted them out.

Devtas are no myth, if they are mentioned in Gurbani then they cannot be a myth. In beginning of AnandSahib Ji Guru Amad Das ji mentions PARRIA - female devtays with wings (like angels). " Raag rattan parvar parria shabad gavan aiyaa...."

If Guru Ji specifically mentions them then they cannot be a myth.

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Not all Hindus are bad, infact of old they were a majestic race but got corrupted along the way. Religions raising and falling has always happened, even the devtays

had problems when the rakshas started taking over, even devi could not cope then Dusht Daman Ji sorted them out.

Devtas are no myth, if they are mentioned in Gurbani then they cannot be a myth. In beginning of AnandSahib Ji Guru Amad Das ji mentions PARRIA - female devtays with wings (like angels). " Raag rattan parvar parria shabad gavan aiyaa...."

If Guru Ji specifically mentions them then they cannot be a myth.

Could it not be said that the corrupted Hindu/Brahmin fall under the category of the raksha kaum too?

It can be said the the battles of Dusht Daman Ji and the Rishis against the rakshas have been replicated in Kalyug, not just as Maharaj's and Khalsas' battle against the Mughuls or Afghans or British Raj, but the Indian Government/Brahmin system too...

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