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Gurdwara Miri Piri Beadbi


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Vjkk vjkf a friend of mine who is from india and has been living in Southall for a year told me something which i think needs to be made public. This friend lives with a few students and there local gurughar is gurdwara Miri piri. Whilst visiting the gurdwara they became friendly with the main giani ji there. The giani started visiting them at there house and he would drink alcohol and eat meat. My friend said one time the giani ji called him into his room and was offering him dome money to go buy him some chicken wings and bring them to him in his room in the gurdwara. My friend refused so someone else was asked to do so, which they did. I live nowhere near Southall so I'm not really aware of this gurdwara but apparently there are cameras so the meat is hidden in a plain carrier bag and taken Yo his room. The next day giani ji phoned up the guy who bought him the meat and said come and collect the bones from under my mattress. I found all this very disheartening and upsetting. In front of me my friend rang this giani and said when are you going to come round again and this giani said I'll come next week make sure you make lamb. Also I was told the giani ji just gives packets of almonds and stuff that people give to the gurdwara to the peoples houses he visits, and that from him u can buy a large bag of chappati flour for £5 again what sangat has given to the gurughar. My friend also said that the giani ji sometimes says let's go broadway so that and his exacts words were "akhan garam karr lumma" warm his eyes by checking the girls out. I asked my friend to film this guy saying and doing these things on his phone and he said he would. This giani ji also tells illegal immigrants that he can for a fee get them a visa to stay in this country. I have since spoke to my friend again and he said I can't film him and said he has since disassociated himself from this person as he doesn't want to be part of his paap. I personally feel hurt and disgusted by the behaviour of a giani ji eating meat and drinking alcohol and then doing nitnem in the morning at the gurdwara, eating meat in his room at gurdwara. I don't know his name everyone calls him babaji. How can someone like that be given such a role? Does he not believe what he himself reads? Is it just a job? How can people like this inspire and educate others into sikhi?

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These things are not the norm, but happen alot more then they should. Read my post “Sikh Giani Recruitment Model Vs Muslim Cleric Recruitment Model" which is related to this topic.

The crux of the problem is this – When a Gurdwara is looking for a Granthi they have to go to India as opposed to sourcing one locally. In India anybody can become a Granthi, all you need to do is appear to be Amritdhari and take a few Gurbani and Keertan classes to give yourself credibility. There are a lot of people who become pretend Granthis in India so that they can come and work in a UK Gurdwara (this is a much cheaper way of getting to the UK as opposed to paying an agent). As soon as they get their residency they leave the UK Gurdwara they work in. Now, these Granthis are not true Sikhs and in most cases are not even religious. So while they are working in the Gurdwara waiting to get their UK residency, it is hard for them to go so long without meat and alcohol.<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

Now the question we need to ask is, who is more to blame, the pretend Granthis who get a free passport? Or the Sikh institutions who use a Giani recruitment model which is completely flawed and allows pretend Granthis to abuse it?

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Unfortunately I do not have any proof, nor am I personally in a position to get the proof! I don't disbelieve the person who told me as they have no personal vendetta against this person, it all turned up in a conversation as He knows I am taking more steps towards sikhi and said this is what's happening at a gurdwara I have been going to. This friend doesn't want to get involved in anything so I felt stuck as to what can be done. I was reluctant to contact the committee as I'm not so sure that it would be taken seriously from what I've read on here in the past. All I know is that it's playing on my conscience and it's not something I could just let go. I guess I was just hoping of making people aware on here that someone who is close to that gurughar would feed it back and if nothing else that giani ji would just be aware that people know and either resign from his position or stop doing this. Maybe I'm naive.

I agree with you Aman001 people who hire these giani jis are more at fault as it's all a money game. I just feel as I am taking steps towards sikhi and I attend the gurdwara more regularly that I'm noticing these things more. Ive sat in the darbar sahib at the giani ji doing the paht didn't even bother to do it out aloud even though I was sitting there, another time I saw someone checking there mobile whilst doing paht. I've had parshad given to me whilst someones been chatting away on a phone In the darbar hall.

I'm not saying I'm any better then these people, I'm most likely the biggest sinner, however I do have that much respect for mahraaj that I wouldnt do any of these things in a gurughar.

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Well without putting yourself in any danger, I guess the best thing to do is to drop a (polite and coherent) anonymous letter at the Gurudwara with your concerns, and see if anything is done. If they ignore it (or your friend tells you that these shenanigans are still occuring) then I guess you'll have to come forward.

However you do know that if the people in-charge at the Gurudwara confront the dodgy Giani, he will know that your friend grassed him up. So either way your friend can't remain incognito forever.

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Letting the Gurdwara know what this Giani has been doing is the only option available to you.

However, this is such a short term resolution as the Gurdwara may get rid of this Giani and recruit another one (using the flawed Giani recruitment process) who is just as bad. The problem here is with the process. The only way we can resolve this issue is by tackling the root of the problem, which is basically reformation of the way our Gurdwaras recruit Gianis. This can only be introduced by Akal Takht. They need to introduce new legislation which details that Gianis need to have gone through a Giani educational program/degree through formal religious institutions. These Gianis can then be put on a “Giani list” which Gurdwaras the world over can recruit from, with the knowledge that they will be taking on a good quality Giani. This way you get well educated Gianis who are dedicated to Sikhi. And if the Giani does turn out to be bad, the Akal Takht individuals who will are responsible for Giani education and the “Giani list”, can be held to account.

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No offence... but will you tell your friend to "man up" and face his moral reponsiblity to his community by getting proof of all the sacrilege this Granthi is doing and escalating the situation in the Gurdwara rather than sweep it under the carpet. Stop accepting it and making it the norm!

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No offence... but will you tell your friend to "man up" and face his moral reponsiblity to his community by getting proof of all the sacrilege this Granthi is doing and escalating the situation in the Gurdwara rather than sweep it under the carpet. Stop accepting it and making it the norm!

Very well said. Your friend need to provide a proof for putting such gianis in the dock.

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I think the sangat needs to be aware which gurdwara sahib is being spoken about.

Its the one that is run by jaswant tekhedar - tout of government

wanted to host event by ragi darshan - protested by all sikhs

recently gave stage to harjinder dilgeer

has members of idiotic tiger group doing parchar there.

I think if what the original poster is saying is correct, then to be blunt - the commitee wouldnt really be that concerned.

If anything Satguru Granth Sahib jee shouldnt be in such places where all they do is nindya, mess around with gurithaas and do bakwaas.

But then again, all is within his will and command and maybe with guru sahib jees prescence and if it is in accordance to their will change will occur.

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