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hindu gods=10 gurus ji??????????????????

Deep Singh

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why was being into the hindu faith bad??? So you are onto the right path now because u follow Sikhi but before you were being led wrongly??

well bhen ji, if you read divine mystic reflections on gurmat by SANT naranjan singh, he states clearly you cant worship the hindu gods because....

a. they had maya in them.

b. "a servant cannot serve two masters" (a quote from the bible in sant jis book), you serve the hindu gods or the sikh gurus and waheguru. seeing as i was bought in a family from sikh background, i felt it would be right to no longer be into superstition and go to sikhi.

and khalistani, before i posted this i did tell this person about bacittar natak.

i can sense a fight coming soon, calm down people.

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Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh! ^_^

Pyare Veero atte Bhaino,

I just finished listening to a great Viakhya of Sri Bachitar Natak!

I must say i haven't read something greater before [unless it is Gurbani]. it has GREAT dimensions...it is just the greatest of all times.

Forgive me for my bhulaan chukaan, and my stupidity. According to Sikh Faith, Waheguru sent these devteh to earth, BUT they envolved themselves in maya and called themselves "gods". They are not God!

In Bachitar Natak, Guru Sahib say that anyone who say he/she is God, will end in Hell!

That is the difference between Guru Sahib, Son of God, God's own Roop, who calls himself a daas, a servant and these angint devteh. They have no mukti!

I will not edit my earlier posts, because this should stand as an example. Guru Sahib have really given us GREAT knowledge through Sri Bachitar Natak, and it is really useless to even think of comparing him to these devteh. It is the greatest Granth of all times!

mythology, reality, whatever....these devteh were created by Waheguru...but they are no way in Sach Khand! they had their duties, but they thought of themselves as God. And started Karam kand...rituals. Someone who has such maya, such wordly attachment, such lust as they had...cannot achieve mukti. This is said in Sri Bachitar Natak!

Daas no maaf karni. I was my fault. Kandola veerji, Waheguru is the only way. Khalistani veerji, thanks for helpings. May Wahegur

u ji bless you!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

wat the hell are u talking about guru je was mortal?

wat about baba deep singh fighting without his head?

who u think gave baba je that kind of power?


just go and read bachitter natak

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Guru je wasn't mortal??

Are you serious?! If he wasnt mortal, he must be immortal right?

Thats strange, because I'm 100% sure I've never seen a living guru ji.

Baba Deep Singh?

Are you kidding me....you do know thats just a story right.

the person who wrote it down was probably describing how much of a great fighter he was, so he enhanced the story by saying he fought with his head off.

Let me tell ya something about reality, once your head goes off, you cant fight.

You will die, relatively soon.

You beleive stories word for word? lol.

And I will read the bachittar nattak, I suggest you go read some science.

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Guest mehtab
Guru je wasn't mortal??

Are you serious?! If he wasnt mortal, he must be immortal right?

Thats strange, because I'm 100% sure I've never seen a living guru ji.

The fact that you consider Gurujee to be a mere mortal defines a lot about how you have perceived Sikhism. Its the same logic people use to question how could a 5 year old kid be a Guru when referring to Guru Harkishan Jee. But did you know, that Guru Gobind Singh wrote the entire SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB from memory after it was lost? If Gurujee was a mortal, then probably all that the earlier Gurus recited should have been lost, right? But guess what, Gurujee is a Jot, and all of Bani was re-recited by Guru Gobind Singh Jee!

Here is more...

Taken from http://members.dancris.com/~sikh/chap13.html


In Sikh religion the word 'Guru' is not denoted to its usual meaning such as a teacher or an expert or a guide or a human body, but this is composed of two words- GU and RU.

GU means darkness and RU means Light i.e.

Light that dispels all darkness is called



When Impersonal God manifested His attributes in person, that person was called Guru Nanak:

'Jot rup har aap gur nanak kahayo.'

(Swayas Bhattan- p.1408)

Guru Nanak was thus the embodiment of Divine Light.

'In the true Guru (Nanak), He installed His Own Spirit,

Through him, God revealed Himself.'

(Asa di //, pauri 6, page 466)

Guru Nanak seated Bhai Lehna (later called Guru Angad) on his throne, placed five paise and a coco-nut before him, and then bowed to him declaring him as GURU ANGAD. When Guruship was conferred on Guru Angad, he too became the embodiment of Divine Light.

'Jot uha jugat sai, seh kaya pher paltiae.'

(Sata Balwand, p-966)

'The Divine Light was the same,

The Way and Mode were the same,

The Master had merely changed the body.'

(Translation of the above)

The most important point to remember here is that the people bowed to Guru Angad ONLY when JOT was installed in him. No body bowed to him before the Guruship, which means the Sikhs did not bow to the human body (of Guru Angad) because human body was not Guru, but to the Divine Light which was passed on to that body by Guru Nanak.

The same process of conferring the Guruship continued till the tenth Guru. Then the tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh seated the Adi Granth (the Holy Scripture- the Divine Word) on the throne of Guru Nanak, placed five paise and a coco- nut before it and then bowed declaring it as the Last Guru for ever. When the Guruship was passed on, Guru Granth Sahib too became the embodiment of Divine Light. It should, therefore, be remembered very clearly that bowing before Guru Granth Sahib as Sikhs do, is not a bowing before a book, but it is a bowing before the Divine Light or JOT (Guru) which was passed on when the Guruship was conferred upon it.

In Sikh relig

ion the word 'Guru' has been used in three inter-related aspects:

Firstly it is used for God, the All-Pervading Divine Spirit, the Divine Light:

'The Guru is Beneficent, the Sanctuary of peace,

The Guru is the Light of three worlds,

He is the Eternal Being,

O Nanak, he who believeth in Him, attaineth peace.'

(Slok Mohalla 1, p-137)

'The Guru is All-Powerful,

The Guru is the Formless Lord,

The Guru is the Highest, Fathomless and Limitless,

Ineffable is His praise; what can a sayer say?'

(Sri Rag Mohalla 5, p-52)

'The Guru is Infinite God Himself

Nanak, meditate upon such a Guru day and night.'

(Asa Mohalla 5, p-387)

Secondly the word 'Guru' is also used for Guru Nanak as he was the Embodiment of God's Light:

'Guru Nanak is the perfect Guru,

With the true Guru I meditateth upon God.'

(Ramkali Mohalla 4, p-882)

'Guru Nanak is the true Guru,

The true Guru taketh me to God.'

(Kanra Mohalla 4, p-1310)

'The Guru and God are one

, Divine Master pervadeth everywhere.'

(Sri Rag Mohalla 5, p-53)

Thirdly the word 'Guru' is used for Gurbani, the Divine Word. Since Gurbani came direct from God, and as there is no difference between God and His order (Divine Word), Gurbani is Guru too:

'The Word is the Guru,

And the Guru is the Word,

The Guru's Word is full of life-giving Elixir,

Whosoever shall obey, what the Word commandeth,

Verily he shall get salvation.'

(Nat Mohalla 4, p-982)

'The Word is the True Guru and True Guru is the Word,

And the Word revealeth the path of salvation.'

(Kanra Mohalla 4, p-1310)


Guru Granth Sahib does not narrate the life story of Guru Nanak, but each and every word is dedicated to the Glory of the Almighty God only. It is

not a reproduction of earlier religions, but the Divine Word (Gurbani) came to the Gurus direct from God. Guru Nanak stated that it was not his philosophy, it was not his understanding and it was not his thinking, but the Word was coming to him direct from God and he was simply delivering His message to the world. As he confirms:

'O Lalo, as comes the Divine Word from Lord to me,

So do I narrate it.'

(Tilang Mohalla 1, p-722)

'I have said what Thou commandeth me to say.'

(Wadhans Mohalla 1,p-566)

This was repeatedly confirmed and emphasized by all the Gurus in their Bani such as:

'From God springs ambrosial Gurbani

The exalted Guru narrates and preaches the same to world.'

(Majh Mohalla 3, p-125)

'This Word comes from Him, Who hath created the World.'

(Mohalla 4, p-306)

'This Word that hath come from God, It dispelleth all woes and worries.'

(Sorath Mohalla 5, p-628)

'I speak but the Will of the Lord,

For, the Lord's devotee narrateth the Word of the Lord.'

(Sorath Mohalla 5, p-629)

'Whatever the Lord hath instructed me,

Hear, O my brother.'

(Tilang Mohalla 9, p-727)

The tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh established the same truth that it was God's Word that was being revealed through the Gurus:

'Whatever the Lord sayeth to me

I say the same to the world.

' (Guru Gobind Singh)

The Janamsakhi (biography) reveals that Guru Nanak many times said to his minstrel Mardana, "Mardana, start playing the rebec, Gurbani (Divine Word) is coming." And the Divine Word was then recorded. That Divine Word is GURBANI- Guru Granth Sahib.


Guru Granth Sahib was not written by the devotees after the Gurus had gone, but it was dictated and compiled by the Gurus themselves. Thus it is the Authentic Divine Scripture. No body is allowed to change even a comma or a period out of 1430 pages. Th

e seventh Guru's son, Ram Rai, changed the meaning of only one verse to please the Emperor, Aurangzeb, upon which he was excommunicated for ever by his father (the seventh Guru), thereby establishing the fact that no one could ever change the God's Word, the Gurbani.

Max Arthur Macauliffe, an English writer, delivered a speech in Punjabi language at Akal Bunga, Amritsar in 1899, the translation of which is:

"There is another point to the merit of the Sikh religion that the founders of other religions in this world never wrote even one line with their own hands. You might have heard that there was a very famous Greek philosopher called Pythagoras who had many followers, but he never left behind anything written by him from which we could have known about the principles of his sect. After him came the second Greek philosopher named Socrates who was born in 500 B.C. He became a very famous religious leader who claimed that he was receiving Divine instructions from God within himself, which persuaded him to do good and prohibited from doing any evil deeds. But he too never left anything behind written by him which could have shed light on his philosophy and its principles. Whatever we know about him, has only come through the writings of his follower, Plato. Besides there came Mahatma Buddh in India and he never wrote anything with his hands. After that came Christ who did not write anything himself. His teachings are only known through Bible. However the Sikh Gurus acted quite opposite to all these religious leaders that they themselves dictated their message of Truth and compiled Guru Granth Sahib. In that respect the Sikh religion is far ahead than others."

(Translation Sri Guru Granth Sahib- pothi 1,p-gaga, by Bhai Vir Singh)


In Hindu mythology the word 'OM' always meant for God as monotheistic. Then they started interpreting it as more than one God. Guru Nanak put an integer '1' before it and a kar (a semi- circle

) after it. Thus it becomes 'EK-OM-KAR' and by doing so, he sealed the position for ever meaning 'There is One and only One God'. Therefore Guru Granth Sahib uniquely begins with integer One ('1'). The One Absolute is the monotheistic conception of God and is represented by numerical symbol here. One God does not only mean numerically one but Unique without a second like Him.

Guru Granth Sahib begins with Mool-Mantar or the Preamble of Japji which is the Essence of the whole Guru Granth Sahib:






Ajuni, Saibhang


There is But One God

He is the Eternal Truth

The Creator, All-Pervading

Divine Spirit

Unfearful, Without hate and enmity

Immortal Entity

Unborn, Self-Existent

Realized by His Own Grace

(the Guru)


The next verse is generally called Sach (True) Mantar:


Aad Sach

Jugad Sach

Haibhi Sach

Nanak Hosibhi Sach

Meditate upon

Who was True before the Creation

Who was True in the beginning of


Who is True now, and

O Nanak, Who shall be True for ever.

Guru Arjan Dev had accomplished a task by authenticating the diverse compositions and prepared the Adi Granth for the benefit of his followers. Since the work had remained where it was left, Guru Gobind Singh included in it the Bani of Guru Tegh Bahadur and put the seal of Finality on it. Subsequently this finalized version of the Adi Granth was invested with the Guruship by Guru Gobind Singh.

Guru Granth Sahib is the only refuge for a man tossed about in the furious ocean of worldly existence. It helps a person to live by certain directives or moral codes which are necessary for the achievement of salvation.

Man is the epitome of God's creation. This human body is attained after

transmigrating through various lower species. Guru Granth Sahib advocates the excellence and utility of human life because it is through human form that a person can attain final emancipation. Man has great capacity for conscious awareness which helps him reach the desired spiritual goal. Therefore, all teachings and exhortations for spiritual enhancement are addressed to man in Guru Granth Sahib. Man's material values are listed as false, 'koor':

"False are kings, false their subjects, false the whole world;

False are mansions, false palaces, false those who dwell therein;

False is gold, false sliver, false he who weareth them;

False husbands, false wives, they pine away and become dust.

Man who is false, loveth what is false, and forgetteth the Creator.

With whom contact friendship? The whole world passeth away.

False is sweetness, false honey, in falsehood shiploads are drowned-

Nanak humbly asserteth- Except Thee, O God, everything is thoroughly false."

(Asa di //- Slok Mohalla 1, p-468)

Guru Granth Sahib signifies the importance of Nam by identifying it with the Guru. Nam releases man from all his previous sins, sorrows, sufferings and cycle of birth and death. No rituals, no alms, no sacrifices, no fasts and no penances equal Nam.

Guru Granth Sahib initiates a disciple on the path of spiritual progress and guides him at the various stages of his journey to God. It is a ship that steers clear a devotee through the ocean of Maya (Materialism), thus, leading the human soul to its ultimate destination which is the Absolute Bliss.

"The fearful ocean of the world is dangerous and formidable; it hath no shore or limit,

No boat, no raft, no pole, and no boatman;

But the true Guru hath a vessel for the terrible ocean,

and ferrieth over him on whom he looketh with favor."

(Sri Rag Mohalla 1, p-59)

Guru Granth Sahib is completely authentic and is preserved in its original form. It is a highly valuable possession which Sikhs hav

e received from God through Guru Nanak and is held in supreme reverence by them.

Baba Deep Singh?

Are you kidding me....you do know thats just a story right.

the person who wrote it down was probably describing how much of a great fighter he was, so he enhanced the story by saying he fought with his head off.

Let me tell ya something about reality, once your head goes off, you cant fight.

You will die, relatively soon.

You beleive stories word for word? lol.

There is a pankti in Sukhmani Sahib that I am reminded of. Prabh bhaawe bin saas te raakhai, meaning If the Lord wills, He can sustain you without breathing. Now what makes you think that a chardi kala GurSikh like Baba Deep Singh who had so much naam di kamai was not able to fight with his head severed from his body? The picture thats there at Darbar Sahib, you think its there to fool the world?

(those who want to play this "game of love" - follow Sikhi- keep your head in your palm and come to me in humility) and


(if you want your feet to travel this path, delay not in accepting to give your head),

should cross the line. Without hesitation, all the about 1000 Sikhs there crossed the line singing,



(who knows how one will die, or when. But, if we forget not our Lord, dying will be but easy and painless), and


(the first death is approved by God, that brave "REAL" death that occurs when one leaves the need to live, and accepts God's will by giving himself to the Guru. Be the dust of everyones feet, and in this humility come to me).

Baba Deep Singh then did Ardaas (prayer) that "SIR JAAVAI TA JAAVAI, MAYRAA SIKHI SIDHIK NA JAAVAI ||" (If my head is severed, let it be, but don' t severe my Sikh way of life), and he promised to get to Harminder Saahib no matter what.

( taken from http://www.interlog.com/~sikhs/ossa/babadeep.htm )

I suggest you go read some science.
Even science has not reached the depths and levels of Gurbani yet. The earth, the universe, scientists are discovering stuff only now. Guru Nanak without any fancy equipment revealed all of it five centuries ago.
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Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru!

Very well written article...thanks Mehtab Singh ji :TH:

Bro natsilahk,

Anyone who takes human form/garb is bound to leave it...as this pysical appearence has some limits. It is not immortal. However our soul is immortal. Goal for human beings is to, through Naam Simran, unite with the Divine Reality, Waheguru. Our soul will be one with Waheguru....in other words immortal. Saying that Guru Sahiban were mortals is wrong. Offcourse in their human "birth" Guru Sahib died..and went through various rituals for meant for the dead.

But they are the JOT of Waheguru...since they were One with the Ultimate Reality. And Waheguru is immortal.

As bhaji said, Baba Deep Singh.... :nihungsmile:

Miracles DO happen. Waheguru can make anything happen.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Thats strange, because I'm 100% sure I've never seen a living guru ji.

Baba Deep Singh?

Are you kidding me....you do know thats just a story right.

the person who wrote it down was probably describing how much of a great fighter he was, so he enhanced the story by saying he fought with his head off.

well u havent seen a living guru ji ....... but MY guru ji ...dhan siri guru granth sahib ji maharaj is alive

and second .... ur mistaken about shaheed baba deep singh ji's shaheedi.... shut ur khopri and ur bak bak

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Baba Deep Singh? Are you kidding me....you do know thats just a story right.

thats no story.

a. a gurdwara showing he became shaheed exist, but wouldnt show where he put his head in the darbar sahib complex.

b. did 150 japji sahib paaths A DAY! YES A DAY. thus he was given this shakti. you try and do the same amount of japji sahib da paath and maybe you'll get the same type of shakti. if you do it with full pyaar that is.

c. moghuls saw all this, jamal shah cut his head. jamal shah at the same time had his head cut off, baba ji also did as well, but was reminded of his promise.

d. baba ji swore he would give his head to darbar sahib. maharaj made him carry out this promise.

e. when maharaj does kirpa on you, anything can happen.

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